Black Men Prefer White Women Because They Are More Understanding???


New Member
First I would like to say that it's 2010 and everything is still all about racial stereotypes.:nono:

I was on Twitter the other day and I came across Comedian Lil Duval tweet about how black men date white women because they are more understanding. Now he is always making jokes so I did not get offended or by what he said. But it sparked my interest. I starting asking people about this from different races, men and women and it seem they all hold the stereotype of the "Angry Black Woman." Even some black women agreed!

You can peep some Lil Duval's comments as well as the responses I got by clicking the links below. They blew my mind.

Personally I do not buy into stereotypes. I think women are women. Am I being naive? What is you all opinion on this?
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I've heard the same nonsense and that's what it is - nonsense.

Black women put up with a lot from black men and sometimes, with no help. I can't stand black men who make excuses about why they date white women. If you genuinely like her, great, but don't put us down in the process.
Some black men date white women because that is their preference, that is who they are attracted to, and who they want to f---. It has nothing to do with black women. Men who use that excuse are punks IMO.
Hi poeticmusiqu! :wave: Looks like you're new to the Relationship Forum! Welcome!

Now that that's out of the way... :look:

Seriously, WHY are black women wasting their time listening to what thugged out idiot rappers/comedians have to say and even worse, WHY are they actually paying attention to it???

I honestly won't be "peeping" anything that idiots have to say because I don't let nonsense and idiocy into my life. I think it would be best if NO black woman in this thread looked at the comments and if NO black women posted them on message boards like this one that promotes POSITIVE discussion about black women.

Instead, let's post about why black women are amazing, awesome and deserve the best that life has to offer -- including the love of a good man!

(I'm not mad at you poeticmusiqu... I just would like to think that this forum has a no-tolerance level for anti-BW bullshyt and I hope you sign on! :))
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I actually met this guy before and that other comedian shorty when I was about 18, trust me, coming from him that statement does not hold much value to me at least.

Don't say you date white women because they are more understanding when you really mean you date a certain type of woman because she is a pushover that will not call you out when you are wrong and puts up with your bs.

Personally, that is insulting to both sides because many women of all races have enough common sense to not put up with the foolishness.
Man, I"m glad she returned to the blogosphere
What do you do when you’re presented with various provocative stimuli, such as the anti-Black woman verbal droppings of damaged Black men? Do you automatically snap to attention and assume the role of a crusading, Sister Soldier? Do you jump into battle to engage in cyber-brawls with them? Leaving aside the “bad look” issue, if all of your major needs are already being met, then you’ve got ample time to fight them over their verbal droppings.

However . . .

if you’re living somewhere unsafe;
if you’re not financially secure;
if your belonging and intimacy needs are not being met;

. . . then how in the world do you have any time, even a split second, to invest in responding to the latest anti-Black woman verbal dropping of this week’s damaged Black man?
I think some of them buy into the White people are better. Because no one can believe that all of anything in any group is all alike and therefore not understanding. lol. And if it were only the skin color or hair texture still not buying that because there are Black people that are light as light can get and wavy use a blow dryer straight hair. So I think some are race struct. Buy hey just my o.
I'm trying to figure out what genetically makes a white women more understanding? Maybe ole boy hooked up with the wrong black women. I hope he doesn't ruin his conclusion by hooking up with the wrong white woman, cause they are out there.
White women are more trusting. Black women were raised to be less trusting. They can detect bull**** faster because they were taught that they had to be strong. I think a lot of it comes from black women being brought up in broken homes and not having an example of a positive, permanent male figure in their lives. They see what their mothers went through with men and they adapt those same types of attitudes. So as far as the stereotype being true it is to a certain degree

While I understand this guy's point, who exactly does one blame for these girls being raised with such mentality?
While I understand this guy's point, who exactly does one blame for these girls being raised with such mentality?

I'm sure the blame will fall on black women again-- the argument would be that the father is MIA therefore he has very little influence over how these girls are raised. So it's the momma's fault.

I wonder what people would say about biracial kids raised by a single white mother. Do the daughter's typically grow to be less trusting of men, black or otherwise, as well? :scratchch
I was driving with a Liberian cab driver who told me he married an African American woman..I asked if his family felt betrayed by him not marrying a Liberian woman. He told me that it is best for a man to marry into the culture that he wants to learn about.. and what better way to learn about American culture than to marry an African American woman.. That got me to thinking.. Black men are shut out of the white culture.. mostly feared, misunderstood or disrespected moreso than any other culture of men. Can you imagine what this has done to their self-esteem.. I think black men marry/date white women to have the door of white culture open to him. White women can help them navigate in that arena through contacts and then white people/white men in particular who meet the White woman's Black man can see he really isn't the bad guy they thought he was and then the Black man in his small circle can feel the acceptance he has always strove for.....
I was driving with a Liberian cab driver who told me he married an African American woman..I asked if his family felt betrayed by him not marrying a Liberian woman. He told me that it is best for a man to marry into the culture that he wants to learn about.. and what better way to learn about American culture than to marry an African American woman.. That got me to thinking.. Black men are shut out of the white culture.. mostly feared, misunderstood or disrespected moreso than any other culture of men. Can you imagine what this has done to their self-esteem.. I think black men marry/date white women to have the door of white culture open to him. White women can help them navigate in that arena through contacts and then white people/white men in particular who meet the White woman's Black man can see he really isn't the bad guy they thought he was and then the Black man in his small circle can feel the acceptance he has always strove for.....

Boy oh boy, is he in for a rude awakening when they still see him as just another nigg,er. I know what you're saying, but the reality of race in this country is ever present.
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Boy oh boy, is he in for a rude awakening when they still see him as just another nigg,er. I know what your saying, but the reality of race in this country is ever present.

Thank you :yep::yep::yep:; I don't care how many white women black men marry, at the end of the day, they will ALWAYS be seen as a BLACK MAN IN AMERICA...period. It appears that some of them forget this until they land in hot water.
OK so maybe the reverse is true for why black women date white men? Both genders can go back and forth with this
Anyone who has to justify why they date another race by putting down their own isn't secure in their decision to date/marry out. I've dated all types and I never felt the need to justify my decision. The men I date never put their own women down, and I wouldn't tolerate such bs anyway. Why? White, brown, tan, are men (and women are women) and any grown person with enough sense realizes that. I give the side eye to men who get some crazy satisfaction by throwing their dating/marriage choice into everyone's face, and I give the side eye to women who mess around with men who talk so much crap about their own women. If you are so happy with white or whatever women, why are black women still on your mind? What's really going on here?
Most whites (or people who have not had to struggle) tend to be more gullible and fall for lines while blacks (or people who know the game) have been taught what to look out for. So it is easy to run game on some "type" of people. Tiger had about 18 going and all thought they would be the next pretty women. Bunny was right, why listen to any man that compare me with anyone. Moving on.
Some these men really need Jesus in their lives. This same stupidness. Back men date white women because white women like them end of story. Why do people have to justify what are their preferences. It is so old!
Most whites (or people who have not had to struggle) tend to be more gullible and fall for lines while blacks (or people who know the game) have been taught what to look out for. So it is easy to run game on some "type" of people. Tiger had about 18 going and all thought they would be the next pretty women. Bunny was right, why listen to any man that compare me with anyone. Moving on.

isnt being gullible/running game one of the reasons for teen pregnancy/OOW kids?

who's leading in that
Some black men date white women because that is their preference, that is who they are attracted to, and who they want to f---. It has nothing to do with black women. Men who use that excuse are punks IMO.

:lachen: Look at what yall made Hopeful do.
I know what you mean, it's okay girl, we all have our moments when we just gotta let it go :yep:

That's how I feel too!!! :)

And the thing is, I'm probably less bothered by the black men who say these things (I've written those types of men off because they more irrelevant to me than the lint under my couch), but I'm really bothered that black women are feeding into this mess, constantly discussing it and giving it power.

Seriously, the more black women talk about this, the more power we give to ignorance. We want to debate about every word that comes out of some Lil' Somebody's mouth.

Really, WHY are we doing this to OURSELVES??? I just want us to be better than that, seriously.
That's how I feel too!!! :)

And the thing is, I'm probably less bothered by the black men who say these things (I've written those types of men off because they more irrelevant to me than the lint under my couch), but I'm really bothered that black women are feeding into this mess, constantly discussing it and giving it power.

Seriously, the more black women talk about this, the more power we give to ignorance. We want to debate about every word that comes out of some Lil' Somebody's mouth.

Really, WHY are we doing this to OURSELVES??? I just want us to be better than that, seriously.

I agree with everything you said :yep:

And you're right, BW really have to stop doing this to themselves :nono:
ITA with Bunny77 (again) :lol:

These men (who post this BS) are worthless. They want to abuse, degrade and break someone down. All I know is he won't be doing anything like that to ME, so *shrug*. He is irrelevant to my life. I'm married, so I'm not looking to date this clown. Even if he were the last thang standing I'd go without. He doesn't feed, finance or romance me... he's just another Damaged Beyond Repair clown. His opinion matters not a whit.
I know :lol: I was like "Uh oh :look: Hopeful's not biting her tongue on this one" :lol:

I know what you mean, it's okay girl, we all have our moments when we just gotta let it go :yep:

Thank you HoneyComb :kiss: for understanding. My view on this has always been that folks are going to love and marry who they want. And if someone doesn't want me, I don't want them. So I've always been whatever about the whole issue but this let's blame the black woman twist is annoying and very unfair. I'm happily married but I have daughters and I care about the ladies on this board and I don't want them to take on one more insult, not one more. Telling single women they are too fat, too demanding, too this and too that. I'm just like whatever man don't spew that mess. It's just something about your own putting you down to make themselves look/ feel better. No loyalty at all, no protective nature at all. Anyway, y'all tune it out. Sure some of us are a trip, but the majority of us are loving, giving, kind, and beautiful, and I still believe most men, especially black men love us just the way we are. My message to the men who date white is do you and be man enough to own the choice without blaming someone else.