Anyone up for a NO TRIM challenge?

How's the challenge going ladies? I haven't started yet. I'm going to get a relaxer and a trim tomorrow. I am thinking cutting my hair in layers- again. :perplexed

This challenge is going ok so far. I'm trying to keep my hair and ends moisturized daily and I hide my ends everyday in a pin up style. I'm baggying my ends almost every night. Are you sure you want to cut your hair in layers again? Why not just get a simple trim or dusting and give your hair a chance to grow out the old layers? You may end up liking it, but the choice is yours though. Think about it.
no trims for me. I had my ends dusted back in jan of 2007! Every time i let someone cut my hair i always regret it. i feel when my hair gets cut it just stays the same size or gets shorter and shorter, i will probably dust it after it grows like 3 more inches though, but not before.:yep:
How's the challenge going ladies? I haven't started yet. I'm going to get a relaxer and a trim tomorrow. I am thinking cutting my hair in layers- again. :perplexed

Don't you do it! :naughty:

Don't make me spank you, like I did Sareca! *grabbing a switch from a tree*
This challenge is going ok so far. I'm trying to keep my hair and ends moisturized daily and I hide my ends everyday in a pin up style. I'm baggying my ends almost every night. Are you sure you want to cut your hair in layers again? Why not just get a simple trim or dusting and give your hair a chance to grow out the old layers? You may end up liking it, but the choice is yours though. Think about it.

If at all possible, can you post pics of your protective style?

I went to the salon this morning and got a relaxer and a trim. My hair is already layered, but the layers are growing out. I told her to just take a little bit off, and she did. She didn't cut any new layers, just redefined what was already there. I'll probably wait until the fall/winter to get layers.
Count me in, even though I was taught this is disaster. I will be dusting very soon!

:wave: Hi redliz81. You've been added!

I think a lot of us women have been taught that not trimming could lead to a potential disaster. However, it can lead to length retention of you properly care for your hair in between trims, e.g., moisturizing your ends and wearing protective styles, just to name a few. There are a number of women on the board who do not trim as often as some of us have been "taught." Stick around a while and you will see what I mean!
:wave: Hi redliz81. You've been added!

I think a lot of us women have been taught that not trimming could lead to a potential disaster. However, it can lead to length retention of you properly care for your hair in between trims, e.g., moisturizing your ends and wearing protective styles, just to name a few. There are a number of women on the board who do not trim as often as some of us have been "taught." Stick around a while and you will see what I mean!

If at all possible, can you post pics of your protective style?

I went to the salon this morning and got a relaxer and a trim. My hair is already layered, but the layers are growing out. I told her to just take a little bit off, and she did. She didn't cut any new layers, just redefined what was already there. I'll probably wait until the fall/winter to get layers.

Yes, I will post them later this coming week after I wash. I'm glad you decided to hold off on cutting new layers!
Well, I almost did a trim last night, but I fought the urge. I thought about you ladies here and my commitment to the challenge and said I can't let you down.

My goal is to be APL by 8/31, hopefully I'll meet it and be a little past it so when I trim I will still be at my goal length. Sigh! here is to wishful thinking.
Well, I almost did a trim last night, but I fought the urge. I thought about you ladies here and my commitment to the challenge and said I can't let you down.

My goal is to be APL by 8/31, hopefully I'll meet it and be a little past it so when I trim I will still be at my goal length. Sigh! here is to wishful thinking.

Did you trim before you started the challenge? That's allowed. :look:
Ladies my entire family is natural , on the weekend I met my sister and nieces for morning prayer meeting, then breakfast . My nieces hair was flat ironed and evenly trimmed in layers , it had to be the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Boy is it tempting to just loose some inches for that look:nono: