Can a man really rape his wife?

Can a man actually rape his wife?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 89.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters
Yeah..well that would be me..and that was known whatever

I stand by what I said..

Why am I not surprised it was you? LOL!

Yes, you should stand by what you say, I know I do, but I also know when an apology is required, and I made that... but I'm sure you "skipped" it! :)
Thank you ladies. I know where you both are coming from. I can 'see' where a 'rare' situation such as this can arise with a grown man. And it would have to be 'rare' and under extreme and vunerable circumstances.

On an even more serious and tragic side. I do indeed see a woman committing an act of rape upon a child or upon a man who may be mentally or physically disabled, a man in a position where he truly does not have the capacity to make a sound judgement or able to fend for himself. There are some truly sick women in this world who prey upon those unable to defend or make rational concious decisions for themselves.

Back to a grown man, with all of his capacities and able to fend for himself, I don't see it as rape. He is able to get up and walk away.

Women live this everyday, that a man choses whether or not he wants to sleep with her or not, or someone else.

What about the 68 year-old woman that had the 34 year-old man performing oral sex on her? :nono:
What about the 68 year-old woman that had the 34 year-old man performing oral sex on her? :nono:
:nono: Women are getting dangerous. This is scarey; the thought that he was unable to get away from her. Sick....just plain sick.

Hugs Blosssom. Happy Sunday Angel. :giveheart:
I will say a woman raping a man is possible but not very probable, because for the most part a man can fight a woman off a lot easier than vice versa. I do remember in high school reading a story about these girls at an all-boarding school who got together in a group, overpowered and raped the security guard at their dorm. As in, some girls held him down while the others took turns:nono:. I was shocked. You never expect that behavior from females. The man didn't want to be involved because they were minors and he knew he'd lose his job and be prosecuted.


Yes, I would like to see how many cases of male rape by a woman that are on the books? Not many, I would imagine.

Not saying it's impossible, but... good luck proving it!

They probably do not report the incidences.

I know a guy who was almost raped in college. He was a basketball player and took medication to help him sleep. Well, he said two girls called his room (later discovered they were "big" girls), check to see if he sounded like he had taken his medicine by asking where his roommate was, went over to his dorm with rope and textbooks (I kid you not), and knocked on his door. When he answered the door they shoved the door open and hit him on the head the textbook. His suite mates heard the commotion but figured the guy was just having wild sex. They were struggling to tie him up when he said he cried out that someone was trying to kill him (because that's what he thought at first). The suit mates came in and helped and campus police were called. It was only after the girls were questioned that they found out the girls were trying to have sex with him. It was not reported to the local police nor did it go on record.

I was laughing as he told me about it, but stopped laughing when I saw the look on his face. :ohwell: My initial reaction is probably one reason why cases of female raping males aren't reported.

They probably do not report the incidences.

I know a guy who was almost raped in college. He was a basketball player and took medication to help him sleep. Well, he said two girls called his room (later discovered they were "big" girls), check to see if he sounded like he had taken his medicine by asking where his roommate was, went over to his dorm with rope and textbooks (I kid you not), and knocked on his door. When he answered the door they shoved the door open and hit him on the head the textbook. His suite mates heard the commotion but figured the guy was just having wild sex. They were struggling to tie him up when he said he cried out that someone was trying to kill him (because that's what he thought at first). The suit mates came in and helped and campus police were called. It was only after the girls were questioned that they found out the girls were trying to have sex with him. It was not reported to the local police nor did it go on record.

I was laughing as he told me about it, but stopped laughing when I saw the look on his face. :ohwell: My initial reaction is probably one reason why cases of female raping males aren't reported.

This is scarey... :nono:

You would think that women would think before acting on something like this. It's not a joke. There are too many cases of men who have 'gang raped' a helpless woman; it's wrong! The same applies to women who 'gang rape' men. It's still wrong.

I have to apologize, for I'm been so focused as women being victims that I never ever considered a man being a victim of being raped by a female or females as well. But as you shared, it's probably never reported when it happens to a man.

There are cases of many women who are afraid or ashamed to report that she has been raped. The same would defintely apply to a man, as I can see in these circumstances shared in this thread.

Women have really gone off the charts with crazy and sick behaviors. :nono:
Yes, you should stand by what you say, I know I do, but I also know when an apology is required, and I made that... but I'm sure you "skipped" it! :)

Actually ..the thread was distressing on so many levels it took a lot of courage for me to take a stand on it.... as unpopular and personally upsetting as that was...... and while skipping over registered that there was a lot of confusion for me

However, I'm very glad to not only see the tenor of the thread changed considerably but that a lot of unfortunate myths were brought to light
and re-examined and in their place significant information was deciminated...and we are all now better educated for it..
I know God was guiding the process and that was a blessing and
and I wish the same for you
be blessed

to clear up a misunderstanding
Why am I not surprised it was you? LOL!

confused why anyone could be 'surprised'...there was no attempt to disguise my statements and if there was a misunderstanding about that..then I apologize because my post was not..nor was it intended to be had my name and pics/siggy etc of me for all to see and clearly identify

remain blessed
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especially when he hurts her.
men who rape wives, will use the Bible to justify their actions, yet they don't even follow their biblical duty to love their wives as christ loved the church.
I mean, honestly. Force for sex? Rape is a violent crime. What's the difference if someone is married? Maybe the victims should hot-poker his penis and see how he feels having something shoved up an orifice unwillingly! For Pete's sake.
I'm all behind marriage. I said maybe because if he forces you to do it against your will THERE IS NO LOVE IN THAT and the man should love his wife as christ loves the church. He always protected and defended everything God stood for.
On the other hand if it's a playful dominance thing I don't consider that rape. We both men and women should be understanding and try to oblige when the other has sexual needs but NO ONE should be forced.
I know this thread is old but it is ironic that I am on this board right now and I am watching "What's Love got to do with it?" and that rape scene just occured. I would say YES a woman can be raped in her marriage and I personally know someone who was who is very close to me. She did not press charges but I wish that she would have.
Why is this even a question for debate? This discussion is very disturbing.

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