APL by Dec 2010!!!

I've made it!!! I first looked in the mirror in April and noticed I made it but could not take any pics. So I took pics yesterday and was thrilled to see that not only had I made APL, but I am beyond APL and almost BSB and halfway to BSL!!



I've made it!!! I first looked in the mirror in April and noticed I made it but could not take any pics. So I took pics yesterday and was thrilled to see that not only had I made APL, but I am beyond APL and almost BSB and halfway to BSL!!


Thanks everyone!!

Ijanei, don't give up! Let me show you where I started:

December 2008


October 2009

Thanks ^^ great progress, i'm stuck at ur oct 2009 photo, so that means i will just be making it by december i guess, ur headed to or gonna be bsl by then....congrats once again
I've made it!!! I first looked in the mirror in April and noticed I made it but could not take any pics. So I took pics yesterday and was thrilled to see that not only had I made APL, but I am beyond APL and almost BSB and halfway to BSL!!



that's amazing progress, BGT!
what do you attribute your growth to?
whatever it is, it's working!:grin:
So I'm not actually in this challenge but I've been stalking this thread and all your hair is inspiring :)

If I pull all my hair to the front my longest section is about 2" away from my armpit. (I'm judging from the front because I'm not coordinated enough to take pictures from the back while holding my hair stretched lol). So hoping to make my definition of APL by December.

Ladies just checking in. I have given up on my new growth: I have helmet hair and although it doesn't bother me too much because I wear my hair in mostly buns, I'm starting to get a bit of hair depression because I have seriously fuzzy/coily roots. :nono: I have about 3 more weeks until my normal 16 weeks stretch is up but I think I'll continue to stretch until the end of August putting me at 19 weeks. *sigh* I need a new style...and a new attitude ASAP
that's amazing progress, BGT!
what do you attribute your growth to?
whatever it is, it's working!:grin:

Hey, I take 5000 mcg daily of biotin, wash and do rollersets or co-wash and do braidouts or twistouts. I don't bun, use wigs, phony-ponies or any other type of PS. HTH. :grin:
Ladies just checking in. I have given up on my new growth: I have helmet hair and although it doesn't bother me too much because I wear my hair in mostly buns, I'm starting to get a bit of hair depression because I have seriously fuzzy/coily roots. :nono: I have about 3 more weeks until my normal 16 weeks stretch is up but I think I'll continue to stretch until the end of August putting me at 19 weeks. *sigh* I need a new style...and a new attitude ASAP

Chasturner, my friend, i so know how you feel!!!:perplexed
from jan-may i did a 17 week stretch and in the middle, i got so frustrated that i almost bc'ed!
what helped was to just "forget" about my hair and focus on how nice it would look and how much growth i would see after i permed it.
i know it's a tough time, but you can do it and your september reveal is gonna be F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.!!!:yep:
Chasturner, my friend, i so know how you feel!!!:perplexed
from jan-may i did a 17 week stretch and in the middle, i got so frustrated that i almost bc'ed!
what helped was to just "forget" about my hair and focus on how nice it would look and how much growth i would see after i permed it.
i know it's a tough time, but you can do it and your september reveal is gonna be F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.!!!:yep:

Awww thanks grow! :hug3:I always get the "hair blues" around this time and my hair doesn't actually look that bad. It's just the humidity that always messes up my previously decent roots...that's to be expected though. I'll keep pushing forward to my next application of creamy crack in August! :grin:
Doing my June 30th check in a little late! I haven't flatironed/blowdried since the end of April! Was going through some major withdrawal!! :lachen:

Start of the journey (Dec 09):

March check in:

Today (after the 3 month Jheri Juice challenge and a dusting of the wispy ends):


BAM!!! I'm sooo happy!! I'm still about 2-3 inches till APL, but I'm so pleased with the progress! My hair grows like molasses and I'm going through some major shedding, but it's still growing none the less! :grin::grin::grin::grin: It's nothing compared to the other hair divas on the boards, but this is the longest my hair has ever been and I love it! THANKS SO MUCH LHCF!!!
Evo-ny, that is WONDERFUL PROGRESS!!!!

you look closer than 2-3 inches and your hair looks so healthy, too!

you're doing a GREAT JOB!!!
Thanks so much everyone! I'm hooked on DA JUICE! I had a lot of breakage (first setback :nono:) from my PSing from December to March. If I had known about s-curl and its juicy cousins back then, I'd be scraping APL now!

Of course, the first thing my mom said was, "Well, you've always had good hair as a child!" :rolleyes: Good hair that would miraculously stop growing at shoulder length! :look:
I'm doin a 6 month stretch...my new growth is makin my hair shorter than wat it is...wat protective styles can I do after a co-wash?
Wonderful progress ladies!

I've been trying to get to APL for 7 months with no luck. Hopefully I wont have too much further to go before I get there :ohwell:
I need a good and full 2 inches nah scratch that, 3 inches and I should be a lil past APL I just want it to happen like right now
I need a good and full 2 inches nah scratch that, 3 inches and I should be a lil past APL I just want it to happen like right now

Me too!! I'm hovering around needing 2.5-3 inches to make APL, but like you I'd like 3 for good measure. I think I should just be making it by Dec. Trying to get to APL is driving me crazy!! I can't for it to be Dec. already!!:spinning:
Me too!! I'm hovering around needing 2.5-3 inches to make APL, but like you I'd like 3 for good measure. I think I should just be making it by Dec. Trying to get to APL is driving me crazy!! I can't for it to be Dec. already!!:spinning:

Ditto the 2-3 inches. It's going to be a close call for me (granted I don't trim or have any setbacks). I am excited that one week after my relaxer, I felt new growth!! That's unheard of for me. So maybe all the supplements coupled with a summer spurt are helping! I hope so!
I'm still tracking for full APL - will post picks after my BKT today

I'm 47 weeks post texlax touch-up and needed to BKT this week! I can totally relate to having a 'helmet' head - hoping BKT will calm it down some...