So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Single?

Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Crown, thank you. However, those scriptures do not support the premise that God created "marriage" as it is known by mankind. Those scriptures are a reminder to us that the SPIRITUAL UNION of male and female is ordained and authorized and blessed by God and should not be tampered with by the couple or by outsiders. God does not choose mates for us and he does not marry us. He is not a spiritual or cosmic match-maker as so many hope, pray and think that He is. He created the state of a spiritual union between an individual male and an individual female (flesh and blood bodies which house immortal spirits) which was designed to be a permanent bond between the two. In that spiritual union, the humans have the freedom to express it physically without sin or shame.

"Marriage" is a man-made construct for legal reasons. A spiritual union of a man and a woman is outside of those limited boundaries. We do not need ministers to officiate ceremonies, vows, documents etc. to be joined in a God ordained holy union with another. Even a writ of divorce is for man-made legal reasons as the scriptures you cited explain.

There is a vast difference between the union that God ordained and the ones that man recognize.
Now I see where you're coming from in your previous posts. Thanks for clarifying.

With what you have said, do you think people can still be considered as married if they decide they want a spiritual union rather than the traditional man-made wedding that goes on today with the courts and the churches???
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

No matter what, women do not need to be married ever if they don't want to be weaker vessel or not, all humans were designed by God to be able to stand alone.

The word is clear that it is better for a man to be married than vice versa wives are supposed to be a good thing, a blessing, someone who has the tools to increase the man's productivity and enhance his life. No where in the word does it say that a husband is a good thing and that he is a helper ready and fit. Man is not supposed to be alone, women are 100% self-sustainable.

An unmarried woman is never missing anything.
She always has her "covering" be it her father, or her pastor, but at all times her covering is Jesus.

We were designed to add to our husband's lives as wives but if men and women remain unmarried it is the best state to be in like Paul said.

Interesting. Not saying I've memorized the Bible, but I don't recall a "husband is good" passage. Hmmmm. I suppose it's weird b/c everyone tells women they should be married/seek to be married. If she's not pining away for a man, something's wrong with her.

I will research this more.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Now I see where you're coming from in your previous posts. Thanks for clarifying.

With what you have said, do you think people can still be considered as married if they decide they want a spiritual union rather than the traditional man-made wedding that goes on today with the courts and the churches???

To piggy-back on Poohbear's question - 1Star, do you believe that if a man has a God-ordained spiritual union with a woman, instead of a traditional man-made marriage, then God will not view sex between these two as fornication?

What I'm getting at here is - Is it possible for sex between people to not be considered sin by God even if these two people are not legally married?
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Crown, thank you. However, those scriptures do not support the premise that God created "marriage" as it is known by mankind. Those scriptures are a reminder to us that the SPIRITUAL UNION of male and female is ordained and authorized and blessed by God and should not be tampered with by the couple or by outsiders. God does not choose mates for us and he does not marry us. He is not a spiritual or cosmic match-maker as so many hope, pray and think that He is. He created the state of a spiritual union between an individual male and an individual female (flesh and blood bodies which house immortal spirits) which was designed to be a permanent bond between the two. In that spiritual union, the humans have the freedom to express it physically without sin or shame.

It's hard for me to understand your point of view, it is very very new for me. I am asking respectfully : is it new age?

"Marriage" is a man-made construct for legal reasons. A spiritual union of a man and a woman is outside of those limited boundaries.
Jesus has compared marriage to the initial union between Adam and Eve, so it's not just a man-made construct.

We do not need ministers to officiate ceremonies, vows, documents etc. to be joined in a God ordained holy union with another. Even a writ of divorce is for man-made legal reasons as the scriptures you cited explain.
I agree!

There is a vast difference between the union that God ordained and the ones that man recognize.
Are you talking about the union between Adam and Eve, or all unions. In this case, are you suggesting that someone can be in a marital union with her husband and in a spiritual union with an unknown man?
I am just asking, trying to understand. Thank you to clarify!
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Just a few thoughts, I come from a culture (Nigerian) where the traditional form of "marriage" is when the man and women leave their families and come together (as suggested in Genesis - mind you Adam and Eve didn't have actual "parents" to leave!). In my culture, the man goes to the woman's village to marry her, but he must receive the blessing form his and her kindred. His kindred follow him to her village to show solidarity and acquire everything he needs to give to her village people as the bride price. During the ceremony they ask the woman if that is the man she has chosen. She then has to go with the man with a cup of wine and have him drink it in the presence of their people to signify that its him, then the union recognized by both families. Then they go to their "father" and he prays over them and blesses the union so that he can take her as his wife.

