Just Found Out My Boyfriend Has a Wife. . .

I didn't even read the whole post. Once I saw that he was Nigerian, I knew what was up. They tend to like :lots: of women.

This is so sad but true - not ALL Nigerian men, but quite a few. Honestly, when I first saw the title of this thread I thought, "Please don't be a Nigerian man." I'm not at all surprised but I'm glad that you are seeking help and have found a venue to vent your frustration. You should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything. This man is a sheer idiot, pure and simple, and it is because of such men that I myself am wary of being with a Nigerian man. And then he has the unmitigated gall to blame you if his wife leaves? Please, homeboy has no one to blame but himself! Just continue to be strong and don't contact him.
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Life is a series of lessons. You have experienced a hard negative one, now its time to began the rest of your life.You can do it:yep:

Please remember you can't drive looking out your rearview mirror, look ahead at your future and let that man go. you cant change the past...

If in your shoes, I wouldnt eat lunch w/him, talk on the phone or have a business relationship...It would be over. I would change my number and move on.

Nigerian or American, there are men out there that want cake and ice cream on the same plate and if no one stops them, they will eat it all.

Take care of yourself and be happy!
I'm very sorry that happened to you ellenicole, but if you want that fool to stop calling you, then ask him for a large amount of money. Tell him that you need it right away and I bet that you'll never hear from him again.
That always worked for me. Separates the men frm the boys.
Wow. I am sorry this happened to you hun. Thank goodness that you found out now instead of after you invested more time into this fool.

Yeah from the time you said Nigerian I remember that my mom always warned me about them...BUT don't generalize...dogs come in all shapes, sizes, colours and nationalities.

:kiss: If you need to vent we are here!
As a Nigerian, not that I'm feeling victimised just wanted to say as it's been mentioned already that this sort of behaviour is not limited to Nigerian men.

What ellennicole has gone thru is a man thing, pure and simple. The guy could be from any part of the world and this would not come as a surprise.

It's a common theme with men. As long as us gals keep letting them get away with it the more we'll get taken to varying degrees of BS by men of all races
As a Nigerian, not that I'm feeling victimised just wanted to say as it's been mentioned already that this sort of behaviour is not limited to Nigerian men.

What ellennicole has gone thru is a man thing, pure and simple. The guy could be from any part of the world and this would not come as a surprise.

It's a common theme with men. As long as us gals keep letting them get away with it the more we'll get taken to varying degrees of BS by men of all races

I agree with najaGal - liars and losers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. He is just a plain 'ole' liar - but what goes around comes around.......
Ellen, can you request a new phone number at work? Explain that someone is harrassing you and perhaps HR or facilities can change your number. All in all - I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Just when I thought I had it bad I heard your story, and I'm sure there are many stories worse than even yours. I say this to remind you that things can always be worse. Be thankful you are able to walk away from this without children, illness, financial problems, or bad karma. There's better for you out there.

...just play "Enough cryin" by Mary and brush your shoulders off.
Ellen, can you request a new phone number at work? Explain that someone is harrassing you and perhaps HR or facilities can change your number. All in all - I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Just when I thought I had it bad I heard your story, and I'm sure there are many stories worse than even yours. I say this to remind you that things can always be worse. Be thankful you are able to walk away from this without children, illness, financial problems, or bad karma. There's better for you out there.

...just play "Enough cryin" by Mary and brush your shoulders off.

Or have them keep a recording of him calling you. Most companies keep records of all phone calls that's why you have to be careful of what you say over the phone on the job.
As a Nigerian, not that I'm feeling victimised just wanted to say as it's been mentioned already that this sort of behaviour is not limited to Nigerian men.

What ellennicole has gone thru is a man thing, pure and simple. The guy could be from any part of the world and this would not come as a surprise.

It's a common theme with men. As long as us gals keep letting them get away with it the more we'll get taken to varying degrees of BS by men of all races

lol, i hear you
I haven't read through all the responses but i'm prepared to have stones thrown at me.....i will speak my mind.

When i read he was Nigerian - i felt sooo sad for the OP, i felt sympathy.

Yes there is a stereotype but i now think its true - of course there are exceptions to everything - but its happening far too much for there not to be some truth in it.

