APL by Dec 2010!!!

Wow thickandgrow, your progress is amazing. i wish my hair grew like that.

Thank you! This comes as a total surprise to me, I really think this might be the longest my hair has ever been in my adult life. I might have had some pigtails that rivaled this back in grade school, but my hair has never been characterized as the type that "grows fast".

I really think keeping my hair in protective styles and keeping my hair from drying out have been the best things for my hair. Other than that, I've kept it pretty simple.:rolleyes:
My problem is I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT DO PROTECTIVE STYLES! I hate the way I look with my hair pinned up.
Thank you! This comes as a total surprise to me, I really think this might be the longest my hair has ever been in my adult life. I might have had some pigtails that rivaled this back in grade school, but my hair has never been characterized as the type that "grows fast".

I really think keeping my hair in protective styles and keeping my hair from drying out have been the best things for my hair. Other than that, I've kept it pretty simple.:rolleyes:
Ive been trying to do that as well maybe i need to be more committed to my mosturizing. either way great progress!!:grin:

  • I am wearing protective styles such as weaves, wigs, and ponytails.
  • I am not going to go to bed without moisturizing my ends and my hair wrapped.
  • I am SL
I am soooo looking forward to healthier, longer hair.:yep:
My problem is I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT DO PROTECTIVE STYLES! I hate the way I look with my hair pinned up.

I was the exact same way, lol. Literally, the same argument! I have a round face and I thought (and still do think) I looked best with a wild 'fro framing my face. I knew that protective styling was probably the way to go, but I was still unwilling until I started watching KimmayTube on Youtube. I interviewed her for my blog, asking about her hair care and she said she attributes her growth to "not having to have my hair 'out' all the time". When she said that, I knew she was right. I could continue rocking my fabulous 'fro, looking all cute everyday but sacrificing length, or I could find a cute way to keep my hair tucked and achieve the length I've always wanted. It was simply a choice of what I wanted more, and I chose length, even if I have to sacrifice my "look" for a few months.

Now that I've been wearing my hair pinned up consistently, I find that its not even that big of a deal because I still take my hair down and wear it out on the weekends. It's like giving my hair a "treat" for staying protected all week. When I get really antsy, I remember what Kim says in one of her videos about "A woman should have more going for her than her hair anyway" and I go exercise, work on a project, or do something else to improve "me".

Ive been trying to do that as well maybe i need to be more committed to my mosturizing. either way great progress!!:grin:

That's what I love about wearing twists as a protective style–I moisturize them when I first put the twists in, and I really don't have to moisturize them again until I take my hair out. Something about twisting my hair wet with KCKT and Coconut Oil really gives me long lasting moisture.
great information, ladies; great growth pics....it's all fantastic, thanks!

i CANNOT WIAT to perm my hair next month!!!!

the ng is continually "pulling my hair up" so it's impossible to see the growth.
i'm 12 weeks post perm today and will stretch until 16 weeks using protective buns.
i'm cowashing almost daily and when my hair is wet and full of dc, i can almost feel the ends at apl.....

btw, do we claim apl when THE LONGEST layer of our hair hits the mark or do we wait until our shortest layer is there, too?

tia, hhg ladies!
I have not checked in since the beginning, but I have had some major progress! I'm so excited.

When I first joined this challenge:


Where I'm at as of today:


I cannot believe how fast my hair has grown:spinning:. It's been less than 6 months! All I've done differently is kept my hair in protective styles more often and been more consistent with my routine. I blogged about my length check today, so you can check that out to see more pics and detail.

:blush: You should probably keep up with the BSL challenge too. Your hair's growing fast!! Great job!!!

great information, ladies; great growth pics....it's all fantastic, thanks!

i CANNOT WIAT to perm my hair next month!!!!

the ng is continually "pulling my hair up" so it's impossible to see the growth.
i'm 12 weeks post perm today and will stretch until 16 weeks using protective buns.
i'm cowashing almost daily and when my hair is wet and full of dc, i can almost feel the ends at apl.....

btw, do we claim apl when THE LONGEST layer of our hair hits the mark or do we wait until our shortest layer is there, too?

tia, hhg ladies!

ITA! I relax next week after a 16 week stretch and I am "itching" to know what I'll be working with over the summer. My ng is causing major shrinkage issues...to the point that my hair looks barely SL. :rolleyes:

There has been some debate on when to claim APL...many ladies claim APL when the majority of their hair reaches that point. I don't think you're FULL APL until ALL of your is there. I'll be on my way to BSL before I'm full APL because my sides grow super slow. :ohwell:
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great information, ladies; great growth pics....it's all fantastic, thanks!

i CANNOT WIAT to perm my hair next month!!!!

the ng is continually "pulling my hair up" so it's impossible to see the growth.
i'm 12 weeks post perm today and will stretch until 16 weeks using protective buns.
i'm cowashing almost daily and when my hair is wet and full of dc, i can almost feel the ends at apl.....

btw, do we claim apl when THE LONGEST layer of our hair hits the mark or do we wait until our shortest layer is there, too?

tia, hhg ladies!

tell me about it (@t the bolded).. i was 41 weeks post in that pic i posted, and even after straightening it, i still had some reversion goin on.. lol.. but it's cool.. i think ima be transitioning w/ the BKT so that not only will it help with the two textures, but i can see my tru length, and it wont be permanent. yall will see those pics for the next quarter.
I think I'm just gonna do a weave (sew-in) this weekend, I really hope I can do it, this will be my first self sew-in btw:perplexed
I think I made APL, but I'm not claiming it just yet. It's kind of weird that my hair is actually growing, and I'm retaining it :drunk:

Once I reach full APL, then maybe I won't be in denial.

My progress is in my siggy.
I don't know if I've updated already, but i'm currently in kinky twists. It's been about a month, we'll see how it goes. I really hope that I get some gowth and this helps me on my way to APL.
It has been a while since I updated, so here are my progress pics:

This one was taken 12/25/2010:

This one was taken 04/03/2010:

Not bad for a little over 3 months, I'm happy!
I'm extra late but I need in on this challenge! :grin:

I'm going to be protective styling (hopefully with just my own hair) for the entire year.
Wash & DC once/week and moisturize daily.

I will not be getting any more products until I am out of the old one and it is necessary (this is more for financial reasons but I'm sure my hair will appreciate the consistency)

At the moment I am in braids but I think I am at shoulder length (uneven, I started from a bald BC so my hair at the nape reaches my shoulders)
I haven't checked in in quite some time. Been dealing with a setback; lost a couple of inches. Went from below CBL to SL because of protein overload and hard water issues. Now I am back at CBL but still dealing with breakage. I'm going to attempt a corrective relaxer today, y'all wish me luck. I should also do dusting and then maybe I'll have the courage to post a progress pic.
I haven't checked in in quite some time. Been dealing with a setback; lost a couple of inches. Went from below CBL to SL because of protein overload and hard water issues. Now I am back at CBL but still dealing with breakage. I'm going to attempt a corrective relaxer today, y'all wish me luck. I should also do dusting and then maybe I'll have the courage to post a progress pic.

hi ,i havent been on lhcf for about 2 weeks, too busy! well no pics to post (my phone is broken)and thats what i used to take pics...hopfuly next time i come back ill post some.

My routine hasn't changed a lot. still protective styling and it is growing ,coooool.
btw, do we claim apl when THE LONGEST layer of our hair hits the mark or do we wait until our shortest layer is there, too?

There has been some debate on when to claim APL...many ladies claim APL when the majority of their hair reaches that point. I don't think you're FULL APL until ALL of your is there. I'll be on my way to BSL before I'm full APL because my sides grow super slow. :ohwell:

Right now, I know I'm not full APL because my hair has been in layers for the past 6 years. I have some pieces in the front that are just now finally grazing my shoulders. I know I'm not technically APL until all my layers reach that length, but even with my ultimate goal of WL, I don't expect all of my layers to reach my waist. I'll be perfectly fine with WL hair with long layers, so I don't mine claiming APL now. I probably won't be full APL until the back of my hair gets past BSL :ohwell:

:blush: You should probably keep up with the BSL challenge too. Your hair's growing fast!! Great job!!!

Thank you!:grin: I was just looking for the BSL challenge the other day, I might decide to be a late joiner over there too!

I think I'm just gonna do a weave (sew-in) this weekend, I really hope I can do it, this will be my first self sew-in btw:perplexed

I would totally recommend that. I have a friend who has always has neck to shoulder length, 4b, relaxed hair that never really got longer than that while we were in high school. In the last two years, she's been doing back to back sew-ins and her hair is GORGEOUS! Last time I saw her, her hair was long (well past shoulder length, if not APL), super thick, and all around luxurious, lol. Before seeing her hair, I was always skeptically of women using weaves to grow out their hair—now I'm totally a believer! In fact, she's part of the reason that I decided to get serious about "hiding" my hair.
i'm starting to get a little annoyed with my hair... really ticked i let my stylist trim/cut my hair last month (yes i did offically quit her afterwards and will never go back).

can't i be APL already!!! i have another 1-1.5 inches to go and have offically decided that i'm not going to relax my hair until i get it.

i plan on doing rollersets, buns, braid outs, and use one direct heat pass until june....and if that dosen't get me to APL i don't know what will!!! i'm also using up my last bottle of surge 14, so i'm pretty sure i will get there by early june.

sorry just had to vent.
Officially doing my braids for this sew-in....yikes! I hope it turns out right. my first sew-in and by myself btw
Sorry to b the rain on the parade but I'm dropping the challenge. I started as a relaxed head but after stretching for so long and realizing how relaxers hav thinned out my already thin hair, I'm transitioning. I kno I won't make apl natural by dec with only about 2 inches of new growth now (been transitioning since nov 09). Also, since I started the challenge, it seems like I've had absolutely no retention. I figured that relaxers hav made my hair to weak for the conditions I'm living in overall (hard water, dry air, wishy washy weather, etc). And b4 I think about getting to apl I need to solve this dry nape issue. Good thing is that my hair is much thicker and I'm happy about that. I gotta b doing SUMthing right. Hahaha So, ladies I wish all of u good luck and no set backs. I wish I culd add smileys but I'm typing frm my phone. :-D

Its bad. I went from no breakage to losing hair like crazy for the last 3 months. My hair was chin length in the front and now I have "bangs" that are above my eyebrows. Its just sad. I was so hoping to get to APL; but I can't even get my breakage under control. I am actually thinking of cutting it all back to earlength if I can't achieve any improvement.
Its bad. I went from no breakage to losing hair like crazy for the last 3 months. My hair was chin length in the front and now I have "bangs" that are above my eyebrows. Its just sad. I was so hoping to get to APL; but I can't even get my breakage under control. I am actually thinking of cutting it all back to earlength if I can't achieve any improvement.

wow ABOVE eyebrows now from CL? wth? sorry 2 hear about that
wow ABOVE eyebrows now from CL? wth? sorry 2 hear about that

Yeah, see all those scraggly pieces? I wore buns so they were camouflaged, but It was pointless for me to hold on to them. At least now I can rock some bang styles. Maybe I will actually like them.


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