Can a man really rape his wife?

Can a man actually rape his wife?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 89.4%
  • No

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Assuming they're together and all. I just came from the local Starbucks and overheard a heated conversation about rape involving married people. The woman(yes a woman) said that there's no such thing as a man raping his wife because when they married she promised to honor, obey, and submit to him. The funny thing is that a man joined in on the conversation with the two ladies and totally disagreed.

What is your take on this. Personally, I think rape is rape but the discussion got me to thinking....

Coming from a religious standpoint only!
Can the person who said no please come back and say why not if you dont mind? I would really like to read that POV.
I definitely think a husband can rape his wife.

Some men who rape their wives may use Corinthians as their "justification"
1 Corinthians 7:3-5
3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

However, I will always believe God looks at our "hearts." I have no doubt in my mind that one of the benefits of marriage that God intended was for a healthy and plentiful sex life between the spouses. However, we are human beings and this means that there may be times when a spouse cannot or does not want to "perform" sexually. I think God will always look at the heart of His children in a situation. For example, if a wife never "feels like it," does this give a husband permission to force her, or permission to "cheat?" I would say not quite, but it would indicate a serious problem that IMO a loving husband and wife would address. Let's say a wife that was NEVER in the mood was also unwilling to seek counseling or medical help to address that problem. I would definitely say that's kind of a problem, but I still don't think that ever justifies rape (or cheating). God commands us to do a lot of things, but He never FORCES us. Therefore, I cannot justify a husband raping his wife (although I can understand why a husband would feel angered or possibly even tempted to coax or try to pressure his wife into having sex if she refused, especially if this was regularly and not just a one time "no").

I have more to say, but I'll wait to see the other responses before addressing that Corinthians passage!:yep:
Can the person who said no please come back and say why not if you dont mind? I would really like to read that POV.

I voted yes, but my guess is that they would use something like 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 to justify (see my post above for the passage).

When we marry, we are supposed to merge into one. As Corinthians says, a husband no longer belongs to himself, and neither does a wife. Therefore, the person that voted no may believe that when you are married you don't have the "right" to say no. I guess IMO, even if this is the truth (a spouse doesn't have the "right" to say no to their spouse), I can't imagine that this permits the other spouse to FORCE someone into an act that they are unwilling to do. Also, since we no longer "belong to ourselves," my question to the person who said "no" would be, isn't putting your own individual needs violating the "I don't belong to myself" theme a little bit too? I mean, I can understand that a husband wants to have regular, even frequent sex with his wife. And I know in many marriages, there are a lot of situations where a wife REFUSES to have sex (for probably a million reasons). You read about couples who haven't had sex in 2 years:eek::blush::perplexed, but I still can't say that "rape" is the answer!

I would equate that with let's say anal sex:lol: I mean, what if I as a wife am pretty much down with all kinds of sexual acts, but I just can't get with anal sex, and my husband is just DYING to try it???? Do I have the "right" to say no. Does my husband have the "right" to make me do it, since we are now "one" and "we belong to each other???" If I refuse, does this give him "permission" to seek it elsewhere?

Excerpt from a Christian website (they also reference 1 Corinthians 7:3-5)

Benevolence means 'good will, kindness.' A man and his wife are supposed to have good will toward one another and be kind to each other. Just those two things would make a change is marriages that would seem almost miraculous if people would just be that way.

However, SELFISHNESS (a major characteristic of Satan) always rears its ugly head! The husband wants HIS WAY, and the wife wants HER WAY. THEY ARE NOT ONE as God intended them to be.. They are not one in mind, one in direction, one in thought, one is deed, and therefore there is that "battle of the sexes" which is so often promoted by groups like NOW (National Organization of Women). There is that faction which promotes "women equal to men" (and they really mean women OVER men.)

Please take the time to read Proverbs 31 (the story of a righteous woman). When you read, please realize there is another side of that story which isn't being told here. It is that the husband in this story isn't trying to keep his wife from doing any of these things, and he doesn't feel threatened by these activities.

A husband and wife should be equal in the family, except for the fact the husband answers directly to God, and the wife answers to her husband and God.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, AS UNTO THE LORD. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

"So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." (Ephesians 5:22-32)

This shows a relationship between husband and wife that transcends anything physical. The husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is head of the church, and gave himself for it. His example, love, care, and concern should cause the wife to be more godly in the Holy Spirit. The wife should reverence her husband (Ephesians 5:33) and the husband should GIVE HIMSELF for his wife (verse 25) in working, living and helping to fulfill God's commands to him! This is as God intended from the start!