I too was a 'victim' of a Nigerian man. I won't go into detail but what was a wonderful relationship turned into a living nightmare. He swept me off my feet......I then saw a self-obsessed, self indulgent, vain man whom used God's name to try and win every arguement.

He lived in this fantasy land where, now looking back on it, he hurt everyone. He used everyone, had ideas for everyone's else's money and was money hungry but didn't have a penny to his name (but he fronted like he did - whilst not being able to even buy himself a bed or food for the fridge) - yes in his apartment he slept on a mattress and his cupboards were filled with budget size bags of white pasta.

I was sick to the eye teeth of hearing about his fantasy business empire that he wanted to build up....with my help of course.

Yet he would play the victim and say life was hard and unfair for him. I now know why his two baby mother's hate his guts and won't speak to him....i feel sorry for them that they have tie to him.

I literally managed to escape from him.

I have since heard stories from women who have not been as lucky as me. You see they married these men (Nigerians love to marry you quickly - now i know why). The men, once married, sign everything into their name. You are left with nothing and they then divorce you. Yes i know of women who have nothing left after meeting these men.

I have heard that deception is their way of life so if you get involved with these men be prepared.

OP, count yourself lucky and move on.
You see they married these men (Nigerians love to marry you quickly - now i know why). The men, once married, sign everything into their name. You are left with nothing and they then divorce you. Yes i know of women who have nothing left after meeting these men.

I have heard that deception is their way of life so if you get involved with these men be prepared.

OP, count yourself lucky and move on.

oh Puh-lease

:::throws a stone::::::
I'm not Nigerian so really I'm not offended, but I mean come on. Saying "deception is their way of life". You don't think that's extreme?
This is not the first time I have heard stories like this about men who are from African countries whether it be Nigeria, Liberia, etc. I have had a few experiences with them but nothing to this extreme. Lord knows I have heard worst. But still there are men who are like that here and are American citizens. I guess why it hurts so much is because they will sweep you off your feet and treat you like a queen until they get what they want which is marriage for a green card and US status. Could be many reasons. And they treat you like the worst piece of trash.

What I have learned is that these men from African countries are very crafty as well as intelligent. But the thing is you can't let your guards down to them just like you wouldn't let your guards down to the men here. The poster is very lucky that she came out of this unscathe. We should all learn a lesson from this.
It's a shame that he treated you so poorly. It's NOT because you are naive/stupid. He did this to you because you are a sweet person who wants to help out of the kindness of your heart. He saw this and took advantage of you. What a grimy person he is.

I feel sorry for his wife!
there are many shocking statements in this thread!:blush:

Have I had bad experiences from guys from my country? YES
Has it put me off ALL of them NO

Have I has bad experiences from a guy from a certain country YES
Has it put me off ALL of them YES

Bottom line, when we interact with other people of other nations we need to be careful for so many reasons. This guy is giving Nigeria a very bad name:wallbash:! I had to note how the OP had to mention that he was Nigerian. We are all ambasaddors (sp) of our nations so we need to represent better. It does leave a lasting impression. I TRY to at least:look:

It has gotten to the point that on ebay I have seen sellers specifically state that they will not ship to Nigeria:blush:!!! Whiles stereotyping is not good, we need to wake up and smell the coffee!
I've just got to reply to Bublin as most of your comments about Nigerians seem ill-informed.

Unless you originate from a particular race I don’t see how you can generalise with such authority. If you’re Nigerian speak up and let’s dissect this based on cultural experience and not hearsay or bad b/f experiences.

What happened to ellenicole has nothing to do with the guy being Nigerian. Again, I state, it's a way of life, it's a man thing. It happens all the time, not to put ellenicole down, I still maintain she got off lightly.

Bublin, as for those women who tell you whatever they say about Nigerian men, what you need to ask yourself is why are these men, Nigerian or otherwise, continue to get away with it. And are these women who tell you tales totally blameless themselves. It's simple. The signs are always there. No matter how much you trust, you never let your guard down 100%. Most women will let a man treat her like rubbish. And what's the justification for this - 'LOVE'. A man (opportunist) sees an opening and you expect him not to take advantage. Pleeeeeaaaaasssseee. He most certainly will, Nigerian or not.

There are so many women out there, who think they simply must be with a man no matter how badly he treats them and that’s one of the many reasons why men do this to us. They do the maths, realise there’s way more of us than there are of them and they take liberty’s.

