How long did you date before getting married?

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i always find short courting stories interesting and so cute.

any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?

Yes, we met July 22, 1983 and married August 4, 1984. Actually both my Mom and sister were also married within a year. My parents were married for 50 years until my Dad passed in May and my sister and her husband have been married for 20.

if so, are you still married?

Yes, 25 years this year

if you could do it over again, would you?

Yes, I'm home sick and he just went out to buy me cough drops and soup. :)

how did you know he was the one?

We just resonated on a lot of different levels. We had the same values and shared the same faith. Not that we haven't had our rough patches. You don't go through 25 years of marriage without them. But we're both committed to our marriage and to each other.
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?

Yes, we dated for 1.5 years

if so, are you still married?

Yes, we just celebrated our 3 yr anniversary.

if you could do it over again, would you?
Yes (sometimes, when he doesn't get on my
How did you know he was the one?
He was so kind and attentive. He listened to me, truly listened. He was the first guy that I had met in a long time that had integrity and did exactly what he said he would do.
he actually said when he first saw me, he told his friend that I was going to be his wife.
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any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry? Married after 5.5 months...I was pregnant! We planned to get married but probably would have waited a year or so if I hadn't fell pregnant..

if so, are you still married? We are still together after over 1.5 years ( so still newbies)

if you could do it over again, would you? I'm not sure... I know one thing for sure...I would have got to know him better... We had kids within months and didn't get a chance to spend time as a married couple...this has been hard

how did you know he was the one? He treated me well, He was a family man and a man with strong faith, He had a good head on his shoulders and we shared the same values and likes and dislikes. I was attracted to him on every level:)
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Here is my story. I met my husband when I was thirteenth years old. He was my sister's boyfriend(now husband) best friend they were five years older than me which is a lot when your a teenager so he nor I ever saw each other in a romantic way. My husband was away at college and he and my BIL lost touch with each other. They reconnected after ten years and my sister suggested that we hang out. Now usually I would NEVER allow my sister to hook me up with anyone because she has horrible taste in men but I remember him being the "good boy" amongst a bunch of rebellious teens and so I agreed. She had also informed me that he was a Christian which was top priority for me. When we first hung out I was blown away by his faith and his conviction. His relationship with God was solid and I knew that alone would make him a wonderful husband not to mention that he possessed every quality that I looked for in a mate.
I pretty much knew right from the beginning that we were going to get married. We started our courtship in January by March we were engaged and married in July. Our marriage is one of the best things that ever happened to me. It has helped me to grow leaps and bounds spiritually. I loved him with all my heart when we got married and our love just continues to grow and get richer and deeper everyday. We've been married for 4 years, and yes I would marry him over and over again.
i always find short courting stories interesting and so cute.

any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry? Dated for 1 month, engaged for 6 months

if so, are you still married? Yes :grin:

if you could do it over again, would you? Absolutely.

how did you know he was the one? As corny as it sounds, he was everything I was looking for and we really connected. He is such a sweetheart!!
My mom recently did this... she met a guy last December and they got married in September... personally I dont think I could do this... but so far he treats her like a queen and they are happy. Only time will tell what will happen but as long as she is happy I am happy for her.
soooo sweet guys!!! i don't know if i could do this because i have serious trust issues, but these are great stories!