Bizarre....The man I cried over years ago as my Soulmate..resurfaces...<long>


Well-Known Member
I have not been in touch with him except occasionally to ask him
a favor...and...always in email.....never on the phone
to write me a letter of reccomendation.....the last lettter was two years ago
....I always felt it was LEAST he could do after hurting me
he was the one it took me six years to get over...

Anyways I am applying to art colonies and the like and dashed off a very impersonal request for another letter this morning from my ex...he's an artist and I added the link to the online rec form which consists of two questions..can this person get along in an art colony?
environment? and this person qualified?

since he already has written a letter for me......all he has to answer yes in both questions and then add 'see attached letter' which amplifies the answers..
no brainer:grin:

I get a call this evening on my voicemail and it's him!!! I have not heard his voice in five years. He says his first I would know..who it is....which I did not at first
and he says that he got my email and he can do this rec letter tommorw...but we should talk to figure out how
and he wll call me tomorrow!!!:blush:
I KNOW him...he has written recs for me before and never had one phone convo before..

Two things

1.I am an intuitive and especially around this person. I have had strange occurences I posted about in the past...that happen for years and are ongoing

when we broke up..... six weeks later after doing a special prayer ritual
praying for reconciliation... I am stopped in the subway by a woman and who noticing the guitar on my back sees I am a musician....she gives me her CD to look at and as I see an unusual name on it it reminds me of the name of an exgirlfriend my boyfriend dated years in the past
I ask her if it is her...and YES
the random strange woman who stopped me in the subway..after a special prayer vigil was my exboyfriend's exgirlfriend!!!!!
and out of that he and I got back together

...many odd odd odd occurenes
but here's one more recent
years ex and I are walking to his house....he's 6'4 and at 5'1
I have to jog a litttle to keep up we pass a car that says on its license plate........2fas4uc......translate.. too fast for you see?

well recently a month ago...... I saw a license plate that said
cawtup2u......translate..caught up to you!
I immmediately thought of him and said ..naaaaah we are not even communicating

2..I actually had a prayer partner for lent and we specifically prayed about
this my prayer partner even asked me
did you hear from so-and so?
and now the man I'm currently seeing has been talking on and off about being exclusive...though some issues have come up with us..

Anyways......I KNOW him..the ex....
he completely ignores email when he wants to connect ...
alternately he uses email when he wants to stay distant and in this case
there is NOTHING to talk about.... the rec letter's pretty self explanatory
and he's done it BEFORE w/out talking
and via email only

the deal we had when we broke up was that he was NEVER
to call me again unless it was to propose

I cannot talk to him
I refuse to talk to him I will start crying....:nono:
I am still in love with him
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Wow Kayte....that story is fascinating. I had a couple of different reactions.

First it could be that you truly are meant to be together and you are receiving signs to indicate that maybe the time is right for you to re-ignite your relationship.

On the other hand however, it could be that your attention, thought, and prayer, (not to mention the emails) are creating an energetic connection betwen the two of you and that's why he keeps showing up.

A few years ago I had a similar situation where I would run into this dude I had broke up with in the oddest places or on one occassion I had a dream about him, woke him and literally minutes later he called after months of no contact. Another time when I was sure I was finally done with him and moving on with my life I ran into in my neighborhood....even though by that time I had moved 3000 miles away from where he lived!!

I was sure it meant we were supposed to be together or had unfinished business. But when I shared it with a spiritual counselor she said that while that could be the case, sometimes people will pop up in your lfie because you are still energetically/telepathically connected. They sense that you are thinking about them which makes them start thinking about you and the next thing you know you connect in some way. OR she said if you have a strong connection with a person but then energetically sever it (e.g. start seeing someone else) they can also sense the absence of your energy and may reach out to you to keep the connection flowing.

In my case, it became clear that we weren't meant to be together...but girl, only you would know where your situtaion will lead....I wish you all the best.
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I don't know what to say Kayte. Just (((hugs))) and hope things work out the way you want. But, if you really don't want to talk to him (which I'm not convinced of) just e-mail him back: found another person to do the rec, thanks anyway, not available to talk tomorrow. Then stop requesting recs from here on out--I know you could think of someone else on this earth who could do your recs.
I don't see the problem. He did something so soul shattering that it took you 6 years to get over. If you can avoid seeing him to not let feelings "rise up" then do so.

