Capricorn Men

I guess it's strange that my SO of 7 years is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo . He is the logical, reserved, emotionless one while I'm overemotional, illogical, outgoing one. He's a saver and I'm a spender. We do butt heads sometimes but can resolve our differences. Many people think it's strange that we're together due to the fact that we're supposed to me complete opposites.
Capricorns tend to be successful and even rich. Whatever their career they will rise in it. Personally I've never met one who didn't become a success. Excellent work ethic & IMO great husband material.;) Of course there are the exceptions but from what I have seen there are a LOT of successful types in this zodiac group.

Could be because I'm a bit old school but if my daughter met a Capricorn man who was also a decent human being, kind, etc I would definitely encourage her to give him a chance. :)
It appears as though I attract capricorn men and that's scary to me because most of the ones I know are ladies men and it's been proven that we (im a gemini) dont get along... But this new one is HOT.. Lol!
I guess it's strange that my SO of 7 years is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo . He is the logical, reserved, emotionless one while I'm overemotional, illogical, outgoing one. He's a saver and I'm a spender. We do butt heads sometimes but can resolve our differences. Many people think it's strange that we're together due to the fact that we're supposed to me complete opposites.

I always see this combo together for some reason. Like they say leos and scorpios are not suppose to be together but I see them together (usually leo woman, scorpio male.)
I always see this combo together for some reason. Like they say leos and scorpios are not suppose to be together but I see them together (usually leo woman, scorpio male.)

The ones I can think of off the top of my head are Bill and Melinda Gates whom are married. Then you have Jennifer Lopez and longer together...I remember reading somewhere about this coupling and it can work depending on their charts.
Jumping in on this one late, but I had to chime in becuase I just let a Cap go. Call it my Leo nature, but dating him was like watching paint dry. Though I can appreciate a man with financial responsibility, he was just CHEAP!!! I'm talking about driving 5 extra miles to get the $1.99 sub from a gas station instead of the $5 sub from the Subway around the corner (hello...gas is $4 a gallon!!!) Add that to the fact that he was monograming towels after three dates (SLOW DOWN), and it was just too much for me.

Leos and Caps aren't a good match anyway. Not for me...
The ones I can think of off the top of my head are Bill and Melinda Gates whom are married. Then you have Jennifer Lopez and longer together...I remember reading somewhere about this coupling and it can work depending on their charts.

I'm a scorpio woman but I love my leos we make magic!
Come to think of it I said I wanted my next to be a Cap but idk most of the guys I considered to be Caps were born between Dec 23-26 so I may be attracted to Sags?? It's weird how they're bdays fall in that range....

I think Virgos are corny and boring. I like Aug Leos, Oct Libras, Nov Sags, and Dec Caps.
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:lachen: :lachen: I knew right away you must be an Aries. :lachen: For some reason, I don't vibe with Aries women AT ALL. I don't understand's like we repel each other. While I have lots of female friends, I don't have any female Aries friends. Most of my closest girlfriends are Leo and Aquarius.

I think I will actively seek out Aries women to befriend and work through whatever the issue is...bizarre. :spinning:

My sister is a Capricorn and I'm an Aries. Sometimes I think that if we weren't blood, I'd hate her guts! We're polar opposites in some cases, but when it comes to family, both of us are fiercely loyal. Good or bad, I love my sister!
My Capricorn man is very depressed about the direction some things are going in his life. As a result, I have tried very hard to be patient and supportive (some Caps can be cold when they are 'laser focused' on a task)...but, I don't know how to deal with this...Suggestions please please please
My Capricorn man is very depressed about the direction some things are going in his life. As a result, I have tried very hard to be patient and supportive (some Caps can be cold when they are 'laser focused' on a task)...but, I don't know how to deal with this...Suggestions please please please

The worst thing you can do to a Capricorn in this type of situation is to shower them with "don't worry" "it'll all be ok" type comments. When we're stressing out, what we are looking for is a logical, step by step solution. If you don't have that, there's no point saying "it'll all be ok." I think I've said this before, but if you can't offer a practical solution to your Cap, just keep reminding then that you love them, and you are there for them should they need you in resolving the issue.
The worst thing you can do to a Capricorn in this type of situation is to shower them with "don't worry" "it'll all be ok" type comments. When we're stressing out, what we are looking for is a logical, step by step solution. If you don't have that, there's no point saying "it'll all be ok." I think I've said this before, but if you can't offer a practical solution to your Cap, just keep reminding then that you love them, and you are there for them should they need you in resolving the issue.
Urban Thanks for your response.

Yeah, I hate the "it'll be ok" speech too (not a Cap btw). I have offered my support and let him know I am there for him. As for the solution portion...the thing is, I gave him some very specific advice on how to deal with the situation. He chose not to take it, which was his choice. Now, that my predictions have come true, he is down. I have NO idea on how to fix it now. I like to be proactive as much as possible, he is more reactive.
Im a Capricorn woman, born Jan. 13 19noneofurbidness lololol

Just about all of the traits mentioned describe me to a T. I've been called mean, the ice queen and some more. If I don't like you, you'll know. Ive heard my friends tell some outside acquaintances "once you get to know her, you'll live her"

Im good with money, was told I have a good sense of humor, but Im impatient and dont have time for da dumb stuff.

Now when it comes to men, I have always fallen in love with a Scorpio male. Cancers are too sensitive for me bcuz Im too outspoken. I dated one a while back and when he asked me why was I callinit quits I tild him "I don't have time to breastfeed yo azzz." He didn't get it so I told him to go home and figure it out..

