Can a man really rape his wife?

Can a man actually rape his wife?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 89.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters
Thank you, Shim... I love you too... it hurt me to think I hurt you when I was being foolish. I'm glad you understand. Your unwavering love and support means more than words can ever express *sniff* :hug2:
:cry4: See, now you got me crying. Cause I love you too, Blosss. We're 'girls' forever. :hug2:
I 'understand' you. But there's someone else who loves and understands you even more. Someone who loves you beyond any distance placed upon maps or even a GPS device. Someone who loves you beyond the world wide web; beyond the universe, beyond the stars, beyond the Heavens above and the deepest of depths below.

Someone loves you and so much so that you are all He cares and thinks about. So much so, that if you at anytime have a need, it is His good pleasure to fulfill it for you beyond measure.

Someone loves you beyond the hurts and disappointments that you had and have seen in this life. Beyond the ones who have forsaken you and have disloyaled themselves to you and to the expectations that you had of them.

Someone who will never disappoint you; never leave you; never mislead you neither bleed you dry of hope, love, and tears. Someone who love for you demands nothing. Only to give to you more love.

This someone is Jesus. Jesus who has your name written upon His heart.....forever. And forever is just how long He will wait.......just for you, His beautiful and precious Blosssom. :love2:

Thank you, Shim... you really should write professionally for a Christian magazine or maybe write a book with inspirational thoughts... that was absolutely beautiful... :yep:
Thank you, Shim... you really should write professionally for a Christian magazine or maybe write a book with inspirational thoughts... that was absolutely beautiful... :yep:
That was for you... "His Heart for Blosssom"
Shimmie, you know I love you too but its a question just like all the other "stupid" questions that are asked here. I also think it would make a good debate question if the people voting no would show up and explain why they think that way. Consequently, I don't think they will do so in fear of being massacred, called stupid, or labeled incompetent.

CoCo, thanks for interpreting my question thoroughly!:lol:

No problem! You know thoroughness is my specialty:lol::lachen::grin:
Yea, well don't! LOL!

Again, the women who say know are going based on the Word... that is all and I'm sure it's their belief that a man who lives the Word wouldn't ever dream of raping his wife as he wouldn't have to if the wife is living by the Word as well... that's just my take on it :yep:

I want to know (AND WHY) who said "I DON'T CARE!" That's shocking to me :(

Well, someone was talking about the evil grin and evil laughter, so she was clearly talking about me and Whipz, but we are truly sorry. We didn't mean anything by it :cry3:

I'm not sorry for nothing but you can be.:lol: :p
The same way God does not force His will on us, a husband cannot force his will for sex on his wife. We as wives have a choice. Just like we as Christians chose to follow Christ. God doesn't hold us down and make us obey Him. So if the creator wouldn't do it, no one else has the power to do so either. So yes a man can rape his wife. Q

IA I was going to use this same point!
I don't like the way Oprah "dismisses" the Bible folk and the obey thing. I don't know if anybody else caught that.

And yes, rape can occur with in marriage....

Can a woman rape a man as well?
I don't like the way Oprah "dismisses" the Bible folk and the obey thing. I don't know if anybody else caught that.

And yes, rape can occur with in marriage....

Can a woman rape a man as well?

Well, Oprah hasn't met US yet either....:lachen::lachen:

We wouldn't let her get that "diss" in at all. She would know wassup!

If a woman "take" a man like that....most probably he won't mind:lachen:, can be like that because of their fantasy mind...they are always thinking something wild and weird anyway, so even if a woman really wanted to do it, he would enjoy it.:look:

BUT, if she tied him up and really hurt him, like in the "back door" or that then would be considered rape for sure:nono:
I've been wearing my "turban" all week with no end in sight, so time ME out! LOL! :lachen:

You better ask somebody, I been fell off that bandwagon!:lol: I keep it simple.

:lachen::lachen:I'm hiding the turban and the simple method from both of you. :lachen:

You both knew I was going to see this thread and put my rant into it...I was baited. Shame on you, both. :bighug:

Now I have to get deep and answer the question if a woman can rape a man....

Now see what you both done started up in here... :lol: Pitiful, the two of you, just pitiful.

I love you both though... :love4:
Well, Oprah hasn't met US yet either....:lachen::lachen:

We wouldn't let her get that "diss" in at all. She would know wassup!

