2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

I got so sick on Saturday at SO's friend's party (drank on an empty stomachsmh). As we arrived to the next stop, he noticed that I was out of it, so turned right back and went home. The struggle vomit was so real and nursed me the whole night and next morning.

I ruined the night and he took good care of me, I owe him some kitty..lol.
So I haven't dated in a looong while, but recently I met this guy at this lounge in Buckhead, Atlanta. I went to meet up with my cousin after this festival called Afropunk, and I looked like a complete weirdo with black lipstick and dramatic ripped bell bottoms. He hit on me soon as I walked in the door, and then proceeded to salsa dance with me to some reggeaton and then we danced like Zombies to thriller :wiggle: We were having a great conversation and I found out he was a doctor.:cup:

So yea, he's black rich and cute, and just texted me to see if I was free today to chat on the phone! Who does that anymore?! I'm not sure where it'll go but I like him so far.

So we talked on the phone and had a great conversation. I was super nervous because I can be ridiculously awkward on the phone, but the conversation kept flowing and we talked about a lot, laughed quite a bit, and we had a lot in common.

He has 4 older brothers and I have 4 older sister so we talked about what it was like growing up in such a huge household and some of the funnier fist fights we've had with our siblings when we were young. We talked about Zodiac Signs and he guessed I was a leo without me even telling him. :rofl:

How we both dislike consumerist holidays (Black Friday, and Christmas to a degree), and I found out he's Muslim. I know it would bother a lot of people (my super christian grandmother would freak lol) but he's very very chill about his religion. He said something along the lines of he feels all religions are valid and being a good person in the end is what really matters.

He seems like a really genuine nice chill guy, but I do recognize I barely know him so I'm still looking for flaws :look:
He asked me to lunch today, and a hiking date this weekend up Kennesaw Mountain. I'm excited:yay:

P.S. Here is a picture of my outfit that I wore the night we met.
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Why the heck do men ask for nude pics? Different dude from the one I previously spoke about got upset because he sent me a random penis pic and expected me to return the favor. Fool actually tried to guilt me and had the audacity to say that it was my choice before he tried to dismiss me. So you insult me, then you try to act like you're the prize and I'm supposed to go for that? Negro please. I'm good.
Men who think you are flirting with them at the store when you ask them a question yet they are wearing a store uniform. Discuss...
To be honest sometimes I can be flirty because I want to butter them up to be extra helpful to me like I need all ten of these heavy items brought to my car which is at the very back of the parking lot *bats eyelashes*
I kinda take a Joanne the scammer approach with men as a general rule.
So it was his bday last week. On his actual bday we went to dinner. when he prayed for the food he also thanked God for bringing me into his life :blush2: we had a fun bday weekend too and he chose to do stuff with me instead of going out with his friends. I told him we could all do stuff together. And I know some of his friends so I wouldn't have minded it. But he just wanted it to be us two :2inlove:. Memories
So it was his bday last week. On his actual bday we went to dinner. when he prayed for the food he also thanked God for bringing me into his life :blush2: we had a fun bday weekend too and he chose to do stuff with me instead of going out with his friends. I told him we could all do stuff together. And I know some of his friends so I wouldn't have minded it. But he just wanted it to be us two :2inlove:. Memories

I'm still impressed with him praying before he eats every single time. I don't do that. I watch and hurst hope he blesses the food for the both of us. Maybe I should start doing that along with him. Hmmmm....
Sorry for the random though.
I'm still impressed with him praying before he eats every single time. I don't do that. I watch and hurst hope he blesses the food for the both of us. Maybe I should start doing that along with him. Hmmmm....
Sorry for the random though.

lol I don't do it either. I always forget lol smh. Most of my friends do and I'm always the one looking like a heathen. their heads are bowed blessing the food and I'm just smacking away lol. I'm gonna get better at that.
Why do the crazy ones always have the best crayon?:nono:

It's something to do with them being chemically unbalanced and dangerous. For some reason that is appealing to women. We should start a thread on this topic because people have said this over and over again.

Did you see that movie on Lifetime about the murdered Las Vegas dancer? Just came out recently. From the get go the chemistry between the dancer and this guy was off the chain and she kept talking about how great the sex was. In the end he 'bout drove her crazy. And then, well, he murdered her. He was extremely narcissistic and manipulative. He was black and she was Puerto Rican.
When he gets happy-silly I just go "look at you getting happy :D"
Then he gets embarrassed that I called him out on it and that I know him well.
It's cute. If it was done to me, I'd be annoyed and pissed lol
Maybe I'm too old for the dramatic fireworks but here's a quick run down.
- Started talking back in June.
- Officially met and hung out beginning of July
- Spent more and more time together but both of us were so busy that we prob saw each other 1-2x week if at all.
- This went on until the beginning of October when we started feeling more for each other, ended up being exclusive
- Made it official this week

I felt nothing once we made it official .I used to be so big on titles and now I'm like well....we were already together and only dealing with each other this doesn't really change anything lol. I don't feel anymore desire to be around him. I still like and maintain my own space and schedule and so does he. Since both of our families live out of state we will take the next few months to meet each other's people. idk. Compared to my previous relationships this one just feels....easy. He's my homie and friend above all else. The fact that he's sexy and smart just adds to that.
I've started dating a close friend of mine. He's always been the "safe" choice lol I never took him serious, but now since he grew up and got a career he's came a long way.

We've been hanging out and it's been really good. But I'm horny sooo after this date tonight it going down. :lachen: He better meet my expectations!
Spent all day yesterday together. I was so ready for him to leave lol. I love having my time alone and I needed time to process. For someone who swears he's not affectionate he always holds my hand and randomly kisses me in public. Now for the hard part. Getting two fiercely independent people to merge their lives together.

He's all light hearted and jokey. I'm sensitive and a bit intense. He's a good old southern boy who takes his time with everything. I'm an impatient New Yorker who always wants to skip ahead and get things over with. Throw his Mississippi accent and my Jamaican accent in the mix and we've got a cultural modge podge.
Spent all day yesterday together. I was so ready for him to leave lol. I love having my time alone and I needed time to process. For someone who swears he's not affectionate he always holds my hand and randomly kisses me in public. Now for the hard part. Getting two fiercely independent people to merge their lives together.

He's all light hearted and jokey. I'm sensitive and a bit intense. He's a good old southern boy who takes his time with everything. I'm an impatient New Yorker who always wants to skip ahead and get things over with. Throw his Mississippi accent and my Jamaican accent in the mix and we've got a cultural modge podge.

LOL what's ur sign?
So Ive recently returned from a trip in South Africa. I went there for a friend's wedding. Oddly, I ended up meeting this man... He whisked me off in his little red two-seater mercedes and into the mountains of Cape Town and all around. He has his own company but is the head of another major company in Europe. We've been chatting non-stop since leaving Cape Town . Best fling I ever had! lol