APL by Dec 2010!!!

hi ladies! i think this will be my first (ok, maybe second) progress pic since i joined in jan.
i've been off the boards for a while, but steadily working my program!
i hit APL a little while ago, but that was only my nape area.
now i'm waiting for the shorter lengths from the front to get there, which means by that time, my nape just might be at BSB, although i'm still confused about EXACTLY where BSB is.....(suggestions are welcome!)

anyhoo, this is what i've got so far in 6 months of progress.

Hey Grow I copied your pic and drew a line where BSB would be on you...you are close girl!!!

Great Progress Ladies!!! I'm still in braids at the moment and won't be able to add any update pics, but I'm about 2.5 " away from APL in the back. Now the front is at least 4" and the sides are about 3.5". Grrr....my hair is so many dang lengths.....but that's what I get from going to a scissor happy stylist.

Oh well, I've upped my protein and vitamin in take for the summer (I'm trying to get my body in shape as well) and I've started using BT regularly. I have high hopes!!
Great Progress Ladies!!! I'm still in braids at the moment and won't be able to add any update pics, but I'm about 2.5 " away from APL in the back. Now the front is at least 4" and the sides are about 3.5". Grrr....my hair is so many dang lengths.....but that's what I get from going to a scissor happy stylist.

Oh well, I've upped my protein and vitamin in take for the summer (I'm trying to get my body in shape as well) and I've started using BT regularly. I have high hopes!!

@ the bolded: I know how you feel. I have CBL sides and I was initially trying to get those to APL with the rest of my hair this year but it doesn't look like it will happen. I will be BSL before my sides get to APL...IF they ever get there. :rolleyes:
Hey Grow I copied your pic and drew a line where BSB would be on you...you are close girl!!!


i really appreciate your kindness, that is really sweet of you, but for some reason (i don't know if it's just my computer or not) i cannot see the picture where you were so kind to draw the bsb line.
could you please let me know how close you'd say i am, until the picture situation is worked out?
thank you so much!
ladies I will update my pics by tomorrow. I think I have about 1 inch until APL but I need to get a trim tomorrow some maybe it will be about 1.5 inches after I get my hair dusted
i really appreciate your kindness, that is really sweet of you, but for some reason (i don't know if it's just my computer or not) i cannot see the picture where you were so kind to draw the bsb line.
could you please let me know how close you'd say i am, until the picture situation is worked out?
thank you so much!

The tip of your hair will be there in about 1" but I'd say you have about 2.5-3 more inches to go for the rest of your hair. How tall are you? I'm jealous!!
The tip of your hair will be there in about 1" but I'd say you have about 2.5-3 more inches to go for the rest of your hair. How tall are you? I'm jealous!!

thanks so much for the important info!
the tip does seem to grow faster.....:perplexedand i'm 5 feet 10 and 1/2, so APL, BSB&BSL on, will take alot of growth to really show up on me.

btw, what are you jealous of honey?
with hair as beautiful as yours, i'm the one who has a reason to be jealous!:lachen:
^^Thanks!...it seems that it will take forever for my hair to get to BSB because my torso is long, lol I'm proportionately challenged. :lachen:
^^Thanks!...it seems that it will take forever for my hair to get to BSB because my torso is long, lol I'm proportionately challenged. :lachen:

ya see, this is the confusing part.
i can understand if you have front layers dangling in at CBL and believe me, i need to grow out my front layers, too.
seems like unless we started with a bob hairdo', the nape is always the first to show real length.
but when i look at your beautiful ends, i see BSB already there for them!
from what i've thought BSB to be, you are maybe even already past that point!
whatever point they are at, it's all looking great, and that's what counts the most!
ya see, this is the confusing part.
i can understand if you have front layers dangling in at CBL and believe me, i need to grow out my front layers, too.
seems like unless we started with a bob hairdo', the nape is always the first to show real length.
but when i look at your beautiful ends, i see BSB already there for them!
from what i've thought BSB to be, you are maybe even already past that point!
whatever point they are at, it's all looking great, and that's what counts the most!
@ bolded: I wish!!! I have about 2-2.5 more inches before I get below my shoulder blades...Full BSB/BSL will be my goal for Dec 2011
Sorry I'm late! But here are my updates!

Here's my hair today: I tried to make smaller - hopefully it isn't huge :perplexed


And here's a pikistrip I made of my progress since the challenge started:

I'm still just moving along. Don't really know my length at this point. Don't plan on straightening until my Bday in September.

I've been having some protein sensitivity issues so I'm on a strictly moisture regimen right now.

This is my progress in twists.
I'm still just moving along. Don't really know my length at this point. Don't plan on straightening until my Bday in September.

I've been having some protein sensitivity issues so I'm on a strictly moisture regimen right now.

This is my progress in twists.

looks like alot of wonderful progress to me!
which moisturizing treatments are you using?
you're gonna be amazed when you straighten your hair in sept.!
i just know it!:yep:
Hey Grow I copied your pic and drew a line where BSB would be on you...you are close girl!!!


hi Chasturner84!
thanks again for trying with that line! i managed to get some help with it and wanted to ask you, is this where the line would be for BSB on me or is that really BSL? (remember what i'd said about the difference being confusing, lol, well, this is why:spinning:)
looks like alot of wonderful progress to me!
which moisturizing treatments are you using?
you're gonna be amazed when you straighten your hair in sept.!
i just know it!:yep:

For cowashing I'm using:
SSI Avocado
HV Moist 24/7

For DC:
Shea Moisture
SSI Banana Burlee

Any styling product with out protein.

I really can't figure out what changed that I got so protein sensitive. My hair will get hard and crunchy even if I cowash with a mild protein product. I know I got protein overload from the new HV Acai condish because I didn't realize it had so much protein in it coupled with a styling product that had protein as well. I thought I was over it esp after my henna went well but that doesn't seem to be the case.:wallbash:
For cowashing I'm using:
SSI Avocado
HV Moist 24/7

For DC:
Shea Moisture
SSI Banana Burlee

Any styling product with out protein.

I really can't figure out what changed that I got so protein sensitive. My hair will get hard and crunchy even if I cowash with a mild protein product. I know I got protein overload from the new HV Acai condish because I didn't realize it had so much protein in it coupled with a styling product that had protein as well. I thought I was over it esp after my henna went well but that doesn't seem to be the case.:wallbash:

My hair is going through a phase now where it only wants moisture. I guess maybe one day, I'll figure out this moisture/protein balance. I know the basics, but it still takes some work :perplexed I do know one thing: moisture has never failed me - so maybe I should just stick with that and leave protein alone.
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hi Chasturner84!
thanks again for trying with that line! i managed to get some help with it and wanted to ask you, is this where the line would be for BSB on me or is that really BSL? (remember what i'd said about the difference being confusing, lol, well, this is why:spinning:)

Heeeey Grow! The line that you drew is BSB. People use BSB instead of BSL because it is more accurate than BSL (some wear their bras high, some are super low). My BSL, for instance, is actually MBL because I wear my bra low. Once you reach the line, you can claim either one.
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Heeeey Grow! The line that you drew is BSB. People use BSB instead of BSL because it is more accurate than BSL (some wear their bras high, some are super low). My BSL, for instance, is actually MBL because I wear my bra low. Once you reach the line, you can claim either one.

thank you Chasturner84!!!:bouncegre

i have been confused about that difference since i came here!
NOW i get it!
i also really appreciate what you said because i too, wear my bra low and it's way lower than that line (!)....so with this new understanding, i'm actually closer than i thought....wow, not bad! i'm thrilled! thanks!:yep:
i totally "get" the protein problem.
whew, that had my hair going snap crackle pop for quite a while!
have you ladies checked out this thread yet?
it's made just for people like us who are very sensitive to protein.

Funny thing is I was never protein sensitive. I could use a combination of protein laden products and as long as there was some moisture thrown in there then my hair was happy:grin:.

Now if I use a product with even a drop of protein in it like my hair is like :eek2:
The other thing is now I see "heat damaged" areas that weren't there and I haven't used heat since Feb and my hair has been fine. I noticed it after I was bunning last week and using gel. And that shouldn't cause me to have straight sections. I'm just so :spinning::drunk: about what is going on with my hair.

thank you Chasturner84!!!:bouncegre

i have been confused about that difference since i came here!
NOW i get it!
i also really appreciate what you said because i too, wear my bra low and it's way lower than that line (!)....so with this new understanding, i'm actually closer than i thought....wow, not bad! i'm thrilled! thanks!:yep:

Glad to be of service! :grin:
Funny thing is I was never protein sensitive. I could use a combination of protein laden products and as long as there was some moisture thrown in there then my hair was happy:grin:.

Now if I use a product with even a drop of protein in it like my hair is like :eek2:
The other thing is now I see "heat damaged" areas that weren't there and I haven't used heat since Feb and my hair has been fine. I noticed it after I was bunning last week and using gel. And that shouldn't cause me to have straight sections. I'm just so :spinning::drunk: about what is going on with my hair.

i know how you feel!
this hair stuff is hard to figure out at times.
but i have a question: do you have to bun with gel?
that might be making your hair dry, too.
sure, too much protein is not so good, but if instead there's that gel, that's not so good either, imho. can you try getting your hair to stay put with conditioner?
i say this because i don't use gel anymore and i've seen an enormous change in my hair! i put the conditioner on while it's still a little wet and add some oils if it seems to heavy, white, or thick.
it works just as well as gel, but cannot dry my hair out.
it might work for you, too!
What are you doing for growth?
I am currently 22 weeks post relaxer and I am eager to complete this six month stretch. I took my hair out of cornrows two weeks ago (they were in for 4 weeks). I've been bunning and I had a twist/straw set in my hair this week so I didn't comb my hair for 5 days. I'm basically trying to keep up with protective styles and not combing my hair until wash days. I've also been moisturizing and sealing every day. I will be texlaxing in 2 weeks and I will trim my hair.

What are you not going to do?
I am not going to use any direct heat unless it's a really special occasion and it's just on my roots (probably up to 3 times till December). I won't wear my hair down much at all because I want to retain more length. I won't trim my hair unless I have damaged ends (I am scissor happy!!).

What length are you now?
I am shoulder length so I think this goal is highly attainable.

June straightened hair length


Current week's style
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Checking in!!
This was my hair on December 27, 2009:


Here it was in March 28, 2010:


And this is my hair today, July 4, 2010:


I did make APL, but I'm not really...happy with how it looks because of my V. It's been progressively getting worse. :(
I'm going to leave it alone for a while, and then around BSL, I want to start trimming a little, to see if I can get it growing more evenly. Even a U would be preferable.
And my retention has slowed down lately, so I'm going to try to DC and moisturize my hair more often.

But everyone else has had really nice progress!! Congrats ladies!
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Checking in!!

I did make APL, but I'm not really...happy with how it looks because of my V. It's been progressively getting worse. :(
I'm going to leave it alone for a while, and then around BSL, I want to start trimming a little, to see if I can get it growing more evenly. Even a U would be preferable.
And my retention has slowed down lately, so I'm going to try to DC and moisturize my hair more often.

But everyone else has had really nice progress!! Congrats ladies!

Wow Chaos! You're doing great!!! Wonderful progress :grin: