APL by Dec 2010!!!

Come on ladies!! I'm probably not going to make it this year either, but I'm going to stay in the challenge anyway. Staying in will help you stay on track with your healthy hair practices and can be a place of support and encouragement!!!

Co-sign! Stay encouraged, ladies! You never know what might happen!
Heres a better shot to see how far i am from APL.. excuse the strips, i dont know how else to download the pics
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I think I'm 3 inches away from APL. I can't really tell:look:. I haven't taken a pic to see an actual measurement of my hair since April and I won't be able to until I take my extension braids out.

I did undo a few of them in the back for re-tightening and when my little niece pulled it out to check the length, it seemed like I had about another 2.5 to 3 inches to get to APL. As you cna imagine, this makes me a little sad.

I have no idea what i submitted as my starting picture but there is a very recent side view picture in my siggy. Its misleading though because my hair is being bent by my shirt collar (siiigh for those just grazing SL )

Anyway idk if I will reach APL by December but I want to be damn close!

ETA: I don't know how you ladies measure, I saw one lady mention that she only counts her hair as a certain length if most of her hair reaches that length. I personally am keeping the shape of my hair how it looks in that August pic with the gradual length towards the back ( idk what to call it) I'm guessing it will eventually form a U type shape.
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I think I'm 3 inches away from APL. I can't really tell:look:. I haven't taken a pic to see an actual measurement of my hair since April and I won't be able to until I take my extension braids out.

I did undo a few of them in the back for re-tightening and when my little niece pulled it out to check the length, it seemed like I had about another 2.5 to 3 inches to get to APL. As you cna imagine, this makes me a little sad.


You can do it! Stay encouraged! You never know what might happen.
^ u still have plenty of time aggie, dont feel discouraged. Im about the same. about 2inches away

Thanks for the encouragement Ijanei. Even though I was a little sad, I am not quitting this challenge:nono:. I am going to keep at it until I get there:yep:.
hello ladies!

i'm in the CLASS of APL challenge and wanted to also join this one.

right now my hair is pressed and in a ponytail. i usually wash it every week & condition it using Dr. Miracles and i wash with Motions.

Here's my pic from March: My ends were clipped

Here's my pic from August:

Am i still at the same length????
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Hey Ladies.
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. I'm still just cowashing 2x DC with every wash. My protective styles have been twist outs and buns. When it starts getting cooler I'll start doing twists. I'm not going to straighten until the fall/winter. I'm too scared of heat damage to straighten. I hope that I'm below APL when I finally do.

Be encouraged Ladies. I know that we will all come close to APL if not surpass it and simply blow it out of the water by the end of December. We all have healthy hair practices and know what we have to do. Continue on in the pursuit of healthy long hair ladies.

Congratulations to us all!!
hello ladies!

i'm in the CLASS of APL challenge and wanted to also join this one.

right now my hair is pressed and in a ponytail. i usually wash it every week & condition it using Dr. Miracles and i wash with Motions.

Here's my pic from March: My ends were clipped

Here's my pic from August:

Am i still at the same length????
I can't really tell ms. t. I can't see where your armpits are in the first pic so I can't really make a true comparison. Do you have a better shot of the first pic?
I'm really afraid to get my relaxer this weekend. I took my crochet braids out yesterday and detangled on dry hair to remove all of the shed hair. Detangling was a breeze and I decided to keep my hair in plaits during shampooing and DC'ing to minimize matting/locking. I then decided to do a protein treatment to make sure my hair was strong enough to handle the relaxer and what do you know, MY HAIR LOCKED. It took 3 hours, 3 different sized combs and a lot of patience that I didn't know I had to remove the tangles and knots. Needless to say, I still lost a lot of hair. I will be devestated if I have experienced a setback and will need a major trim....I was sooooo close.

The good thing is that I finished the remainder of my ApHogee 2 Step..my "faux stash" is becoming obsolete and I will be able to purchse new stuff!! :rolleyes:
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Alright, I've been lurking in this challenge for the longest, and I'm joining now! I'm grazing APL, and I see no reason that I can't make it by December, even with a good trim. I'm in!:grin:
I'm really afraid to get my relaxer this weekend. I took my crochet braids out yesterday and detangled on dry hair to remove all of the shed hair. Detangling was a breeze and I decided to keep my hair in plaits during shampooing and DC'ing to minimize matting/locking. I then decided to do a protein treatment to make sure my hair was strong enough to handle the relaxer and what do you know, MY HAIR LOCKED. It took 3 hours, 3 different sized combs and a lot of patience that I didn't know I had to remove the tangles and knots. Needless to say, I still lost a lot of hair. I will be devestated if I have experienced a setback and will need a major trim....I was sooooo close.

The good thing is that I finished the remainder of my ApHogee 2 Step..my "faux stash" is becoming obsolete and I will be able to purchse new stuff!! :rolleyes:

Omg! Chast! I'm so sorry this happened!! I know how you feel bc the same thing happened to me after I took out my first cornrow install. The second time, I prepooed with banana baby food (tip from grow) and oils and no matting.

Hopefully you didn't lose as much hair as you think. And I KNOW you are a long term stretcher, so.....put that relaxer on hold till you can assess the damage!
I'm really afraid to get my relaxer this weekend. I took my crochet braids out yesterday and detangled on dry hair to remove all of the shed hair. Detangling was a breeze and I decided to keep my hair in plaits during shampooing and DC'ing to minimize matting/locking. I then decided to do a protein treatment to make sure my hair was strong enough to handle the relaxer and what do you know, MY HAIR LOCKED. It took 3 hours, 3 different sized combs and a lot of patience that I didn't know I had to remove the tangles and knots. Needless to say, I still lost a lot of hair. I will be devestated if I have experienced a setback and will need a major trim....I was sooooo close.

The good thing is that I finished the remainder of my ApHogee 2 Step..my "faux stash" is becoming obsolete and I will be able to purchse new stuff!! :rolleyes:

:bighug: Oh no! Chasturner, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Hopefully the damage won't be as bad as it seems. :crossfingers:
Omg! Chast! I'm so sorry this happened!! I know how you feel bc the same thing happened to me after I took out my first cornrow install. The second time, I prepooed with banana baby food (tip from grow) and oils and no matting.

Hopefully you didn't lose as much hair as you think. And I KNOW you are a long term stretcher, so.....put that relaxer on hold till you can assess the damage!

:bighug: Oh no! Chasturner, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Hopefully the damage won't be as bad as it seems. :crossfingers:

Thanks ladies, it could go either way. I'm hoping that everything will be fine, but I won't know for sure until this weekend. My hair doesn't feel much thinner (it actaully looks thicker even with my thin relaxed ends), it was just looking at the wad of hair that is scaring me to death...(ok, that's dramatic).

Salsa, I didn't have any problems with my cornrows and detangling after taking out my braids (I pre pooed with AO condish and EVOO) until I put the protein in so I'm thinking that that is what did it. My hair usually reacts this way to the last protein treament before my relaxer but this time it was on a larger scale. I will definitely let everyone know my end result at some point this weekend.

One thing is certain, I will NOT be dropping this challenge.
That's right Chasturner you had better not drop out.:spank: You give me hope.:yep:
Well, I went to the dentist today, and got 6 teeth pulled. This will put a dent in my vitamins for a few days. But other than that I dont feel so bad so I will continue with the cowashing.
Hellooo! I am new on here technically, but i have been lurking this site for a while now and would just love to join this challenge!

  • What are you doing for growth - I have been hiding my hair in weaves and braids for the last 8 months. still transitioning =]
  • What are you not going to do - give up :sunshine:
  • What length are you now? hmm not too sure i will come back in sept with an update!
Keep up the good work everyone!:clapping:
I'm really afraid to get my relaxer this weekend. I took my crochet braids out yesterday and detangled on dry hair to remove all of the shed hair. Detangling was a breeze and I decided to keep my hair in plaits during shampooing and DC'ing to minimize matting/locking. I then decided to do a protein treatment to make sure my hair was strong enough to handle the relaxer and what do you know, MY HAIR LOCKED. It took 3 hours, 3 different sized combs and a lot of patience that I didn't know I had to remove the tangles and knots. Needless to say, I still lost a lot of hair. I will be devestated if I have experienced a setback and will need a major trim....I was sooooo close.

The good thing is that I finished the remainder of my ApHogee 2 Step..my "faux stash" is becoming obsolete and I will be able to purchse new stuff!! :rolleyes:

Awww sorry to hear this...and 3hrs to get rid of the knots and tangles?! wow!
Hopefully you dont have to much of a set-back. I am kinda in the same boat as you. I think my hair is breaking because of the OD'ing of the MT :sad:
I was rushing to see results but now I believe something is going wrong.
I swear if I dont hit APL by the end of this year, I'm going to scream and cut everything off :wallbash: I think I may be experiencing a set-back of some sort
Awww sorry to hear this...and 3hrs to get rid of the knots and tangles?! wow!
Hopefully you dont have to much of a set-back. I am kinda in the same boat as you. I think my hair is breaking because of the OD'ing of the MT :sad: I was rushing to see results but now I believe something is going wrong.

I swear if I dont hit APL by the end of this year, I'm going to scream and cut everything off :wallbash: I think I may be experiencing a set-back of some sort

How long have you being using MT? I never really had the guts to try it because I read that many people were experiencing an increase of shedding when they used MT. Have you checked a sample of individual strands or are you just seeing broken pieces everywhere? I know this is just me being a little paranoid, but whenever I see hairs in my comb I check each strand to see if it is shed hair or broken hair. I know you can't exactly prevent all breakage, but it helps me to gauge my next steps if it is breakage.