My best friend is a Capricorn and we get along just fine -- one good thing we have in common is that we are both about that dollar and keep money in our pockets.

I did date (before SO who isa scorpio) a Capricorn man and he was an azzhole. Same birthday. Then I realized we were just alike lololol! We are good friends to this day. Even went to his wedding. He married some gal from the southern part of Virginia. Lets just say he had to get an SUV to accommodate her cuz she wouldn't fit in his Mustang...bless her heart!
I posted my thoughts about Cap men up thread but wanted to add for a while pretty much all the men I drew to me were Caps.:ohwell: It actually drove me a little crazy because I had the same problems with each guy.:look::nono: I still think Scorpios/Caps are a good match, they both understand each other on a basic level and Scorpios can help balance Caps and Caps help Scorpios use their energy productively, there just has to be compromise on both ends and I don't see it from Caps.:nono:
Im a Capricorn woman, born Jan. 13 19noneofurbidness lololol

Just about all of the traits mentioned describe me to a T. I've been called mean, the ice queen and some more. If I don't like you, you'll know. Ive heard my friends tell some outside acquaintances "once you get to know her, you'll live her"

Im good with money, was told I have a good sense of humor, but Im impatient and dont have time for da dumb stuff.

Now when it comes to men, I have always fallen in love with a Scorpio male. Cancers are too sensitive for me bcuz Im too outspoken. I dated one a while back and when he asked me why was I callinit quits I tild him "I don't have time to breastfeed yo azzz." He didn't get it so I told him to go home and figure it out..

My best friend is a Capricorn and we get along just fine -- one good thing we have in common is that we are both about that dollar and keep money in our pockets.

I did date (before SO who isa scorpio) a Capricorn man and he was an azzhole. Same birthday. Then I realized we were just alike lololol! We are good friends to this day. Even went to his wedding. He married some gal from the southern part of Virginia. Lets just say he had to get an SUV to accommodate her cuz she wouldn't fit in his Mustang...bless her heart!

Urban Thanks for your response.

Yeah, I hate the "it'll be ok" speech too (not a Cap btw). I have offered my support and let him know I am there for him. As for the solution portion...the thing is, I gave him some very specific advice on how to deal with the situation. He chose not to take it, which was his choice. Now, that my predictions have come true, he is down. I have NO idea on how to fix it now. I like to be proactive as much as possible, he is more reactive.

This is true. As a Cap, I worry a ton. The worst thing you can do is either give no good advice or give ideas I have already thought of myself. I get though problems by writing down details step by step how I am going to solve it

Aries and Capricorn are not a good mix ...

I can't stand Aries :look:
^^^ could've written that post myself. Man oh man, Aries!! Grrrr! They grind my friggin nerves. They can be fun to be around, but most of the time, we just can't get along :nono:
My sister is a Cap and I am an Aries, so I've had enough experience over the years to know that a Capricorn man is NOT what I want in life. If she wasn't my sister... MAN!!
hmm @ all these Caps and Aries don't mix comments. I'm a Cap and SO is an Aries and we get along really well. He must be an atypical Aries (b/c I am definitely a typical Cap). What is it about Aries that's not supposed to mix well with Caps?
hmm @ all these Caps and Aries don't mix comments. I'm a Cap and SO is an Aries and we get along really well. He must be an atypical Aries (b/c I am definitely a typical Cap). What is it about Aries that's not supposed to mix well with Caps?

I dont know if I mentioned it but my mother is a cappie and dad is an aries. They've been married over 30 years. I dont think its impossible for this union to last, but it takes work. My parents are very dysfunctional and always argue, but they lasted and do have good moments together sometimes.

Growing up with an aries father, I would say we clash because aries want things their way and so do cappies. Its like having two captains to one ship. My mother often complains that my dad doesnt listen to her concerns or just her in general. The communication between cappies and aries is strained, but I think with time, trust, and love the union can work.
hmm @ all these Caps and Aries don't mix comments. I'm a Cap and SO is an Aries and we get along really well. He must be an atypical Aries (b/c I am definitely a typical Cap). What is it about Aries that's not supposed to mix well with Caps?
I don't know about love pairs but I know Cap women and Aeries women don't make the best friends
these don't sound like typical cap traits. is his birthday close to the cusp of aquarius or sag?

ackee walk - He was born Dec 30th. I also had him take a personality test recently and he came out to be an ESFP if that helps.

I'll explain the traits of his that you bolded:

"free-spirited" - he is more on the wild side, really outgoing, can talk to anyone, literally...

"likes to take risks" - I am referring to how he manages his money and some of his actions when it comes to taking risks...

"doesn't let negativity affect him" - Negativity does affect him, but not long-term unless something triggers it or it's brought back to light. He's the type of person that lives in the moment... this is just him, one man. I have a cousin who was born on the same day (different year) as him and my cousin is in no way like him at all. My cousin is dorky and not wild. I think it has more to do with the different environments they grew up in.
I think alot of traits rely on more than just the sun sign. You have to look at a person's moon sign, mercury, etc. For example I am born Dec 29th , but my moon is in Leo and Mercuy is in Sagitarrius. I am reserved and cautious but my heart allows me to be rebellious and impulsive. Its difficult to handle cappies like that because we are at war in our minds about what move to make next. We're fun though. :lol: