Black Women Don't Have Long Hair Vent

Blossssom said:
Again, how long is your hair, CG?

And as another poster said, it's almost like black women have to PROVE we too can grow long hair.

I believe that feeds into the obsession with long hair. I never felt I had toi prove anything to anyone, but I can understand those that do.

When stretched it is touching my shoulders. In it's natural state, it's coiled and doesn't go south. I would have to post a picture. I really can't describe it. Maybe one of the ladies from the last DC meeting, can describe it better for you.
In undergrad i knew 2 waistlengthed girls and both were stunners.They were my inspirations for growing my hair out of the toni/halle look again. I met both through my roomate one lived across the hall.She called her into our room one evening to show me because i had never seen a waistlength aa. The girl opened her hair in various areas to show me it was not a weave. yall me mouth dropped open and we all burst into laughter. I met the other girl later, both waistlenghted girls were friends and needless to say were well known on campus. And once when i was on my way to the public library downtown i seen a little girl with waistlength hair it was in barretts and twists all over the head so it probably was longer out of the twists. Lately (the past few yrs) i have not seen any waistlengths mostly shoulder and even fewer brastrap lengths. Now days my mouth drops open when i see the fellas, men are really doing it i see massive fros all the time! I think aa women can do it we just put extremely too much shyt in our hair and are constantly obsessing!
edited to say look at all the old pics of your mom and aunts "and them" :lol: they had massive fros and long hair too. I look at my family pics all the time.
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" A very ignorant co-worker told me tonight that a coworker's son likes white women. She says he likes white women because he likes long hair. She says black women don't have long hair. She says that explains why he doesn't like black women. The boy's mother is black with long hair. I told her I know plenty of black women with long hair." (Sorry, I don't know how to QUOTE properly)

Don't buy into some else FOOLISHNESS! You said so yourself a "IGNORANT" co-worker. An apple doesn't fall far from the tree (her son).

If it was not HAIR, it would be her SKIN COLOR, or NOSE, or some other foolish excuse to date who he wants to date. I've seen many white woman jacked up and damaged hair. They all do not have long hair, and many wear weaves (just as Brittany, Jessica, Cher, etc)

We do not need to prove ourselves or our hair to ignorant folks, who would just find another reason to hate us!

Steeping off my box... Peace and Love, CurliDiva:)
CurliDiva said:
If it was not HAIR, it would be her SKIN COLOR, or NOSE, or some other foolish excuse to date who he wants to date. I've seen many white woman jacked up and damaged hair. They all do not have long hair, and many wear weaves (just as Brittany, Jessica, Cher, etc

What I don't get is why do the men feel they need an excuse? Even white men who date Asian women have an EXCUSE for not dating white women.

Country gal said:
A very ignorant co-worker told me tonight that a coworker's son likes white women. She says he likes white women becasue he likes long hair. She says black women don't have long hair. She says that explains why he doesn't like black women. The boy's mother is black with long hair. I told her I know plenty of black women with long hair.

this is funny!!!!LOL>>>>>>i think i would have respected her statement more if she would have said that her son prefers white women because they
generally have longer and straighter hair than woman of african descent...and i do believe this is what she meant..
Blossssom said:
What I don't get is why do the men feel they need an excuse? Even white men who date Asian women have an EXCUSE for not dating white women.


What is their excuse?
this hispanic girl told me once when i was wearing my hair in loose braidout: " wow is that all your hair? it's long!" mind you, my hair was about 1" from brastrap or something like that. But anyway, I didnt' even consider it as a compliment because she has mid-back length hair that she doesn't even consider that long and it seems like it was just a pity compliment to me... so i was like 'hm thanx' ....

there's this girl at my school, she's Haitian too and in 9th grade we started off with the same hair length, and right now, she's just a few inches from her waist, and trust me, we have the same hair texture, we're both relaxed. some might say something like how they dont see haitians or blacks with long hair, and another will say PersonA (the girl) has waistlength hair and they'll be like 'yeah well that's because she's part white"... and i keep thinking wow... i could have been right there with her and proved them wrong, but I didn't know how to care for my hair back then. There's this other girl too PersonB with very long hair and she has SOME white ancestry... and everyone attributes it to that too... she's a protective style wearer, we have the same hair texture.... she is also relaxed. i used to admire her hair but now when I look at it, i'm like ok it's long, but not with much body, and I've learned to appreciate my hair more. I still admire personA 's hair and hope to have mine long and thick like hers... but i'm not obssessing. I will get there sometime next year with LHCF.

i want to be at length that makes me happy, and one at which people wont be able to give me these PITY compliments, a length that EVERY race considers long, so they dont' start giving me that 'is that your hair?" crap :ohwell:
CarLiTa said:
i want to be at length that makes me happy, and one at which people wont be able to give me these PITY compliments, a length that EVERY race considers long, so they dont' start giving me that 'is that your hair?" crap :ohwell:

Girl, TELL IT!! I'm convinced that half of the time when they're giving those 'compliments', what they really mean is 'long for a black girl'.

Would Becky with hair at her shoulder blades be told 'Wow, your hair is SO long!'?
MizAvalon said:
Girl, TELL IT!! I'm convinced that half of the time when they're giving those 'compliments', what they really mean is 'long for a black girl'.

Would Becky with hair at her shoulder blades be told 'Wow, your hair is SO long!'?

LOL! Becky! :)

Heck no she wouldn't!

And when someone says your hair is long, why is that a compliment? Are you supposed to say thank you? I don't know...
Country gal said:
What is their excuse?

Asian girls are more traditional and hold family and marriage higher in their list of priorities. White (american) women are too independent, bossy, too career focused. These were the reasons given by some men on a talk show I saw. The brides were all foreign born but not all from Asia.
UmSumayyah said:
Asian girls are more traditional and hold family and marriage higher in their list of priorities. White (american) women are too independent, bossy, too career focused. These were the reasons given by some men on a talk show I saw. The brides were all foreign born but not all from Asia.

Yep! I heard the same thing... white women ran their mouthes too much; was too bossy and too busy competing with men for their jobs.

Asian and Russian women seem to be the norm...
Aren't the vast majority of Russians white?

It's funny, I've never heard these things. Black men have just told me that they like white women (my cousin)... others just say they like anything. They've never given me BS reasons.

Oh well, if that's what they like I don't care, if they are so ignorant and hate themsleves so much that they can't date someone of the same race... I truly don't want them. Let the Asians and whites have them :lol:
Maybe you should just tell her to come to NYC. Sometimes I feel like every black girl here has long hair(except for me:ohwell: ).
Blossssom said:
And when someone says your hair is long, why is that a compliment? Are you supposed to say thank you? I don't know...

that's a good question Blossom, i really don't know what to say... sometimes i'll just be like '...yeah, i'm trying to grow out' or i'll just like 'ok' but some people say it with the look '...but...but black girls don't have long hair!' so i'll just mumble a thanx because it's weird... like it's a feat for me to have gotten it this long... heck i just hit brastrap, so what were they talking about

lol about the Becky comment... there actually was a Becky in our class, with shoulder-blade length hair and she never got those comments... but no, black girl out of the norm! attack me!