2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

Priorities, priorities....

Been working a lot lately and not spending as much quality time with the 'him.'
He's not liking it much and neither am I so I need a balance. Money vs. love? Hmmmm.....
I'm so exasperated. We aren't official. Supposedly exclusive but I know he is still texting and receiving pictures from girls. I like him but he doesn't give me the kind of love I need. I feel like I'm putting in most of the work and he seems so selfish a lot of times.

I'm considering just being the adoring, helpful girlfriend with no complaining for a month or so to see if that softens him up.
I'm so exasperated. We aren't official. Supposedly exclusive but I know he is still texting and receiving pictures from girls. I like him but he doesn't give me the kind of love I need. I feel like I'm putting in most of the work and he seems so selfish a lot of times.

I'm considering just being the adoring, helpful girlfriend with no complaining for a month or so to see if that softens him up.
I'm sorry but why are you with him?

Dotting on him is only going to reinforce that he can do what he wants without you saying anything/feeling some kind of way.

Men don't wake up one day and realize that what they have is all they need. If he wants you he will do everything to have you.
I'm considering just being the adoring, helpful girlfriend with no complaining for a month or so to see if that softens him up.

You'll be more productive if you dump him. You don't need to soften someone up to get them to love you :nono:. He will probably chase you down if you quit him and give you the attention you crave, but then slowly go back to not giving you what you want. It's not you, it's him. He wants to play and have fun and choices. Right now he's wasting your time.
I'm so exasperated. We aren't official. Supposedly exclusive but I know he is still texting and receiving pictures from girls. I like him but he doesn't give me the kind of love I need. I feel like I'm putting in most of the work and he seems so selfish a lot of times.

I'm considering just being the adoring, helpful girlfriend with no complaining for a month or so to see if that softens him up.
Dump him.
I went out with SO Saturday night and had a good time. It was his friend's bday, so his boys were there. It was some DRUNKKKKKKK white girls acting a fool, I mean so drunk that they were incoherent, zombie like, trying to climb over the partition to get to our little black area behind the dj. Anywho, this terribly drunken young blond asked my SO in a slur "heyyyyy do you have any pot", he looked at her like she was stupid and said "what? No I don't and no one calls it pot anymore, you sound like an after school special right now, they call it weed or bud" :lachen:. The look on her face was priceless and he gave her the fukc outta here b!tch face LMAOOOOOO. She was soo drunk that she was stuck on the toilet in the bathroom with her bare arse sitting on the toilet and other white girls in the bathroom were cursing her out :lachen:. The poor bathroom attendant was trying to get her to leave the damn bathroom. Geesh, how do they get sooo sh!t faced?!?! And they act such a mess when they're drunk.
I went out with SO Saturday night and had a good time. It was his friend's bday, so his boys were there. It was some DRUNKKKKKKK white girls acting a fool, I mean so drunk that they were incoherent, zombie like, trying to climb over the partition to get to our little black area behind the dj. Anywho, this terribly drunken young blond asked my SO in a slur "heyyyyy do you have any pot", he looked at her like she was stupid and said "what? No I don't and no one calls it pot anymore, you sound like an after school special right now, they call it weed or bud" :lachen:. The look on her face was priceless and he gave her the fukc outta here b!tch face LMAOOOOOO. She was soo drunk that she was stuck on the toilet in the bathroom with her bare arse sitting on the toilet and other white girls in the bathroom were cursing her out :lachen:. The poor bathroom attendant was trying to get her to leave the damn bathroom. Geesh, how do they get sooo sh!t faced?!?! And they act such a mess when they're drunk.

J, told me you are seeing someone. I am so happy for you lovie. He seems like such a nice guy. I love his response! My SO would have done the same!

Girl, that's how some of them roll. SMH! I wish I could have been there to see the look on her face, but your description is good! Hahahaha!
We went to Mango Seed Friday night and he told me he was going to get a good spot. As we pulled up, he made a U-E and found one RIGHT ACROSS the street. We had such a nice time! I can't wait for our trip to Miami and Haiti. He wants to do China next year. I wish I had more vacation time, but I am grateful for my jobs. :)
J, told me you are seeing someone. I am so happy for you lovie. He seems like such a nice guy. I love his response! My SO would have done the same!

Girl, that's how some of them roll. SMH! I wish I could have been there to see the look on her face, but your description is good! Hahahaha!
@Lucie Heyyyyy honeyyyyyyyyy!!!! Yeahhhh her face was a look of disgust and embarrassment when he told her that LOL! They are soooo damn disgusting when they are drunk! Someone in their little click kept farting too and stinking up the damn place. It was just a mess.
We went to Mango Seed Friday night and he told me he was going to get a good spot. As we pulled up, he made a U-E and found one RIGHT ACROSS the street. We had such a nice time! I can't wait for our trip to Miami and Haiti. He wants to do China next year. I wish I had more vacation time, but I am grateful for my jobs. :)

When's the Haiti trip. We're thinking about doing the 31st....
I just got a text invite to a day party this Sunday. I have no interest in going really. This weekend is supposed to be mild weather (something NYC needs) and I'd much rather spend it with my SO. I just don't really have the desire to be out like that. There are times I wanna go out with the girls and have a drink or two and I sure as hell enjoy it, but I just had a feeling of "I'm getting older" because the idea of going to this day party doesn't really appeal to me. I rather go drive around with my SO and enjoy the day with him as opposed to being in a cramped day party. Last summer I'd look forward to hanging out because I'm bored and want to get out the house and I was restlesss. I know it's healthy to go out still and I do have my dinners with my friends that I enjoy but ehhhhhh, I'm not really riled up for a day party right now. Truthfully, even when I was younger I didn't enjoy parties really and such... I just don't have the interest in going. Am I getting old? LOL.
I'm mid 30s and my friend going out is 29 and goes out a lot. Part of me can't relate too much, and her friends are younger as well. I'm dating a 40 year old and they're talking about men in their 20s. Idkkkkk... I can't even say it's age only because if I were single I'd go out without a question, but not necessarily b/c I'm excited about going to a party but bc I want to get out and be busy.
I'm trapped. He fell asleep before the game ended and I want to put on his PlayStation so I can watch Netflix. But if I wake him to get the controller he's going to be up and then I can't watch Grey's. Trapped.
He spent the ENTIRE weekend at my house.... From Friday after work til midnight last night. Went home because he is going to work today. He also had his friend come over to steam clean my carpets for free
Not really sure what he is thinking- he left yesterday for 3 hours to play games with his friends and immediately came back. While he was there, he texted and called me... Like super clingy. I do appreciate the time he spent here though... Makes me see what living together will be like.
So I come from a family of women who taught me never to rely on a man. I married young and pretty much had to live by that motto throughout our time together (we were together 17.5 years, married for 15.5). After my divorce, I began to try to relinquish my need to have to do everything on my own. Now, I have a wonderful man who wants and has the ability to comfortably take care of me. So far I'm doing well making him feel needed, I think. But there are times where I can tell he's frustrated by my inclination to do things for myself instead of asking him. He doesn't make me feel bad about it but I can tell it bothers him. I'm having difficulty balancing what was ingrained in me against my new outlook on life.

This has recently come up regarding to my career. I'm a social worker. The work is emotionally draining and I often work long hours. I've always had to work to contribute to the household. But my FH says he hates to see me work so hard. He wants me to take time off from work (several months or years) and find what kind of work will make me happy. That will mean that I will be primarily relying on him to pay the bills, which is what he wants. I will still work part time as a social worker during the break but it will be a MAJOR cut in income for me. I'm seriously struggling with this.

Has anyone else struggled with having to retrain yourself like this in a relationship? How did you deal with it?
I've been dating a guy who is cousins with my best friend's husband. We met from all of us hanging out one time. Anyway, this is more so about my mom. So I introduced her to him yesterday and then later on in the day when we were talking she asked me if he's spent the night with me and then I brought him to meet her. She's super super old fashioned. So I told her yeah. And she goes into this long spill about how relationships aren't built on the physical and blah blah blah. So I was like "we didn't even have sex last night" and she was like "well even if U didn't do it last night you probably already have" :mad: excuse me?? I didn't say anything after that cuz my feelings were hurt and I just wanted to leave. I might say something to her about that later.

How rude. We actually haven't even had sex and he hasn't even pressures me to do anything with him.
Okay so now on to him. He's really nice. Affectionate. A Christian who actually goes to church and says he wants to raise his kids in the church. Good job working at a hospital and says he wants to look into med school to become a doctor. And I told him how I've been thinking about not having sex before marriage and he was very understanding and said he won't do anything to tempt me. And after me telling him that he still hits me up and wants to spend time with me.

So this morning I randomly woke up at 5am and was thinking about how he is still sticking around even though I told him about the no sex before marriage. We are in our late twenties and I haven't found a guy that I've actually liked who sticks around after sharing that.

We aren't official but he's asked me if I'd be in a relationship with someone in Med school because it would take up a lot of time. So he's sees some potential. I hope it does soon. And I'm sure he knows that I really like him and that's what I'm hoping for.
So I come from a family of women who taught me never to rely on a man. I married young and pretty much had to live by that motto throughout our time together (we were together 17.5 years, married for 15.5). After my divorce, I began to try to relinquish my need to have to do everything on my own. Now, I have a wonderful man who wants and has the ability to comfortably take care of me. So far I'm doing well making him feel needed, I think. But there are times where I can tell he's frustrated by my inclination to do things for myself instead of asking him. He doesn't make me feel bad about it but I can tell it bothers him. I'm having difficulty balancing what was ingrained in me against my new outlook on life.

This has recently come up regarding to my career. I'm a social worker. The work is emotionally draining and I often work long hours. I've always had to work to contribute to the household. But my FH says he hates to see me work so hard. He wants me to take time off from work (several months or years) and find what kind of work will make me happy. That will mean that I will be primarily relying on him to pay the bills, which is what he wants. I will still work part time as a social worker during the break but it will be a MAJOR cut in income for me. I'm seriously struggling with this.

Has anyone else struggled with having to retrain yourself like this in a relationship? How did you deal with it?
I'm going to tag @hopeful on this one because she always comes through with some sage advice