The ceremonies that are officiated on earth are extremely important IMO because they are symbolic to show earthly agreement (maybe like ushering in) with what is being done in heaven (what God revealed to Moses in Exodus about sacrifices that should happen on earth etc. were the same as what were taking place in heaven as show in Revelations and other portions of the bible). The fact that in most cultures (whether primitive or advanced) the ceremony of "marriage" is basically what is described in Genesis to me is signifcant, and has a Holy seal on it, we can't discredit that symbolic acknoweldgement for any reason.

Secondly, the women is meant to be a helper to the man, but the man is a covering and redeemer to the women. The bible talks about the husband feeding and clothing and loving his wife, dealing with her according to knowledge and caring for her. Woman have their role and so do men, when the men "find" us, we benefit in our own way from the covenant. In my opinion, that too is a very good thing.
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Interesting. Not saying I've memorized the Bible, but I don't recall a "husband is good" passage. Hmmmm. I suppose it's weird b/c everyone tells women they should be married/seek to be married. If she's not pining away for a man, something's wrong with her.

I will research this more.

this thought process may not be borne out of religion but society and as we know society has used religion to justify a lot of injustices in the world one of them being women's oppression through history because of the rightful position of the woman (being mis interpreted) through the Bible. Society has perpetuated that women should pine for a man/ depend on a man to fuel a mans ego and to keep the man as the breadwinner with the woman totally dependent on him financially and socially it was and still is a mans world, of course these social constraints do not necesarily exist anymore (in some societies)
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

To answer the original question I also dont believe that God is a matchmaker either, I do not believe in soulmates i.e. one person who was especially made for you and only the two of you are the perfect fit. I believe two pple meet, fall in love and work at their marriage. Choosing the man is in our hands if we choose to get married, that is not to say we cannot pray about it, I mean anything whether good or bad we take it to God, when we have exams we pray that He helps us with our nerves etc, when we study we ask Him to help us retain the information and so on; so we also ask Him for objectivity and whatever qualities one needs to meet the mate they desire.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

To answer the original question I also dont believe that God is a matchmaker either, I do not believe in soulmates i.e. one person who was especially made for you and only the two of you are the perfect fit. I believe two pple meet, fall in love and work at their marriage. Choosing the man is in our hands if we choose to get married, that is not to say we cannot pray about it, I mean anything whether good or bad we take it to God, when we have exams we pray that He helps us with our nerves etc, when we study we ask Him to help us retain the information and so on; so we also ask Him for objectivity and whatever qualities one needs to meet the mate they desire.

This is how I see it, and I also agree with 1Star that God doesn't choose mates for people. I know a lot of people say, "God is the ultimate matchmaker," and I really don't think that to be the case.

I also don't believe in soulmates, and don't think that's a Christian idea at all.

However, when I say that marriage is God's will for most people, I think that it still leaves us a choice as to whether or not we want to accept that or choose otherwise. I have prayed for marriage, and while I don't believe that God just plopped a man into my life, I believe that He began working and preparing me to make a wise choice when I would encounter men who could potentially be my husband.

It's interesting to me as well that once I began praying specifically for marriage, I began attracting marriage-minded men, including the man that I am seeing now. Did God plop this guy into my life? Not necessarily... but perhaps I wouldn't have considered this particular man when I did not have the wisdom to truly understand that my choice should be based on finding a man would make a good husband and father.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

It's hard for me to understand your point of view, it is very very new for me. I am asking respectfully : is it new age?

nope. no new age stuff here.
Jesus has compared marriage to the initial union between Adam and Eve, so it's not just a man-made construct.

I agree!

are you suggesting that someone can be in a marital union with her husband and in a spiritual union with an unknown man?

nope. not at all. i need to edit if it even remotely comes across that way.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Crown, thank you. However, those scriptures do not support the premise that God created "marriage" as it is known by mankind. Those scriptures are a reminder to us that the SPIRITUAL UNION of male and female is ordained and authorized and blessed by God and should not be tampered with by the couple or by outsiders. God does not choose mates for us and he does not marry us. He is not a spiritual or cosmic match-maker ...

