APL by Dec 2010!!!

I haven't updated in what seems like forever. I've been letting my hair breathe for the past 8 weeks since my relaxer so that I can nurse it back to health a little. I've been wearing my hair in cornrows under a half wig and using an update reggie that consists of mainly Joico products. Also have added back my prenatal vitamins and started taking MSN and Nioxin Recharging Complex along with my Biotin. Tomorrow I will be having micros installed to get me through the summer. Wasn't planning on stretching for 6 months again, but it's looking like it's going that route. Hopefully I'll be brushing APL after this next install.
If I am in SL territory right now is it far-fetched to wish for APL by the end of the year? :perplexed

checking in. pre-pooing with mane and tail, ors replenshing pack and avocado oil. about to shampoo with CON and do a quick protective style before bed.

on another note i'm in a state of disbelief. i was just about to pre-proo and decided to do a quick length shot pic. are my eyes deceiving me or am i, dare i say, in apl land? i couldn't even reach my hair in the back to do a proper length check a little while ago. i must have been measuring incorrectly. anyways, i don't know if i should be claiming apl. i think i'll wait until the summer. the pic on the left is a pic from january (i'm holding my hair like that because i couldn't reach it to pull it down) and one that i just took.

eta: the one i just took is on the right. note, although my hair is braided in the pic on the left, i wasn't able to pull my hair down even in february when my hair was in a twist out. i dunno :/

Wow, congrats! I'm so happy for you! :weird:
If I am in SL territory right now is it far-fetched to wish for APL by the end of the year? :perplexed

Do you have a pic? Or know how many inches from APL you are??

It's always good to challenge yourself, so even if you don't make it by the end of the year you'll be pretty close :yep:
Congrats on all the progress ladies!! I'm really hoping to make it in June when I take out my weave. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I do have one concern -- the last time I washed my hair before getting the weave installed, I was so tired, I rushed through detangling and ripped a lot of hair out (ripped -- I could hear it), and I'm not really sure what the full reprocussions of that will be. I plan to buy some detangling conditioner and a Ouidad detangling comb for the future.

Right now, I'm 14 weeks post. So, I'll be about 22 when I take the weave out.

looking good ladies... I'm back to bunning to try to keep my retention up... I know my hair is growing but honestly whenever I look at it I feel like it's in the same place it's always been!!

I'm sooo hoping for a summer spurt!!!

If I am in SL territory right now is it far-fetched to wish for APL by the end of the year? :perplexed

Wow, congrats! I'm so happy for you! :weird:

HI PANAMONI! i used to wear weaves and can share that some ripping while detangling is "normal". now that i'm only detangling my permed hair once every 2 wks, i notice that alot of "shed hair" gets caught in the healthy stands.
i don't think it's anything to worry about because those hairs were in their natural process of leaving our heads.:yep:
plus, once you take this weave out after over 5 months, i'm sure you will be amazed at how much you've gained in healthy length!:grin:

Hi Love.Akihsoy! i'm in the bunning/cowashing challenge, too! and i, too, notice that everytime i look at my ends, they seem like they are in the same place! (ng does that, i think it deceives us about our length) i think the key element which bunning helps, is to keep us from looking at our length too much!:lachen:we will surely get growth!

Hi Drappedup! i was just grazing SL when i was still in the "lurking" mode about 2-3 months before i officially joined lhcf in january, and my hair has grown more than it's ever grown, and faster than it's ever grown since i've stuck around and learned.
i believe this can happen for you, too, and that u can undoubtedly be APL by or even before the end of the year!:yep: stick with it! and by all means, take good care of your hair!:grin:

HHJ Ladies!
Checking in: I rocked a braidout all last week ( first time I've had one hold up that long). This week I'm doing low manipulation so only buns or claw clips with maybe a cowash durng the week. I'm trying to use up some non-staple conditioners and oils by using them as prepoos.

My ends are looking very healthy so I see no reason to make apl during this stretch
Do you have a pic? Or know how many inches from APL you are??

It's always good to challenge yourself, so even if you don't make it by the end of the year you'll be pretty close :yep:

Not a recent one. I have one I took when I initially started cowashing/bunning/etc. at the beginning of March, but my hair has improved so much since then. I was going to wait until I "length check" and straighten my hair for the first time in months. I'm probably going to do early June. Originally was early May, but I'm so paranoid about using heat again I delayed it a month.:perplexed

HI PANAMONI! i used to wear weaves and can share that some ripping while detangling is "normal". now that i'm only detangling my permed hair once every 2 wks, i notice that alot of "shed hair" gets caught in the healthy stands.
i don't think it's anything to worry about because those hairs were in their natural process of leaving our heads.:yep:
plus, once you take this weave out after over 5 months, i'm sure you will be amazed at how much you've gained in healthy length!:grin:

Hi Love.Akihsoy! i'm in the bunning/cowashing challenge, too! and i, too, notice that everytime i look at my ends, they seem like they are in the same place! (ng does that, i think it deceives us about our length) i think the key element which bunning helps, is to keep us from looking at our length too much!:lachen:we will surely get growth!

Hi Drappedup! i was just grazing SL when i was still in the "lurking" mode about 2-3 months before i officially joined lhcf in january, and my hair has grown more than it's ever grown, and faster than it's ever grown since i've stuck around and learned.
i believe this can happen for you, too, and that u can undoubtedly be APL by or even before the end of the year!:yep: stick with it! and by all means, take good care of your hair!:grin:

HHJ Ladies!

Wow, you are so insightful and encouraging! Thank you bunches! I don't want to seem impatient as far as growth goes, but of course, I'm not gonna lie, it would be more than nice to be anywhere near APL by Dec 2010, lol. When I see everyone's beautiful lengthy locks I'm just like.......DO WANT.:lick:
What are you doing for growth

Protective Styling everyday. CO Washes. Hair Steaming. Henna my hair 2 times per month.

What are you not going to do
No Heat. Keeping my hair moist. Being Consistent. Having stylist just dust the ends, no more trimming.

What length are you now?

A little past my shoulders. I need to update my siggy.
Well, I took this pic last month towards the end of March (excuse the date, I need to update the date/time) when I straightened. To be APL my hair needs to be at 4. So I hope by June I'll be at least at 2. Then I should make APL/4 by Oct. fingers crossed and Lord willing. I've been keeping my hair braided and will take these out around the end of June, so we shall see.

I'm so excited I can just taste APL!!! :lick: HHG everyone!!!


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Checking in, still SL after a setback, protien overload, Ive been mosturizing like a crazy person. Hopefully i can still make apl by december.
ok ladies, i'm getting a bit nervous over here....:blush::ohwell::perplexed

i've got just over a month left to hit my apl goal and i don't know if i'm gonna make it....:sad:

even if i can claim something of the apl goal, it would only be the ends of my longest layer. :sad:

i totally agree with what people have said about "being a full apl" but if i had to wait until then (which for my shortest layer, could well mean 2011!:wallbash:), i just might get too depressed about my chances of progress and give up on all this stuff.

i don't want to "wait" to enjoy and love my hair, but if i'm not hitting those goals, it might feel like "all this work" has been for naught.:wallbash:
ok ladies, i'm getting a bit nervous over here....:blush::ohwell::perplexed

i've got just over a month left to hit my apl goal and i don't know if i'm gonna make it....:sad:

even if i can claim something of the apl goal, it would only be the ends of my longest layer. :sad:

i totally agree with what people have said about "being a full apl" but if i had to wait until then (which for my shortest layer, could well mean 2011!:wallbash:), i just might get too depressed about my chances of progress and give up on all this stuff.

i don't want to "wait" to enjoy and love my hair, but if i'm not hitting those goals, it might feel like "all this work" has been for naught.:wallbash:

dont worry, just keep up your hair care reggie, and relax dont stress out over it or your really wont hit your goal. I am sure that you will at least have the bottom layer hitting apl in no time, and the rest can do nothing but follow.
dont worry, just keep up your hair care reggie, and relax dont stress out over it or your really wont hit your goal. I am sure that you will at least have the bottom layer hitting apl in no time, and the rest can do nothing but follow.

Thank You, Indarican!

my goodness, you are so right about the stress! i've read everywhere that stress can dramatically slow down our growth!:blush:
i'd forgotten about that! thanks!
I texlaxed my hair last week ended at 11wk stretch, I have not taken any pics though. I think I got about almost an inch from last time texlaxed. I am really upset because I started in the front this time and now it is bone straight in the front area. My hair is already paper thin. I just hope I dont have any severe breakage. I also noticed some breakage in my nape area. I think it's from the bobby pins I use for my half wigs. I will take some pics this weekend
I texlaxed my hair last week ended at 11wk stretch, I have not taken any pics though. I think I got about almost an inch from last time texlaxed. I am really upset because I started in the front this time and now it is bone straight in the front area. My hair is already paper thin. I just hope I dont have any severe breakage. I also noticed some breakage in my nape area. I think it's from the bobby pins I use for my half wigs. I will take some pics this weekend

hopefully after some time and DCing you will get the strength back in your hair.
ok ladies, i'm getting a bit nervous over here....:blush::ohwell::perplexed

i've got just over a month left to hit my apl goal and i don't know if i'm gonna make it....:sad:

even if i can claim something of the apl goal, it would only be the ends of my longest layer. :sad:

i totally agree with what people have said about "being a full apl" but if i had to wait until then (which for my shortest layer, could well mean 2011!:wallbash:), i just might get too depressed about my chances of progress and give up on all this stuff.

i don't want to "wait" to enjoy and love my hair, but if i'm not hitting those goals, it might feel like "all this work" has been for naught.:wallbash:

Sometimes I wonder why we put undue stress on ourselves. Why put a date on something you can't control? Just try your best to keep what's on your head there and growth will come.

I hope you can find joy at every stage of your journey, not just when you are hitting goals. Last year when I cut my damaged hair, I hoped that I'd reach APL from EL in one year. Doesn't look like its going to happen for me but it did make me grow patience. I wish the same for you so you can enjoy your beautiful hair TODAY!
Sometimes I wonder why we put undue stress on ourselves. Why put a date on something you can't control? Just try your best to keep what's on your head there and growth will come.

I hope you can find joy at every stage of your journey, not just when you are hitting goals. Last year when I cut my damaged hair, I hoped that I'd reach APL from EL in one year. Doesn't look like its going to happen for me but it did make me grow patience. I wish the same for you so you can enjoy your beautiful hair TODAY!

Thank you, Topnotch1010!

you're absolutely right about "not putting a date on something we can't control", but here, there's just so much focus on length, inches grown per month, and growth products that i've been clocking my growth since i started in jan. and thought i should be "on time" if i just follow what works. :perplexed

i really appreciate your kind wishes that i, too can "grow in patience", which is something i am totally devoid of by nature.

i suppose i need to focus more on healthy hair rather than length of hair.

btw, your hair is gawgeous! just love that healthy shine!:yep:
i need my sunglasses for that picture!
ok ladies, i'm getting a bit nervous over here....:blush::ohwell::perplexed

i've got just over a month left to hit my apl goal and i don't know if i'm gonna make it....:sad:

even if i can claim something of the apl goal, it would only be the ends of my longest layer. :sad:

i totally agree with what people have said about "being a full apl" but if i had to wait until then (which for my shortest layer, could well mean 2011!:wallbash:), i just might get too depressed about my chances of progress and give up on all this stuff.

i don't want to "wait" to enjoy and love my hair, but if i'm not hitting those goals, it might feel like "all this work" has been for naught.:wallbash:

Aww girlie... you gotta use some of that positive energy that you always give us ladies for yourself! If you're visibly at APL, regardless of if it's only your longest layer, then you're APL in my eyes... even if it's not full APL.

And sometimes you just have to take the time to enjoy your hair! Even if you're not at you're ultimate goal, you've made progress and you deserve to let your hair down (literally) every now and then.

All your work will (and is) paying off!
Aww girlie... you gotta use some of that positive energy that you always give us ladies for yourself! If you're visibly at APL, regardless of if it's only your longest layer, then you're APL in my eyes... even if it's not full APL.

And sometimes you just have to take the time to enjoy your hair! Even if you're not at you're ultimate goal, you've made progress and you deserve to let your hair down (literally) every now and then.

All your work will (and is) paying off!

aww, shucks, thank you Love.Akihsoy!
sugar you are so sweet to remember how i always try to encourage others and remind me to revisit my own positive energy!

i really appreciate you saying that, baby doll; i need to remember that positive energy is there!
(even though i do misplace it from time to time,lol!)

you are absolutely right, even if my tippy toe longest layer is the only one there, we're gonna think achieved goal! being a full apl will come in due time....it's stickin' with it that counts!

never give up, ladies! let's get it!:bighug:
(i'm feeling better about myself and all my hard work already...THANKS LADIES!!!)
I'm almost there!!!!

girl, that looks like APL already to me!

i think you ARE there!:yep:

plus, your hair isn't even straight, so if it's flat, you have gone even more than APL!

keep up the good work, Charzboss!!!:clapping:

hhg ladies!!!
Hello my lovely APL Challengers!

I just relaxed my hair and I am excited to say that I've made a great deal of progress. In fact, I have really underestimated my hair; I wasn't expecting to see my current length until August. I'm grazing APL and decided to post some progress pics. I even did my FIRST self trim and although it's not the best, I think it came out pretty decent. I have updated my siggy...I can't believe it's been a year since I started my hair journey.

HHG, ladies!


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    16 wks post Apr 2010.jpg
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    April 2010 relaxer.jpg
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    April 2010 Length check.jpg
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  • self trim Apr 2010.jpg
    self trim Apr 2010.jpg
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Hello my lovely APL Challengers!

I just relaxed my hair and I am excited to say that I've made a great deal of progress. In fact, I have really underestimated my hair; I wasn't expecting to see my current length until August. I'm grazing APL and decided to post some progress pics. I even did my FIRST self trim and although it's not the best, I think it came out pretty decent. I have updated my siggy...I can't believe it's been a year since I started my hair journey.

HHG, ladies!

Congrats, girl!!! Your hair looks great!
I know I just started this challenge, but I'm in it to win it. I just had my hair texlaxed. I'm starting in on my henna tonight for strength. I will be steaming my hair regularly and not trimming so often - I'll post pics soon! YAY! - I mo' be cute! :reddancer:
so i have been on a no heat kick since december, and i have been streching my relaxers AND cowashing frequently... sounds like a good plan right, UUUUMMMMMM NO. I guess im just not one of those that can get away with not relaxing and not using heat and keeping wet. If i dont cowash my hair is still tangled and breaks at the decremation line. the streching is giving me great growth but since i havent been using heat, detangling is horrendous. So i think im going to have to up my relaxers to once every 6 weeks,:nono::nono::nono:, I know I know. or at least start back up with the heat, because i really want to make apl. I have bought BT and am getting great growth but i lose more detangling then anything. When I think about it, the only time i really retained any hair was when my hair was straight, either right after a relaxer or after it has been blow dried. I gained almost 2 inches when i had my hair straight for two months straight.:yep::yep::yep::yep: I guess I gotta dust off that blow dryer.
I mo' be cute! :reddancer:
Lol...that was funny!

so i have been on a no heat kick since december, and i have been streching my relaxers AND cowashing frequently... sounds like a good plan right, UUUUMMMMMM NO. I guess im just not one of those that can get away with not relaxing and not using heat and keeping wet. If i dont cowash my hair is still tangled and breaks at the decremation line. the streching is giving me great growth but since i havent been using heat, detangling is horrendous. So i think im going to have to up my relaxers to once every 6 weeks,:nono::nono::nono:, I know I know. or at least start back up with the heat, because i really want to make apl. I have bought BT and am getting great growth but i lose more detangling then anything. When I think about it, the only time i really retained any hair was when my hair was straight, either right after a relaxer or after it has been blow dried. I gained almost 2 inches when i had my hair straight for two months straight.:yep::yep::yep::yep: I guess I gotta dust off that blow dryer.

Co washing hasn't been my best friend, especially when I'm going through stretch. I lose more hair when my hair is co washed. I stretch 16 weeks and I must tell you that at week 12, detangling takes me at least 3 hours. I work with small sections and use LOADS of AO Island Naturals conditioner. It is the only condish that will give me enough slip to detangle without losing handfuls of hair. Actually, I lose more from natural shedding than I do from detangling. It's a rinse out one, but I leave it in and my hair is super soft. I only wash my hair once every 2 weeks when my hair becomes a pain to detangle but at that point I can either continue to stretch or relax because I'm usually at 13-15 weeks. Good Luck!!!