They should be WORKING together to make the family grow and prosper. They should be working together to teach their children how to live Godly lives. Each should be spending precious time with the children AND with each other. A husband and wife should have time just to themselves (together). Some have suggested they still have "dates" or that they should go for a short day or two of vacation....just the two of them. Of course, they should also take short trips with the children, teaching them how to relate to other people in society.

If husband and wife would obey God's scripture I quoted above, along with all the other things I mentioned that have been suggested (and there are even more), giving benevolence to one another, not defrauding one another (withholding sexual contact when it is desired) or using sex as a weapon against the other, then there would be happy, joyful husbands and wives, and their children would be balanced, happy and joyful as well.

There are far too many women who use sex as a tool to get their own way with a husband. Sometimes this leads to rape, the husband believing he has the "right" to sex if he is married to a woman. Sometimes it leads to the husband committing adultery with another woman, believing "well, if I can't get it at home, I can get it somewhere else!" All of this is WRONG!

If the marriage was all within the Godly context I have explained above, it would be the happiest, most joyful and productive relationship on the face of the earth. It would also produce children who would grow into healthy, obedient, cheerful, intelligent and productive people whom God could then easily convert to Godly people and then save them in the resurrection to Spirit Life.

Is there such a thing as a husband raping his wife? YES. Can he take full advantage of her if she is not willing? Because of his strength he can. However, it is not lawful...either in this society or in God's eyes.

Kim, I have been married over 50 years. We have had our ups and our downs. We have had our heartache and heartbreak, but we have had joy and love and happiness!

When a husband and wife BOND together as one, all the trials and tribulations of this life CANNOT dim their hope, love and joy of being together and producing a family. It will actually bond them more closely together and they put up "bulwarks" against more troubles.

The joy of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren cannot be described. It MUST be experienced to truly understand what a marriage is all about.

May God bless your understanding on this for it is NOT a minor matter.

I pray I have helped and edified you in what God desires from the marriage of a man and woman. It has tremendous potential that most have NEVER imagined.
yes and God help the wife ..some do..and never get reported.....
you may as well ask can a man kill his wife..yes and some do
conjugal co-rights never equates by force..
that has nothing to do with the sanctity of the marriage under the law of's tragic and as already pointed out.... unlawful and punishable by God ..and by human laws

but here is what is questionable....and tragic to me

the joking???? on this thread???...what's remotely humorous..about RAPE? ....
in ANY context....just because the topic is posted on CF??

& by women?

God help us...what have we evolved to
This is truly a stupid question and if it was posted here in the Christianity forum as a 'joke' or as a 'spectational' for Christian responses, that's also stupid.

Rape is rape, whether it's in or out of marriage. Women aren't stupid, be they Christian or non Christian. When a man violates a woman's body, it's rape and nothing less.

I can't see the necessity for even asking such a question. Rape is rape...period! Be it in marriage or out. It doesn't take rocket science, the Bible or foolishness to answer such a question.

Sometimes I wonder.... :nono:
^^^^^Thank You Shimmie,^^^^^

I agree it is just how the question is asked. It is not what you ask it it how you ask it?

Now, to try and get an answer. My ex fiance says that a man who is married to his wife can do this to her b/c they are married. I am like that is why you are divorced and I am your ex fiance.

So, IMHO a man cannot and should not be able to rape his wife.
NO, Means NO! Just b/c I am married to you does not mean you have the right to TAKE my Rubies from me!

I would like to know who said I don't care?
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This is truly a stupid question and if it was posted here in the Christianity forum as a 'joke' or as a 'spectational' for Christian responses, that's also stupid.

Rape is rape, whether it's in or out of marriage. Women aren't stupid, be they Christian or non Christian. When a man violates a woman's body, it's rape and nothing less.

I can't see the necessity for even asking such a question. Rape is rape...period! Be it in marriage or out. It doesn't take rocket science, the Bible or foolishness to answer such a question.


It's a sad sad SAD statement of humanity that this subject would be seen posited as question here,among women by women as potential for 'drama' among Christians...
and thus "entertainment"
Jesus was goaded and provoked.....I sure wished I had HIS patience

that whole 'evil grin...evil laugh' bit & "LOL!"..... is scary and hurtful..insensitive

FYI .....think on this....
the woman next to you on the train... your manicurist....a woman family member....a beloved friend
your sisters on this board where you get your hair tips to grow your hair

evil? laugh?
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The same way God does not force His will on us, a husband cannot force his will for sex on his wife. We as wives have a choice. Just like we as Christians chose to follow Christ. God doesn't hold us down and make us obey Him. So if the creator wouldn't do it, no one else has the power to do so either. So yes a man can rape his wife. Q
The same way God does not force His will on us, a husband cannot force his will for sex on his wife. We as wives have a choice. Just like we as Christians chose to follow Christ. God doesn't hold us down and make us obey Him. So if the creator wouldn't do it, no one else has the power to do so either. So yes a man can rape his wife. Q

ITA You should post this in the other thread:yep:
^^^^^Thank You Shimmie,^^^^^

I agree it is just how the question is asked. It is not what you ask it it how you ask it?

