I know it may be scary.....but DUMP YOUR GIRL FRIENDS!
Ok ..........don't DUMP them per say.......but don't hang out in a big group of women!
Men find it really hard to approach you when he knows that your five other friends are looking him up and down and listening to the conversation blow-by-blow.
Even if you go to an event with girlfriends (there is safety in numbers), try to seperate and mingle alone or with only one other friend at a time.
Believe me this one tip will increase the conservations you will have with the opposite sex!
Good luck!
Really great advice as well. The big gang of 10 girls infamously known as the 'freshman crew' that rolls deep EVERYwhere is not the business! Not saying you're a freshman- but upperclassmen still do it too. Post college, my 'night out' crew is rarely over four, and we're not afraid to split up and mingle to enjoy the scene (whatever it may be).