Not everything that looks good is good but you have the past to show you what the future well may be. Tread cautiously. Sometimes we want something so bad, everything we take as a "sign" and that might not be the case at all. Pray about it.
Initially I felt I was asking for the recs out of a sense of entitlement and anger
I felt he OWED me.....but the truth is I STILL care
and I need to cop to that

so I emailed explaining the simplicity of the recs
and said he did not have to trouble to call...
but if he needed to get in touch with me directly
my home number would be best instead of voicemail

Praying so...hard.....on this and my current dating relationship
please pray for me :)
Wow Kayte....that story is fascinating. I had a couple of different reactions.

First it could be that you truly are meant to be together and you are receiving signs to indicate that maybe the time is right for you to re-ignite your relationship.

On the other hand however, it could be that your attention, thought, and prayer, (not to mention the emails) are creating an energetic connection betwen the two of you and that's why he keeps showing up.

A few years ago I had a similar situation where I would run into this dude I had broke up with in the oddest places or on one occassion I had a dream about him, woke him and literally minutes later he called after months of no contact. Another time when I was sure I was finally done with him and moving on with my life I ran into in my neighborhood....even though by that time I had moved 3000 miles away from where he lived!!

I was sure it meant we were supposed to be together or had unfinished business. But when I shared it with a spiritual counselor she said that while that could be the case, sometimes people will pop up in your lfie because you are still energetically/telepathically connected. They sense that you are thinking about them which makes them start thinking about you and the next thing you know you connect in some way. OR she said if you have a strong connection with a person but then energetically sever it (e.g. start seeing someone else) they can also sense the absence of your energy and may reach out to you to keep the connection flowing.

In my case, it became clear that we weren't meant to be together...but girl, only you would know where your situtaion will lead....I wish you all the best.


if you have a strong connection with a person but then energetically sever it (e.g. start seeing someone else) they can also sense the absence of your energy and may reach out to you to keep the connection flowing.

I am seeing someone new...who I care about:yep:
I say talk to him. At the very least you both may get the closure you need to finally let it go.

Good luck to you.
I so want to talk to him...though I have prayed about it...and it was still
unexpected that he would initiate a call! I kept listening to his voice...
lol...he sounded soooo nervous...
after all these years ....I am still so smitten
So he called email did not mention or ask for a "please call"......let alone even offer a phone number......and that's he going to call me again tomm
so "we" can take care of this..."we" need to talk
he's in some kind of weird pursuit..
in the past...we would talk of business and digressd to

...hey...come for dinner!...or let's meet for tea

but am going to keep to the casual phone calls allowed
and it will blow over..
if it turns out...he does want something special ...he knows where to find me

it does mean going forward as Hopeful suggested.....
to get recs elsewhere to forestall any more future confusion
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I have not been in touch with him except occasionally to ask him
a favor...and...always in email.....never on the phone
to write me a letter of reccomendation.....the last lettter was two years ago
....I always felt it was LEAST he could do after hurting me
he was the one it took me six years to get over...

Anyways I am applying to art colonies and the like and dashed off a very impersonal request for another letter this morning from my ex...he's an artist and I added the link to the online rec form which consists of two questions..can this person get along in an art colony?
environment? and this person qualified?

since he already has written a letter for me......all he has to answer yes in both questions and then add 'see attached letter' which amplifies the answers..
no brainer:grin:

I get a call this evening on my voicemail and it's him!!! I have not heard his voice in five years. He says his first I would know..who it is....which I did not at first
and he says that he got my email and he can do this rec letter tommorw...but we should talk to figure out how
and he wll call me tomorrow!!!:blush:
I KNOW him...he has written recs for me before and never had one phone convo before..

Two things

1.I am an intuitive and especially around this person. I have had strange occurences I posted about in the past...that happen for years and are ongoing

when we broke up..... six weeks later after doing a special prayer ritual
praying for reconciliation... I am stopped in the subway by a woman and who noticing the guitar on my back sees I am a musician....she gives me her CD to look at and as I see an unusual name on it it reminds me of the name of an exgirlfriend my boyfriend dated years in the past
I ask her if it is her...and YES
the random strange woman who stopped me in the subway..after a special prayer vigil was my exboyfriend's exgirlfriend!!!!!
and out of that he and I got back together

...many odd odd odd occurenes
but here's one more recent
years ex and I are walking to his house....he's 6'4 and at 5'1
I have to jog a litttle to keep up we pass a car that says on its license plate........2fas4uc......translate.. too fast for you see?

well recently a month ago...... I saw a license plate that said
cawtup2u......translate..caught up to you!
I immmediately thought of him and said ..naaaaah we are not even communicating

2..I actually had a prayer partner for lent and we specifically prayed about
this my prayer partner even asked me
did you hear from so-and so?
and now the man I'm currently seeing has been talking on and off about being exclusive...though some issues have come up with us..

Anyways......I KNOW him..the ex....
he completely ignores email when he wants to connect ...
alternately he uses email when he wants to stay distant and in this case
there is NOTHING to talk about.... the rec letter's pretty self explanatory
and he's done it BEFORE w/out talking
and via email only

the deal we had when we broke up was that he was NEVER
to call me again unless it was to propose

I cannot talk to him
I refuse to talk to him I will start crying....:nono:
I am still in love with him

I like stories like these.

Maybe NOW it's time for both of you to get together again. You both have grown and will have a new found appreciation for one another.

I believe in reading the "signs" the universe (or God) sends us. Go with your instincts. I hope it works out for you.
I like stories like these.

Maybe NOW it's time for both of you to get together again. You both have grown and will have a new found appreciation for one another.

I believe in reading the "signs" the universe (or God) sends us. Go with your instincts. I hope it works out for you.

Me too!!!
those signs never stop.......about him.....

years ago....I once joked to myself one my way to the river to meditate...he's jewish
if we ever had twins I'd name them Zion and Zane....

as I am thinking this...a truck rumbles by....with the word HYBRID on it
I stop in my tracks.....I think I remembered the word..HYBRID to mean offspring of mixed parentage but I'm not sure I gop right home to look up the word HYBRID in my dictionary as I do the dictionary "jumps" in my hand and I almost lose my place but since I KNOW I'm an intuitive by the gift of The Holy Spirit...I keep my thumb where the book jumped and proceed to read HYBRID definition "offspring of genetically different parents" as I take that in...I go to look where the book jumped ..
it is towns in the USA....
Zanesville Ohio
Zion Illinois
I screamed and dropped the book.

Flash forward to February of this year 2010 on my tour in Calif sitting next to a young Christian mother who'd been abused. We told each other our stories. I tell her some of my story about the ex and she said...if there is one MORE sign ..soon..that should tell you never to give up.

Well....the bus has to make some unexpected stops....becuae it had broken down....the next unexpected stop after she got off?

I just shrugged.....and the cawtup2u this point? shrug ..shrug
but his calling totally freaked me out

I have NEVER stopped caring for him..never stopped praying about this relationship...any of my posts relating to a past love usually refers to him
or my exhusband....more recently the writer. I will try to find a couple of past posts for context

I met him at an art colony...10 years ago and by now... there is a pattern and it's this if I were to participate

I have called him in the past over "art business"
he calls me back right away ...we talk for HOURS reconnecting
agree to meet right sporadically.....are sexual....
then there is a heartbreaking break-up
AGAIN as he gets involved exclusively with a JEWISH woman

to protect my heart....
I found that art business could be conducted over email and it's a rare
occasion to email him...and when it happens ...he Only emails back...what's informal casually friendly supportive on his part..
feigned non commital on mine...and to be's been a way I keep connected

by now I KNOW him
he NEVER calls me unless he's into wanting to see me.. I KNOW IT
and the rec business makes it a safe smoke screen/excuse
as in the past only this time...I am dismantling that particular game
and I will release ever contacting him again in the future

I'm cyncial about reconnecting in person without our original boundary

Only call me/see me... if you are going to propose
and I encouraged him in an just email....rather than call me
because we BOTH know and ARE FULLY AWARE of WHAT THAT will lead to
otherwise you are using me and I am wasting my time and precious body

and now that whole game is over
it is ALL on him
& that's been the whole trouble.....Prayers appreciated
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Oh, he's Jewish, huh?

I notice they tend to marry into their own culture to appease their parents moreso than anything else. It also depends on how religious they are.

