2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

Braided style for the week. The style I originally wanted required leaving some hair out at the top, but I really wanted something with all my hair tucked away so I can just spritz and go.
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I finally stopped playing around and have committed to wearing flat twist for all of April and hopefully through the end of June. I will wait until the end of April though to commit to May.

I plan on just wearing this same style for April and redoing it on wash day. Hopefully by the end of April I will have some increased length to allow me to wear a different style. I will be doing my hair twice a week Wednesday/Sunday or Thursday/Monday for now.

Awesome updates ladies! Even after a disaster wash day yesterday I have a soft, moisturized, and semi stretched bun that will last the week.
I finally stopped playing around and have committed to wearing flat twist for all of April and hopefully through the end of June. I will wait until the end of April though to commit to May. I plan on just wearing this same style for April and redoing it on wash day. Hopefully by the end of April I will have some increased length to allow me to wear a different style. I will be doing my hair twice a week Wednesday/Sunday or Thursday/Monday for now.

Looks great! Flat twisting is something I have yet to master. I would love to do some flat twists and an updo like this once my hair has been stretched from a roller set. I have so many styles in my style lookbook to try. lol

Edited to add: And like you, I have committed to staying braided up (well after washing and roller setting every 2 weeks) until Fall. My sister will be here next month to help me with the new baby so I'll have her install some jumbo or regular sized senegalese twists.
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Looks great! Flat twisting is something I have yet to master. I would love to do some flat twists and an updo like this once my hair has been stretched from a roller set. I have so many styles in my style lookbook to try. lol

Edited to add: And like you, I have committed to staying braided up (well after washing and roller setting every 2 weeks) until Fall. My sister will be here next month to help me with the new baby so I'll have her install some jumbo or regular sized senegalese twists.

After you are all settled in and the baby is sleeping through the night, just practice with one flat twist along the front and across one side and put the rest in a bun. Just practicing with one will give you enough practice to start to add additional twists on. I never recommend trying to do the entire head when getting started. It just takes too long.
Just removed 32 twists. Will wear the twist out tomorrow for style, during the day, before beginning my biweekly regimen.

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I have never been so excited for wash day as I am today. Going to go to brunch and work out first!

I discovered that putting my hair in two braids (not French braids) gives me good definition on the bottom but not close the scalp. I think next weekend I'll do four braids to get a nice braid out on roller set hair. For the rest of the week I'll be bunning as usual.
Staying in flat twists during April has been easier than I expected. Even though I am cleansing twice a week, deciding to keep the same style for the entire month has helped me stick with it. Each time I put it up I get faster at parting and twisting.

I think I will keep the same style throughout May as well since I'm not seeing much growth or retention.

I'm worried that I'm not seeing as MUCH growth/retention that I saw the last time I was growing my hair out. I might be impatient, I can't tell. Will stick with my current regimen through my June length check, and then I'll re-evaluate.

I hope roller setting and bunning is working because it's much easier for me to do and style than cowashing and wet bunning every day.

We'll figure it out.
[USER=388763 said:

I'm worried that I'm not seeing as MUCH growth/retention that I saw the last time I was growing my hair out. I might be impatient, I can't tell. Will stick with my current regimen through my June length check, and then I'll re-evaluate.

I hope roller setting and bunning is working because it's much easier for me to do and style than cowashing and wet bunning every day.

We'll figure it out.

I wouldn't worry. Just keep doing what you are doing. I really think the weather and environmental changes have really impacted many of us more than we know. I think your hair will take off again.
I wouldn't worry. Just keep doing what you are doing. I really think the weather and environmental changes have really impacted many of us more than we know. I think your hair will take off again.

Yeah, I'm giving my hair a break and focusing on skin care and makeup. :look: Why can't my focus be on working out and eating healthy??
Yeah, I'm giving my hair a break and focusing on skin care and makeup. :look: Why can't my focus be on working out and eating healthy??

toaster Next year, I probably wont join any challenges on the hair side...it's like well all I do is roller set, style and protect so that's normal for me. Plus hair is gonna grow since that's what it does anyway right? lol When I got to a point where things were kinda on auto pilot, I shifted my focus elsewhere.

Do you like gardening or being outdoors? Normally in the spring, I love being outside gardening and researching events in our area that will allow me to take in all the spring flowers and such. Even just taking a walk in my neighborhood looking at all the gardens. lol

Summer time normally leads in to hiking, lakes, beaches, swimming etc. (which can also be good health wise) This is the best time to get into other things besides hair. I like your idea of focusing on skin care. I'm starting to get into it as well...especially since I'm learning about new tips on how to stay looking young. lol

Fall/Winter I'm normally in interior design mode. I'll pick a room and spruce it up. Holidays are close so it's always an exciting time.

Yeah, I don't think I'll do many challenges either. I like updating in the DC or Oils threads so I can see what products other people are using, but I don't really change my product line up very often.

I do like being outside, and I am often hanging out with friends, planning picnics or parties, going to random events, etc. Hair has been something I have in common with my mom, aunt, sister, and friends so we can always chat about YouTube videos or products reviews and stuff like that. But they all wear makeup too so that can be our new thing!

I really need a new hobby that's inexpensive. Everything I get into I have to spend money. That's more of my problem than necessity. I love going to the gym and taking classes so now I'm convinced I need new gym shoes, gym clothes, and a better water bottle.

What I really need is a job. But I'll be working this summer which helps, and only one year of law school after that, so I can better fund my hobbies.
I haven't posted in here in a while but I've been faithfully bunning my hair for about a month and a half now. Tomorrow I'm doing a LC to see how much bunning and hair infinity has helped my growth/hair retention. I will keep you all posted.
So I've been rocking a wet bun for the past month or so…

I've read in some threads that wet bunning is terrible for fine hair (which I have) but it is never explained why. Anyone care to help me understand? I personally haven't noticed any damage to my hair---as it always feels soft to the touch and moisturized--but I'm not sure if this will eventually cause damage… Having soft hair…is that a bad thing?
So I've been rocking a wet bun for the past month or so…

I've read in some threads that wet bunning is terrible for fine hair (which I have) but it is never explained why. Anyone care to help me understand? I personally haven't noticed any damage to my hair---as it always feels soft to the touch and moisturized--but I'm not sure if this will eventually cause damage… Having soft hair…is that a bad thing?

I wet bunned an entire summer once and my hair felt amazing the entire time and grew like a weed, but then I ended up with a lot of midshaft and regular splits. I think it was as a result of a few things: hydral fatigue from washing everyday, never letting my hair dry, daily manipulation to put it in a bun, and overstretching my hair beyond its normal point of elasticity since I was manipulating it while wet. My wet buns were always larger than my dry buns.
There is probably a way to combat some of those things - maybe using a lot more protein, but I don't take chances anymore.

I don't have fine hair, but when I was transitioning and daily cowashing and wet bunning I would use a moisture conditioner for 2 days, and the a light protein conditioner for 1 day, to make sure I wasn't over moisturizing.

Once I became fully natural, a once a month cassia treatment was enough for my hair.
Hey ladies. I haven't checked in in a while, but I'm still bunning 90% of the time. I've been wearing twist out buns mostly, and using rollers to stretch the ends. The last time I straightened, I didn't notice very many SSKs, so I was happy about that.

I've made some length progress too. Still not HL, but almost. I'm just sticking with my simple regimen and it's working.
Just checking in. Washed my hair last night and put in about 8 braids intending to wear a twistout today. I slathered my hair in this homemade Ecostyler custard I threw together. (pink Ecostyler gel, JBCO, HH Pink Lemon Berry Mimosa, HH Moisture Riser) I was aiming for more definition in my twistout..... My hair was still wet this morning (really damp) and I washed it about 7:00 pm, sat with a T-shirt on my head for about an hour before I braided it (damp). It was not that wet when I went to bed, but it was about the same level of dampness when I woke up. Ended up bobby pinning the braids to my head and putting 2 headbands on.

I know I went to work looking a hot mess... My co-workers know not to say anything to me about hair, and my students think I'm crazy anyway so they do NOT mention my hair to me.

One student said something "jokingly" about my hair in September ---- :nono:
none of them have repeated that mistake.....

I am guessing that the goo I put in my hair is what kept it so damp?? I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do to my hair tonight to get it ready for tomorrow. I have a lot of grading to get done so it might be 'hot mess hair part two' tomorrow.... :drunk: :lol: