2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

How often should you date someone new?

I was in a relationship for 8 years which ended in December 2014 so I have not dated in a looonnngg time. I met a gentlemen a few weeks ago and since we have met we have seen each four times - twice each weekend. I am concerned that I am "making myself too available". I live an active life - I work fulltime, I volunteer at a local women's center a couple of days a week, I have dates with my girlfriends and my adult daughter (who lives with me). Yet, I enjoy talking to him - he's intelligent and wise at the same time and that makes for easy conversation. He has a sense of humor and is open to new experiences (he tried zydeco dancing with me on Sunday). I simply enjoy his company and this is new for me. I do not think that this is "the guy" for several reasons. He is more than 15 years older than I am (not a big issue) & he has been divorced for 6 months. I told him I was concerned about the divorce. I told him that I would feel more comfortable if he were further away from the divorce - the emotions, the finances, etc. I know this will happen with time and probably the get-to-know-each-other time. He says that understands my concerns and I want to be clear about what he should expect. I have also admitted to him that I am being cautious due to some mistakes I made in past relationships. I believe that being open to dating and loving again will bring "the guy".
I'm more concerned about the fact that he's fresh out of a divorce. I agree with you that he should take more time to heal from it.
Ugh not sure where the best place to put this but I'm slightly annoyed.

I have a close group of friends and in the fall i started going out with one of them. Tell me why the newest person in our group tried to ask him out knowing that we are talking? She did the same with my bro knowing he had a gf. :X
Mind you we are all church people.

I kind of wondered why we never clicked.
Ugh not sure where the best place to put this but I'm slightly annoyed.

I have a close group of friends and in the fall i started going out with one of them. Tell me why the newest person in our group tried to ask him out knowing that we are talking? She did the same with my bro knowing he had a gf. :X
Mind you we are all church people.

I kind of wondered why we never clicked.
Sounds like she needs to be put in her place.
6 months with my guy... Looking forward to another 6.
So I eventually want to be married.... By eventually, I mean in 2-3 years. And I have internal timelines of how long I am willing to wait for a man to propose but some how my timeline isn't as important right now. I enjoy him, love being with him. He knows I want marriage, says he wants that too but I don't think he will propose unless I heavily *hint* at it. His personality is just so laid back / go with the flow and there is a lot going on with family.

Not putting this necessarily for responses. Just writing out my thoughts because I am conflicted.
He came over last night and we talked about his lease... He said it was over soon and he would probably move in with me. Now when he said it, it was a joke but it was like a joke that had some truth in it. He needs to move closer to DC, my area is pretty nice right next to DC, and my lease isn't up until next year. I couldn't move right now if I wanted to. I would love to live with him, my son would like that too but after what I went through with my ex-husband, I said I didn't want to live with another man until he proposed first. He knows that- we had a discussion about it but I am starting to think that maybe I will rethink that.
I still want to be married but every thing just feels comfortable now. That would probably change 6 months after living together lol.

I guess I am going to ask him what does living together mean so I understand where his head is. For me, it would mean we are already engaged or he is about to go ring shopping and propose. I guess once I know what he is thinking, I can be assess what I want to do.
Sounds like she needs to be put in her place.
I believe he's turned her down before.

I don't feel like I can say anything because it's hearsay. And last Dec. I told her i didn't own my friends and I'm technically single.

I guess I didn't care until I overheard my bro talking recently about how he had to tell her to stop messaging him. And I was like is she messaging my friend too?! :/
Ugh not sure where the best place to put this but I'm slightly annoyed.

I have a close group of friends and in the fall i started going out with one of them. Tell me why the newest person in our group tried to ask him out knowing that we are talking? She did the same with my bro knowing he had a gf. :X
Mind you we are all church people.

I kind of wondered why we never clicked.
She's not a friend darling. :nono:
Ugh not sure where the best place to put this but I'm slightly annoyed.

I have a close group of friends and in the fall i started going out with one of them. Tell me why the newest person in our group tried to ask him out knowing that we are talking? She did the same with my bro knowing he had a gf. :X
Mind you we are all church people.

I kind of wondered why we never clicked.

She sounds very desperate.

I actually feel bad for people like this... but I can pray for them from a distance :look:.

Ex dropped off the face of the earth this weekend but he instagramming like its his job.

Meanwhile, new guy is slowly putting in work. Met his friends for a hot second and he is now asking if I want to join him for a weekend at a beach house. He's not my type typically and I'm not ready to settle down so I may pass
Well it was nice spending so much time with him but now we are both going to be busy as heck. I'm starting my full time school schedule tomorrow. And he picked up an overnight job.
I keep asking him why he needs this second job, and all he says is "it's only for two months" etc. and I'm like :mad: but what do you need it for?! He refused to tell me until two nights ago when I got him drunk :lachen: he said he needed to buy me something and then tugged on my ring finger ;) I told him he better work hard :lachen:
Well it was nice spending so much time with him but now we are both going to be busy as heck. I'm starting my full time school schedule tomorrow. And he picked up an overnight job.
I keep asking him why he needs this second job, and all he says is "it's only for two months" etc. and I'm like :mad: but what do you need it for?! He refused to tell me until two nights ago when I got him drunk :lachen: he said he needed to buy me something and then tugged on my ring finger ;) I told him he better work hard :lachen:
Whoop whoop!!