Honey6928215, as for the African men green card thing, it's not just African's, it's anyone looking to legalise their immigration status. You don't have to be of African origin.

On a final note Bumblin, pls don’t generalise Nigerian men based on what you’ve been told or a single experience you’ve had. It’s down to the individual. Some men folk are good whilst others are just downright nasty.
I constantly tell my Nigerian female friends and I'm telling everyone who reads this - 'DON'T TAKE THE CRAP'. If a guy gets to realise that the likelihood of him finding someone is diminished severely if he keeps behaving like a pratt he'll be forced to change.

Again, I re-iterate, as women we need to stand our ground. This is not to say we become nasty but we let it known we’ll accept nothing but utter respect.

Let’s focus on the issue ellenicole raised. It’s about how she was treated by a man and not about Nigerian men.

I know this is long but Bublin’s comments struck a cord.
I've just got to reply to Bublin as most of your comments about Nigerians seem ill-informed.

Unless you originate from a particular race I don’t see how you can generalise with such authority. If you’re Nigerian speak up and let’s dissect this based on cultural experience and not hearsay or bad b/f experiences.

What happened to ellenicole has nothing to do with the guy being Nigerian. Again, I state, it's a way of life, it's a man thing. It happens all the time, not to put ellenicole down, I still maintain she got off lightly.

Bublin, as for those women who tell you whatever they say about Nigerian men, what you need to ask yourself is why are these men, Nigerian or otherwise, continue to get away with it. And are these women who tell you tales totally blameless themselves. It's simple. The signs are always there. No matter how much you trust, you never let your guard down 100%. Most women will let a man treat her like rubbish. And what's the justification for this - 'LOVE'. A man (opportunist) sees an opening and you expect him not to take advantage. Pleeeeeaaaaasssseee. He most certainly will, Nigerian or not.

There are so many women out there, who think they simply must be with a man no matter how badly he treats them and that’s one of the many reasons why men do this to us. They do the maths, realise there’s way more of us than there are of them and they take liberty’s.

Honey6928215, as for the African men green card thing, it's not just African's, it's anyone looking to legalise their immigration status. You don't have to be of African origin.

On a final note Bumblin, pls don’t generalise Nigerian men based on what you’ve been told or a single experience you’ve had. It’s down to the individual. Some men folk are good whilst others are just downright nasty.
I constantly tell my Nigerian female friends and I'm telling everyone who reads this - 'DON'T TAKE THE CRAP'. If a guy gets to realise that the likelihood of him finding someone is diminished severely if he keeps behaving like a pratt he'll be forced to change.

Again, I re-iterate, as women we need to stand our ground. This is not to say we become nasty but we let it known we’ll accept nothing but utter respect.

Let’s focus on the issue ellenicole raised. It’s about how she was treated by a man and not about Nigerian men.

I know this is long but Bublin’s comments struck a cord.

That was a nice response. To people who want to generalize all Nigerian men because they were used....Thats what you get and thats why you are BITTER now! Don't fault Nigerian men for taking advantage your dumb #$$es. Live and learn :yep::yep::yep:
Chinyere, I was not looking to insult anyone. The point i'm trying to make is that we women need to look out for ourselves and stand upright to face any man, whatever his nationality who fails to treat us like a queen.

So can we pls all stick to the matter at hand and focus on helping ellen move on. Hopefully, she'll draw strength from the experience so if she ever finds herself in such a situation again she can deal with things swiftly before she gets hurt.
it is noteworthy though that Naijaamerican is herself weary of being with a Nigerián man. Is has gotten to that point. I hate those scammers making a bad name out there!!!!!!:wallbash:
Chinyere, I was not looking to insult anyone. The point i'm trying to make is that we women need to look out for ourselves and stand upright to face any man, whatever his nationality who fails to treat us like a queen.

So can we pls all stick to the matter at hand and focus on helping ellen move on. Hopefully, she'll draw strength from the experience so if she ever finds herself in such a situation again she can deal with things swiftly before she gets hurt.

I know you were not trying to insult anyone...neither was I.
I am in complete shock...... I had been dating him for almost 2 years.... He's older, Nigerian, and had just overcome a life-threatening illness when I met him. I am SO ANGRY with myself and with him at the moment. I really feel like an idiot b/c I kept making excuses for him time and time again..... I've wanted to write about this for a while, but I am so embarassed that I was so naive and STUPID.

I'll try to make this brief....

I met him in 2003. Nothing really happened b/c I was in a new relationship. I had emailed him a couple of times after my relationship ended but I never heard from him. Then, out of the blue in Jan 2006 he sent me an email telling me he had had a brain tumor and was just recovering. He asked to go out on a date, but I was studying for the bar and told him that it would have to wait until after the exam. He kept pressuring me so I decided to go ahead and meet for some down time. Anyway, when I arrived he wasn't there and that was a red flag. I called and told him my time was too valuable and left. He kept calling and calling.. So I eventually went out with him after my test. Anyway he had his own business and he kept telling me how all of his business partners were stelaing from him. He eventually fired everyone and asked me to assist him in the office. Since I was an adjunct instructor , I had a lot of free time. So, I would help him with his corespondences, budget, invoices, etcs. Basically I did everything and I feel stupid even admitting this. We hardly ever went out. We only went to his office and to his apartment. He introduced me to all his friends. When he graduated (w/his MBA) I was the only person at his graduation. Anyway he kept telling me that b/c of his illness doing his business was very difficult and he needed me to help him. He eventually moved out of his apartment and into a back room in his office.

So I flunked the tes and I decided that I wasn't going to do his work anymore. I had been so concerned and worried about him I really didn't put that much energy and effort into myself. This past February he was hospitalized. He started acting really funny... telling me that he didn't want me to come to the hospital and then I knew something wasn't right. We stopped all of the benefits of being a couple then, yet whenever he wanted me to read a contract or a response to a client complaint he called me. He even went so far as to ask me to borrow $500 this past June. I really was bitter at this point and I said no. He got really cold and distant---well he was always somewhat cold and distant and he kept telling me it was b/c he was worried about his business and his health. I told him that I was moving on and was dating someone (I was dating, but I wasn't really serious). He then said that he was too and that he was going to be married. I really didn't take it seriously b/c we talked everyday since February. Even when I said I didn't want to be friends he'd continue to call me at work 5-6 times.

Anyway we didn't that much this month and basically we had all but stopped talking. I saw one of his friends out and I guess he told him that he had seen me. This past weekend he blew up my phone.. he called five times on Saturday, once on Sunday and a couple of times on Monday--wanting to know if I had been with his friend. I didn't answer..... but, out of curiosity, I called him last night and some woman answered the phone. She basically told me that they were married and I asked her if she knew that he had been calling me over the weekend. I asked how long had they been married... she didn't answer.

I'm a little in shock and this post is waaaay longer than it should be.... I just need to vent and sort out my thoughts. I have been so hurt in this relationship and I was so numb last night. I feel relieved b/c I knew that something just wasn't right....

I feel like such an idiot for NOT following my gut instincts.... I would have saved myself a whole lot of heartache and trouble...

all I can say is Oh Snap:sad:...
I didn't even read the whole post. Once I saw that he was Nigerian, I knew what was up. They tend to like :lots: of women.

This is so true! Not all of them (because I know of one faithful one) but the majority seem to have a reputation for this. I've seen it first hand too.
This is so true! Not all of them (because I know of one faithful one) but the majority seem to have a reputation for this. I've seen it first hand too.

not to offend anyone.. but I remember an episode of Good Times where Thelma was engaged to one...and he couldn't promise her that she would be the only wife:sad:..so thank God she broke it off.
I'm not Nigerian so really I'm not offended, but I mean come on. Saying "deception is their way of life". You don't think that's extreme?
There are some simple minded people on this site. It seems any ethnicity outside of AA is fair play for stereotypes to just fly with reckless abandon.

To the OP I am so sorry all this happened to you.:nono:
I dont see the point you are trying to make here. help?:drunk:
The point is just because someone of the same ethnic group makes the statement doesnt make it any more valid.

I m going to go ask some AA men who only fool with white women what he thinks of AA women....and then I am going to use that as my basis to judge the entire group...he is AA he said it must be so.:rolleyes:

People are using episodes of Good Times as a valid way to judge an entire ethnic group of men. Its funny that the group judged the most in this country seems to dish it out just as much.