Now, to try and get an answer. My ex fiance says that a man who is married to his wife can do this to her b/c they are married. I am like that is why you are divorced and I am your ex fiance.

So, IMHO a man cannot and should not be able to rape his wife.
NO, Means NO! Just b/c I am married to you does not mean you have the right to TAKE my Rubies from me!

I would like to know who said I don't care?


It's a sad sad SAD statement of humanity that this subject would be seen posited as question here,among women by women as potential for 'drama' among Christians...
and thus "entertainment"
Jesus was goaded and provoked.....I sure wished I had HIS patience

that whole 'evil grin...evil laugh' bit & "LOL!"..... is scary and hurtful..insensitive

FYI .....think on this....
the woman next to you on the train... your manicurist....a woman family member....a beloved friend
your sisters on this board where you get your hair tips to grow your hair

evil? laugh?

The same way God does not force His will on us, a husband cannot force his will for sex on his wife. We as wives have a choice. Just like we as Christians chose to follow Christ. God doesn't hold us down and make us obey Him. So if the creator wouldn't do it, no one else has the power to do so either. So yes a man can rape his wife. Q

:kiss: Thank you ladies.

I was a little 'miffed' about this question because of the 'intent' of it being asked here. What was the point? For something as serious as rape and the horrendous impact that it has on the lives of its victims, this is nothing to place 'mocking' posts about to see what the Christian perspective is.

From a Christian perspective, 'mine', I pray to God that those who asked this question as a joke in this thread never get raped to find out what anyone's opinion is regarding this heinous crime. Rape is a disaster no matter the victim or the relationship they have with the person who has raped them.

"evil laugh" ????? What's the purpose of this? :nono: May God have mercy...
:kiss: Thank you ladies.

I was a little 'miffed' about this question because of the 'intent' of it being asked here. What was the point? For something as serious as rape and the horrendous impact that it has on the lives of its victims, this is nothing to place 'mocking' posts about to see what the Christian perspective is.

From a Christian perspective, 'mine', I pray to God that those who asked this question as a joke in this thread never get raped to find out what anyone's opinion is regarding this heinous crime. Rape is a disaster no matter the victim or the relationship they have with the person who has raped them.

"evil laugh" ????? What's the purpose of this? :nono: May God have mercy...

Shimmie, I don't think Whipz meant it at all as a joke:nono:. I've read many of her threads and posts, and I think she was trying to get a Christian perspective on the topic. She also posted it in off-topic. I've posted a thread in both Christian and off-topic to discuss (since not every member here is Christian).

I can't know 100%, but I definitely think Whipz was very seriously asking this question based on a discussion she had (or overheard). I have heard this discussed by Christians before, especially in light of 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. Although as in all things, God will always look at the heart of a man, and his intent when he's doing something. I have an impossible time believing that God would justify a man who was selfish and arrogant enough to assert power over his wife to rape her, and try to find God in that:nono:

I definitely and always will believe rape is about asserting power and not about sex:yep:.
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Who I would really like to hear from are one of the four people that voted no. I am genuinely (and non-judgmentally) curious why some women think a man cannot rape his wife. It's going to be hard to truly have this discussion, since everyone posting seems to believe that the answer is a solid YES!
Shimmie, I don't think Whipz meant it at all as a joke:nono:. I've read many of her threads and posts, and I think she was trying to get a Christian perspective on the topic. She also posted it in off-topic. I've posted a thread in both Christian and off-topic to discuss (since not every member here is Christian).

I can't know 100%, but I definitely think Whipz was very seriously asking this question based on a discussion she had (or overheard). I have heard this discussed by Christians before, especially in light of 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. Although as in all things, God will always look at the heart of a man, and his intent when he's doing something. I have an impossible time believing that God would justify a man who was selfish and arrogant enough to assert power over his wife to rape her, and try to find God in that:nono:

I definitely and always will believe rape is about asserting power and not about sex:yep:.
Hi Sweet Coco....

I love :love4: Whipz and Blosssom. It's the intro posts of this thread that are in question and the reason behind it.
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you all. Yes, in hindsight, it was insensitive and Whips and I would never make a joke about being raped. We just wanted the perspective of Christian wives. We didn't mean any harm.

We're sorry for having bothered you.
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you all. Yes, in hindsight, it was insensitive and Whips and I would never make a joke about being raped. We just wanted the perspective of Christian wives. We didn't mean any harm.

We're sorry for having bothered you.

I don't think she meant you and Whipz. I think she was talking about the person that said from a Christian perspective women can't be raped!

I hope we all know women can be raped in marriage:eek:

I am still dying to hear from those that said no. I genuinely want to know why they think this (no attacking, just asking:yep:)
Hi Sweet Coco....

I love :love4: Whipz and Blosssom. It's the intro posts of this thread that are in question and the reason behind it.

Shimmie, you know I love you too but its a question just like all the other "stupid" questions that are asked here. I also think it would make a good debate question if the people voting no would show up and explain why they think that way. Consequently, I don't think they will do so in fear of being massacred, called stupid, or labeled incompetent.

CoCo, thanks for interpreting my question thoroughly!:lol:
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Shimmie, you know I love you too but its a question just like all the other "stupid" questions that are asked here. I also think it would make a good debate question if the people voting no would show up and explain why they think that way. Consequently, I don't think they will do so in fear of being massacred, called stupid, or labeled incompetent.

CoCo, thanks for interpreting my question thoroughly!:lol:
I'm glad we still love :love4: each other :kiss:

You and Blosssom BEHAVE yourselves. :naughty:
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you all. Yes, in hindsight, it was insensitive and Whips and I would never make a joke about being raped. We just wanted the perspective of Christian wives. We didn't mean any harm.

We're sorry for having bothered you.
You didn't bother anyone. I never stopped loving you :kiss: Never will. Just behave yourself.

I was trying to figure out what was going on and why the question was presented the way it was.

Anyway, it's over and now we know that rape is still rape, no matter who it comes from or happens to.

Love you much Blossssom....:love2:
I don't think she meant you and Whipz. I think she was talking about the person that said from a Christian perspective women can't be raped!

I hope we all know women can be raped in marriage:eek:

I am still dying to hear from those that said no. I genuinely want to know why they think this (no attacking, just asking:yep:)

Yea, well don't! LOL!

Again, the women who say know are going based on the Word... that is all and I'm sure it's their belief that a man who lives the Word wouldn't ever dream of raping his wife as he wouldn't have to if the wife is living by the Word as well... that's just my take on it :yep:

I want to know (AND WHY) who said "I DON'T CARE!" That's shocking to me :(

Well, someone was talking about the evil grin and evil laughter, so she was clearly talking about me and Whipz, but we are truly sorry. We didn't mean anything by it :cry3:
Shimmie, you know I love you too but its a question just like all the other "stupid" questions that are asked here. I also think it would make a good debate question if the people voting no would show up and explain why they think that way. Consequently, I don't think they will do so in fear of being massacred, called stupid, or labeled incompetent.

CoCo, thanks for interpreting my question thoroughly!:lol:

In my best Lucy Ewing voice: No one under-STANDS ME! :cry:

You didn't bother anyone. I never stopped loving you :kiss: Never will. Just behave yourself.

I was trying to figure out what was going on and why the question was presented the way it was.

Anyway, it's over and now we know that rape is still rape, no matter who it comes from or happens to.

Love you much Blossssom....:love2:

Thank you, Shim... I love you too... it hurt me to think I hurt you when I was being foolish. I'm glad you understand. Your unwavering love and support means more than words can ever express *sniff* :hug2:
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In my best Lucy Ewing voice: No one under-STANDS ME! :cry:

I 'understand' you. But there's someone else who loves and understands you even more. Someone who loves you beyond any distance placed upon maps or even a GPS device. Someone who loves you beyond the world wide web; beyond the universe, beyond the stars, beyond the Heavens above and the deepest of depths below.

Someone loves you and so much so that you are all He cares and thinks about. So much so, that if you at anytime have a need, it is His good pleasure to fulfill it for you beyond measure.

Someone loves you beyond the hurts and disappointments that you had and have seen in this life. Beyond the ones who have forsaken you and have disloyaled themselves to you and to the expectations that you had of them.

Someone who will never disappoint you; never leave you; never mislead you neither bleed you dry of hope, love, and tears. Someone who love for you demands nothing. Only to give to you more love.

This someone is Jesus. Jesus who has your name written upon His heart.....forever. And forever is just how long He will wait.......just for you, His beautiful and precious Blosssom. :love2: