2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

Mini braids made a week today. I was supposed to have been deep conditioning but...no dc. Haaa, but it's okay. I think my co-washes will be a good fix until next week anyway. Not really much experimenting as of lately, but hoping to do more styles this week. I kinda wanna try out a bantu knot out on my mini braids and see how that turns out. :grin:
I'm a little over a week into my twists, and I don't think I want to wash them anymore. I washed twice after a hard workout, but I don't like how shrunken they've become. Does anyone know how to clean the scalp of sweat without wetting the hair? I've heard of people using Sea Breeze, but that seems pretty harsh. I'd need to use it 2-3 times per week.
I'm a little over a week into my twists, and I don't think I want to wash them anymore. I washed twice after a hard workout, but I don't like how shrunken they've become. Does anyone know how to clean the scalp of sweat without wetting the hair? I've heard of people using Sea Breeze, but that seems pretty harsh. I'd need to use it 2-3 times per week.

davisbr88 what about a dry shampoo? Most of them do have alcohol in them but if you are not gonna use it that often, then I think your hair wont fall out from using it. lol

This is the one I have in my stash. Can't quite recommend it yet, cause I haven't used it but if it's anything like their leave in...it's a keeper.

Edited to add: I see you need to use something 2-3 times a week. Ummmm I would not recommend it for that purpose...personally I wouldn't use this more than once a week.
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davisbr88 after you wash your twists try pinning them around your head with bobby pins and letting them dry like that. That will help stretch the twists out again.
toaster, can I be an unofficial participant next round. I plan to wear my hair in twists but will need to take them out every 3 to 4 days to DC?
faithVA You don't even have to ask! I plan on doing buns, buns, and more buns, through June so I can get as much growth as possible. Do you have a twist reggie planned or are you just going to experiment and see what works?
faithVA You don't even have to ask! I plan on doing buns, buns, and more buns, through June so I can get as much growth as possible. Do you have a twist reggie planned or are you just going to experiment and see what works?

I do have to ask. Because if I was hosting the thread, I would have politely mentioned the rules :look: :lol:

I'm trying to find a regimen. I'm twist are sooo ugly and short right now, I hate to have to wear them but I really can't leave my hair out for more than 1/2 day without it completely drying out. So to start I will twist and set them on perm rods on the weekend and then cowash mid-week. Not sure how I am going to do it after I cowash since I won't have time to install a whole new set of twist.
Finally finished my twist and set them on perm rods. It takes about 2.5 hours which isn't too bad. Now I need to sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes. Maybe during the week I can get my time down to 2 hours.

Oh no! I imagine it would take longer to dry that way. Maybe if you pin the twists around your head and then wrap a towel around your head that will soak up a lot of the extra water. Then perhaps it will dry over night? Are you opposed to sitting under a dryer to give the drying process a head start?
My hair feels great! At longer lengths I have to up my protein usage from zero to once a month. The last time I grew my hair out I used cassia once a month. This time I'll be using medium protein conditioners. I used Jason biotin conditioner as a pre-treatment yesterday and it was wonderful. Will repurchase and use again.
Fhrizzball I'm so sorry! I forgot to add your name to the challengers list so I didn't tag you in the "how's your hair coming along" post. I'll add you as soon as I get to my computer.

So... how's your hair coming along?
I put in some flat twists in the front and regular two strand twists in the back. Then I braided the back up and tucked it in for a little bun.
toaster: well I usually get home late so I am washing as soon as I walk in the door around 8 but then I'm too tired/lazy to sit under the dryer. I will try the towel trick on Wednesday!
I would like to join this challenge. I normally wear my hair out in puffs....I need to limit that a bit and 3 days a week seems feasible.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? bunning, would like to experiment with wearing my twist. Normally just use them as a means to air dry my hair.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen? Pineapple

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? different style options

5. When and how will you restyle your hair? Not sure yet.

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one). will do when I get home!
@Fhrizzball I'm so sorry! I forgot to add your name to the challengers list so I didn't tag you in the "how's your hair coming along" post. I'll add you as soon as I get to my computer.

So... how's your hair coming along?

Lol quite all right. I'm still the same length as before but I think I’m just bad at judging MBL on me. My loose twists only lasted me 2 weeks or so but that may be because I did it on dirty hair. Taking them out was really easy though so I might just redo them again and be satisfied that they can't stay in long. I'm trying my hand with regular twists but my henna ends make them look stringy. I'm trying to resist cutting them though.
Joining in! I have been in the challenge before, but I was wearing extension braids at the beginning of the year until just about recently. I had to cut off 2" of my hair at the end of last year. I decided not to use any direct heat on my hair after that, because even though I was only flat ironing once a year, my ends did not seem like they could handle the heat that it took to get them straightened. I want to try roller setting as an alternative. My hair is currently 13'' in the back and front and 15" on the sides.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?

Medium twists and occasional buns

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?

I cowash and deep condition biweekly. Every other cowash I oil rinse with my DC. Every other month I shampoo my hair along with conditioning and DCing. I detangle with my fingers while the DC is in, followed by one run through with a wide toothed comb after rinsing. I let my hair drip dry a little before doing the LCO method. I use water for my liquid, KCKT for my cream, and castor oil for the oil. I twist about 8 large twists to stretch and air dry, and then either pinch and grab to make my medium twists or part my hair in squares to twist as I go along. I LCO primarily on my ends every few days.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

Color treated natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?

Growth, length retention, overall hair health

5. When and how will you restyle your hair?

I will restyle my hair biweekly after wearing a twistout for 3 days. It will primarily be styled in medium two strand twists or rope twists that are pinned up or bunned daily, alternating with buns with my loose hair.

6. Include Starting Pic.

I'm seriously thinking about rejoining this challenge. This year is APL or bust! I started working out again so twists are the easiest protective style for me.
Just cowashed my hair with ApHogee 2-min and wrapped it up. Going to cover with a towel for a little while and check it after 12 hrs since that is usually how much time elapses between night washing and morning take-down. I really hope this works!
Trimmed on the 19th for the Spring Equinox. Whether it works or not my ends feel rejuvenated and fresh! Only took off like 1/4 of an inch and probably less on others.
Used My Honey Child Buttery Soy to twist my hair up. Medium twists with braided roots. Of course they are pulled back into a tiny bun. Will probably wear a twist out on Saturday. Then wash, rinse, and repeat on Sunday.

toaster Lookin good! Nice progress.