Another, "My boyfriend broke up with me" thread


Well-Known Member
Like I told him, I am totally blindsided by this. We are 24, a lot in common, physical attraction, our families are happy we are together, we talk things out when we are upset, we support each other's interests, etc. There's nothing not to like about our relationship.

But, and of course there's a "but".... Lately, I've been needing him more than ever. I've been experiencing anxiety and depression. My grandma is sick and the hospital has sent her home with hospice. I haven't really been able to talk about it with anyone and i realized it's just building up inside of me so I texted my boyfriend that a lot of stuff is going on and I really would like us to start talking about it. His response was that he also thinks we should talk and that he has been feeling detached from everything.

A few hours later I go see him at his home. Red flag, he was drunk. He said he was a little buzzed but I've been dating him for 9 months now... he was definitely drunk. He asked me what was going on with me and I told him that he should go first... I don't know why I did I was just really curious. I figured he was feeling depressed. Turns out he felt detached and that his heart wasn't in the relationship and that I deserved so much better. This is the part I cannot stand. "You are an amazing girlfriend, you are the most beautiful and sweet person I have ever met and you deserve so much better. I cannot be the guy you want me to be. You deserve someone who will give you more attention." Wait WHAT????

I asked him if I have pressured him in anyway. He says no. I asked him if it felt like I was forcing him to not be himself in this relationship, he says no. He said that I am perfect and he doesn't deserve me. He said recently he hasn't felt a connection between us. I asked him if he wanted to try and find it again... I don't know what I was thinking when I said this but I guess I was thinking how I've been so caught up in my own problems that I didn't try to make sure we spent a decent amount of time together. But no, he said that he can't. He can't even try! I made a comment regarding how he's told me he loved me. He says he cares about me a lot in return. "That's not the same" I told him.

I truly thought this guy was the one. I've never felt this way about anyone before in my whole 24 years of living. But ya know, I don't feel sad. I am so FREAKING angry. Maybe the tears will come later, but seriously, yall I stopped at a gas station because I was shaking so much with anger.

I go to his house thinking I was gonna vent about my family's difficulty coping/grandmother dying and instead he tells me he wants to break up. This guy is DRUNK when I come to his house. He tells me that our relationship has been perfect "BUT...." Oh and not to mention this came out of LEFT FIELD. OH and how about I was hanging out with his family last night! I feel like an idiot!!!

Gawd! I just am so angry right now. I can't believe he is throwing away a good thing and not even willing to try to sort through these feelings he recently has been having. It's really going to be hard for me to come back from this. I am tired of guys telling me that I am "too good for them." This is getting old and as more and more of my friends get married, I feel hopeless.

Okay, I'm ending this now and going to sleep so I don't have to think about this anymore (temporarily).
Wow. That sucks. So sorry to hear that. Conversations like that should be saved for when you're sober.

Very sorry to hear about your grandmother as well. It sounds like you're going through a lot. Do you have a close friend or family member that you could talk things out with? Cuz it sounds like your boyfriend is useless right now.
I’m so sorry you are going through this.:hug2: Unfortunately he’ll be day.
I don't know what I was thinking when I said this but I guess I was thinking how I've been so caught up in my own problems that I didn't try to make sure we spent a decent amount of time together. But no, he said that he can't. He can't even try! I made a comment regarding how he's told me he loved me. He says he cares about me a lot in return. "That's not the same" I told him.
He can't? Huge red flag. He went from I love you to I care about you. Huge red flag #2.
I would have been so tempted to ask him(but I wouldn't) "what's her name?"
Thank goodness you didn't marry him or have kids. Could you imagine trying to explain this to little ones? I know you may not be able to see it now but a man capable of this is one you are better off without.:flush:
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, and it really sucks that he did this to you.