If a woman "take" a man like that....most probably he won't mind:lachen:, can be like that because of their fantasy mind...they are always thinking something wild and weird anyway, so even if a woman really wanted to do it, he would enjoy it.:look:

BUT, if she tied him up and really hurt him, like in the "back door" or that then would be considered rape for sure:nono:
Okay.... lemme get up off the floor :rofl: . :rofl3: :lachen:

The thing is with rape is that a woman is NOT aroused therefore she is an unwilling victim. Seriously....she has been attacked / violated against her will.

Now on the other hand, a woman cannot rape a man unless she is able to obtain penetration and that won't occur unless he is aroused. And if he is aroused he is a willing partner.

See --- there are some men who tried to tell his wife he was 'forced' and that 'she' made him do it. ummmmm, nah=uh... :nono:

NOW, I do believe that a man can be raped by another man. It happens in jail all the time.
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I don't like the way Oprah "dismisses" the Bible folk and the obey thing. I don't know if anybody else caught that.

And yes, rape can occur with in marriage....

Can a woman rape a man as well?

Why you startin' stuff up in here...:lol: I can't even give this a straight faced answer. :nono:

:kiss: Just so you know, you're still my little sis.
Well, someone was talking about the evil grin and evil laughter, so she was clearly talking about me and Whipz

Yeah..well that would be me..and that was known whatever

Yes! LOL!
You really posted here, huh?
Now let's see what happens *evil grin*

Just for you!!!!
Sho' quiet in here

I wonder who said "no". Ha!

I stand by what I said..

For the record.....the question was not the issue for me
It was the ensuing progression of comments

If a woman "take" a man like that....most probably he won't mind:lachen:,? can be like that because of their fantasy mind...they are always thinking something wild and weird anyway, so even if a woman really wanted to do it, he would enjoy it.:look:

Here another example of a question asked earlier with all sincerity and responded to as foolery...
yes...a man can be victimized and maybe not in the same's called sodomy...or there are other forms of sexually violating a male.and ways to induce him to a state where he could be it is not some dormant fantasy come true..that's as sterotypical,ignorant and shocking as saying the woman enjoys is a horror and it's traumatic for all vicims regardless of gender..regardless of gender of the perpetrator and yes sometimes a woman can be the perpetrator/ abuser and this is probaby the most under-reported to police because of precisely what this thread is doing...furthering myths by treating a joke

You think that there is no correlation with your thoughts and actions on a moral scale or even with an actual rape victim male or female
but in fact ...we are all connected...laughing icons and levity...trivializing this perpetrates the tragedy and does NOTHING to empower's destructive energy and it is NOT OF GOD...has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with GOD
(shrug) Different values, I guess.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Ephesians 4:29 – “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Leviticus 19:16 – “Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.” (NIV)
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Okay.... lemme get up off the floor :rofl: . :rofl3: :lachen:

The thing is with rape is that a woman is NOT aroused therefore she is an unwilling victim. Seriously....she has been attacked / violated against her will.

Now on the other hand, a woman cannot rape a man unless she is able to obtain penetration and that won't occur unless he is aroused. And if he is aroused he is a willing partner.

See --- there are some men who tried to tell his wife he was 'forced' and that 'she' made him do it. ummmmm, nah=uh... :nono:

NOW, I do believe that a man can be raped by another man. It happens in jail all the time.

Arousal is not synonymous with consent. Arousal is an involuntary act. I read an article which talked about how some women have a hard time dealing with the fact that they were raped because their lady parts got really wet. It is a reflex response, the way our bodies are designed not a conscious decision.

You can read some more:

You may be aroused by someone, but it doesn't mean you are okay with having sex with him/her
Now on the other hand, a woman cannot rape a man unless she is able to obtain penetration and that won't occur unless he is aroused. And if he is aroused he is a willing partner.
A man's penis can and will get an erection regardless of his state of arousal. Conversely, a man can be aroused but not get an erection. Erection does not = arousal. Even some paraplegic men are capable of erections even though they may be paralyzed. A penis will react to stimulation from a variety of sources, the most effective of which is touch. So, a woman can stimulate a man's penis to elicit an erection and proceed to commit sexual acts upon said man with out his consent. Of course this is very rare but it does happen, just as it happens that men are the victims of battery in domestic violence at the hands of women. We can speculate as much as we would like about the reasons a man "allows" himself to be victimized by a woman (term used extremely loosely as it is not true that men or women "allow" mistreatment). We can say that he did not want to hurt her by fending her off, as he may be stronger than she. We can say he was a "Norbit" to a "Rasputia" (NO jokes here, just making sure you get the image I'm trying to convey) and physically weaker than the woman and unable to fight her off. We can say that he wanted it anyway, what man does not want to get laid. But no matter what reason and/or fallacy we try to attach to a man being raped by a woman and regardless of its rarity, it does happen and the man does not have to be "aroused" to get raped, he just needs an erection which is a natural, physiological and biological response to stimulation; wanted or unwanted.
You think that there is no correlation with your thoughts and actions on a moral scale or even with an actual rape victim male or female
but in fact ...we are all connected...laughing icons and levity...trivializing this perpetrates the tragedy and does NOTHING to empower's destructive energy and it is NOT OF GOD...has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with GOD
(shrug) Different values, I guess.

First of all, sis...if you would have read what I said, I did NOT say rape, I said
"If a woman "take" a man like that....most probably he won't mind:lachen:, can be like that because of their fantasy mind...they are always thinking something wild and weird anyway, so even if a woman really wanted to do it, he would enjoy it.:look:

BUT, if she tied him up and really hurt him, like in the "back door" or that then would be considered rape for sure:nono: Yesterday 05:54 PM

I wasn't make light of the situation, I meant what I said because as a woman who ministers, along with MY HUSBAND many times with couples, we get to talk about these types of things and 98% of the men have said that they will get aroused if their wife "took" it so to speak. A man cannot be raped by a woman in the same way a man can rape a's not the same.

We may not have the same values, but if you noticed, I used a laughing smiley when the OP talked about Oprah and you saw my response to that and yes, I used a smiley because I thought that was funny.

If you choose to be that serious about what I said, then that's ok, but don't say that what I said is NOT of God...that's a serious judgement about something that is truth.

If you would have really understood what I was saying, you wouldn't have jumped on me that could have asked if I could have expounded on what I said and I would have told you.

I deal with woman who have been raped...people who have been very close to me have dealt with this. I've gotten up at 3am to go to the hospital when this type of thing has happened and have prayed with the victim and the family. I take this very seriously...but, because you don't know me, you make a judgement about me....that's sad indeed.

I hope that we can continue to walk in the spirit of "love" in this forum and not walk in division. I've been on this forum too long and I know that most of the people who have been on here for quite awhile, know my heart and know that I would NOT trivilize something like 'rape'.

Blessings to you and yours....N&W
Arousal is not synonymous with consent. Arousal is an involuntary act. I read an article which talked about how some women have a hard time dealing with the fact that they were raped because their lady parts got really wet. It is a reflex response, the way our bodies are designed not a conscious decision.

You can read some more:

You may be aroused by someone, but it doesn't mean you are okay with having sex with him/her

A man's penis can and will get an erection regardless of his state of arousal. Conversely, a man can be aroused but not get an erection. Erection does not = arousal. Even some paraplegic men are capable of erections even though they may be paralyzed. A penis will react to stimulation from a variety of sources, the most effective of which is touch. So, a woman can stimulate a man's penis to elicit an erection and proceed to commit sexual acts upon said man with out his consent. Of course this is very rare but it does happen, just as it happens that men are the victims of battery in domestic violence at the hands of women. We can speculate as much as we would like about the reasons a man "allows" himself to be victimized by a woman (term used extremely loosely as it is not true that men or women "allow" mistreatment).

We can say that he did not want to hurt her by fending her off, as he may be stronger than she. We can say he was a "Norbit" to a "Rasputia" (NO jokes here, just making sure you get the image I'm trying to convey) and physically weaker than the woman and unable to fight her off.

We can say that he wanted it anyway, what man does not want to get laid. But no matter what reason and/or fallacy we try to attach to a man being raped by a woman and regardless of its rarity, it does happen and the man does not have to be "aroused" to get raped, he just needs an erection which is a natural, physiological and biological response to stimulation; wanted or unwanted.
Thank you ladies. I know where you both are coming from. I can 'see' where a 'rare' situation such as this can arise with a grown man. And it would have to be 'rare' and under extreme and vunerable circumstances.

On an even more serious and tragic side. I do indeed see a woman committing an act of rape upon a child or upon a man who may be mentally or physically disabled, a man in a position where he truly does not have the capacity to make a sound judgement or able to fend for himself. There are some truly sick women in this world who prey upon those unable to defend or make rational concious decisions for themselves.

Back to a grown man, with all of his capacities and able to fend for himself, I don't see it as rape. He is able to get up and walk away.

