How long did you date before getting married?

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Yes, my good friend this past weekend got married to man who dated her only 6 months. He was DEAD serious. Brought her a nice ring and all. B/f him she dated a guy for 7 years she was very distraught b/c he did not love her as much as she thought and her son. I mean she was torn inside. During that time I would encourage her and lo-and behold a man came a year later who I said and I Quote

" You will be blessed with a man who truly loves you and supports you."
"This man will love and take care of your son."
" You will be very happy and never have to want for nothing"
She still is reminded of my speech and still talks about it until this day.

I am very happy for her, him and their son.

BTW she laughs at her ex of 7 years b/c he wanted her back and now she told him she is now married and he is "LIVID" Oh well the ex lost a good woman.
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any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
we met in Nov of '04 and married in Sept of '05

if so, are you still married? yes, it will be 4 years in Sept.

if you could do it over again, would you? absolutely

how did you know he was the one? I prayed about it and there was just a peace in my spirit. We had so much in common and could talk for hours and still can. Also, my parents loved him. I wasn't even nervous on my wedding day.
i always find short courting stories interesting and so cute.

any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
Dated for six months, engaged married within one year

if so, are you still married?
10yrs now

if you could do it over again, would you?

how did you know he was the one?
I knew he was the one because we shared the same values. He was and is my best friend

If I had to do it over again I would of waited. I feel that I would of still married him but not as soon. The older I get the more I realize that I was playing with fire. I would never do something like that at my age now but back then I was young and silly. It was rough going during the beginning but of course it had to be. We had not known each other very long so we had our ups and downs. I love my husband and could never be with another man. I guess my point is that I feel that I was immature when I made that decision. Not to offend anyone here but I shake my head when I hear about people of a certain age doing something like this especially if that person has been divorced. In my opinion you are taking a risk when you do something like this. Risk taking is a part of being young and silly. As I said I feel that once you reach a certain age that you should have a better understanding of the risk you are taking.
I have found this to be true the younger you are (marrying w/i a year)

The older I have become, I never hear about anyone marrying w/i a year or two, in fact, the couple is usually together for years and years the older they are..

I think you are right. I do not hear about this as much with my older friends. However, I hear about it all the time in my line of work and schooling.
My parents met on New Years and were married on June 18th of the same year. They're celebrating 15 years this year. I can only speak for my mom and she would say she would not do it again. I always say she should have waited for the rinse cycle.
i always find short courting stories interesting and so cute.

any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry? 6 months

if so, are you still married? it will be 9 years in July

if you could do it over again, would you? Absolutely

how did you know he was the one?
His moms took one look at my picture and said, "well, it's not like you're gonna marry her:ohwell:." (We are of different races.) Anyway, right when I heard that story I knew it was gonna happen. I started looking at him differently from that point. It sounds crazy but it is true. Plus, I bought him a pink shirt to wear to my sister's wedding and he wore it gladly!
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
DH and I dated for a little over one year before getting engaged. We were married less than 6 months later. We've been married for 8 years this month.
if so, are you still married?
See above.
if you could do it over again, would you?
Absolutely. I love him more and more each day.
how did you know he was the one?
I can't really explain it. I just KNEW. There was a feeling of happiness/contentment/completeness that I had never felt before. The way that he acted each day let me know that he truly loved me.
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
My husband and I courted for about four months. When he made it known that he was interested in marrying me, I ran faster than Flo Jo. I was content with my single life and not thinking about marriage. He endlessly contacted different members of my community. I wasn't sure if he was exibiting stalkerish tendencies or if he was extremely persistent. After several people vouched for him and my friends worn me down to speak with him, I decided to give it a chance. He invited me, my friend and her DH to his house for a home cooked meal. His conversation peaked my interest and cooking skills impressed me. Four months later we were married.

if so, are you still married?

if you could do it over again, would you?
Without a doubt.

how did you know he was the one?
He had the qualities of a good man, that of what I would expect in a spouse. He also appealed to me visually, emotionally, mentally, intellectually and religiously.
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I have found this to be true the younger you are (marrying w/i a year)

The older I have become, I never hear about anyone marrying w/i a year or two, in fact, the couple is usually together for years and years the older they are..

I would think this is the other way around.

If you're older you know more about what you want/what you're looking for, and if you've found it, you just go ahead and get married.
Cute stories! Thanks for sharing! I think that as an adult, you should know whether you want to marry someone or not with two years. :yep:
I'm so glad I found this thread...:yep:
Me and my SO have been together for about 4 months or so( been knowing each other for a while) and we truly love each other. We have talked about marriage and our future together in a different state. This thread gives me hope. :cupidarrow:
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?

Well, actually yes, we dated for 23 months before he popped the question.

if so, are you still married?

Yes we are still married, and will celebrate 6 years in 13 days.

if you could do it over again, would you?

Yep, I love my crazy husband.

how did you know he was the one?

He carried me from the train station to my mothers house (I bought him up there to meet the family officially). My feet had swollen up because I was wearing new boots, and didn't break them in. We had been dating 6 months at this time.
hubby and I only dated 4 months and got married. we met towards the end of november 96' and got married march 29, 1997.

we have been married 12 years now :)
i always find short courting stories interesting and so cute.

any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
Yes, we dated for four months and then married.

if so, are you still married?
Yes for 8 years.

if you could do it over again, would you?
Hmm... I ask myself that every now and then...still don't know.

how did you know he was the one?
Well, actually we were friends for about 8 months first. It just felt so natural being with him.
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry?

Yes, we dated for 2 years. I got married young.

if so, are you still married?

Yes, still happily married for over 9 years.

if you could do it over again, would you?

Yes :yep:
dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
met 25 feb 05 married 24 oct 05 i think :grin: about 8 months

if so, are you still married?

if you could do it over again, would you?
no bc i did not really know him, he was abusive...had i waited the 2 yrs i wanted to we would not be married

how did you know he was the one?
see above, but i think that i just wanted to be married

my new boyfriend wants us to wait, he calls me his future wife and im cool with that
I was engaged to my husband after a month of dating (I knew of him from church though). We were married within 7 mos. I wouldn't do it again, though because I didn't give him a chance to show his true colors.. and didn't get to check out his trunk first... everybody has something in their trunk.. it's a matter of if you can handle it. We spent most of our 8 years trying to get to know eachother. Yes, we are still married, but I actually contemplating divorce. It's been a struggle since day one.

I have heard the wonderful stories of these type of situations working.. but just didn't in my case. Also, I was 30 when I got married and somewhat stuck in my ways too I"m sure.
I'm claiming married the 6mos to a year category...In Jesus name.

But ONLY if its someone I already knew prior to us "dating" then I can marry him in 6 months. Which can only be a friend and we had to be friends for at least a year, reason is I feel that I would know all of his true colors and everything so I won't be "surprise" once we say I do.
I'll speak for my best friend: she started dating a man in May 2009, and they got engaged today :D

Hopefully they will marry by the end of this year.

I think their age (39 and 42) made it easier to make a quick decision :yep:
It's her first marriage, his second.
dated your so less than a year or two and marry?
met 25 feb 05 married 24 oct 05 i think :grin: about 8 months

if so, are you still married?

if you could do it over again, would you?
no bc i did not really know him, he was abusive...had i waited the 2 yrs i wanted to we would not be married

how did you know he was the one?
see above, but i think that i just wanted to be married

my new boyfriend wants us to wait, he calls me his future wife and im cool with that

as appealing as the whirlwind romance is, this makes me want to wait a few years before marriage when dating. i think it is easier to fake a year or less, but around year 3 or 4? your ugly will show.
any of you ladies dated your so less than a year or two and marry? Yes we attended HS together, never spoke a word to eachother. Then years after HS when we were both home on break from school we saw eachother at the club and he asked me out. We went out on a date a week later 10/97 and have been inseperable ever since. We were engaged 2/14/98 and got married in 8/98.

if so, are you still married? Yes, 11 years and counting

if you could do it over again, would you? Despite his family yes! (I feel ya DLewis)

how did you know he was the one? We are two of a kind! He knew before I knew. He actually proposed a month after we started dating and I rejected the first offer. He puts up with me which is amazing because I'm a character. It's my way or BUMP you or rather OUR way or BUMP you! And honestly, dude GOT IT! :blush::lachen: Yall know what I'm talking about! I wasn't about to let that get away!