Are you living with a Narcissist?

I was reading an article about N's by a professor and i wish i could find it. He actually believes these people are possessed by the devil as the N is so destructive to his victim's mind. That this condition is so unique and it cannot be cured or even diluted. They go from victim to victim in a conscious and systematic fashion destroying their soul. I do too! Something spiritually is not right with these people.

I do actually believe this. My ex was sooo anti-faith he couldn't even hide it from friends and family. This is the only subject were he couldn't hide his true self. His opinions were not just athiest they were anti-christ. I often had a feeling of dread when he talked about people who believed in God or Allah or any other religion. He of course thinks that anyone whom is religious has major mental health issues. He says he just doesn't understand religion and his 'religion' is him...he believes in himself. Oh my! My brother likens himself to the archangel Michael because his name is Michael!:sad:

I wanted my Daughter Christened and he said i could do what i wanted but not to expect him to help including pay for anything....but he may attend the party but wouldn't be inviting any of his friends. I've not yet Christened her but fully intend to and def won't be telling him about it. I want it to be a peaceful quiet ceremony. No fuss. Just a few close friends and family who care about us.
Just remember if you do tell him and he comes, if he's is a true narcissist like my brother; the ceremony will no longer be about the child, he will make it about him. Remember a true narcissist cannot share the spotlight or allow it to be shone on anyone else.

ETA.....i found this article though.....taken from
He is against any law that would constrain him from acting on his lusts. In other words, he is the original anarchist. He is all consumed with his self-interests. He is referred to as the original liar and murderer. He is also called the "accuser of the brethren" because he loves to slander and smear anyone who works at cross purposes to him.:nono: WOW!!!
The more you ladies write about this subject the more I see my brother in this.
I was reading an article about N's by a professor and i wish i could find it. He actually believes these people are possessed by the devil as the N is so destructive to his victim's mind. That this condition is so unique and it cannot be cured or even diluted. They go from victim to victim in a conscious and systematic fashion destroying their soul.

I do actually believe this. My ex was sooo anti-faith he couldn't even hide it from friends and family. This is the only subject were he couldn't hide his true self. His opinions were not just athiest they were anti-christ. I often had a feeling of dread when he talked about people who believed in God or Allah or any other religion. He of course thinks that anyone whom is religious has major mental health issues. He says he just doesn't understand religion and his 'religion' is him...he believes in himself.

I wanted my Daughter Christened and he said i could do what i wanted but not to expect him to help including pay for anything....but he may attend the party but wouldn't be inviting any of his friends. I've not yet Christened her but fully intend to and def won't be telling him about it. I want it to be a peaceful quiet ceremony. No fuss. Just a few close friends and family who care about us.

ETA.....i found this article though.....taken from

What I have found very interesting is how the Bible presents a picture of the spirit of evil that is spot on consistent with narcissism. There is convincing evidence that the devil as described in the Bible is the king of narcissism. The originator of it. He is a monumental projection machine in that he blame shifts onto God all day long and smears his own attributes and motivations onto God. He is against any law that would constrain him from acting on his lusts. In other words, he is the original anarchist. He is all consumed with his self-interests. He is referred to as the original liar and murderer. He is also called the "accuser of the brethren" because he loves to slander and smear anyone who works at cross purposes to him.

But, on the flipside there are some "N" people who swear they are saints and can quote scripture word for word. I think the term would be "wolves in sheep's clothing." They may not be in church every Sunday but there are certainly some so called Christians who indeed fit the "N"' bill.
I had a friend who was. Something was always off about her but I shrugged it off. I decided to be her roommate. WORST IDEA EVER. I looked up narcissism AFTER we signed up to be roommates and got concerned. We didn't last one month as friends or roommates.
I really hope he leaves you alone soon. You need start showing him that he can't get a reaction out of you, when he tries to push your buttons.

These sickos are also easier to read than you think and they have an uncanny habit of accusing you of exactly what they are doing or thinking (Projecting). In their twisted world everyone is as devious and twisted as them so they try to get one up on you.

I've had the misfortune to have dealt with one in the past too and I would now like to believe that I have the ability to spot them a mile off.

Wishing you mental peace
I have first hand experience with this subject. My ex husband was a narcissist. He was handsome, very articulate, an impeccable dresser, just to name a few of qualities that pulled you in.

He was an EXCELLENT reader of people and knew how to flatter you to the point of embarrassment. Even strangers. This was his best alibi.:yep:

Everyone love him, he was your classic "nice guy" So of course everyone looked at ME like I was crazy when I left him.

According to family, friends, and coworkers. He worshiped the ground I walked on. He would sit up and tell the kids.
You better hope you grow up to become half the woman she is. Oh he could lay it on thick, it was all an act.

No personal experience here but the one thing I tell you is to give the impression that you are detached from it. Don't let him push your buttons. Keep calm - don't get angry or irritated. THey will try to make it seem like you are out of controll - you give him power when you show him any emotion.

I agree with not letting him push you buttons. However you give him power when you give him ANY sort of attention. Narcissist crave one thing and one thing only. It's called NS or Narcissist supply. This means even if you aren't showing emotion, but STILL responding to him you are feeding him. This is how I got rid of my ex by COMPLETELY cutting him off.

See this article.

Not anymore praise God! They will make you think that you are crazy. I remember him wearing me down emotionally one day. I remarked," I understand why someone would want to commit suicide." His response was, " That just shows how mentally unstable you are."

I used to try to hold on to those few moments of clarity and normalcy. They were so few and far between. I would think that I made headway. He would apologize and be attentive. It didn't last. I heard him tell a lie so quickly and smoothly that if I didn't know the truth, I would have believed him. His sense of entitlement was ridiculous. Everyone was to blame except him.

People would look at us and think we were an amazing couple. Beautiful home, traveled extensively, etc. Looks are deceiving.:perplexed

I gave all that up(which in reality wasn't crap) for a small apartment with peace of mind.


My ex was one. Charming as all get out, physically gorgeous, again, CHARMING. Just seemed so kind, thing is, he was also manic depressive and the lies that I found out when it was over...God help me...I was floored. He literally looked me in the eye and lied unflinching. In the eye!

I should have known something was up when every thing wrong in his relationships of the past had to do with his ex's. It was like the world was against him. But I was so,so young and so was he. I had no idea what I was getting into.

They seriously leave you feeling so empty, have you questioning if the blue sky is really blue after their mental screwing.

I am SO...SO glad you got out of it. :(

So true!
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OP also check out this website, It will help answer all your questions. Once I knew the dynamics of the disorder and what the triggers were and how to difuse them/him. I went to work on that a.. and he never knew what hit him. :lol:
Wow! My ex was sooooo much an N! These descriptions seem like they are written about him! He has a long trail of exes! None are any good...his words. Everyone else was crazy! He had these long drawn out stories about how EVERYBODY was doing him wrong. He was never at fault. He had a way of getting people to do things for him that was uncanny. And yes, he calls himself a "Christian". I know that he has a spirit upon him that has nothing like Christ in it.

He claimed that he was severely abused as a child by his parents and had to go into a group home, but miraculously his dad, an alcoholic who committed most of the abuse, showed up, dying from liver disease (from alcohol) and he had to take care of him! Even though he claimed that he wasn't in contact with him because of the abuse.

After I found out about the full depth of his lies, he still smiled at me as if nothing happened and wanted to be "friends". I am printing all of this information out so I can read and study it. Bublin I will keep you and my daughter in my prayers!
^^^ wow flowinlocks that link is a shocker. So informative. I have sometimes mirrored his behaviour but only as a last resort to 'show' him how he behaves. I didn't realise that this is a way of fighting N's. Like fighting fire with fire. Showing the devil his own face.

Just moments before i finally kicked him out of my house (in the early hours of the morning) he did his usual act of packing up a few items of clothes to disappear for a few days - this was to teach me a lesson for not wanting to talk to him till all hours of the morning. Well he doesn't talk, he makes me stay up all night to 'tell me about myself'.

I turned it around and told him to pack ALL his stuff and get out. Infact i went into a calm rage, if there is any such thing, and cleared out his closet in seconds, threw them all down the stairs, got his laptop and put it outside and threw his car key somewhere in the front garden so he had to crawl around in the dark like the snake he is to find it.

I only let him have one large carrier bag to put all hs stuff in.

Can you believe this man turned to me and said he wanted to come back inside and talk and perhaps give me a hug. He had tears welling up in his eyes.

To this day he is trying every trick in the book to see me. Today he text and offered to get counselling. However, i'm wise to it all now and after a couple more texts he somehow turned it around saying that i never agree to go couple counselling with him. instead of getting frustrated i just found it entertaining, if not sorry for him.
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Bublin, it sounds like you've regained control of the situation which is largely what it's all about - them needing to control people & situations to be certain they're never without their supply. You already know he'll be back. SMH Kudos to you for setting & honoring boundaries.
So, could Scott Disick (Kourtney Kardashian's beau) be considered a narcissist? He strikes me as some form of sociopath. And, I ask because I know someone who is kind of like him in real life.
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Wow. From what you ladies are relating here, and other threads in the forum, this disorder seems to be very commonplace. Does anyone think there is anything in the *male* psyche that makes them particularly susceptible to narcissism / psychopathic behavior? Or would threads like these on a male forum have as many replies?
Wow. From what you ladies are relating here, and other threads in the forum, this disorder seems to be very commonplace. Does anyone think there is anything in the *male* psyche that makes them particularly susceptible to narcissism / psychopathic behavior? Or would threads like these on a male forum have as many replies?

The N that I spoke of was raised by a N. He got it from his mama.
^^ Their childhood has ALOT to do with it and\or they were likely to be raised by a Narcissist. N parents either use their kids as their emotional supply thus turning them into one or they assimilate their children, wanting them to achieve what they could not or did not.

My N was raised in a childrens home from birth, never adopted or fostered then at the age of 17 he was put in a hostel with no money. He found out both his parents were dead......yet in true N style
he actually tries to paint a picture of the perfect childhood. He describes the home as Disneyland!
Adding to this i was raised in a 2.4 family yet he tells me my childhood was awful, smothering, controlling, dependant thus making me needy and emotional.....and all the rest.
Of course he is projecting HIS childhood onto me.
I haven't really encountered a narcissist, or maybe someone who is one from the degree described but this personality reminds me of an aspect in astrology. I know there are some that don't study it but if you are interested google Venus opposing pluto astrology. This aspect sounds alot like narcissist and many people have them in their birth chart, including my sister. When I asked her to read the aspect, she was shocked bc it was accurate. This aspect can occur btwn two people also when you look at their birthcharts together (synastry). Now that I think about it my sister has some of those traits that makes me want to curse her out, but she has grown alot and I don't think she has it in the degree describe here.
Thank you for posting this. This was my Ex - I had never been in a relationship were I felt so broken and emotionally drained. Thank GOD it's over.
I haven't really encountered a narcissist, or maybe someone who is one from the degree described but this personality reminds me of an aspect in astrology. I know there are some that don't study it but if you are interested google Venus opposing pluto astrology. This aspect sounds alot like narcissist and many people have them in their birth chart, including my sister. When I asked her to read the aspect, she was shocked bc it was accurate. This aspect can occur btwn two people also when you look at their birthcharts together (synastry). Now that I think about it my sister has some of those traits that makes me want to curse her out, but she has grown alot and I don't think she has it in the degree describe here.

can u explain this how it applies to different signs
I was involved with a narrcissist and the best thing I did was leave. He also painted a picture of a perfect childhood when his own siblings stated to me there life was a living hell. He was not capable of any real emotion. He was mean, cold and empty inside. He would tell people I was evil , yet I was the one putting up with all his lies and bulls&&*. Nothing was ever his fault. Nothing. I don't care if you had the evidence on tape!
can u explain this how it applies to different signs

Its more complex than just referring to signs, its an aspect in the birthchart where a person venus (sign) opposing their pluto.

Here's a description

Venus square or opposition Pluto
In an attempt to control the outcome of a love relationship, or the loved one's feelings, you can turn to manipulative games. Even if you do "succeed" at it, there is never a feeling that you've won someone over for who you are, and this feeds a vicious cycle that you should try to avoid getting yourself into. Your feelings are intense, and even extreme, when it comes to love. You might attract intense relationships that have love-hate themes as a result. You are passionate when you love, definitely, but also passionate when you hate. You easily put pressure on your partner, as you expect much loyalty and honesty in your intimate relationships. Be careful not to let your relationships get to a point where your partner is superfluous and you are working through your own inner demons through him or her. Certainly, you will learn much about yourself through your relationships, and you may not always like what you see. You will meet yourself (the "darker" side or inner demons) through your relationships, and it will be critical that you recognize it as your own "material" and not project it onto your partner. Letting go of a relationship can be hard for you to do, especially if Venus is in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius).

Alternate interpretations:

You are capable of being a great manipulator and are often caught up trying to make things appear a certain way. You are the one who suffers from this tendency the most. You tend to get tied down to a pattern of endless repetition in relationships. You have difficulty in letting go even when a situation is painful. You are always dealing with people as symbols of others who are not even present. Love and power become confused with one another. You have a deeply lodged need to establish your sense of self worth. Once this is secure you can overcome your fear of being dissolved in a relationship built on equality and will start having more normal interactions. You need to be less concerned with how you appear to others and more concerned with how you are.
this thread is so eye opening... i've never dealt w/this type of person and hope i never will...
i agree w/the bolded, except i don't believe they're possessed i believe they are the devil... the devil is real and they don't have horns & carry a pitchfork... they can come wrapped up in pretty packages and can be females as well

I was reading an article about N's by a professor and i wish i could find it. He actually believes these people are possessed by the devil as the N is so destructive to his victim's mind. That this condition is so unique and it cannot be cured or even diluted. They go from victim to victim in a conscious and systematic fashion destroying their soul.

I do actually believe this. My ex was sooo anti-faith he couldn't even hide it from friends and family. This is the only subject were he couldn't hide his true self. His opinions were not just athiest they were anti-christ. I often had a feeling of dread when he talked about people who believed in God or Allah or any other religion. He of course thinks that anyone whom is religious has major mental health issues. He says he just doesn't understand religion and his 'religion' is him...he believes in himself.

I wanted my Daughter Christened and he said i could do what i wanted but not to expect him to help including pay for anything....but he may attend the party but wouldn't be inviting any of his friends. I've not yet Christened her but fully intend to and def won't be telling him about it. I want it to be a peaceful quiet ceremony. No fuss. Just a few close friends and family who care about us.

ETA.....i found this article though.....taken from

What I have found very interesting is how the Bible presents a picture of the spirit of evil that is spot on consistent with narcissism. There is convincing evidence that the devil as described in the Bible is the king of narcissism. The originator of it. He is a monumental projection machine in that he blame shifts onto God all day long and smears his own attributes and motivations onto God. He is against any law that would constrain him from acting on his lusts. In other words, he is the original anarchist. He is all consumed with his self-interests. He is referred to as the original liar and murderer. He is also called the "accuser of the brethren" because he loves to slander and smear anyone who works at cross purposes to him.
I really hope he leaves you alone soon. You need start showing him that he can't get a reaction at of you, when he tries to push your buttons.

These sickos are also easier to read than you think they have an uncanny habit of accusing you of exactly what they are doing or thinking (Projecting). In their twisted world everyone is as devious and twisted as them so they try to get one up on you.

I've had the misfortune to have dealt with one in the past too and I would now like to believe that I have the ability to spot them a mile off.

Wishing you mental peace
THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to know im not the only person that went thru something like this. Luckily I had no kids with this guy and was able to make a clean break and do some healing and moving forward. When I look back I cant believe how long it lasted. SO glad its over he has tried contacting me but I changed all my numbers and emails. Life is too short for crap like that and enough time was wasted.
His background is also text book for this awful mental illness.

His parents were both married to other people and had an affair with each other. Mother white/Father black. Neither of them had any kids before.

She gets pregnant and tells her husband. As the baby is going to look black she is made to choose. She chose her husband so gives the baby to a children's home from birth. The Father is nowhere to be seen.

He is brought up by Nuns in a home until the age of 15. His Mother refused to give permission for him to be adopted or fostered (probably hoping one day she could have him back - my opinion is damn selfish).

At 15 he lives with a Foster family but for some reason ends up back in the home. The home closes down and he lives in a hostel where he says he has seen things he will never repeat. He has no money whatsoever and has to steal shoes just so that he can look presentable for an interview.....the sob story goes on....including him hiring a PI to find his mum and dad. He thinks he found his Mum. Woman answered the door and burst out crying as soon as she saw his young mixed-raced face but never said anything to confirm. He said he'd come back another time with a photo. When he returned a few months down the line she had died.

He tracked who he thinks is his Dad. The man opens the door. Again, he acts like he just knows who this young man is but closes the door as a woman is asking who is there. He tells him to come back later. My ex finds out this guy was murdered - he was a taxi driver on his way home.

2 kids with 2 different women later (one of which he denies is his and is ignoring CSA letters) plus god knows how many relationships (i now have an idea) he meets ME. Sucked me right in with his tears and sob story and how he just wants a family of his own and how his ex's are al mentally ill.

Hhhmmm...:scratchch Were you able to confirm that this whole story is true? Some men will tell you ANYTHING to keep you feeling too sorry for them to leave.

IDK...That whole story just sounds too much like a lifetime movie...I know many people have horrible childhoods but that, coupled with the fact that he is a narcissist, just has me suspicious that he has been playing you since day one.
^^^ well, i nor his friends (that i have very casually spoken to about it) have ever met any of his family.
I've seem old photo's of his time in the childrens home.
He is generally very disconnected from people. Has formed no real close ties wityh anyone except for his 22 year old son's Grandmother (whom is somewhat of his mother figure but i suspect she tolerates him because of his background and feels sorry for him).

At this point i'm not going to do my head in with what is the truth and what are lies.

I no longer feel sorry for him. The feeling of hate is passing and turing into triumph as in just a couple of weeks i have increased my hours at work and bought a new car (he pressured me to stay part-time and although i was insured, the two cars we had were both in his name. I sold mine when we started living together thinking it was forthe best financially).

He had me almost on lock down. But not anymore. Right now he has no idea that i have a car so is still thinking i am still walking in the rain with my kids which he was still quite happy for me to do - his punishment for me kicking him out.
I was in a relationship with a narcissist and worked for one.

My goodness these people are draining on the psyche, especially if you're a relatively chill person that doesn't like to engage in drama.

It's emotionally taxing trying to keep them happy until you realize that NOTHING will make them happy, because they like when you're constantly on edge trying to "please" them.

I will never, ever again go through that bullcrap. You do notice it immediately though. Yes, they're charming in the beginning, but trust and believe they will do something to let you know they're gonna be a problem. Probably within the first couple of weeks.

Thank God you left that fool. Don't you feel better?

I know just the thought of even having to talk to him regarding your child makes you tense. If I was you, I'd let a third party deal with him (like another family member or someone from the court). These peeps are nauseating and the mere sound of their voice can send your emotions in a downward spiral.
Bublin, my heart goes out to you. I have been in a relationship with a psychopath, and it's really tough loving people who have personality disorders. They're usually in denial and like Thick Hair said, their crazy will make you crazy. I'm totally co-signing with Ballerina - the only remedy is no contact. These types do not change because they do not believe they have a problem. A good friend of mine is waking up to the antics of a crazy dude with AsPD and I think she's finally understanding that this is like a sickness that goes untreated. You can't love, sex, feed, or hope it out of them - you just have to leave them and completely ignore them popping up months and years later with their apologies, sob stories, and manipulation. They will promise you the world and walk a straight line until they think they have you and then the cycle starts all over. It's maddening because if you're a person with half a conscience, you try to accept responsibility for whatever you do they may provoke it until you realize that they're just crazy and no normal, sane human being would have an emotional hair trigger or be that insensitive. My words to my friend were, "Leave now. Tie up your loose ends. Never speak to him again. Ever." There is no reasoning with these types.

Check out this board:
There's a lot of good information there for getting your head on straight after dealing with these crazies. One night several weeks after I left crazy dude, I stumbled on that and was floored that people were describing my experiences to the letter and that I wasn't alone. I had never felt so much peace and clarity about it all. I subsconsciously knew he was a self-destructive jerk who was going to hit rock bottom from all the lying, manipulation, promiscuity, compulsive behavior, etc, but to actually see the symptoms was somehow freeing for me.

Part of the relief is realizing that there's a name for their brand of crazy and realizing that it's not you. Beyond that though, I think you have to take full responsibility for your role in engaging the crazy and be willing to become like sand to their efforts to bounce their tests and mind games off of you. Eventually they get tired and move on to their next victim who they can leech dry of sanity and anything else they want.

I used all kinds of methods for extricating myself mentally & emotionally - I made a list of the outrageous nonsense and posted it on the wall so whenever the urge to call popped up, I referred to the list and found something more constructive to do. Having that list handy quickly dissipated what psychs call "malignant optimism" and idealizing the past. I wrote like my life depended on it, and fortunately, I had very supportive people in my corner so I was able to talk it out as often as necessary and they confirmed that he was off in the head - not in a sarcastic way - but in a serious, "I'm concerned, he needs an intervention" type way. The lying was other worldly.

I definitely agree with the ladies that there is life after these kinds of people so don't give up on humanity although you want to because it's overwhelming to imagine somebody being that selfish and cruel. There IS life after this, and there's a valuable lesson for you as well.

Every other relationship I had improved 10 fold after that one ended because I had more clarity about what a healthy relationship looks like and I was in a new space of emotionally investing in the right relationships. It also fine tuned my intuition and avoided some losers who exhibited the same tendencies.

You'll survive and you'll be so much better for it. Hang in there! :kiss:

Thanks for posting that link Divine. Though my bf/gf relationship with a narcissist didn't last that long in itself, but the memories and emotions of the time always will. Love doesn't hurt nor does it make you an emotional wreck. Didn't know what the name for what was wrong with him was, I just called him "damaged" and called it a day. I just knew I was never going to get involve with another fool like that ever again.

Now, I worked a year and a half for a boss that was like this and it was SHEER HELL! The only reason you stay is for money, but damn if it doesn't seem like you need the patience of Job to deal with them. After leaving that job it took me literally a month to recover.

I didn't think it was going to take more than two weeks, but I was depressed and didn't realize I was. When I think back on it now, it's like I came out of some dark fog. I was almost tempted to go back to work a week for my ex-co worker and though I know I NEED THE MONEY and told her I would do it, as the day approaches I'm having second thoughts. She keeps pushing the weeks further and further up which tells me that the story she gave me on needing to leave was bogus and I can't be sitting around waiting until she's ready.

Like you, I need to think up all the reasons on WHY I left and not forget what it was like, ever. I have this feeling that if I go back to work for him again, even for that one week, it could set me back emotionally and I can't have that. :nono:
Thanks for posting that link Divine. Though my bf/gf relationship with a narcissist didn't last that long in itself, but the memories and emotions of the time always will. Love doesn't hurt nor does it make you an emotional wreck. Didn't know what the name for what was wrong with him was, I just called him "damaged" and called it a day. I just knew I was never going to get involve with another fool like that ever again.

Now, I worked a year and a half for a boss that was like this and it was SHEER HELL! The only reason you stay is for money, but damn if it doesn't seem like you need the patience of Job to deal with them. After leaving that job it took me literally a month to recover.

I didn't think it was going to take more than two weeks, but I was depressed and didn't realize I was. When I think back on it now, it's like I came out of some dark fog. I was almost tempted to go back to work a week for my ex-co worker and though I know I NEED THE MONEY and told her I would do it, as the day approaches I'm having second thoughts. She keeps pushing the weeks further and further up which tells me that the story she gave me on needing to leave was bogus and I can't be sitting around waiting until she's ready.

Like you, I need to think up all the reasons on WHY I left and not forget what it was like, ever. I have this feeling that if I go back to work for him again, even for that one week, it could set me back emotionally and I can't have that. :nono:

:yep: Girl, don't do it! It's so easy to think, "Weeeell, maybe it wasn't THAT bad." But it WAS. And you deserve better. I can't even imagine being forced to spend the whole DAY with a crazy! :spinning: The mind games are endless, and their inability to see past their nose is just too much.

You know that dealing with these people is like emotional quicksand and like you said, an emotional setback is not what you need. You don't even want to to risk getting back on the merry-go-round because their brand of crazy is contagious.

Take care of you, mama!