The women can basically do what they want to do, because the jewish line stays with them. The man has to be strong enough to go with HIS feelings on the matter and ignore what his domineering mother might say (they mostly all have one of these).

I really, really hope he's the one. I do. Seriously.

I believe all relationships I've had (good, bad or indifferent) is a learning process to help me appreciate the one I'm SUPPOSED to be with if and when he ever comes around.

You don't know how happy and relieved I am that I never had any children with those fools! Thank you Jesus!
Oh, he's Jewish, huh?

I notice they tend to marry into their own culture to appease their parents moreso than anything else. It also depends on how religious they are.

The women can basically do what they want to do, because the jewish line stays with them. The man has to be strong enough to go with HIS feelings on the matter and ignore what his domineering mother might say (they mostly all have one of these).

I really, really hope he's the one. I do. Seriously.

I believe all relationships I've had (good, bad or indifferent) is a learning process to help me appreciate the one I'm SUPPOSED to be with if and when he ever comes around.

You don't know how happy and relieved I am that I never had any children with those fools! Thank you Jesus!

I married a Jewish man at one time in my life
and so I know not all of them subscribe to that pressure and it
was considerable pressure on my exhusband...but he brushed it off

a lot of them do and with this was a HUGE conflict with us
HUGE...{his exwife was irish and she was supposed to convert}

but it was the BIG BIG UNHAPPY TOPIC..
and the odd thing was he was not one of those men like DeNiro
but he unabashedly said black women have a beauty white women can never..have.
he was not trying to butter me up...he never had to
but it was a core there it was
black Christian woman at odds with his religion.....or vice-versa
it was a torture..for everybody :nono:
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I notice they tend to marry into their own culture to appease their parents moreso than anything else. It also depends on how religious they are.
totally..Iknw this is true of him
the last woman he had begun to see while I still saw him
was jewish ...good friend of his sister in law
and had the same jewish name as his mother
So he is a practicing Jewish person and you are a practicing Christian? Are you aware that in praying for a situation, you can pray yourself into that situation? Sometimes if you ask long enough, you will get what you want, but it may not be what you need.

I totally believe in signs also but I also believe in spiritual discernment. You and your prayer partner should both pray for that. When you have to speak with him, ask the Holy Spirit to fill your mouth with the words that need to be spoken. I bet if you do these two things, you will gain better clarity about the situation.
Without getting overly into the theological ..prayer is the means to spiritually
construct a discernment..

I pray what is in my heart....
and offer that as a the person I trust to pray with me
not every Christian I trust and it is with tremendous sadness I no longer post in CF
where I was a regular and loyal member of that community
because of the shoulds and other arbitrary parameters that have little or nothing
to do with Christianity

today.. I have clarity on what to do and what not to do..with this person
but my heart is still soft towards him and probably always will be
the truth is I still care and I am still angry with him...that's the page I am on with it
and in terms of signs will be revealed in God's time and
God's way...even if they are baffling in their fluency and persistence
it is a gift of The Holy Spirit
My mother has it..My brother has it...
I am intuitive and not just in romance....across the board
sometimes I wish I did'nt have it....

this man was one of the best spiritual teachers I have ever had
becauase of him many practices I took for granted
in romantic relationships changed drastically....for the better
and I was forced to go into the dessert for six years to get to
a healing place to make those decisions

I talk about this one man {the writer}that felt like he was a significant potential partner
and he turned out to be abusive and at the time I was so hurt myself
I thought ...haven't I DONE THE WORK? is it that I STILL attract ...THIS?

and then I realized the healing the strength was in that I recognized abuse right away and almost immediately left.....and when he returned...twice...
I had the strength to end it..I love myself more than any fantasy

with each ...guy... we learn.....if we are open
and maybe that renders as spiritutal discernment

there are no shoulds...
only what is
left in God's hands
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When you have to speak with him, ask the Holy Spirit to fill your mouth with the words that need to be spoken.
if we ever speak again....
I will do this
I tend to do this automatically anyways in situations like this
Thanks Vev :)
really appreciate that

I just keep thinking about that thread abou the mushrooms & pangs
that are really a rebirth..

and I have two brothers one older and one
younger... ...I love them dearly with everything I have
my sibs and I are very close..but in an odd way
my dad near the end of his life and I had an arguement ...he refused to speak to me..and then after his death...

independent of each other...and for different reasons
both brothers got angry with me and both...
without the other knowing refused to speak to me
I know that on some level...however..subtle...that energy filters into my love the how or why I connect with ..who ever
I am doing a special spiritual practice this year.....
and tryng harder to release the old games
..such today I hav decided to release the game "email the ex"
I will now never contact him again

Anyways...following this spirtutal Feb when I was on tour...I saw my younger brother.......he hugged me ...he aplogized ansd he began crying big 6'2 little brother and began talking to me
last week....independent of the othe I get a call from my older brother and he and I had a long talk affirmed that we loved each other
that's no accident ...the two brothers are not in with each so neither knew
about the other's decision to not talk or to begin talking....
but in the same year...within weeks of each other began reconnectiong

I dont see that as random and it can only have an affirming effect
I still remember this year....waking up with the vision of the word Jeremy
only spelled JAREMI and that there is a site with that name and there was prophecy ...for me
I also found in February where I posted about my ex
and note the timing was pre-lent and it is
now one week after Easter.....that he called

both of those posts seem remind me about him
here they are:yep:

I am also coming up on one decade of the breakup with the man
I considered my soul-mate..the relationship changed my life
and it was during this time in Lent 10 years ago
to this exact period.....that I first began experiencing intuitive connections

I feel compelled somehow to put this into prayer at this tenth year benchmark
I took a nap and when I woke up the vision of the word Jeremy came to mind
but it was spelled JAREMI...I googled it

there actually IS a website called Jaremi..I excerpted this

Just like the Lord is and has started this year the remnant will be restored by a comeback annointing,God will mysteriously break their habits with whatever means possible to make sure they will never go back to them and he

HE will raise them with undesputable annointing.

God will use them along with the fathers that have remained in the faith so that,they will be their advisors and others will be their prayer warriors ,others financiers etc
but for sure this year God will actualise it and it wil be visible to all and already before the end of february,new servants moving with a new wave of annointing that is so tangible and undisputable will hit the media and break history,miracles never seen before sshall be seen


I am going to see the AAwoman pastor at my church
for an appointment about all of this
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From your posts I thought you were an air sign like Aquarius with a splash of Pisces rising. Very metaphysical/spiritual.

at one point I thought I was going crazy
It's not ....always pleasant ....
I consulted every cleric that I could...
...sigh.. learn to accept it...

it's in my family.....

onc my brother's wife was on a bus in a strange city...she was from Canada ...she felt drawn to sit next to another woman and asked her about fun things to do in the city...the woman recommended
a restaurant

my sil had gone there w/my brother and said she'd been there before with her husband....and said some thing about him in passing..maybe what they'd ordered.... that the other woman picked up and asked my sil acouple ofquestions and then the woman said my brther's name
it turns out that woman had DATED my brother...

the next one is an unpleasant one..they come up too

A woman emailed me a FORWARD...that had sudden death in the subject line was a horrible message about how if you do not love
Jesus...that cld happen....and it told of violent stories
about deaths of non believers
I emailed her back and said ..this is NOT of can you be my friend..and send this awful thing about Christain revenge....there's no such thing

I told a good friend of mine ..a lovely man who acted as spiritual mentor to me.....who I cofinded everything....he'd had his own miracle ..his exwife of 19 years had come back and they remarried....very inspirational
I told him and how her forward scared me and he said ...comforting things about it....
and I said I'm turning 50 that a warning for me ?
he said "no I'm 57 and I have many plans for the next part of my life.
going to go back to school and get another degree..lots of things!!!"

I hung up feeling comforted
and encouraged :)

the next week when I tried to call him at work
on another matter ....his machine said he was out of the office..and referred to another social worker who was taking his place..
I called his his voice mail ...and dropped the matter for another two
called him at the same message...his cell this time was out of order
and now I was scared...
called his work and spoke to the referral person who refused to give info and NOW
I googled his name on the internet and it said my dear dear
friend had gone to be with ancestors
it fully acknowledged his death was sudden and a everyone ...

he was the one who had died ..suddenly
he was going to the doctor with pains in his back
hailing a taxi.....when he literally dropped down dead

it was awful awful awful..knowing the last conversation I had
was to call him specifically about my fear about sudden death and his comforting me about
less than a few weeks later...he dies suddenly

It messed with my mind..and I loved him and miss him
and now I think God wanted him to not to be afriad...

anyways ..across the board...not just romance
in all areas...this odd sometimes troubling gift
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I say talk to him. At the very least you both may get the closure you need to finally let it go.

Good luck to you.

I am still very angry but I cannot ignore that he called me
and I'd been praying about it!!!...ten year anniversary of the breakup with my prayer partner..I said I felt moved to pray on it

and those signs....cawtup2u.
caught up to you!....
after years ago..the sign that said
2fas4uc...too fast for you,see?

So what happens?
I now get an answer?!?
...and I IGNORE IT:yawn:

whose fault is that?
I made an appt to see my minister very soon...and will confer w/my prayer partner but I am just about decided TO TALK to him....
as wasstated maybe t get closure
re-reading the JAREMI prohpecy,too
This is what influenced me....................:yep:

Step into Your Promised Land Today!
By Brooke Keith
Guest Writer - “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

Just the other day I was thinking about the Israelites and the long trip they made to the promised land of Canaan. A covenant God made with Abraham long before the trip, victory was promised before they even struck out for the land of milk and honey . . . it just needed to be claimed. Even in today’s modern world, however, it would have only taken 10 days at the most to reach Canaan from where they were . . . so why did it take 40 years to reach the Promised Land?

A lot of times I find myself in 40 year mode. A journey that could take me 10 days presses on and on and on all because God just can’t get me to listen up! “Hey, Brooke.” God calls. “Pay attention! You missed the Canaan exit yet again!” (Oddly enough, God sounds a little like me when I do my best backseat driving.)

Do you ever find yourself there too? Do you ever find yourself missing the exit to the good things God has in store for you? If you do you, know it’s not our feet that keep us from Canaan. It’s our minds.

God says “As a man thinks in his heart so he is.” (Proverbs 23:7) If you are stuck in a sour mind set, your life is going to produce sour fruit. If you are focused on the negative, no matter how in tune with God you are, you are going to miss that exit time and time again until you get your thinking in line with God’s.

Now God didn’t give up on His promise no matter how bad sense of direction was. That’s just not the kind of God our God is.

What are the thoughts you are dwelling on today? Are you living the kind of life that gets you to the Promised Land in days or years? If you’ve been struggling to get ahead for years and you haven’t seen much luck, maybe you are just going about things the wrong way, maybe you are in 40 year mentality mode.

I don’t want to see you take the long way around like I have so many times. There have been moments in my life that my thinking has been so out of tune with God that I felt like I was on a carousel! I would get so close to the Promised Land exit, God would just about have me right where I needed to be and then I would get distracted with negative thinking. Alas, there I’d sit on that up and down pink horse just watching my exit pass by.

If you are so far stuck in negative thinking that you think God doesn’t have a promised land for your life, go back and read Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you.” God says. “Plans for good not for evil, to give you a life, a future and a hope.” Note the ninth word of that verse . . . YOU! “For I know the plans I have for YOU!”
God has a promised land in store for all of His children and He wants to see you enter into that covenant He has with you. Your Canaan could be the renewing of your marriage, the salvation of your children, being set free from the bondage of illness or just an all around freedom from negative thinking in general. Only God knows what that Canaan is for you but deep in your heart I know you know that He wants to see you through to the Promised Land!

God tells us right there in black and white that if we are going to be obedient to our Father and stand up to the wiles of the devil we have to take every thought, every reasoning (doubt, unbelief, excessive figuring things out) captive and then turn it around to match His word.
When Jesus hung His head on the cross, you were set free . . . you only have to claim your freedom.

Don’t spend 40 years in Egypt . . . God wants you to step into your promised land today!
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Wow Kayte....that story is fascinating. I had a couple of different reactions.

First it could be that you truly are meant to be together and you are receiving signs to indicate that maybe the time is right for you to re-ignite your relationship.

On the other hand however, it could be that your attention, thought, and prayer, (not to mention the emails) are creating an energetic connection betwen the two of you and that's why he keeps showing up.

A few years ago I had a similar situation where I would run into this dude I had broke up with in the oddest places or on one occassion I had a dream about him, woke him and literally minutes later he called after months of no contact. Another time when I was sure I was finally done with him and moving on with my life I ran into in my neighborhood....even though by that time I had moved 3000 miles away from where he lived!!

I was sure it meant we were supposed to be together or had unfinished business. But when I shared it with a spiritual counselor she said that while that could be the case, sometimes people will pop up in your lfie because you are still energetically/telepathically connected. They sense that you are thinking about them which makes them start thinking about you and the next thing you know you connect in some way. OR she said if you have a strong connection with a person but then energetically sever it (e.g. start seeing someone else) they can also sense the absence of your energy and may reach out to you to keep the connection flowing.

In my case, it became clear that we weren't meant to be together...but girl, only you would know where your situtaion will lead....I wish you all the best.

I know this to be true because I've experienced it. I could sense when he was thinking about me and he could sense when I was or wasn't. But as in your case, it wasn't meant to be.

I think that was the hardest one I had to let go of.
:bighug: to you and whatever your decision may be. You seem to be an insightful person and it doesn't sound like you will go into anything without much thought and prayer. BTW, what is an art colony?
:bighug: to you and whatever your decision may be. You seem to be an insightful person and it doesn't sound like you will go into anything without much thought and prayer. BTW, what is an art colony?

yeah..It seems silly to pray about it and he calls me and I know he's feeling me out....and I choose to close communication...:nono:..
that doesn't make's what I prayed for...I guess I was taken by surprise and now that I've time to figure and rally
I can PREPARE for a dialogue rather than leaping into one:yep: or avoiding it altogether

I'm not jumping up and down over the phone call because I am still hurt and angry and that's a GOOD thing...
it will keep me from having unrealistic expectations
and honestly I am VERY VERY that I've had time to consider all

what does he look
I know what he's been doing.....
he's been showing his film around town
to be continued....I guess

An art a place...typically scenic...idyllic...beautiful.... where artists can go for an extended period of time to work solely on their art..usually from two weeks to a month is fairly typical. There are usually 6-8 artists at a time in residence together
and depending on the colony...the discpline could be for only writers or choeographers or composers or painters......a few are for women only....or for dance/choreographers only
or visual artists..etc
imho...the best ones are coed...and are diverse...have all disciplines

for example...when I went I was in the company of a playwright....a visual artist...myself working on a novel ...and ex..a filmmaker

Some art colonies require that the artist pay a fee...but the best ones are those that not only are free for EVERYTHING but offer a stipend as well...As you can imagine ...they are HIGHLY is tough to get accepted in can at times be in competion with celebrity or reconized..high profile artists..too....
it's considered an award get into one:drunk:

the best ones are like the one I was accepted's private property away from town usually in the country where you have your own bedrooom in a beautiful shared common house
and then a separate office or studio to work...with your meals included..
people generally disapear to go to their respective work spaces during the day and the
focus is utterly on THE WORK do meet up frequently with the other artists at dinnertime where dinner is gourmet-ish..served family style with candles and great music and wine...or early at breakfast...or chillaxing by the pond the dining room table making your sandwich for lunch with cheese... peanut butter.. and stirring yogurt..eating pickes ..what-not laid out as the dining room.....

sitting at the outdoor barbecue.......etc etc
the temporary community of resident artists become friends...allies
get to know each socialize.....collaborate.....commiserate
or/and in my case fall in
love :spinning:
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July 23 - August 22
Love and romance should be flying high for you now, Leo. If you're single, you could soon form an incredible relationship. If you're already involved, the spiritual and emotional bonds between you and your beloved should grow by leaps and bounds. The lines of communication are wide open. Make use of them and you may find the kind of love of which most people can only dream.

the Bible does not hold with horoscopes and as a follower of the Bible
most times I ignore them..sometimes will glance occasionally as curiosity....
but as it was signs were brought up..earlier
I thought this...that came in on my home defintely caught my eye ..:drunk:

I was advised to re-open communication after a week.....
Anyways I've got an appointment with my minister on Monday afternoon
going to pray and fast on what to well go to a healing service the horoscope
I don't think this is an indication of anything
a relationship outcome....premised on horoscope
readings imho are fantasy=based ..not of reality
it was more the coincidence of its timing and wording about communication..
and to make use of it.....and the coincidence mention of the spiritual component
that I found curious...

still very cynical about this ... him....etc but
agreeing to not close communication.....YET
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