APL by Dec 2010!!!

I decided to flatiron my hair and give myself a much need trim. I had a lot of single strand knots in my nape. I don't know why most of the knots are in that one area?

Here are the results. I think I'm about 2 inches away from apl, what do you think?

Is anyone else around SL or CBL and in this challenge for Dec 2010? It seems like most challengers posting are aiming to reach APL in the summer.

I've lived all my life perpetually at SL, so it'd be a miracle if it hovers slightly above CBL by summer, let alone APL!

My hair feels healthier than it's ever been and while I have wicked shrinkage, I don't think I'm retaining length. My ends were full of SSKs and MSK (multiple strand knots!), so when I twisted my hair last night, I trimmed about half an inch off the ends. Hopefully, that will help keep my ends healthy.
It won't necessarily be a miracle for you to reach it! How far along are you?

I think it depends on what the person is calling APL. For instance, in my siggy, my hair looks APLish but I have since trimmed off an inch plus I'm aiming for full :perplexed Also, some are claiming APL when they are just grazing, and others, like me, won't claim APL until they slightly pass it which will probably be Dec.

My avatar is the last time I straightened which was back in March so I'm probably about 1 inch longer than that. I'm debating on straightening soon to see what progress I have. You are definitely right about others not claiming until they are slightly pass it. Thats what it seems like it. I'm a stretcher, if I can stretch most pieces to that length, I'm claiming it! :lachen:
OMG! I have finally found a condish that allows me to COMPLETELY detangle my new growth in under 10 minutes...Silicon Mix :lick:. I had been reading countless threads on this product but couldn't bring myself to purchase it because mineral oil is the 2nd ingredient :ohwell:. Well, I'm 10 weeks post and have about an inch of ng; around 12-14 weeks I cannot part my hair (at 15+ weeks I don't even bother with it), and actually have my mom detangle it which takes about 2 hours or more :nono:. I decided to break down and purchase SM because I read that it works best when you are several weeks post and I am not aiming to drive 2.5 hours to see my mom for a 2 hour detangling session. :nono: Although she said that she's expecting me soon, LOL!

So after my workout yesterday I decided to try it out. I shampoo'd and used a moisturizing rinse out--AO Island Naturals and towel dried my hair. I put SM on my hair from root to tip and and covered with a plastic cap for 5 or 6 mins. Well, I rinsed out the SM and the comb glided through my ng like butter, y'all, B-U-T-T-E-R! I allowed my hair to air dry and didn't add a leave in or anything else because I wanted to see how this product would leave my air dried hair. (I was betting it would be dry and brittle due to the mineral oil)...NOPE 24 hours later my hair is so soft. Can we say new stretching staple?? :grin: I guess it's time to start experimenting with other ways to use this product. Mom, your services will no longer be needed. :lachen:
OMG! I have finally found a condish that allows me to COMPLETELY detangle my new growth in under 10 minutes...Silicon Mix :lick:. I had been reading countless threads on this product but couldn't bring myself to purchase it because mineral oil is the 2nd ingredient :ohwell:. Well, I'm 10 weeks post and have about an inch of ng; around 12-14 weeks I cannot part my hair (at 15+ weeks I don't even bother with it), and actually have my mom detangle it which takes about 2 hours or more :nono:. I decided to break down and purchase SM because I read that it works best when you are several weeks post and I am not aiming to drive 2.5 hours to see my mom for a 2 hour detangling session. :nono: Although she said that she's expecting me soon, LOL!

So after my workout yesterday I decided to try it out. I shampoo'd and used a moisturizing rinse out--AO Island Naturals and towel dried my hair. I put SM on my hair from root to tip and and covered with a plastic cap for 5 or 6 mins. Well, I rinsed out the SM and the comb glided through my ng like butter, y'all, B-U-T-T-E-R! I allowed my hair to air dry and didn't add a leave in or anything else because I wanted to see how this product would leave my air dried hair. (I was betting it would be dry and brittle due to the mineral oil)...NOPE 24 hours later my hair is so soft. Can we say new stretching staple?? :grin: I guess it's time to start experimenting with other ways to use this product. Mom, your services will no longer be needed. :lachen:
I totally agree chasturner. I love SM a LOT! It is good to my natural hair:grin:.
OMG! I have finally found a condish that allows me to COMPLETELY detangle my new growth in under 10 minutes...Silicon Mix :lick:. I had been reading countless threads on this product but couldn't bring myself to purchase it because mineral oil is the 2nd ingredient :ohwell:. Well, I'm 10 weeks post and have about an inch of ng; around 12-14 weeks I cannot part my hair (at 15+ weeks I don't even bother with it), and actually have my mom detangle it which takes about 2 hours or more :nono:. I decided to break down and purchase SM because I read that it works best when you are several weeks post and I am not aiming to drive 2.5 hours to see my mom for a 2 hour detangling session. :nono: Although she said that she's expecting me soon, LOL!

So after my workout yesterday I decided to try it out. I shampoo'd and used a moisturizing rinse out--AO Island Naturals and towel dried my hair. I put SM on my hair from root to tip and and covered with a plastic cap for 5 or 6 mins. Well, I rinsed out the SM and the comb glided through my ng like butter, y'all, B-U-T-T-E-R! I allowed my hair to air dry and didn't add a leave in or anything else because I wanted to see how this product would leave my air dried hair. (I was betting it would be dry and brittle due to the mineral oil)...NOPE 24 hours later my hair is so soft. Can we say new stretching staple?? :grin: I guess it's time to start experimenting with other ways to use this product. Mom, your services will no longer be needed. :lachen:

I deep conditioned with it today after swimming. My hair is super soft. It is definitely the truth.
Can I join??? :D

What are you doing for growth?
GNC HS&N Vitamins
Wash & D/C every 2 weeks

What are you not going to do?
No more trims/cuts

What length are you now?


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wow Idk what happened but my hair just came into it's own this month. Maybe it's the vitamins or working out more but it has grown and I have so much new growth that I can not stop touching:grin:
What am I doing for growth?
Moisturize and Seal Daily
Low manipulation styles
Wash once a week- Air drying or Rollersetting
DC 2x weekly
JBCO 3x weekly
Massage scalp 3x weekly
Relax every 11 weeks

What am I not going to do?
No direct heat..Bye bye flat Iron/curling iron. Cept on relaxer day of course

What is your current length?
I am currently shoulder length


My progress since Jan 2010 to June 2010
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Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to check in with an update.

I have been pretty consistant with my weekly washing and DC'ing. I baggy 1-2 week (usually once at the beginning and again the night before I wash).

I have also established my vitamin regimen and I'm proud of myself. :grin:

Prenatal (switching to GNC Women's multi when these are gone)
MSM (1000mg)
Biotin (10mgs)
Vitamin C (500mgs)

Its been almost three weeks since my relaxer/touch-up but I swear I have new growth. :drunk: (I hope its not my imagination! :lachen:) I do PS'ing (bunning/braids at home and wigs/ponys when I go out)

I plan on stretching my relaxing to eight weeks, so I hope to have so great retention.
I'm in!

What am I doing for growth?
Sealing ends every other day if ps is worn loose.
Protective styles 90% of the time; twist updo.
Shampoo once a week- Air drying; may try a Corrine Bailey Rae rollerset on my shorten tresses
Wash hair in sections
Use only DW for my hair
Deep condition once a month
Massage scalp nightly with serum
Drink plenty of water
Sleep with hair covered in satin scarf

What am I not going to do?
No heat styling
No brushing hair when wet
RUSHING to finish do
Expose tresses to long hours outdoors without protection.

What is your current length?
I am currently base of neck/shoulder length
Just posting an update...I ended a six month stretch about three or four days ago...the first picture (March 2010?) is just to show my natural color...the second picture is the result of my touch up and black rinse this week. I am growing out layers...technically, I have made APL in some areas, but I'm not claiming until I am full APL/beyond APL.

I will post another pic when I flat iron to show a more accurate length

Pics removed
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Just posting an update...I ended a six month stretch about three or four days ago...the first picture (March 2010?) is just to show my natural color...the second picture is the result of my touch up and black rinse this week. I am growing out layers...technically, I have made APL in some areas, but I'm not claiming until I am full APL/beyond APL.

I will post another pic when I flat iron to show a more accurate length

Wow! You made some good progress during your stretch, congrats!
I got weave checked yesterday - well they didn't put their hand in my hair or anything but I was asked if I had a piece in. I was so happy! :lol:
Ladies it pains me to say that I will have to be dropping out of the challenge. Im going to be cutting my hair tomorrow for a wedding. It is needed. My ends are unsalvable, to many products on it. hopefully this cut and a fresh start will allow me to have apl by june of next year. It was a great challenge.
I also will be dropping out of this challenge due to the fact that i am studying for the bar exam and won't have time to check in weekly like I used to. I hope I make it by Dec but we will see
I have a silly ? I guess, Is APL when the hair is at the tip of your armpit or when you raise your arms and it reach underneath it? also I see some people when their hair reach the bra strap on their shoulders say they are BSL, and I thought BSL is when your hair is touching the straps that buckle up on your back? Hope my ?? make sense.. lol
I have a silly ? I guess, Is APL when the hair is at the tip of your armpit or when you raise your arms and it reach underneath it? also I see some people when their hair reach the bra strap on their shoulders say they are BSL, and I thought BSL is when your hair is touching the straps that buckle up on your back? Hope my ?? make sense.. lol

APL is when your arms are down by your side and reaches your armpit or with your arms out stretched to the side (forming a T) and your hair reaches your armpit. In these two instances you can be APL but not FULL APL. From my understanding, you are full when the majority of your hair reaches the area (so ususally a person would be considered full after they have passed the point of interest). BSL hair reaches the strap with the clasp so the strap across your back. If one's hair reaches the strap on their shoulders, they are considered shoulder length.
I am definitely full shoulder length right now. I had my niece pull the nape hair down and checked it in the mirror and I am about 3 inches from APL. I am hoping to reach it by November this year - I know, I know, I am looking for some speedy hair growth. I am very optimistic about it too.

To help me get there quickly, I will be getting some braids put in on Sunday for about 2 months. I started working out again and don't have the time to fix my hair everyday or even mess up my wigs with sweat. I may do the extension braids again for another 2 months before the end of the year as well.
I'm not sure if I'll make APL by December. I'm about 5 inches away from APL (I would have been closer if I hadn't BC'd back in April) but I'm not going to give up. I'm 6' tall with a long neck so we'll see...:look: