At your current age, do you feel like all good men are taken?

Not really. A good portion of my friends are single and I've gone on a fair share of dates with " good " men who are single and looking for relationships. IMO there are plenty of available men in my age group..some serious some who preferr bachelorhood. I'm almost 30.
^^^ Dang, even the bad men are taken? :rofl:
That's a good thing though isn't it?

Where I'm at, most of the good men are taken; married long time with kids. (I'm 31 y.o.)
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Ummm yes, like one poster stated in another thread. If you meet an eligible man, always assume he's taken until told otherwise. I'm in my early 30's.
I'm 35 and FINALLY got one. He is attractive, has an advanced degree like myself, never been married and no kids like myself. He is white but we have so much in common. Do I think the men in and around my age are taken? YES!! Before I met my SO, I'd been dating for 3 years and nothing but baggage, baggage, baggage and more baggage. I started to feel like I needed to charge for all that darn baggage! I was living in Atlanta so I'm sure that didn't help. I'd like to assume location plays a role sometimes. I met my SO AFTER moving to the Midwest and even then I still ran into baggage. Good luck to all my single ladies out there!
ElegantPearl17 said:
Ummm yes, like one poster stated in another thread. If you meet an eligible man, always assume he's taken until told otherwise. I'm in my early 30's.

Does your pool include nonblack men as well?
Well I am married...........BUT, I will say that I don't believe all the good men are taken after a certain age.

What I DO think is that women's (and men's) expectations should change a little as they age. For example, if you are 35+, I do think it is a little much if you are still requesting that any man you date not have children. Now, I can understand putting a limit on how many children and baby mommas he has, BUT honestly - once we start trickling into our 30's and 40's that requirement really limits your dating pool and you could be missing out on some great people.
lol im 23 so they haven't started to get good yet. I know tons of "future good men" if that makes sense. We are all just out of college so they are still in college mindset a bit
I'm 28 and I guess it depends on what day it is. Some days I'm more optimistic and others I'm more cynical about it.
lol im 23 so they haven't started to get good yet. I know tons of "future good men" if that makes sense. We are all just out of college so they are still in college mindset a bit

^^^ this. I don't know of my friends will be come "good" in the future though. I actually wonder about it... Like once they're done with their playboy stage will they be a good man for a woman? Or do old habits die hard?

Even so, I do know good guys who aren't doing the whole playboy thing even though they could. Thats the definition of a good guy to me, not someone out getting their rocks off, breaking hearts until that arbitrary moment when they decide to settle down. I think those are harder to find...but I don't think they're all taken.
lol im 23 so they haven't started to get good yet. I know tons of "future good men" if that makes sense. We are all just out of college so they are still in college mindset a bit

co-sign. im 22 so i dont feel the good ones are taken no.
I'm 26 and I think there are plenty of good available men. I've come across many..just wasn't physically attracted to them or we didn't vibe well. Still friends with a lot of them though and would recommend them to most women.
I will be 36 this year and no, I don't feel that way. A generation or two ago it would have been a different story though!:lachen:

In this day and age, soooooo many people are single at my age. They have either spent all of this time in school and/or on the career track establishing themselves or they are divorced and single again.

I just met a gorgeous 38 year old surgeon a couple of months ago. Russian, great personality, cultured and well traveled. If I wasn't involved I would be all over that.
I'm 35 and FINALLY got one. He is attractive, has an advanced degree like myself, never been married and no kids like myself. He is white but we have so much in common. Do I think the men in and around my age are taken? YES!! Before I met my SO, I'd been dating for 3 years and nothing but baggage, baggage, baggage and more baggage. I started to feel like I needed to charge for all that darn baggage! I was living in Atlanta so I'm sure that didn't help. I'd like to assume location plays a role sometimes. I met my SO AFTER moving to the Midwest and even then I still ran into baggage. Good luck to all my single ladies out there!

That's sweet Brighteyes35!

NO, we (myself included) just need to get better at picking them....LOL

I agree Triniwegian. I'm 35, I never ONCE thought all the GOOD men were taken. There are MILLIONS of men in the world, you're telling me that majority of them are taken? Or don't meet your criteria?

I think women need to stop being so negative and probably be more selective in your dating pool. Also, I wish women would stop settling. What's that old phrase, good things come to those who wait. I'll wait for my version of Mr. Perfect over Mr. Baggage anyday!
No. Most people I know are single. And by single I mean not even in a relationship. I think now that i'm older i am more likely to run into attractive good men who are my age who are married as opposed to when i was younger and the "taken" ones were simply in commited relationships with someone else when I met them, but not married.

I think the rate of "taken" is pretty constant at all stages, just different levels of seriousness to the "taken" status.

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I used to...but I was delusional and like 20 :lol: Still in my early 20s but my outlook has completely changed. It's pretty much raining dudes now. I meet so many eligible guys literally every week. It's insane. A lot of them I meet when I visit other cities though. In my city it seems a little hit or miss.
Yes I do because the single over 35 under 40 dudes I've ran into so far are still playing head games. The serious ones are all married and focused on building themselves and taking care of their families. I get so envious sometimes just observing the family dynamics. My mum prayed for me today. Hopefully her blessings will shower all over me. Married to my Dad for 41 years. I so want that.
I say no.

I do wonder if OP means all good men or all good BLACK men.

Either way, my answer is the same.