Women live this everyday, that a man choses whether or not he wants to sleep with her or not, or someone else.
I hope that we can continue to walk in the spirit of "love" in this forum and not walk in division

8 Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will stop. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will come to an end.9 The reason is that our knowledge and our ability to prophesy are not perfect.10 But when perfection comes, the things that are not perfect will end.11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I stopped those childish ways.12 It is the same with us. Now we see a dim reflection, as if we were looking into a mirror, but then we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as God has known me.13 So these three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Be blessed,beloved:Rose:
:ohwell:...... I never thought this would be a question that someone would need to ask. :nono:

Unfortunately some people really don't know.

At a church event I was attending a while ago, they had a marriage seminar. This is one of the questions asked.

Do you know that some men said "no", as in it's not possible for a man to rape his wife because it's his?! :nono:

In chauvanistic cultures, this is the norm...
Thank you ladies. I know where you both are coming from. I can 'see' where a 'rare' situation such as this can arise with a grown man. And it would have to be 'rare' and under extreme and vunerable circumstances.

On an even more serious and tragic side. I do indeed see a woman committing an act of rape upon a child or upon a man who may be mentally or physically disabled, a man in a position where he truly does not have the capacity to make a sound judgement or able to fend for himself. There are some truly sick women in this world who prey upon those unable to defend or make rational concious decisions for themselves.

Back to a grown man, with all of his capacities and able to fend for himself, I don't see it as rape. He is able to get up and walk away.

Women live this everyday, that a man choses whether or not he wants to sleep with her or not, or someone else.

I will say a woman raping a man is possible but not very probable, because for the most part a man can fight a woman off a lot easier than vice versa. I do remember in high school reading a story about these girls at an all-boarding school who got together in a group, overpowered and raped the security guard at their dorm. As in, some girls held him down while the others took turns:nono:. I was shocked. You never expect that behavior from females. The man didn't want to be involved because they were minors and he knew he'd lose his job and be prosecuted.
I will say a woman raping a man is possible but not very probable, because for the most part a man can fight a woman off a lot easier than vice versa. I do remember in high school reading a story about these girls at an all-boarding school who got together in a group, overpowered and raped the security guard at their dorm.

As in, some girls held him down while the others took turns:nono:. I was shocked. You never expect that behavior from females. The man didn't want to be involved because they were minors and he knew he'd lose his job and be prosecuted.
Viv, isn't that frightening? What kind of demonic influence were these girls under? They obviously thought it was a joke. :nono: I can't even imagine the horror that this man went through.

The beauty and the sacredness of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman (husband and wife) has been literally 'raped' itsself. No longer has society chosen to preserve the beauty of this precious and pure gift from God. Instead, it has become an endangered species.

I hold dear this gift, even more. Let it live a full life deserving of honor within my heart and the heart of my husband, where no evil may tread upon...ever.

In Jesus's name...for all marriages this I pray. Amen and Amen. :heart2:
yes and God help the wife ..some do..and never get reported.....
you may as well ask can a man kill his wife..yes and some do
conjugal co-rights never equates by force..
that has nothing to do with the sanctity of the marriage under the law of's tragic and as already pointed out.... unlawful and punishable by God ..and by human laws

but here is what is questionable....and tragic to me

the joking???? on this thread???...what's remotely humorous..about RAPE? ....
in ANY context....just because the topic is posted on CF??

& by women?

God help us...what have we evolved to

Thank you for saying this. How can we joke about rape? NO ONE has the right to force someone else to have sex.
:lachen::lachen:I'm hiding the turban and the simple method from both of you. :lachen:

You both knew I was going to see this thread and put my rant into it...I was baited. Shame on you, both. :bighug:

Now I have to get deep and answer the question if a woman can rape a man....

Now see what you both done started up in here... :lol: Pitiful, the two of you, just pitiful.

I love you both though... :love4:

Pitiful? I'm downright PATHETIC! LOL!

Happy Friday, Shim! :kiss:
Okay.... lemme get up off the floor :rofl: . :rofl3: :lachen:

The thing is with rape is that a woman is NOT aroused therefore she is an unwilling victim. Seriously....she has been attacked / violated against her will.

Now on the other hand, a woman cannot rape a man unless she is able to obtain penetration and that won't occur unless he is aroused. And if he is aroused he is a willing partner.

See --- there are some men who tried to tell his wife he was 'forced' and that 'she' made him do it. ummmmm, nah=uh... :nono:

NOW, I do believe that a man can be raped by another man. It happens in jail all the time.

Yes, I would like to see how many cases of male rape by a woman that are on the books? Not many, I would imagine.

Not saying it's impossible, but... good luck proving it!