"Marriage" is a man-made construct for legal reasons. A spiritual union of a man and a woman is outside of those limited boundaries. We do not need ministers to officiate ceremonies, vows, documents etc. to be joined in a God ordained holy union with another. Even a writ of divorce is for man-made legal reasons as the scriptures you cited explain.


This is actually something I'm struggling with right now. For me, in either judaism or catholicism, the "sacraments" or officiating are a necessity. It's not religiously official orthodoxy of both faiths. But there is a lot of discussion about whether G-d announces the mate of newborns at their birth. Whether they find that mate is up to the life they lead and the decisions they make. Sometimes true mates find each other. In some less orthodox circles, this is not really believed. I tend towards the supernatural side of I'd tend to believe it. But there are so many who do not find a good mate or their true mate. It's like the one is there and we have free will to choose and strive for all that G-d has in store for us. Will we get it all here on earth? Probably not. But we can come close. I'd like to believe there is a spiritual mate for me, chosen by G-d. But you make a good point of the other side. Something definitely to think about.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

I think we should all be content... I think this is God's desire... single or married...
I think now as a single woman I will be the best single lady (lol) i can be, then as a wife, I will be the best wife as I can be... hopefully He will allow me to get married... if not, my parents basement is really comfortable lol. A (real) good man is very difficult to find, hopefully I found him... if not, praise God anyways :yep:
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

This is how I see it, and I also agree with 1Star that God doesn't choose mates for people. I know a lot of people say, "God is the ultimate matchmaker," and I really don't think that to be the case.

I also don't believe in soulmates, and don't think that's a Christian idea at all.

However, when I say that marriage is God's will for most people, I think that it still leaves us a choice as to whether or not we want to accept that or choose otherwise. I have prayed for marriage, and while I don't believe that God just plopped a man into my life, I believe that He began working and preparing me to make a wise choice when I would encounter men who could potentially be my husband.

It's interesting to me as well that once I began praying specifically for marriage, I began attracting marriage-minded men, including the man that I am seeing now. Did God plop this guy into my life? Not necessarily... but perhaps I wouldn't have considered this particular man when I did not have the wisdom to truly understand that my choice should be based on finding a man would make a good husband and father.

I really like your entire post. I used to pray to be married and for a mate (the two are different). I used to ask God to bring a man that He approved of into my life so that I could get married. I never had a shortage of suitors and I've turned down proposals. Then I sat down and really thought about marriage and mates. Then I changed my prayers.

I decided to pray for a good marriage instead of a mate. I decided to pray that the man I chose was prepared by God.

My former pastor and his wife used to drill it in our heads that we make the choice and that marriage is a mystical spiritual life long union of two imperfect people and that it is better to be unmarried than married. They taught us to pray for a mate God would approve of and prepared and for us to prepare ourselves spiritually, financially, educationally etc. so that when that mate came along, we would be ready to receive her or accept him. They taught us that women were created from the beginning by God to be accepted by men and that we never had to sit around and pine away for or chase after men. They taught us that a wife is a good thing to find but women had to be in a place to be found, not holed up in our prayer closets. They taught us a lot of things.

I decided that marriage for me was an option and I chose not to marry and I've been quite happy. I decided that if I did chose to marry I had my "list" and parameters already set. I stopped praying for a mate and never looked back. I stopped thinking God was a cosmic matchmaker. I try my best to skip threads or not comment at all when I see women on this forum praying men in their lives or waiting "prayerfully" for a mate etc.

I love your post because it says things I'd like to say or tired to say so much better than I could have.
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Hmm, as far as the "cosmic matchmaker" thing goes I have some thoughts on that one as well, lol. Years ago (though I've always been a hopeless romantic at heart) I wouldn't have thought this was the case. In fact all I really wanted was for God to build up godly qualities in me so that I could be a good mate to somebody, I wasn't exactly of the opinion that there was only 1 person in the entire universe for me. However now because of what I've seen over the years my mindset on this one has changed. We serve a God of purpose and He doesn't do anything without a reason behind it. If God brings two people together, there is a reason, however big or small it may be, there is one. In the bible He did it many times, usually when it had to do with the lineage of Christ from what I can tell, but its right there in front of us that He showed people their mate/other half (including Adam). That is not to say you can't marry someone else and be very happy, but I do know that at least in some cases, maybe not all, God does lead people to that specific someone with a purpose behind the whole thing. And as with everything else in life, its best to be right smack dab in the center of God's will.

