Attracting what you don't want/can't have...


Well-Known Member
There's always a difference between what you want and what you get. How many ladies out there get stuff they just don't want - meaning, attracting men that either you DONT want or CANT have???

For me - it's younger men:

...I can say this, because 90% of us are women of color, and you know what they say - "black don't crack". I KNOW I'm not the only lady out here who has this problem. I'm 26. Depending on my hair (and makeup - on the rare occasion I put some on), I can look anywhere from 18-24. Never 26. HAHA. Yea, yea, yea - I'll love when I'm older. I know.

But right now? It's a problem. I can go to the club with a group of friends and meet the only dude in there who's NOT OLD ENOUGH TO BE AT THE CLUB. Why do I get the 19 year olds?

To make matters worse, I went to a Future's tennis tournament - it's where people ages 16-24 play to qualify for the Pro Tennis circuit - kinda cool to watch (think James Blake 3 years ago). So I'm watching with my mom and this guy walks up - , adorable, about 6'3", brown skin, neat locks (I've got a think for NEAT locks) and he's all sweaty cuz he just got off the court. We start talking about tennis - he asks for my number, and something in me said "ask the question" - "How old are you?". "I just turned 20".


I know, 6 years is not a lot. 32 and 38? No big thing. 26 and 32? No big thing. 45 and 51? No big thing. 20 and 26? No can do.
...and no he didn't have an older brother, 'cuz I asked... :lachen:
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LOL...I understand what you mean. When me and my girls use to go out, I was always the one to attract the lone non black man in the club. Wouldn't mind if they were cute, but they were normally older..and definitely not cute. Right next to that I was always attracting Tom Joyner/Sinbad/Johnny Kemp looking guys, which I was not feeling at the time.
There's always a difference between what you want and what you get. How many ladies out there get stuff they just don't want - meaning, attracting men that either you DONT want or CANT have???

For me - it's younger men:

...I can say this, because 90% of us are women of color, and you know what they say - "black don't crack". I KNOW I'm not the only lady out here who has this problem. I'm 26. Depending on my hair (and makeup - on the rare occasion I put some on), I can look anywhere from 18-24. Never 26. HAHA. Yea, yea, yea - I'll love when I'm older. I know.

But right now? It's a problem. I can go to the club with a group of friends and meet the only dude in there who's NOT OLD ENOUGH TO BE AT THE CLUB. Why do I get the 19 year olds?

To make matters worse, I went to a Future's tennis tournament - it's where people ages 16-24 play to qualify for the Pro Tennis circuit - kinda cool to watch (think James Blake 3 years ago). So I'm watching with my mom and this guy walks up - about 6'3", brown skin, neat locks and he's all sweaty cuz he just got off the court. We start talking about tennis - he asks for my number, and something in me said "ask the question" - "How old are you?". "I just turned 20".


I know, 6 years is not a lot. 32 and 38? No big thing. 26 and 32? No big thing. 45 and 51? No big thing. 20 and 26? No can do.
...and no he didn't have an older brother, 'cuz I asked... :lachen:

omg, been there :lol:

you might eventually cave when you're older, it's not so weird later in life, IMO. i'm 8 yrs older than my dh. my GGrandmother was older than my GGfather, i think by 5+ years.
Can I have those young boys you don't want? :lol:

I just gave my number to a 22-year-old over the weekend. :look:

I'll be 30 in November. :look:

He's a senior in college. :look:

When I was 27, I went out on a date with a 19-year old. He was more of a gentleman than many of the older men I've dated. I woulda kept in touch too if he wasn't, uh, going to college that fall. :look:

I luv da kids. :D
Can I have those young boys you don't want? :lol:

I just gave my number to a 22-year-old over the weekend. :look:

I'll be 30 in November. :look:

He's a senior in college. :look:

When I was 27, I went out on a date with a 19-year old. He was more of a gentleman than many of the older men I've dated. I woulda kept in touch too if he wasn't, uh, going to college that fall. :look:

I luv da kids. :D cradle-robber, you! :lachen:

I dunno - I thought about it, but then I was like "What's the point?" Maybe that's the problem, is I was ALREADY trying to find a "point"...

...he was cute too... :wallbash: cradle-robber, you! :lachen:

I dunno - I thought about it, but then I was like "What's the point?" Maybe that's the problem, is I was ALREADY trying to find a "point"...

...he was cute too... :wallbash:


I guess my theory is this... I'm sooooooo tired of meeting men in my age range (or slightly older) that have BAGGAGE for days!!!! I mean, I managed to get through my 20s without any serious issues, so how come these fools I meet couldn't have done the same?

I love the energy that young men have... and most have limited baggage. And since I look 20 anyway, most of them look older than me. Tee hee.

Also, I figure that a younger man has an excuse to be immature, but if you're 40 and acting immature... hey-ell no. (Not that I want an immature man anyway, but you know.)

I just feel more in tune with a younger man who has his **** together than some old fool... and young dudes look gooooooood too!

Lemme stop... and I'm crossing my fingers that this current young boy comes up to visit his family this weekend so I can see him!
I just got involved with a 20yr and I just turned 30 this month!! I love me a younger man. They are a lot more fun and they have a lot more energy :grin:

My younger man is more mature than most of the guys I dated that were older..Dont let age stop you from being with someone. Maturity isnt dependant on an age.
I'm a dirty ol man magnet - I mean like 15+ years on average.

And a emotional recluse magnet.

I've been told I have a younger face but oooooold eyes. Imma take that as I have wisdom in my eyes - not baggy skin and crow's feet.:perplexed
Yes. I'm a broke man magnet :ohwell:

That's the WORST!!!

I'm also a THUG magnet. Like tatoos on the face and neck, gold teeth - THUGS.

Don't get me wrong, I like my men with a bit of swagger, but damn. I've got to be able to introduce you to my father.

Girl you think you have a problem try being 31 and being mistaken for much younger like let's say 12? recently on my dressed up day I'm 19. a guy thought I was 25 recently and I wish I could have said yes I am :(