Capricorn Men

All the above DID NOT apply to my ex Capricorn.

He was:

•Bad with money

•A loyal platonic friend but he was a hoe and very unfaithful in all romantic relationships

•Family oriented but would drop his kid off in a heartbeat to go clubbing or hang with his friends

•Dumb as a box of rocks

•But he could put it *down* in the bedroom which probably why it lasted 6 yrs (with his cheating a**)

•when he did work, he worked his butt off to the point that he would get offered promotions with little time and no experience.

(((But maybe he was the exception to the rule....)))
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He also has a memory like an elephant, but I don't know if that's a Cap trait.

It is. That's why we're good at holding grudges. :look:

and what's with the money stuff? we're misers! Lmao then again maybe the men change things abit

Im good with Cappy and Pisces men.
Caps always have about five hustles going on.. I dated a cap and I'm a cap it was really bad.

We were both controlling
acted mean but actually really sweet.
Any more experiences negative or positive with capricorn men? My latest conquest is a capricorn and Ive never dated a cappy before. Btw, Im a scorpio.
I'm a Scorpio too and the first guy I ever fell for (and still can't quite let go of) is a Capricorn. My male ex-roomie who had a thing for me was also a Cap. This pairing is supposed to be a pretty harmonious one and I can see why but there are some problems. The big one for me is that while Capricorns and Scorpios are both intense about their careers/ambitions, we Scorpios are passionate about everything we do while Cap guys can pursue/achieve success at the expense of relationships. My Cap guy has a history of that.

Also I'm a typical Scorpio in that I'm intense, ambitious, mysterious to some, but Scorpios are more vulnerable than most people are aware of. Caps tend to measure everything in material terms (I have a lot of Cap girlfriends who are like this too) and I need someone who can appreciate both sides of me.
I'm a Scorpio too and the first guy I ever fell for (and still can't quite let go of) is a Capricorn. My male ex-roomie who had a thing for me was also a Cap. This pairing is supposed to be a pretty harmonious one and I can see why but there are some problems. The big one for me is that while Capricorns and Scorpios are both intense about their careers/ambitions, we Scorpios are passionate about everything we do while Cap guys can pursue/achieve success at the expense of relationships. My Cap guy has a history of that.

Also I'm a typical Scorpio in that I'm intense, ambitious, mysterious to some, but Scorpios are more vulnerable than most people are aware of. Caps tend to measure everything in material terms (I have a lot of Cap girlfriends who are like this too) and I need someone who can appreciate both sides of me.

SMH Id have to totally agree with you, girl. The cappy im digging is soo nonchalant he is killing me softly. Im a scorpio and Im def intense, and he just seems to be so lassezfare about everything. I would almost think he wasnt interested. Im ready to throw in the towel though, because im used to dudes being more direct and for alack of a beter word, pressed. lol Hes a journalist and he just got promoted, so I think work is his first priority, but what happened to a work/life balance? oh well, im over it.
I'm an Aquarius, and my boyfriend is a Capricorn. He is the first Capricorn guy I've ever been with.

He is humorous, pretty honest and loyal, a good communicator, open-minded, outgoing, and friendly, free-spirited, goal-oriented, somewhat sensitive, and can be stubborn and selfish. He values respect and integrity, likes to take risks, listens to me when I think he's not, easily get over things, doesn't let negativity effect him, and he can act like nothing ever happened after something went wrong.

these don't sound like typical cap traits. is his birthday close to the cusp of aquarius or sag?
My father and my son's father are capricorns... They are both ladies men, very charming, stubborn, know it alls and LIARS! I (Gemini) used to bump heads with them often. But their work ethics and family values are nothing alike.

I've only dated one was interesting.

I'm a Capricorn as well so I think we just mesh.

First thoughts are
dry sense of humor
kinda predictable

Yep, me to a T!

Disappears then reappears like nothing ever happened... Slow to trust, stubborn, control freaks on the sly.

Yep, and everything else here. People just need to get used to this. They still act all surprised.

