APL by Dec 2010!!!

guess I will update sometime today....but will have to come back on Friday when I flat iron my hair. So instead of posting today, hope u dont mind if I post friday!:blush::look:
Here's my update pics. Hopefully I'll make APL by Dec because my hair grows so slow I want to just scream.

here is myupdate, I doubt if i make it by september now :sad:....it just seems stuck in the thing it's going thru :nono:
hopefully i do make it by december, If not, i guess there is a such thing as terminal length :sad:

just finished flat ironing

sorry if the pics are big




as u can see the one side is longer than the other, it always grow like that, I cant call it
Overall I'm pretty pleased with my progress. I know that a major PROFESSIONAL trim is definitely in the cards but I'll save it for Dec. In the pic on the right, I had just attempted to trim my ends...that trim didn't go according to plan so it's really uneven. :lachen:Here's my update:

Wow :lick: Thats some major growth! Great progress
Overall I'm pretty pleased with my progress. I know that a major PROFESSIONAL trim is definitely in the cards but I'll save it for Dec. In the pic on the right, I had just attempted to trim my ends...that trim didn't go according to plan so it's really uneven. :lachen:Here's my update:

Overall I'm pretty pleased with my progress. I know that a major PROFESSIONAL trim is definitely in the cards but I'll save it for Dec. In the pic on the right, I had just attempted to trim my ends...that trim didn't go according to plan so it's really uneven. :lachen:Here's my update:


Chasturner, your hair is to die for!!! Amazing progress!
Wow :lick: Thats some major growth! Great progress

Chasturner, your hair is to die for!!! Amazing progress!

Thanks guys! I think I may have had a growth spurt because of the noticeable length difference--which I didn't even notice until I looked at the comparison pics. Unfortunately the spurt only occurred in the crown and back so it's really uneven now. I still have about 6-8 weeks before my relaxer so I'm afraid of what it may look like then but I guess I'll just let it play catch up with itself until I even it up at the end of the year. :ohwell:
What in the world are you doing with your hair Chasturner? That growth in a months time and u really are at apl it looks like...um I want to know that secret!
^^LOL...there's no secret, honest. Probably just my spurt. I have a feeling that the growth is done for the summer or winding down at least. *sigh* My hair will probably start going through the thickening phase now.
Here's my update of straightened hair: (from early June)


heres a true comparison of bumped, flat ironed hair:

I feel like I'm soooooo far. I'm going to stop obsessing over it and just stay on top of my regi and protective styles.
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i wanted to post my pics last night, but I had gotten sooo busy.. I promise I will have them up by Fri!!! great progress ladies..keep it up..
Every time I attempt to wear my hair down it snags on my clothes. At what length does this not happen anymore.
Every time I attempt to wear my hair down it snags on my clothes. At what length does this not happen anymore.

I don't think that length exists; I think it may even get worse. When I wear my hair down, as soon as I feel the 1st pull or snag, it goes up into a bun or updo. I don't play.
^ aww i'm sure ur making progress, it may not seem like that to you sooo...dont feel that way

Thanks, I know I'm making progress. I gave myself a year to make to APL from neck length and I think I'm right on track. My deadline it Dec 31st. I think I need to focus on my other challenges and not worry about this one until I'm in the home stretch.
I've unofficially placed myself in this challenge. Lol
I have about an inch before I'll claim it. I think I'll make it though. Here's my progress

HELP! chear me up....im thinking that i won't make it by december. I never do lots fo measuring, can someone tell me by the pic about how much inches i might need to get there? :-(

im hoping that my boyfriend put his finger on more hair than he should..nahhh maybe not.
maybe straightened i'll see more length?

HELP! chear me up....im thinking that i won't make it by december. I never do lots fo measuring, can someone tell me by the pic about how much inches i might need to get there? :-(

im hoping that my boyfriend put his finger on more hair than he should..nahhh maybe not.
maybe straightened i'll see more length?

It may help if you straighten your hair but by the pic I would say you have 2.5-3" to go.
hi ladies! i think this will be my first (ok, maybe second) progress pic since i joined in jan.
i've been off the boards for a while, but steadily working my program!
i hit APL a little while ago, but that was only my nape area.
now i'm waiting for the shorter lengths from the front to get there, which means by that time, my nape just might be at BSB, although i'm still confused about EXACTLY where BSB is.....(suggestions are welcome!)

anyhoo, this is what i've got so far in 6 months of progress.