Besides the fact that God showed me (and confirmed it to many others) my own mate and removed all my own logical thoughts of the way these things should happen, its happened to many people who I'm close with and a few months ago my very own mother even admitted that it happened to her with my dad. I no longer question what God can and cannot do, I probably won't be able to figure that out on this side of Heaven anyway. All I know is that He is God and we should seek Him in every single aspect of our life. He lead us in the perfect direction.

ETA: We DEFINITELY have to choose for ourselves if we will accept God's plan. God can reveal but will not force His will on us.
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

I really like your entire post. I used to pray to be married and for a mate (the two are different). I used to ask God to bring a man that He approved of into my life so that I could get married. I never had a shortage of suitors and I've turned down proposals. Then I sat down and really thought about marriage and mates. Then I changed my prayers.

I decided to pray for a good marriage instead of a mate. I decided to pray that the man I chose was prepared by God.

My former pastor and his wife used to drill it in our heads that we make the choice and that marriage is a mystical spiritual life long union of two imperfect people and that it is better to be unmarried than married. They taught us to pray for a mate God would approve of and prepared and for us to prepare ourselves spiritually, financially, educationally etc. so that when that mate came along, we would be ready to receive her or accept him. They taught us that women were created from the beginning by God to be accepted by men and that we never had to sit around and pine away for or chase after men. They taught us that a wife is a good thing to find but women had to be in a place to be found, not holed up in our prayer closets. They taught us a lot of things.

I decided that marriage for me was an option and I chose not to marry and I've been quite happy. I decided that if I did chose to marry I had my "list" and parameters already set. I stopped praying for a mate and never looked back. I stopped thinking God was a cosmic matchmaker. I try my best to skip threads or not comment at all when I see women on this forum praying men in their lives or waiting "prayerfully" for a mate etc.

I love your post because it says things I'd like to say or tired to say so much better than I could have.

Quick question... it looks like you have a wedding ticker in your siggy... are you getting married? I thought you were, but then you just said that you've chosen not to marry. Just curious, 'tis all!

I also agree with nearly everything you posted, except the teaching of your pastors that it's better to be unmarried than married. It's a bit odd that a married pastor and his wife would say this, especially since they made the choice to marry.

I don't have a problem with anyone on an individual level deciding that it's better to be unmarried than married, but to teach that to others as a whole... hmmm, I don't know about that. That does concern me.

Why did a married couple say it was better to be unmarried? What do they think about children and the proper way to bring them into the world?

I'm not saying that marriage is automatically better either... I don't believe in a "better" option really, other than if one desires to marry, that is a good thing. If one does not, that is also a good thing (if they are using their single time in a way that honors the Lord... same for married folk).

Thanks for answering! :)
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Maybe I need to clarify my use of the term 'matchmaker.' :) It seems that this term is being used to refer to something cosmic, written in the stars or something involving astrology. I don't believe in that stuff so I hadn't even though about that or thought it would be interpreted that way. That sort of thinking can be dangerous because it can actually exclude God in the process.

It can also cripple us by allowing us to think that our mates will just magically appear or that there's only one person out there. If that was the case, then we would find ourselves asking questions as to who is really 'the one' and if something -God forbid- were to happen to our first husband and we got re-married then is the first or the second husband 'the one?' :perplexed

My use of the term matchmaker in reference to God has to do with involving God in the process. Everyone we meet will not be suitable for us and they could be great people. Allowing God who knows all things to have the final say on our choice of mate to me is how we can involve God before we say 'I do.' In fact involving him before that- in how we go about choosing a husband ensures that it is not random but with a purpose. Yes-like Ije4eva said God can bring 2 people together for that reason. It doesn't mean that we don't proactively look for a husband or that we don't pray to God for guidance in our choices.

For e.g. In the Bible when Isaac was looking for a wife (Gen 24), they actually went looking. His servant who knew the qualities that were needed prayed to God for success and made a specific request so that he would know who would be right. I don't know if or how Isaac & Rebekah would have still met- God was involved but someone went looking.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Bunny, they meant it in the sense of knowing from experience the work it takes and from the spiritual standpoint that as an unmarried you care for the things of God not your spouse. That was what they meant. They were not in anyway discouraging people from marriage. They taught this over my 20+ years in that church in several messages so I condensed. Sorry.

As for my ticker. I like being unmarried, I prefer it. The plan is to marry my "boo" in January (his b-day month). I may not do it. Plan B is marry in September (my b-day month). I may not do it. He and I have been friends for over 10 years and we both kinda figure we are not getting any younger and have done all we want to do as unmarrieds and we care for each other so why not get married (to each other). I'm not sure I want to give up my freedom yet but both of us were in bad car accidents which caused us to re-evaluate our priorities and desires.

So, that is the plan but right now I'm leaning toward not doing it. Also because of things I've mentioned previously, I don't see the purpose other than tradition and for society and NO we are not fornicating with each other or anyone else and we are not shacking and we are not common law. It is so hard for me to wrap my mind around some dude saying over me "by the power vested by the state of _____ I now pronouce..." Who are you and what does the state have to do with what God joins? I wish so badly that he and I could just pray together to God and then say "i marry you, you marry me, i'm your husband, i'm your wife, we're married" and go to the court and sign some papers that make it legal in the eyes of man and KIM. LOL

As Forrest said: that's all I have to say about that.
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin


However, when I say that marriage is God's will for most people, I think that it still leaves us a choice as to whether or not we want to accept that or choose otherwise. I have prayed for marriage, and while I don't believe that God just plopped a man into my life, I believe that He began working and preparing me to make a wise choice when I would encounter men who could potentially be my husband.

I think we should all be content... I think this is God's desire... single or married...
I think now as a single woman I will be the best single lady (lol) i can be, then as a wife, I will be the best wife as I can be... hopefully He will allow me to get married... if not, my parents basement is really comfortable lol. A (real) good man is very difficult to find, hopefully I found him... if not, praise God anyways :yep:

We can choose or not, accept or not. But :

Jer 10.23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Like music-b said : be content anyway, single or married! Rejoice and praise the Lord.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

how do you reconcile the concept of choosing your own self something as important as your mate for life, the head of your household with Jeremiah 17:"9": The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

If like this verse says the thing APPOINTED for me :
Job 23:13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

Isn't it that He is deciding everything? at least for his people? Just like there's a difference between blessings and mercy, light and darkness, choosing and fulfilling your destiny.

Here in Genesis when Abraham's servant went to look for Isaac's future wife without knowing who she would be, God knew beforehand that it would be HER, the Lord APPOINTED Isaac with a wife.

Genesis 24:14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.

So why would God who is the same yesterday today and tomorrow stop suddenly putting christian couples together? when they are a great pillar to the body of the Church since their seed when raised right will come back to the Gospel of their youth

Now I believe the set of rules is different with whatever master you serve, if you live in wickedness ain't nothing promised to you but fire, your life is nothing but a tiny boat on an angry ocean going with the waves which are consequences of your wicked actions.
Now His people? who were ordained to be saved before the world was even created? now that's different, since He won"t suffer us to be moved, since OUR prayers are heard once we're converted and walk with Him, the rules change, He protects us and our life is His and then it's back to Job 23:13.

I mean if you pray HIM about finding a husband, you don't think He's gonna point you toward who HE has chosen for you?

As for widows, i believe if you're Holy Ghost filled and your husband too he won't die first. If the Lord has said that the woman's head is her husband He will not take him away from you and tear apart the family unit that follows his order. Now if the wife is Holy Ghost filled and her husband isn't ordained to be saved, then yeah he could die first and then if she does find a Holy Ghost filled 2nd husband then HE was meant for her.

Christians can't pass by their destiny, they can only slow it down. But oooh it WILL happen. and that's the only free will we have, the free will to slow our destiny down if we're ordained to be saved.

I met my fiance i was a stone cold sinenr had never even heard of being saved, met on the internet like 100s of guys profiles i had seen over a few years of browsing and exchanging a couple messages with. Him in NJ me in France. this one for some reason i gave my msn to. (have talked every single day since the begining) me wicked him newly baptised i was truned off and yet couldn't help chatting and chatting and chatting. exchanged numbers. Me the party girl started staying home to chat instead of bar hopping. turned out he was a preacher's son . All this long distance, when i would sleep around with no shame whenevr i had an "itch". 4 years later i've been celibate and we're engaged and I got baptised and am seeking the Lord and being put aside for him.
Now that wasn't me, that wasn't the me i used to be, I didn't chose anything that was AAALLL HIM. I was ready to party some more and get pregnant and raise my child on my own like my mom, yes that was my plan. that's what i had chosen for myself.

If you are destined to be saved you have no choice, whether it be your revenue, your mate, your roof it will all be given you by Him directly what is best for you. Either you fight it or don't see it and slow it down, or you take it.

ok that was a mouthful, i need some water lol
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

and well if you're saved or ordained to be saved and Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

then you know you have not much to do with it lool hallelujah the Lord is good and i want Him in me 24/7 Glory!
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Bunny, they meant it in the sense of knowing from experience the work it takes and from the spiritual standpoint that as an unmarried you care for the things of God not your spouse. That was what they meant. They were not in anyway discouraging people from marriage. They taught this over my 20+ years in that church in several messages so I condensed. Sorry.

As for my ticker. I like being unmarried, I prefer it. The plan is to marry my "boo" in January (his b-day month). I may not do it. Plan B is marry in September (my b-day month). I may not do it. He and I have been friends for over 10 years and we both kinda figure we are not getting any younger and have done all we want to do as unmarrieds and we care for each other so why not get married (to each other). I'm not sure I want to give up my freedom yet but both of us were in bad car accidents which caused us to re-evaluate our priorities and desires.

So, that is the plan but right now I'm leaning toward not doing it. Also because of things I've mentioned previously, I don't see the purpose other than tradition and for society and NO we are not fornicating with each other or anyone else and we are not shacking and we are not common law. It is so hard for me to wrap my mind around some dude saying over me "by the power vested by the state of _____ I now pronouce..." Who are you and what does the state have to do with what God joins? I wish so badly that he and I could just pray together to God and then say "i marry you, you marry me, i'm your husband, i'm your wife, we're married" and go to the court and sign some papers that make it legal in the eyes of man and KIM. LOL

As Forrest said: that's all I have to say about that.
@ the bolded part... how come you cannot do that? My parents got married by just professing their love for each other and then going to the court and signing papers. They didn't have a wedding in a church with a pastor. They have been married for 32 years so far.
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

As for widows, i believe if you're Holy Ghost filled and your husband too he won't die first. If the Lord has said that the woman's head is her husband He will not take him away from you and tear apart the family unit that follows his order. Now if the wife is Holy Ghost filled and her husband isn't ordained to be saved, then yeah he could die first and then if she does find a Holy Ghost filled 2nd husband then HE was meant for her.

Thank you for your post Mamita. Just one thing....

My great aunt was saved and baptized and so was her husband. Her husband was pastor of my home church and my great aunt was first lady and served as a Sunday school teacher. According to my mom, he was deeply in love with the Lord and his sermons were on fire. As for my great aunt, she loved herself some Jesus and served him faithfully in the church until she got really ill. He died in 1979. My great aunt just passed away in early August 2009 - 30 years later.

So when you say Holy Ghost filled, do you mean one who has been saved and baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?

I just want to make sure that I understand your definition of Holy Ghost filled.
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Thank you for your post Mamita. Just one thing....

My great aunt was saved and baptized and so was her husband. Her husband was pastor of my home church and my great aunt was first lady and served as a Sunday school teacher. According to my mom, he was deeply in love with the Lord and his sermons were on fire. As for my great aunt, she loved herself some Jesus and served him faithfully in the church until she got really ill. He died in 1979. My great aunt just passed away in early August 2009 - 30 years later.

So when you say Holy Ghost filled, do you mean one who has been saved and baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?

I just want to make sure that I understand your definition of Holy Ghost filled.

Hey you know what i'm actually rethinking that, i think he won't die young or even middle aged, I think once you're really seasoned in the Lord you can probably survive your spouse.

I'm Holiness, and we baptise in the name of Jesus Christ ONLY, and Holy Ghost filled would be baptised with the Holy Ghost also evidenced by speaking in tongues and living a Holy life.

As for your great Aunt, just trying to see how it went, did she die of that illness?

I don't know your aunt or your family their lives and struggles or beliefs im just going on what I know and practice myself.

Do you in your practice, or hers if it was different, preach about the Lord The Doctor? how He can cure from any ailment? i know some preach it was only for back then old times or something, maybe that's what you practice?

Oh and ETA 30 years later? so he was young? or middle aged? like he died we'll say prematurely?
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Hey you know what i'm actually rethinking that, i think he won't die young or even middle aged, I think once you're really seasoned in the Lord you can probably survive your spouse.

I'm Holiness, and we baptise in the name of Jesus Christ ONLY, and Holy Ghost filled would be baptised with the Holy Ghost also evidenced by speaking in tongues and living a Holy life.

As for your great Aunt, just trying to see how it went, did she die of that illness?

I don't know your aunt or your family their lives and struggles or beliefs im just going on what I know and practice myself.

Do you in your practice, or hers if it was different, preach about the Lord The Doctor? how He can cure from any ailment? i know some preach it was only for back then old times or something, maybe that's what you practice?

Oh and ETA 30 years later? so he was young? or middle aged? like he died we'll say prematurely?

Thanks for responding!

He was actually much older than her - He died when he was in his 60s. She had 3 children with him.

Okay so you're talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I hear very few sermons about this. My mom was saved at a young age but she believes she was baptised in the Holy Spirit around the time the Lord healed her of cervical cancer almost 10 years ago.

We were all raised in a Baptist church. My materal family definately believes in the Lord's healing. My great aunt's mother (my great-grandmother) had a gift of laying hands and so does my mother.

My great aunt got extremely ill a few months after her two sisters who she was close with died within months of each other. This was in 2000. She actually did not want to live anymore. 9 years later, her health worsened. A few months ago, my mom asked her if she wanted to live and she said "Yes". So our family prayed for her healing. However, it wasn't to be. She died one day before my 25th birthday. :sad:
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Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Ladies it's late here in France,

Time for some shut eye

means i won't be able to asnwer questions regarding my last post if there are any

I'll just leave you with 2 Esdras 8:3 There be many created, but few shall be saved and Luke 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

This is a wicked world and we can do nothing without Him
Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

Thanks for responding!

He was actually much older than her - He died when he was in his 60s. She had 3 children with him.

Okay so you're talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I hear very few sermons about this. My mom was saved at a young age but she believes she was baptised in the Holy Spirit around the time the Lord healed her of cervical cancer almost 10 years ago.

We were all raised in a Baptist church. My materal family definately believes in the Lord's healing. My great aunt's mother (my great-grandmother) had a gift of healing and so does my mother.

My great aunt got extremely ill a few months after her two sisters who she was close with died within months of each other. This was in 2000. She actually did not want to live anymore. 9 years later, her health worsened. A few months ago, my mom asked her if she wanted to live and she said "Yes". So our family prayed for her healing. However, it wasn't to be. She died one day before my 25th birthday. :sad:

It's a shame you don't hear about it more, ask your pastor it's pretty essential. hallelujah for your mother that's beautiful. Your mother and great grandmother were probably Holy Ghost filled, i mean that's not a gift you get on its own it comes with the Holy Ghost.
I'm very sorry your aunt died in those circumstances, and at that time for you, that's always very sad.
Now you may totally disagree with me, and you have every right to, but we believe there's nothing new under the sun, and as Jesus said to a lot of sick people he came across "your faith has made you whole". Jesus the man has healed them just as much if not less than their own faith in the fact that He/God the Eternal spirit can do it.
And it still holds today. Someone that believes the right way will be whole including health wise. now maybe depression got the best of your aunt in her last years and maybe it shook her faith bad enough that she succombed to that illness.

In any case I'm very sorry for your lost, sick loved ones are extremely hard to get over. I hope you're healing or healed and at peace now or on your way there

Re: So Many Threads on Hopes of Getting Married...What are your thoughts on Being Sin

I plan on never getting married. I want to be single and a virgin for the rest of my life, that way, I can travel the world and go on medical missions...God willing *prays*