My husband is a Capricorn and I am a taurus. This is what I notice about my mate :

DRIVEN - extremely
Tends to be serious
Difficult to get close to - but once you do its all good
Likes to be in control
Family oriented


:lachen: :lachen: I knew right away you must be an Aries. :lachen: For some reason, I don't vibe with Aries women AT ALL. I don't understand's like we repel each other. While I have lots of female friends, I don't have any female Aries friends. Most of my closest girlfriends are Leo and Aquarius.

I think I will actively seek out Aries women to befriend and work through whatever the issue is...bizarre. :spinning:

I wrote about something similar in the Aries thread. I find it hard to communicate with Aries. I think also because they're bossy ... and so are Caps.

That's my ex! Good lord! My way is better than your way. And hated to admit when he was wrong.

Lol, why should we admit we're wrong, when we're always right??! :lol: jks. But yes, even when we know we're wrong, we'll always find a way to emphasize a some point we made that WAS right.

My last boo was a Cappy.

Hard working, somewhat old school in beliefs/actions, manly masculine mannymanness, subtly controlling, GREAT in bed :blush:, private/shady, emotional on the sly, into family, practical.

True. On the emotional on the sly thing ... even when we're upset, most of the time we'll try to make it seem like there's nothing wrong. We can comes across quite cold, but we're secretly quite sensitive. The best thing to do with your Cap when something that upsets them happens is NOT to force them to talk. They'll just want to retreat into their thoughts until they're ready. Just remind them that you love them, and you're there for them when/ if they want to talk about it. Don't be fooled with the coldness, we just put up our guards because we don't like feeling vulnerable, but we hurt as much as anyone else. Just make sure we know you're there and are waiting with open arms ... and we'll come back out sooner rather than later.

It is. That's why we're good at holding grudges. :look:

and what's with the money stuff? we're misers! Lmao then again maybe the men change things abit

Im good with Cappy and Pisces men.

Lol @ holding grudges. Boy to we ever!! I don't know if I've told this story before, but in primary school, this girl went about saying some nasty things about me at the beginning of the year. I was new to that school too. I tell you, the entire year, she didn't exist to me! I blocked her out completely, wouldn't talk to her, acknowledge her. Nada! And we had mutual friends. Towards the end of the year, she came and apologised, almost in tears. Poor thing. I feel really bad about it, to this day. See? we do have feelings :look:.

Eh! I can't understand this being a cheapskate. It's really bad. I joined the Savings challenge in the Financial forum. A while ago, I remember posting that I was doing really well with saving, but I was finding it hard to spend on myself. You guys, I put money aside on a debit card almost a month ago. Told myself I'd do a shopping spree. To this day, I've only gotten as far as a shopping cart on the urbanoutfitters website with 3 things in it. All sale items, btw. I went shopping today, the only place I ended up buying something was a huge warehouse sale. Things that are great quality, but was originally $200 that's now $20-30. I went into about 10 other normal shops and came out with nothing. Cheapskate to the max. But I will splurge on the people I love. I have no problem with that at all.

Pisces ... easy to wrap around your finger as a Cap hehe!! Sorry, Pisces ladies! That's just been my experience. At least now you know and can look out for it! But the connection can be incredibly intense. Like out of this world!

these don't sound like typical cap traits. is his birthday close to the cusp of aquarius or sag?
I was going to say that too. Free-spirited?? Risks?? Unless they are very very well calculated risks. Not affected by negativity?? Maybe we are just too good at making it seem like we're not affected by it. But best believe, we are mulling over it in our heads. We're generally what everyone else likes to think of as "pessimistic," but I view it more as being "realistic" !! lol.

My father and my son's father are capricorns... They are both ladies men, very charming, stubborn, know it alls and LIARS! I (Gemini) used to bump heads with them often. But their work ethics and family values are nothing alike.

Yep, people at work are always telling me I need to go home because they know they could possibly find me in the same spot the next morning if they let me! :look:. But yes, I can work myself to the ground. I love it. I love achieving goals and "accomplishing something."

