2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

Guess whose son just asked her boyfriend to move in with them. And guess how wide my mouth dropped... My son said he wants boyfriend around so we could play video games more together. It was sweet and innocent from my 5 year old but very unexpected and timely since he and I were discussing marriage today.
Say what?
Did he check her as needed? Insane like mean/bossy/nosy?
Very loud, yelling, I can tell she's uncomfortable with our relationship(only son). She looked me dead in my eyes and told me I needed more self respect. On everything I almost blacked out and ran up on her. But he immediately stepped in and checked her. I'm still in shock that this old woman really was screaming at me :drunk:
Anyone overcome a tingle-free first kiss? I kissed a guy yesterday on our 3rd date and it didn't make my legs weak. Can sexual chemistry build?
Yes it can build. First any things are usually full of nerves and wanting to be "the best". I'd say let the nerves settle.
But if you flat out did not want him to kiss you then let him be.
I wanted him to kiss me and was really happy when he did but I didn't get tingly and I haven't had the next day butterflies either. I am going to see what the next kiss feels like and then make a decision. I need to want to jump the man in my life
What happened sis?
Our personalities are too different. He's emotionally needy and a chaser and I'm more laid back. It was okay at first but then he started getting upset that I wasn't as.....intense as he was. Plus I was dealing with a ton of work issues and personal issues. He couldn't understand why I didn't want him to be the solution to all my problems. Like literally holds it against me. So we've been on a break. But as the past three weeks have passed I've missed him less and less and even though we talk everyday I realized a good 80% of the conversations were about him. I'm over it. So now the real break up is probably coming.
How often should you date someone new?

I was in a relationship for 8 years which ended in December 2014 so I have not dated in a looonnngg time. I met a gentlemen a few weeks ago and since we have met we have seen each four times - twice each weekend. I am concerned that I am "making myself too available". I live an active life - I work fulltime, I volunteer at a local women's center a couple of days a week, I have dates with my girlfriends and my adult daughter (who lives with me). Yet, I enjoy talking to him - he's intelligent and wise at the same time and that makes for easy conversation. He has a sense of humor and is open to new experiences (he tried zydeco dancing with me on Sunday). I simply enjoy his company and this is new for me. I do not think that this is "the guy" for several reasons. He is more than 15 years older than I am (not a big issue) & he has been divorced for 6 months. I told him I was concerned about the divorce. I told him that I would feel more comfortable if he were further away from the divorce - the emotions, the finances, etc. I know this will happen with time and probably the get-to-know-each-other time. He says that understands my concerns and I want to be clear about what he should expect. I have also admitted to him that I am being cautious due to some mistakes I made in past relationships. I believe that being open to dating and loving again will bring "the guy".
Why do dudes only want to lock you down when you don't want to be with anyone? My ex still doesn't get it. He thinks calling me once a day or every other day to tell me abt his life means we're good. This morning I asked if I should mail his stuff to him and his Hennessy pure white. He just laughed and said do what you want. like dude, you're posting on a "secret" Instagram account, we rarely talk, why are we pretending that this break isn't a break up.

Meanwhile, I stumbled across another guy who I've been super open with (told him I'm in the midst of a breakup and I don't want another relationship) who looks hella good on paper and is pursuing me and I'm just like damn why couldn't you come along in 3-6 months?