Capricorn Men


I've only dated one was interesting.

I'm a Capricorn as well so I think we just mesh.

First thoughts are
dry sense of humor
kinda predictable

I've only dated one was interesting.

I'm a Capricorn as well so I think we just mesh.

First thoughts are
dry sense of humor
kinda predictable

Yup this fits my dh, except for the dry sense of humor.
Stubborn...very stubborn
dry sense of humor
good with money

the love of my life (long story as to what our status is right now) is a Cap. I call him a stubborn old goat all the time. Our relationship is an interesting one since I'm a Leo.
Stubborn...very stubborn
dry sense of humor
good with money

the love of my life (long story as to what our status is right now) is a Cap. I call him a stubborn old goat all the time. Our relationship is an interesting one since I'm a Leo.

Yes lawd my dh is stubborn too with a capital S!! He is good with money too. He also has a memory like an elephant, but I don't know if that's a Cap trait.
Yes lawd my dh is stubborn too with a capital S!! He is good with money too. He also has a memory like an elephant, but I don't know if that's a Cap trait.

They remember the most obscure things too (esp. random stuff you may say that you don't even recall saying!)
Hmm, never dated a cap. In the past I've never gotten along with cap women. It seemed like every time had a serious problem with a female, she was a capricorn. But I've changed a lot. I'd probably get along with them just fine now.
I'm a Virgo, cousin of the Capricorn and Taurus. Supposedly Capricorns and Virgos are really good match ups. I've never dated one...And don't get me wrong I love my father but I don't think I could date a
I am married to a capricorn and I am a leo... I completely agree with the stubbornes. Loyal. Slow to anger( at least mine is)
My husband is a Capricorn and I am a taurus. This is what I notice about my mate :

DRIVEN - extremely
Tends to be serious
Difficult to get close to - but once you do its all good
Likes to be in control
Family oriented
Hmm, never dated a cap. In the past I've never gotten along with cap women. It seemed like every time had a serious problem with a female, she was a capricorn. But I've changed a lot. I'd probably get along with them just fine now.

:lachen: :lachen: I knew right away you must be an Aries. :lachen: For some reason, I don't vibe with Aries women AT ALL. I don't understand's like we repel each other. While I have lots of female friends, I don't have any female Aries friends. Most of my closest girlfriends are Leo and Aquarius.

I think I will actively seek out Aries women to befriend and work through whatever the issue is...bizarre. :spinning:
My husband is a Capricorn and I am a taurus. This is what I notice about my mate :

DRIVEN - extremely
Tends to be serious
Difficult to get close to - but once you do its all good
Likes to be in control
Family oriented

Yes this describes Capricorn men perfectly.
Disappears then reappears like nothing ever happened... Slow to trust, stubborn, control freaks on the sly.
That's my ex! Good lord! My way is better than your way. And hated to admit when he was wrong.
:lachen: :lachen: I knew right away you must be an Aries. :lachen: For some reason, I don't vibe with Aries women AT ALL. I don't understand's like we repel each other. While I have lots of female friends, I don't have any female Aries friends. Most of my closest girlfriends are Leo and Aquarius.

I think I will actively seek out Aries women to befriend and work through whatever the issue is...bizarre. :spinning:

Noooo, lol I'm a gemini... Most of my closest friends have always been female Sagittarius. We are usually instantly friends for life. I get along great with leos too.
My last boo was a Cappy.

Hard working, somewhat old school in beliefs/actions, manly masculine mannymanness, subtly controlling, GREAT in bed :blush:, private/shady, emotional on the sly, into family, practical.
I'm a Libra and my SO is a Cap. He's stubborn as heck. Very very very career focused. He's slow to trust and very protective of himself. However once he started to trust me he's very sweet. Still moves slow but progress is progress. His moves are very calculated as well.

My brother is a Cap and he's very similar. Real smart and trying to get his career in order before he is willing to have an official girlfriend. He'll have that girl that he wants to be with but he won't make it official until he feels his money is official (SO is the same way). He's very protective of his feelings as well and hides them well but when he likes someone he's a lot more open. It just takes a while.

All in all, I like Caps. As stubborn as they are I think the Libra in me likes to balance it all out and make it work.
I'm an Aries woman and cannot get along with Capricorns to save my life (men or women). We butt heads a lot. To me Caps are too bossy and as an Aries nobody can tell me anything so... this combo always ends in disaster, usually an argument. Capricorn men are just a pain in the arse to me: bossy, boring, stubborn, and in my experience, selfish.

I'm an Aquarius, and my boyfriend is a Capricorn. He is the first Capricorn guy I've ever been with.

He is humorous, pretty honest and loyal, a good communicator, open-minded, outgoing, and friendly, free-spirited, goal-oriented, somewhat sensitive, and can be stubborn and selfish. He values respect and integrity, likes to take risks, listens to me when I think he's not, easily get over things, doesn't let negativity effect him, and he can act like nothing ever happened after something went wrong.
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Any more experiences negative or positive with capricorn men? My latest conquest is a capricorn and Ive never dated a cappy before. Btw, Im a scorpio.
Any more experiences negative or positive with capricorn men? My latest conquest is a capricorn and Ive never dated a cappy before. Btw, Im a scorpio.

Definitely subtly controlling. Private, forgiving. I want to say loyal, but my ex of three years cheated. That situation was a mess. He pursued me hard. Def good in bed, I compare everyone to him. As much as I care abt him and love him, I'm not in a position to be undercover controlled right now so I know we wouldn't work. But I did like the way he made me feel safe, although he didn't understand that I don't rush especially for no reason (I'm a Pisces). So if we were going somewhere I'd take my time but he would be set on getting there. Then again, he always waited pretty late to get somewhere whereas I like my "cushion", meaning leaving earlier with time to account for mishaps. My Cap was somehow beautiful to me. By all means manly, but his eyes amazed me. He wore his heart on his face. Very obvious for me to read his body language.

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