I'm not a male btw, just incase anyone gets confused :yep: lol. Just thought I'd concur/ give some insight on being a cap.
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Been married to a Cap for almost 16 years, I'm a Virgo btw. My Cap is cool, very calm and laid back, not very emotional (can appear cold but has a warm heart), feathers are not easily ruffled. Very kind, logical, rational and level-headed. He is also VERY intelligent, humble, stubborn, and a VERY hard, diligent worker...he has one heck of a worth ethic AND he is a lovey.
SMH Id have to totally agree with you, girl. The cappy im digging is soo nonchalant he is killing me softly. Im a scorpio and Im def intense, and he just seems to be so lassezfare about everything. I would almost think he wasnt interested. Im ready to throw in the towel though, because im used to dudes being more direct and for alack of a beter word, pressed. lol Hes a journalist and he just got promoted, so I think work is his first priority, but what happened to a work/life balance? oh well, im over it.

I know this post is old but I just had to comment.

I'm currently interested in a Capricorn. I'm experiencing the same thing with him being so laissez-faire. He's so reserved and aloof and I'm used to men being much more upfront and direct, like you mentioned.

I'm also starting to lose interest because I thought he wasn't really feeling me. Which led me to looking into traits of Capricorns. I feel a little better now but it's really frustrating. I'm also reserved and aloof so things are moving sooooooo slow.

This is also a workplace "thing" so we both seem to be really cautious about pursuing anything.

Thanks. That was an interesting read.

I also found these on other sites.

Like all the earth signs, Capricorn tends to slowly intermingle with you over time. The courtship could take what seems like ages, with no signs that you're making an impression. You've got to have patience to win the heart of the Capricorn man, and that's a built-in test of whether you're right for him, and he for you.

He will be exceptionally cautious of making a commitment until he knows that your traits and lifestyle are compatible with his. He is very cautious by nature, and not one to rush into anything, so again don't be misled if his interest appears mainly platonic for a long time.

And more on other sites that expressed the same sentiments.
my newest conquest is a cap. I'm not liking what i am reading here lol. jk im a libra i don't think the stubborness and lack of humor will mesh well. this should be interesting.
I'm a cap and my best rlshps have been with people born in aug/sept (virgos?) and tauruses. I think I've bonded more with the aug/sept ones though. I become friends faster with them...friendships that'll be for life and it is HARD for me to make a friend. I have lost potential friends/rlshps bc I take too long to trust and call someone a friend.
I'm a cap and my best rlshps have been with people born in aug/sept (virgos?) and tauruses. I think I've bonded more with the aug/sept ones though. I become friends faster with them...friendships that'll be for life and it is HARD for me to make a friend. I have lost potential friends/rlshps bc I take too long to trust and call someone a friend.

Caps, Virgos, and Taurus are all Earth signs so we are great friends and/or lovers.
Famous Caps

Trace Adkins
Muhammad Ali
Kristie Alley
Keith Anderson
Naveen Andrews
Gabriel Aubry
Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
Mary J. Blige
Orlando Bloom
Kate Bosworth
David Bowie
Nicolas Cage
Jim Carrey
Deane Carter
Gabrielle Carteris
Kevin Costner
Patrick Dempsey
Mel Gibson
Cuba Gooding Jr
Corey Haim
Anthony Hopkins
Janis Joplin
Naomi Judd
Diane Keaton
Val Kilmer
Regina King
Kate Middleton
Jude Law
Jared Leto
L.L. Cool J.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Marilyn Manson
Ricky Martin
Sienna Miller
Kate Moss
Michelle Obama
Masi Oka
Vanessa Paradis
Dolly Parton
Amanda Peet
Elvis Presley
Emilie de Ravin
Kid Rock
Ryan Seacrest
John Singleton
Howard Stern
Rod Stewart
Denzel Washington
Wade Williams
Tiger Woods
Rob Zombie
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Dont forget R. Kelly Chad Ocho Cinco too :lachen:

Im a Capricorn and proud to be one.

I feel like we are very down to earth, but we are sensitive and reserved. We have a sense of humor and were determined. We have egos though :look: We love success in any form and when we love we love hard. If we give our hearts to people, they will always have a special place with us, unless we're betrayed. For me my biggest thing is respect. If Im disrespected I shut down.

I get along with pretty much everyone, sometimes geminis are the only ones that I have trouble with. Geminis and Leos are the ones I may have disagreements with.

I LOVE pisces and most are my friends and Ive had the most profound relationship with a pisces.

I also connect most with virgos, taurus, cancers(friends only), and scorpios. These are the signs that caps tend to blend well with.