Black People have the Worst Kind of Hair...

this is really sad. i feel sorry for the kid that had to hear this lady's RANT!

i would gave that lady a piece of reality!
That just does not make since...Dominicans come in all shapes colors and sizes...and have different hairtypes...from kinky to of my best friends who is Dominican is darker than me and has kinkier hair than I do...I have never seen this from their culture...most of them pride themselves for not being able to see color and for not being racist...I do not know what her problem is but she needs to go back to her roots...and I would never leave my kids alone with her...she needs some serious prayer...only God can help that...sorry you went through that...but I am happy you did the right let him handle it...if you would have said something...somehow you would have looked like a demon...some people are just a trip...
WTH?!!! How could she say such things? I would have handled all that differently because my mouth has no cover...but power to you for seeming to keep your cool...
I totally agree.... Im so sorry you had to experience that. And the poor little girl. I hope her daddy let her HAVE it. You know it's funny, our hair may not be the best to some but I think we have the coolest hair, we have so many options and when properly cared for it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I wouldn't fault you if you decided to keep any children you and SO may have away from her.. all you CAN do is PRAY for this woman b/c she needs that more than anything.

OMG! :blush:I know you wanted to:catfight:that is so sad that she'd say something like that-especially in front of a 4 year old. She needs her :spank:
So, he's definately a keeper!!!! [/quote]

uh huh:yep:! My advice, with a guy this fine forget the drama, move to another state where you and your children will never have to see your MIL.
I'm sorry you had to go through that and even sorrier for the young girl. Hearing something like that from a grandmother can be so damaging. You did the right thing in letting your SO handle the situation (and thankfully he did.)

Sometimes the only thing you can do for people with that mindset is to pray for them and that yoou don't have to go whoop somebody's...

...sorry, I was losing my religion there. :grin:
She is going to be a sad and lonely old woman unless she changes her ways. :nono: It's ironic that all the ugly words she uses to describe how black people look on the outside are the same words that describe her insides. :(

Thank You! She made a fool of herself all on her own and her conscience will eat her up in the end.
Wow, what a disgusting, miserable woman. She needs prayer (or a swift kick somewhere). It's sad that she can be so hateful.

I'm glad you have an SO who supports you and stands up for you.
I guess she forgets dominican/hispanic is not a race but an nationality/ethnicity...and i guess she forgets all that negro blood laced in her lineage/DNA. Ughh! And the cheek to take it out on the child/children? Man that would have been the moment i would have lost it...

That's what I was going to say....Mostly all South American and Central American people-except maybe the Indians from that part of the world-are mixed with Black/African. She should do some research and she'll find out that Africans were dropped off in that region before hitting the U.S. So yeah, she needs to hate herself too because she's at least a little Af-Am. And if she has a problem with it she should fault her ancestors!:lachen:
That's sad, because I'm sure that there are Black people in that family...even though Dominicans have so many categories over there...but I'm sure they have family members Alek Wek's color.
That's what I was going to say....Mostly all South American and Central American people-except maybe the Indians from that part of the world-are mixed with Black/African. She should do some research and she'll find out that Africans were dropped off in that region before hitting the U.S. So yeah, she needs to hate herself too because she's at least a little Af-Am. And if she has a problem with it she should fault her ancestors!:lachen:

She's more than a little Black, her father is half hatian, and he looks black, she's just in denial.

It's crazy b/c his great grandmother refused to have anything to do with her grand kids b/c she didn't want her daughter (my SO's grandmother) dating a dark skinned dominican...but eventually she gave in (my guess after she saw that the kids were light skinned with "good hair") and they started spending Summers at her house. She probably learned that crap from her, b/c my SO's grandmother is soo sweet, she damn sure didn't raise her kids to think that way:nono: have very pretty hair...I LOVE IT!!!!

:bighug: Thanks Ms.D

So, he's definately a keeper!!!!

uh huh:yep:! My advice, with a guy this fine forget the drama, move to another state where you and your children will never have to see your MIL.[/quote]
I know right! He looks so good...
op why is your future hubby so well HOT!!!!!!!!!! DOn't let his mother stand in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that's right!!!!:giggle:
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I'm sooo sorry that you had to go through all that. I've been a lurker for a long time, but I had to post something this time. I'm dominican and I'm not going to defend anyone, because I know that many dominicans can be veeeery ignorant in this subject. I can't go to just any dominican salon because in many of them they just want to relax my hair. My point is that although many dominicans can be racist(I don't know why because 90% of us are mixed with BLACK, therefore we are BLACK) not all of us are like that. It is just sad that so many of us are so ignorant.
that is horrible to say that...especially in front of a baby who doesn't understand her beauty and the words of a psychopath can have damaging effects. I mean girl you're better tan me. I would have been very passive agressive throwing supplies in bags like come on baby we aint gotta listen to this ignorance while we do your GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL LUSTUROUS and all that hair!!! But I agree on not fighting , you cant be fighting your husbands momma no matter how ignorant she is...i have sort of that situation with certain people in my SO's family but that just lowers you to their level. But also in respect for you your SO and anybody else not racist should entertain the idea of telling her that until she modifies her behavior and gives you some respect he won't be talking or interacting with her. That's what I would push for!!
Ok, so I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly 8 years. When we initially started dating, his Dominican family didn't like me, but I just chalked it up to them not wanting him to get too serious too fast (which was completely understandable).

It never occurred to me that they (well, not his whole family, just his mother and his little brother) are SERIOUSLY RACIST. His mother dates Black men, but she refused to marry them or have Kids with any of them becasue she doesn't want a child with (and I quote) NASTY KINKY BAD HAIR :nono:

I didn't used to hang around his family often because they can be very obvious in their dislike of me, but since he proposed, I felt like I needed to mend bridges, so in the past year, I started attending family functions...etc.

Well, last night, his uncle (who IS married to a Black woman) begged me to do his Daughter's hair b/c his wife is out of town. So I get there, and my SO's mother was geared and ready to put a re.laxer in that poor (4 year old's) beautiful hair. Not only was she combing her DRY HAIR but she was using a fine toothed comb. There were globs and globs of hair on the floor.

After I managed to get the re.laxer out of her reach and Luis (his uncle) tells her to let me take over, she gets pissed and starts screaming about how a Re.laxer is the only way to tame BAD HAIR and how she wishes her brother wouldn't have married a Black woman becasue we have the WORST HAIR in the world.

Then she tells me that I should be embarrassed to walk around with my Kinky hair b/c it looks and feels disgusting. According to her, Dark Skin Black people are the worst kind of people, and she cries just thinking about how Black her grandbaby's are going to be. Then she trys to convince my SO that he should find a Dominican girl to date, becase Black children are ugly (as she says this, she points at her 4 year old neice) ...That's when Luis gets into it with her...

Out of respect for my SO, I didn't say anything. I let him handle his mother, but I've been wanting to tell that ***** off for years!! I just let her go on her rant, while I braided his cousin's hair.

But my BLOOD WAS BOILING!!! Steam was coming out of my ears ya'll!
I don't know how I managed to stay calm, but if I ever have to be around that woman again...I don't know what I will say or do.

Anyway, I just needed to vent.
Good luck w/ your marriage. I don't know what is worse this lady or the voodoo lady.
I'm so sorry to hear this,...hope you can deal with this long term...This is where God's grace would have to pour down on me ..This is what happens when people have self hate ..that I'm dark your light ...who has more white blood in them prejudice is quite apparent. Unless your Blue blood European ,Full Oriental , Full East Indian ,full North American Indian ...then more than like you have African blood somewhere in you :grin:
I totally agree.... Im so sorry you had to experience that. And the poor little girl. I hope her daddy let her HAVE it. You know it's funny, our hair may not be the best to some but I think we have the coolest hair, we have so many options and when properly cared for it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I wouldn't fault you if you decided to keep any children you and SO may have away from her.. all you CAN do is PRAY for this woman b/c she needs that more than anything.

True that!
I guess she forgets dominican/hispanic is not a race but an nationality/ethnicity...and i guess she forgets all that negro blood laced in her lineage/DNA. Ughh! And the cheek to take it out on the child/children? Man that would have been the moment i would have lost it...

It seems to me that she is just perpetuating a well known attitude that exists amongst many Latino/Dominican/Mexican/Carribean and even some African women that they are superior to African-American women. Dominican women have been taught to believe that to be Black is dirty and an abomination (stemming from slavery, of course). Dark Black women were treated like dirt and were subject to the worst life possible while fair skinned black women were able to live a less miserable existence by serving their masters as house and nurse maids. Women like her have a deep seated hatred toward their own ancestry because they choose to be ignorant rather than know the truth. I agree with you Crissi. I must say that Ladykaypnc handled the situation with such restraint and finesse. God Bless you. The best thing that you could do in a situation like this is to distance yourself from this negativity and just pray for her and others like her.
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Girl don't u worry about her. Enjoy the rest of ur new family, don't waste time on someone who will never see it the way u do, enjoy ur fiancee and move on. Continue to embrace ur beautiful hair--cause it is sooo beautiful, girl i watch ur videos lol and try to not let it get to u cause some people r just ignorant
that is horrible to say that...especially in front of a baby who doesn't understand her beauty and the words of a psychopath can have damaging effects. I mean girl you're better tan me. I would have been very passive agressive throwing supplies in bags like come on baby we aint gotta listen to this ignorance while we do your GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL LUSTUROUS and all that hair!!! But I agree on not fighting , you cant be fighting your husbands momma no matter how ignorant she is...i have sort of that situation with certain people in my SO's family but that just lowers you to their level. But also in respect for you your SO and anybody else not racist should entertain the idea of telling her that until she modifies her behavior and gives you some respect he won't be talking or interacting with her. That's what I would push for!!

I'm right with you, as soon as she started pointedly picking on Winnie, I grabbed everything and finished her hair outside :nono:
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Much props to you, shame on her. As if lil black and brown girls don't have enough to contend should always at least feel comfortable in the homes of your family. I understand your restraint out of respect to your SO and the fact that she is older, but it would've been so difficult for me! She sounds like she was thirsty for a big tall glass of Slapaho flavored Kool-Aid :nono: