The friendship with the friend has come to an end, and it ended with a bang, to say the least, in true fashion, just as I knew it would.
I had finally gotten up the nerve to tell the girl how I feel, and just as expected, she turned the conversation onto herself. She literally said that she was a victim and I was attacking her all whilst calling me out of my name and saying the most hurtful things that she could. I came at her respectfully.
She literally proved my point of her being insensitive, self-centered, and lacking empathy. Even though she completely denied it, she proved herself with everything she said in the conversation and her actions thereafter. She called me a liar and even when I came with receipts, she then made excuses for her behavior. Everything she said was completely hypocritical. She can dish things but she can't take them.
Instead of trying to hear me out she rebutted every single thing I said, then proceeded to get the last word in and block me from everything. So, yeah, that friendship is done. I have no plans to ever reach out to her again or bother reconnecting. And if she reaches out, I will ignore her. She doesn't deserve me. A friend is literally telling you that they are hurting and that you are a part of that pain and you do everything in your power to cause them more pain? She knows I've been through a lot and instead of putting herself in my shoes, she tried to make me out to be a villain. Had the tables been turned, she would want understanding. Ridiculous. She always talks about how much she cares but she showed me that she truly doesn't, and I'm over it.