Are you living with a Narcissist?


Well-Known Member
I have split up with my long term boyfriend and father of my child.

I have just worked out he is a Narcissist. He is a classic case and i'm angry with myself that i was drawn in and then used as his emotional punch bag for so long.

Here is a description of a Narcissist and a warning to any woman starting out in relationship or if you are living in confused hell right now. I'm now repairing my life. This was taken from

The narcissist and relationships, destroying the lives of others

This is the the answer for most emotionally, verbally, abusive relationships, a serious personality disorder, that can not be fixed .
Narcissists expect and demand that the ones nearest and dearest to them, tolerate, admire, love, and cater to their needs. They expect others to be at their immediate disposal. Their behavior is obnoxious, aloof, and indifferent and are aware of this. Narcissists test the mental limits of peoples patience. Individuals in a relationship with a narcissist feel something is not "quite right," and many seek answers to the unsettling experience of day to day life with a narcissist.

Narcissistic individuals do not tend to be physically abusive, although there are some out there that are. Their worst weapon is their mouth. With their mouth they spit verbal negations and dispense emotional abuse. Their vocal cords are their method of attempting to control others. Narcissists do not have the emotional capacity to provide support or understanding to others. There are numerous defense mechanisms which narcissists use to confuse and unbalance those around them. Organization is unknown to narcissistic individuals and they avoid future plans if it concerns pleasing another for some reason not evident to them. They do not want anyone thinking highly of them for several reasons. First, their sense of self as special, unique and deserving keeps them grounded at maintenance level in their relationships. Maintenance level is just enough, just in time to keep the folly of the relationship moving forward., but just enough and no more. To expend more energy on the relationship would cause others to feel some degree of predictability in the whole affair, contributing to the happiness of the ones they already envy for having the ability to feel love is not an activity in which narcissists wish to participate. Second, if another thinks highly of the narcissist then there are expectations which that person has that the narcissist must fulfil. The narcissist, however, does not intend to fill anyone's expectations except that of his/ her own.

Happiness, joy, and the effort to please others is not normally undertaken by the narcissist except in the beginning or potential ending relationship. At either of these points, the narcissist may be charming, helpful, pleasing and amusing beyond imagination, but this effort is only used to obtain a new narcissistic supply source or to win back the affection of an important source if abandonment appears eminent. At all other times, the narcissist believes his/ her presence, is clearly and abundantly sufficient to maintain the loyalty, trust, affection, and respect of those which the narcissist already considers his/ her object, so the narcissist will postpone, withhold, or procrastinate the continuing efforts that are essential to maintaining any kind of meaningful relationship. A narcissistic person is unable to fake the emotion of love for another for a long period of time. This impairs the capacity for a committed relationship with a narcissist. Therefore, marital instability is prominent in those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissists can perform obligations in the global areas of their lives and with strangers quite well, but with those individuals they have already captured, they find the expenditure of civil treatment taxing to their mental reserve and not really necessary. They routinely display to their captured objects their worst traits. These may include abuse of alcohol, verbal negations or other behaviors that tend to keep people at a distance and not allow any close interpersonal strength to develop. This is evident in the narcissists relationships with their wives/husbands, and children.
Narcissists will never accept blame for anything that happens in a relationship. They are quite ready to blame the other person involved. They expect to be the center of attention and demand their every wish be fulfilled by their partner. A relationship with a narcissist can be at times fun and invigorating. It is like a roller coaster ride, there are extreme highs and lows. The best advice for anyone involved in a relationship with a narcissist is to RUN. The relationship won't get better, also it is better to get out before the narcissist snatches away all your self esteem. Remember their worst weapon is their mouth.
Thick Hair, you are so right. My ex almost convinced me i needed urgent counselling for MY mental health issues.

I honestly didn't know which way was up or down during our relationship. Everything i did or said was wrong and everything was my fault.

They are sick people indeed.

Tell me there is life after living with these monster's as i have a child with him and the mental games/abuse is continuing only at the moment its all over the phone/text.
Thick Hair, you are so right. My ex almost convinced me i needed urgent counselling for MY mental health issues.

I honestly didn't know which way was up or down during our relationship. Everything i did or said was wrong and everything was my fault.

They are sick people indeed.

Tell me there is life after living with these monster's as i have a child with him and the mental games/abuse is continuing only at the moment its all over the phone/text.

There is life after dealing with men like this, but it’s easier when you can extricate yourself completely from these “elements”.

These crazy people will try to have you convinced that certain behaviours of theirs is normal and that YOU are the problem. I had to ask my doctors over there if some of that BS was normal or typical of Norwegians, and each and every one of them assured me that it was not. And … AND … that he was NOT representative of all Norwegians. It was his BS. Someone in his family back in 2004 even looked at me and said, “ Of all the people in the family, he’s the one that needs therapy the most.” Someone … your only family does not say that for NO reason at all.

It’s better to just not deal with them anymore if you can avoid it. They will continue to TRY to find ways to manipulate you if they can or keep you engaged in some kind of dysfunctional and defeating dialogue.

You feel a sense of freedom and liberation once they are out of your life. The drama is GONE! Trust me. I’m feeling that FREEDOM, liberation and empowerment right now. We are better off in the long run when we have the courage and strength to get away and stay away from people like this. It’s the only way to regain your sense of self and some normalacy again!:yep:
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Thick Hair, you are so right. My ex almost convinced me i needed urgent counselling for MY mental health issues.

I honestly didn't know which way was up or down during our relationship. Everything i did or said was wrong and everything was my fault.

They are sick people indeed.

Tell me there is life after living with these monster's as i have a child with him and the mental games/abuse is continuing only at the moment its all over the phone/text.
Yes, once you get him out of your system you can. I was able to purge him because we did not have children. You may have to work a little harder because you must still have some contact with him.

Good luck, you can do it.
No personal experience here but the one thing I tell you is to give the impression that you are detached from it. Don't let him push your buttons. Keep calm - don't get angry or irritated. THey will try to make it seem like you are out of controll - you give him power when you show him any emotion.
I have split up with my long term boyfriend and father of my child.

I have just worked out he is a Narcissist. He is a classic case and i'm angry with myself that i was drawn in and then used as his emotional punch bag for so long.

Here is a description of a Narcissist and a warning to any woman starting out in relationship or if you are living in confused hell right now. I'm now repairing my life. This was taken from


I’m glad that you are repairing your life now.:yep:

One important thing and trust me, I know it’s easy to say, is that you should not be too angry with yourself. These people are manipulative and know how to work you as soon as they see and discover your vulnerabilities, weaknesses ... etc Remember ... hurt people, HURT PEOPLE. Someone said that on this forum once and it's so true.

The important thing for you to do is to be proud of yourself that you now recognize the signs. Go back and ask yourself what warning signs there were in the beginning that you may have missed or only see in hindsight now, so that you are more aware in the future.

I will share something with you that my current Spiritual Director said to me, “ You can either use what happened to you as wisdom OR you can use what happened as a 2x4 to beat yourself up. Guess which one is going to be better for you.”
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My ex was sort of like this. I just call him crazy and call it a day. After I completely cut him off, he proposed marriage via Youtube and said he was willing to do anything to make it work, including seeking mental health counseling. Cry me a river.

This guy will try to use your child to keep a hold on you.
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sigh...i think i had a guy friend who has a milder form of narcissism, we're not on speaking terms right now.
I'm going to chat his business.......

His background is also text book for this awful mental illness.

His parents were both married to other people and had an affair with each other. Mother white/Father black. Neither of them had any kids before.

She gets pregnant and tells her husband. As the baby is going to look black she is made to choose. She chose her husband so gives the baby to a children's home from birth. The Father is nowhere to be seen.

He is brought up by Nuns in a home until the age of 15. His Mother refused to give permission for him to be adopted or fostered (probably hoping one day she could have him back - my opinion is damn selfish).

At 15 he lives with a Foster family but for some reason ends up back in the home. The home closes down and he lives in a hostel where he says he has seen things he will never repeat. He has no money whatsoever and has to steal shoes just so that he can look presentable for an interview.....the sob story goes on....including him hiring a PI to find his mum and dad. He thinks he found his Mum. Woman answered the door and burst out crying as soon as she saw his young mixed-raced face but never said anything to confirm. He said he'd come back another time with a photo. When he returned a few months down the line she had died.

He tracked who he thinks is his Dad. The man opens the door. Again, he acts like he just knows who this young man is but closes the door as a woman is asking who is there. He tells him to come back later. My ex finds out this guy was murdered - he was a taxi driver on his way home.

2 kids with 2 different women later (one of which he denies is his and is ignoring CSA letters) plus god knows how many relationships (i now have an idea) he meets ME. Sucked me right in with his tears and sob story and how he just wants a family of his own and how his ex's are al mentally ill.

Despite his background he done good and makes it. He now has a 3 bed house, a degree and get this he is a CHILD PROTECTION SOCIAL WORKER - wtf.

This is just some of his background and that alone should send someone to he mad house and should have been an alarm bell in itself.

The first damn date (or should i say organising it) was an alarm bell, i heard them bells but thought, nah. He is a good guy.

Up to date - I have cussed him out to the point i never thought i'd say those kind of things to another human being, i have ignored him, i have tried being reasonable. Everything is like water-off-a-ducks-back. He has no emotion either way.
He still telling me he loves me. When that doesn't work he reverts back to wanting to know about our child. Its always me he asks about first then his child.

Throughout our relationship he would randomly threaten to 'take my arse to court' regarding our child if we ever split up. He would even say it lying in the bed with me.

I now tell him to 'take my arse to court'. He replies he only said that so i knew he may do it as a last resort. What? I tell him that this is now his last resort and he goes back to telling me how much he loves me.

I will stop boring you now as i think you get the point - lol.

Thanks for the replies ladies and i am taking the advice. I am a strong woman but this type of man/illness is something else.
Oh my gosh...oh my gosh...oh my gosh...thanks for posting this! I'm so happy you were able to get rid of him!

My ex was definitely a narcissist. I was to blame for every issue that we had. It was so weird because I found myself apologizing for everything even though I knew I wasn't at fault. It was a weird mind control thing.

I hated that everything was always about him. In the beginning and when he realized I was finished with him, thats the only time he started turning on the charm. To this day, he keeps texting me, and I don't even waste my time replying.
Thick Hair, you are so right. My ex almost convinced me i needed urgent counselling for MY mental health issues.

I honestly didn't know which way was up or down during our relationship. Everything i did or said was wrong and everything was my fault.

They are sick people indeed.

Tell me there is life after living with these monster's as i have a child with him and the mental games/abuse is continuing only at the moment its all over the phone/text.

lol Yep. I'm familiar with that too. He suggested I seek counseling and do some introspection because he thought I had a lot of things to work through. He was dead serious too.
Oh my gosh...oh my gosh...oh my gosh...thanks for posting this! I'm so happy you were able to get rid of him!

My ex was definitely a narcissist. I was to blame for every issue that we had. It was so weird because I found myself apologizing for everything even though I knew I wasn't at fault. It was a weird mind control thing.

I hated that everything was always about him. In the beginning and when he realized I was finished with him, thats the only time he started turning on the charm. To this day, he keeps texting me, and I don't even waste my time replying.

:yep: Yup, that’s when they start making all those grand gestures and promises that only last 1-4 weeks if you give them another chance. They can’t be consistent or keep the promises that count, because it’s not who they really are. They ALWAYS slip up somewhere … ALWAYS!
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I'm glad you realized what is going on. Knowledge is the first step. Also thanks for posting. I copied your post and sent it to my sil cause my brother is The Chief Boone Coon Narcissist!
Not anymore praise God! They will make you think that you are crazy. I remember him wearing me down emotionally one day. I remarked," I understand why someone would want to commit suicide." His response was, " That just shows how mentally unstable you are."

I used to try to hold on to those few moments of clarity and normalcy. They were so few and far between. I would think that I made headway. He would apologize and be attentive. It didn't last. I heard him tell a lie so quickly and smoothly that if I didn't know the truth, I would have believed him. His sense of entitlement was ridiculous. Everyone was to blame except him.

People would look at us and think we were an amazing couple. Beautiful home, traveled extensively, etc. Looks are deceiving.:perplexed

I gave all that up(which in reality wasn't crap) for a small apartment with peace of mind.
(((Bublin))) I'm so sorry you've been going through this. Thank God you've broken free. Happier days are ahead for you and your daughter.
ArrBeee and all the other ladies who have been thru this.....u describe it to a T. These people behave in exactly the same way. I too cud see why u either commit sucide, go mental yourself or end up harming him and end up the one in prison.
Before any of that happened i had to get
rid of that parasite.

This NPD is no joke and there is no way of them being cured or even calmed down. They just move onto the next victim.
My ex was one. Charming as all get out, physically gorgeous, again, CHARMING. Just seemed so kind, thing is, he was also manic depressive and the lies that I found out when it was over...God help me...I was floored. He literally looked me in the eye and lied unflinching. In the eye!

I should have known something was up when every thing wrong in his relationships of the past had to do with his ex's. It was like the world was against him. But I was so,so young and so was he. I had no idea what I was getting into.

They seriously leave you feeling so empty, have you questioning if the blue sky is really blue after their mental screwing.

I am SO...SO glad you got out of it. :(
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Bublin, my heart goes out to you. I have been in a relationship with a psychopath, and it's really tough loving people who have personality disorders. They're usually in denial and like Thick Hair said, their crazy will make you crazy. I'm totally co-signing with Ballerina - the only remedy is no contact. These types do not change because they do not believe they have a problem. A good friend of mine is waking up to the antics of a crazy dude with AsPD and I think she's finally understanding that this is like a sickness that goes untreated. You can't love, sex, feed, or hope it out of them - you just have to leave them and completely ignore them popping up months and years later with their apologies, sob stories, and manipulation. They will promise you the world and walk a straight line until they think they have you and then the cycle starts all over. It's maddening because if you're a person with half a conscience, you try to accept responsibility for whatever you do they may provoke it until you realize that they're just crazy and no normal, sane human being would have an emotional hair trigger or be that insensitive. My words to my friend were, "Leave now. Tie up your loose ends. Never speak to him again. Ever." There is no reasoning with these types.

Check out this board:
There's a lot of good information there for getting your head on straight after dealing with these crazies. One night several weeks after I left crazy dude, I stumbled on that and was floored that people were describing my experiences to the letter and that I wasn't alone. I had never felt so much peace and clarity about it all. I subsconsciously knew he was a self-destructive jerk who was going to hit rock bottom from all the lying, manipulation, promiscuity, compulsive behavior, etc, but to actually see the symptoms was somehow freeing for me.

Part of the relief is realizing that there's a name for their brand of crazy and realizing that it's not you. Beyond that though, I think you have to take full responsibility for your role in engaging the crazy and be willing to become like sand to their efforts to bounce their tests and mind games off of you. Eventually they get tired and move on to their next victim who they can leech dry of sanity and anything else they want.

I used all kinds of methods for extricating myself mentally & emotionally - I made a list of the outrageous nonsense and posted it on the wall so whenever the urge to call popped up, I referred to the list and found something more constructive to do. Having that list handy quickly dissipated what psychs call "malignant optimism" and idealizing the past. I wrote like my life depended on it, and fortunately, I had very supportive people in my corner so I was able to talk it out as often as necessary and they confirmed that he was off in the head - not in a sarcastic way - but in a serious, "I'm concerned, he needs an intervention" type way. The lying was other worldly.

I definitely agree with the ladies that there is life after these kinds of people so don't give up on humanity although you want to because it's overwhelming to imagine somebody being that selfish and cruel. There IS life after this, and there's a valuable lesson for you as well.

Every other relationship I had improved 10 fold after that one ended because I had more clarity about what a healthy relationship looks like and I was in a new space of emotionally investing in the right relationships. It also fine tuned my intuition and avoided some losers who exhibited the same tendencies.

You'll survive and you'll be so much better for it. Hang in there! :kiss:
^^ Thanks for sharing that link, very insightful.

OP, stay strong.
I wish you the best!
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Bublin, my heart goes out to you. I have been in a relationship with a psychopath, and it's really tough loving people who have personality disorders. They're usually in denial and like Thick Hair said, their crazy will make you crazy. I'm totally co-signing with Ballerina - the only remedy is no contact. These types do not change because they do not believe they have a problem. A good friend of mine is waking up to the antics of a crazy dude with AsPD and I think she's finally understanding that this is like a sickness that goes untreated. You can't love, sex, feed, or hope it out of them - you just have to leave them and completely ignore them popping up months and years later with their apologies, sob stories, and manipulation. They will promise you the world and walk a straight line until they think they have you and then the cycle starts all over. It's maddening because if you're a person with half a conscience, you try to accept responsibility for whatever you do they may provoke it until you realize that they're just crazy and no normal, sane human being would have an emotional hair trigger or be that insensitive. My words to my friend were, "Leave now. Tie up your loose ends. Never speak to him again. Ever." There is no reasoning with these types. :yep:

Check out this board:
There's a lot of good information there for getting your head on straight after dealing with these crazies. One night several weeks after I left crazy dude, I stumbled on that and was floored that people were describing my experiences to the letter and that I wasn't alone. I had never felt so much peace and clarity about it all. I subsconsciously knew he was a self-destructive jerk who was going to hit rock bottom from all the lying, manipulation, promiscuity, compulsive behavior, etc, but to actually see the symptoms was somehow freeing for me. :yep:

Part of the relief is realizing that there's a name for their brand of crazy and realizing that it's not you. Beyond that though, I think you have to take full responsibility for your role in engaging the crazy and be willing to become like sand to their efforts to bounce their tests and mind games off of you. Eventually they get tired and move on to their next victim who they can leech dry of sanity and anything else they want.

I used all kinds of methods for extricating myself mentally & emotionally - I made a list of the outrageous nonsense and posted it on the wall so whenever the urge to call popped up, I referred to the list and found something more constructive to do. Having that list handy quickly dissipated what psychs call "malignant optimism" and idealizing the past. I wrote like my life depended on it, and fortunately, I had very supportive people in my corner so I was able to talk it out as often as necessary and they confirmed that he was off in the head - not in a sarcastic way - but in a serious, "I'm concerned, he needs an intervention" type way. The lying was other worldly.

I definitely agree with the ladies that there is life after these kinds of people so don't give up on humanity although you want to because it's overwhelming to imagine somebody being that selfish and cruel. There IS life after this, and there's a valuable lesson for you as well.

Every other relationship I had improved 10 fold after that one ended because I had more clarity about what a healthy relationship looks like and I was in a new space of emotionally investing in the right relationships. It also fine tuned my intuition and avoided some losers who exhibited the same tendencies.

You'll survive and you'll be so much better for it. Hang in there! :kiss:

This post was so good, I'd like to print it and put it in my journal for awhile.

I have a list now too. I'm NEVER tempted to call him. After the last thing he did to me, there's just no turning bac- EVER. Can’t be friends – NOTHING! He made it very easy for me to NOT like him, NOT respect him, NOT love him, NOT trust him ... etc. Heck, the last time we were in the same living space, whenever he would kiss me, I would find an excuse to go into the kitchen or bathroom and I would wash out my mouth :barf: When in public, I would do my best to avoid holding his hand. One time I kept it in my pocket, so he reached in and held my hand in my pocket. I wanted to puke. A few people told me that it’s giving him too much credit being seen with him in public. I am ashamed that I have even known someone like him.

My list was more about ... as you wrote "malignant optimism" and idealizing the past." There is great danger in romanticizing the past with these types of men. And, if you do remember anything good, it was on an unstable foundation, so why go down that road.

The other worldly Lies ... the stories I could tell. Some of his BS was caught on the answering machine a number of times ...sometimes it doesn't shut off when ... Anyways, if I posted the sound recording of the foolishness here you would be floored. However, it would also be a good inside "view" to the craziness of it all. I made sure my lawyer heard all of them. I started making sure that someone always heard his BS, so that no one could ever come back and say I was lying. So when he would say one thing to me and then later try to claim that he didn’t, I had proof. These people make themselves look like fools. Either they really don’t remember, they can’t keep their “shiss” straight or …. etc

The lies … crazy. I started suspecting stuff when I saw that he was looking at porn called “Exploited Black Teens” After I saw that I asked if he ever had sex with a minor and he said no with a straight face. I called a friend at home when I was there alone and told them about it. They put that together with other stuff they knew about him and said straight up, He’s lying. Just wait. It will come out later.” Sure enough … it was a 14 year old. You know his excuse when he I asked him about the porn he was watching, “Well, how do you think you look. You don’t look your age.” God should have _itched slapped my behind onto a one-way flight never to return after hearing that.

These kinds of men have a way of raping your Soul if you stay too long. I know that’s a harsh way to put it, but that’s how I honestly feel!

I'm glad that everyone that posted ... that WE ALL MADE IT OUT! :yep: Because the alternative :nono:

ETA: is there an Anti-Social Abuse Recovery Forum?????
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This post was so good, I'd like to print it and put it in my journal for awhile.

I have a list now too. I'm NEVER tempted to call him. After the last thing he did to me, there's just no turning bac- EVER. Can’t be friends – NOTHING! He made it very easy for me to NOT like him, NOT respect him, NOT love him, NOT trust him ... etc. Heck, the last time we were in the same living space, whenever he would kiss me, I would find an excuse to go into the kitchen or bathroom and I would wash out my mouth :barf: When in public, I would do my best to avoid holding his hand. One time I kept it in my pocket, so he reached in and held my hand in my pocket. I wanted to puke. A few people told me that it’s giving him too much credit being seen with him in public. I am ashamed that I have even known someone like him.

My list was more about ... as you wrote "malignant optimism" and idealizing the past." There is great danger in romanticizing the past with these types of men. And, if you do remember anything good, it was on an unstable foundation, so why go down that road.

The other worldly Lies ... the stories I could tell. Some of his BS was caught on the answering machine a number of times ...sometimes it doesn't shut off when ... Anyways, if I posted the sound recording of the foolishness here you would be floored. However, it would also be a good inside "view" to the craziness of it all. I made sure my lawyer heard all of them. I started making sure that someone always heard his BS, so that no one could ever come back and say I was lying. So when he would say one thing to me and then later try to claim that he didn’t, I had proof. These people make themselves look like fools. Either they really don’t remember, they can’t keep their “shiss” straight or …. etc

The lies … crazy. I started suspecting stuff when I saw that he was looking at porn called “Exploited Black Teens” After I saw that I asked if he ever had sex with a minor and he said no with a straight face. I called a friend at home when I was there alone and told them about it. They put that together with other stuff they knew about him and said straight up, He’s lying. Just wait. It will come out later.” Sure enough … it was a 14 year old. You know his excuse when he I asked him about the porn he was watching, “Well, how do you think you look. You don’t look your age.” God should have _itched slapped my behind onto a one-way flight never to return after hearing that.

These kinds of men have a way of raping your Soul if you stay too long. I know that’s a harsh way to put it, but that’s how I honestly feel!

I'm glad that everyone that posted ... that WE ALL MADE IT OUT! :yep: Because the alternative :nono:

ETA: is there an Anti-Social Abuse Recovery Forum?????

I'm sure there is. I think you should seek individual therapy as well, especially if your insurance allows.

The guy I started dating after my PD dude was a therapist, so he helped me to work a lot of things out. It helps.:yep:

Also, I get the feeling your guy is more of a psychopath than a narcissist.
OMG, I was dealing with a guy like this!!! He lied all the damn time and was constantly changing his story!!
After we broke off, I ran into him and the look in his eyes was just pure craziness!!!
I always thought there was something wrong with him, but didnt know what it was...
This has opened my eyes. I truly believe my ex is like this. Made me feel like I was crazy! Everything was my fault. His cheating and lying and broken promises. He tries to blame me for things but then when I tell him exactly how it is, he all of sudden says forget that I even said anything because he realizes he was wrong and doesn't want me to expound on the situation. He is charming like a mug and that's why I always kept running back. NO MORE!!! I think he realizes this now.
My ex was one. Charming as all get out, physically gorgeous, again, CHARMING. Just seemed so kind, thing is, he was also manic depressive and the lies that I found out when it was over...God help me...I was floored. He literally looked me in the eye and lied unflinching. In the eye!
I should have known something was up when every thing wrong in his relationships of the past had to do with his ex's. It was like the world was against him. But I was so,so young and so was he. I had no idea what I was getting into.

They seriously leave you feeling so empty, have you questioning if the blue sky is really blue after their mental screwing.

I am SO...SO glad you got out of it. :(

The link below is from the page that Divine Inspiration posted. I shook my head in sadness and familiarity as I read through the page.
I really don't know what kind of reality they live in. How do you look someone square in the eyes and lie? I feel sad for his next victim. She will fall for the charm and looks just like I did. I hope she sees it before she goes batty.
Already doing that! I am NOT going to deal with something later that I can deal with NOW. On the same day I see the therapist, I meet with my spiritual advisor too. Excellent arrangement! I'm on a serious HEALING MISSION. And it feels good! And, my best friend has his M Div and couseling experience, but later became an attorney and deals with these kinds of psycho's on a daily or weekly basis, so he's a very good listener.:yep:

He fits somewhat very closely to anti-social personality disorder and/or psycho path :nono: But if you try to tell these types they are liar and you do't trust them, they try to make you feel ba for not trusting them and say things like, " You don't know who I really am then." or " I'm not like that anymore." or ' My friends know what an upstanding, honest and fair guy I am. They know I don't do something without having a good reason." :nono: But his own sister said to me privately, " He's the one in the family that needs therapy the most." :nono: Surely she had a reason for saying that, I don't know what it was though ...

There was a documentary on TV once about a German sister and brother that had fallen in-love and had a child together I think. We discussed the show during and afterwards.

He made it sound like he would rather something like that go on under his roof then outside of the home where other may find out about. It was like he almost didn’t have a problem with it… like he wouldn’t even try to stop it. I said, “ What about boundaries … if you’re having sex with your siblings and it’s in the home you are to learn about boundaries, safety … etc … huh “

Then I asked if he had ever done anything TO or WITH his sister and he said no, but who knows.

I collect dolls some. He picked it up and with his penis exposed proceeded to act like the doll was giving him a blowjob. When I expressed my disgust his answer was, “ It’ just a doll.” I just don’t think things like that are funny.:nono:

So many people say there’s probably a lot more that I never knew about him.

Ohhhh, sit down for this…

We were watching something and the subject of kids not taking care of their pets came up … the example was a pet bunny. He said that if he had a kid that was not taking care of it’s bunny he would take it in the backyard and let the kid watch him kill it. HUH …

Of course later when it was discussed again, he changed his story. These people do a lot of what I call “double-back talking”.:nono:

" many psychopaths are superficially charming, and can excellently mimic normal human emotion;[9] some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including corporate environments :nono:

I lived through so much nonsense. I didn't realize but as a coping mechanism, I blanked out. I was talking to him the other day ( I'm about to go no contact) and he was trying to rip me a new one (as usual) and my mind just went away. I really don't even remember most of what he said to me.

The best thing I ever did was when he called me one day, I started furiously writing down everything. I wrote it in my journal and it serves as a reminder that I am not crazy, but he is.

BB, I feel your pain. We were watching the news one day and someone threw a brick into the back of a police cruiser. He started laughing and the look in his eyes was pure looney.
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I was reading an article about N's by a professor and i wish i could find it. He actually believes these people are possessed by the devil as the N is so destructive to his victim's mind. That this condition is so unique and it cannot be cured or even diluted. They go from victim to victim in a conscious and systematic fashion destroying their soul.

I do actually believe this. My ex was sooo anti-faith he couldn't even hide it from friends and family. This is the only subject were he couldn't hide his true self. His opinions were not just athiest they were anti-christ. I often had a feeling of dread when he talked about people who believed in God or Allah or any other religion. He of course thinks that anyone whom is religious has major mental health issues. He says he just doesn't understand religion and his 'religion' is him...he believes in himself.

I wanted my Daughter Christened and he said i could do what i wanted but not to expect him to help including pay for anything....but he may attend the party but wouldn't be inviting any of his friends. I've not yet Christened her but fully intend to and def won't be telling him about it. I want it to be a peaceful quiet ceremony. No fuss. Just a few close friends and family who care about us.

ETA.....i found this article though.....taken from

What I have found very interesting is how the Bible presents a picture of the spirit of evil that is spot on consistent with narcissism. There is convincing evidence that the devil as described in the Bible is the king of narcissism. The originator of it. He is a monumental projection machine in that he blame shifts onto God all day long and smears his own attributes and motivations onto God. He is against any law that would constrain him from acting on his lusts. In other words, he is the original anarchist. He is all consumed with his self-interests. He is referred to as the original liar and murderer. He is also called the "accuser of the brethren" because he loves to slander and smear anyone who works at cross purposes to him.
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This is in a book I was reading. I thought I would share an excerpt from it. I wasn’t sure whether to put it in this thread or a slightly old one that was bumped recently that has new responses (related to this one of course):

Remedy #6: Face The Fact That You Cannot Rehabilitate Anyone

While everyone does indeed have some good in him or her, there do exist people who have buried any resemblance of good so deep inside then that is it inaccessible. Women who believe that they can somehow rehabilitate partners who have shown themselves to be cruel, untrustworthy, or without conscience are just fooling themselves. According to Martha Stout, PhD, the author of The Sociopath Next Door, the combination of consistently bad behavior with frequent plays for pity are as close to a warning mark on a consciousless person’s forehead as you can get.

In her book, Stout provides what she calls “the rule of three” to help women learn when to stop giving second chances: “One lie, one broken promise, one abusive comment may be a misunderstanding. Two may involve a serious mistake. But three lies says you’re dealing with a liar. Cut your losses and get out as soon as you can. Leaving now will be easier and less costly. Do not give your money, your secrets, or your affection to a three-time loser. Your valuable gifts will be wasted.”

-page 205 from, “The Nice Girl Syndrome” by Beverly Engel
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