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I’m so sorry you are going through this.:hug2: Unfortunately he’ll be day.He can't? Huge red flag. He went from I love you to I care about you. Huge red flag #2.
I would have been so tempted to ask him(but I wouldn't) "what's her name?"
Thank goodness you didn't marry him or have kids. Could you imagine trying to explain this to little ones? I know you may not be able to see it now but a man capable of this is one you are better off without.:flush:

Sounds like another woman to me too! Once he sobers up he will try to contact you but take everything he says with a grain of salt. The way he's brushing you off doesn't sound right. Keep your head up.
Hey ladies, thanks for your posts. I've only gotten 1 hour of sleep so far. I'm gonna try to go back to sleep but I keep feeling sick to my stomach about my grandmother only having approx. 1 week left and how my now ex boyfriend obviously didn't care enough about me. He knew I was going through a lot. And it's like the point when I SERIOUSLY NEED HIM to help me get through this, he tosses our relationship. :nono: I could never trust him again. Who does that? It's just selfish IMO.

Call me naive but I seriously don't think there's another girl. I do agree that there is a chance but I don't think there is. What I think it is, is that I saw this sign before. I even had a post about it:

When I told him I love you, he said that he didn't know if he could ever feel the same way about me. He also told me that he doesn't know if he could be the boyfriend I wanted him to be. I feel like all those things just resurfaced. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm beginning to think those were the initial red flags.

To make myself feel better (although I was nervous it would make things worse, but it didn't) I made a pros and cons list to our break up. Pros being good things about us breaking up (like bad habits ie smoking weed and selfishness that I no longer have to put up with), cons being why it is going to suck (ie mutual friends, our families). The Pros list to us breaking up was a lot longer than I expected! I could only think of 4 cons, so that was cool too.

I have not cried once. I am really proud of myself. But the whole situation makes me feel sick to my stomach. I wish I could fall asleep :sad:
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This is a distraction from what's really going on. Deal with your grandma and put him on the back burner, or you may regret it.

As far as him...I'm sorry, but right now is not his time it is yours.

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This is a distraction from what's really going on. Deal with your grandma and put him on the back burner, or you may regret it.

As far as him...I'm sorry, but right now is not his time it is yours.

Sent from my MyTouch 4G

Thank you for this. Seriously.
This is a distraction from what's really going on. Deal with your grandma and put him on the back burner, or you may regret it.

As far as him...I'm sorry, but right now is not his time it is yours.

Sent from my MyTouch 4G


I know it's easier said than done, but you have to focus on you now and get through this situation with your grandma.

It's tempting (and normal) to want to analyze things and wonder if there's someone else, etc., but at the end of the day, the "whys" don't matter, he already told you all you really need to know.

He probably will contact you eventually, but he doesn't deserve any of your time or energy right now.

My hug is going out most importantly for your grandmother. She the most important issue right now. I cannot phantom what you're going through with her. Miracles do happen and I'm praying for one right now!
Between the things that u said in this thread and the other..I think that he just wasnt ready for the type of relationship that you wanted..and Yes..he's been trying to tell u that for a while..focus on your grandmom...devote all ur time and energy to her..
isawstars it's terrible that you're going through this at the same time your grandmother is ailing.

I would take your breakup as a blessing in disguise. Something is not sitting well with me about your boyfriend. If everything is perfect and there is no other woman, then is he gay? That's the only logical thing that immediately came to mind.
((((hugs)))). So sorry you are hurting. I think he just wasn't the one for you. You loved him but he liked you. I agree that the I love you situation was a red flag. It sounds to me that he really cared for you but not as deeply as you cared for him. And he did not care enough to stick around and support you while going through so much stress. Try not to take it too personally though. I'm sure there have been guys that liked you more than you liked them and there was nothing "wrong" with them, you just didn't feel the same way. I would just move on and not hope for more.

Let all that anger and disappointment out (that's healthy) and really focus on your grandmother. You may also consider seeing a grief counselor. Hang in there. You are a beautiful young woman, a loving and lovable young woman, and still very young. The right young man will adore you and likely say, "I love you" first and you won't be guessing if he cares, and he will want to be there for you when you are going through a hard time. And remember, this too shall pass, this pain you are feeling will heal over time. Really allow yourself to grieve and cry over your sweet grandma (and him too) then focus on healing, then feeling real joy. You have your whole life ahead you.
isawstars, honey, I'm sending big hugs!

I totally agree with the other ladies who suggest spending time with your grandma and your family right now. Truth is you do have a lot going on outside of your relationship, and there is no crime in taking some time for youself and the people in your life whom you know love and care about you.

Let him do what he is going to do, because honestly, you do deserve someone who treats you better than that.

Your grandmother is in my thoughts and prayers!:hug2: