2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

I'm dating God...I'm not interested in dating anyone and I'm happy for the 3 engaged ladies ( 2 engaged to men also from our church) I'm truly happy for them as I know all 3 of them were praying and wanting to become wives i grew up with all of them, went on vacays, or went to highschool with thm lol but Im hoping ppl don't think this is why I've come back to church (to get hitched and be put on the prayer list for that) I'm actually using Gods strength in my weakness and loving how I feel I'm no longer being ignored but it wasn't him ignoring me but I who wouldnt give up control

Happy To be at a place where I'm seeking him cause he let me live when I wanted to die He loves me and for the first time I believe it and I wanna hold onto to this love tightly The first man to love me and seek me and waited for me all because he gave up his life for me to give me an eternal one I've never been fully confident in anyone's love or me the way I am now and he just works with me...why did I run for so long and kept running like he caused my pain smh

Learning to submit Please pray for me i don't wanna go back to who I was or remember those times

stephluv I'm happy that you shared the wonderful news about your friends' engagement. It's a testament that God answers prayers :yep:

Also, I'll lift you up in prayer (((HUGS))) :bighug:
I'm dating God...I'm not interested in dating anyone and I'm happy for the 3 engaged ladies ( 2 engaged to men also from our church) I'm truly happy for them as I know all 3 of them were praying and wanting to become wives i grew up with all of them, went on vacays, or went to highschool with thm lol but Im hoping ppl don't think this is why I've come back to church (to get hitched and be put on the prayer list for that) I'm actually using Gods strength in my weakness and loving how I feel I'm no longer being ignored but it wasn't him ignoring me but I who wouldnt give up control

Happy To be at a place where I'm seeking him cause he let me live when I wanted to die He loves me and for the first time I believe it and I wanna hold onto to this love tightly The first man to love me and seek me and waited for me all because he gave up his life for me to give me an eternal one I've never been fully confident in anyone's love or me the way I am now and he just works with me...why did I run for so long and kept running like he caused my pain smh

Learning to submit Please pray for me i don't wanna go back to who I was or remember those times

This is beautiful stepluv...
I received this in my inbox!

BE - God, I say 'yes' to You. I choose to allow Your way to shape me and Your will to direct me in what is best. I surrender instead of resist, I yield instead of fight, I believe instead of doubt.

STILL - Father, may Your rest abide and Your peace abound within me. Quiet all anxiety that troubles my thoughts and unsettles my emotions. I bring my soul under the control of the Holy Spirit; I stand steady upon the unmovable foundations of Your kingdom; I receive the sufficiency of Your grace and the encouragement of Your promises as you calm my soul.

AND KNOW - Lord, thank you that Your word is sure, unchanging, and indisputable. Your word is true. I am certain. You have saved me from guessing, wondering, wishing, or pretending. I know! I believe!

I AM GOD - You are who You say You are. You do what You say You do. There is no other! You are the highest, the greatest, the best. You have no weakness, no lack, and no equal. You are my God, and my Heavenly Father. I find comfort in Your nearness, security in Your voice, courage in Your strength, hope in Your promises. You are enough. More than enough! You are with me. You are my refuge. I am safe in Your care.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:10-11
Hi Shimmie!! :wave:

I'm always glad to share the music.

Lots of Love to you as well, from me and Mr. Man.. :grin:

:wave: @Laela, thanks for sharing. I knew you'd have a wonderful answer to share for @LiftedUp. I didn't even think of that thread for an answer; it's a great one.

Also, I love the music that you share in your posts and siggy's.

Love to you and hubby :love2:
I just found out that my coworker's son died at 21 years old...

Nobody expects to lose a child, sibling, or friend at such a young age....my prayers are with the family.

This is a reminder that we can't take life or people for granted....
I just found out that my coworker's son died at 21 years old...

Nobody expects to lose a child, sibling, or friend at such a young age....my prayers are with the family.

This is a reminder that we can't take life or people for granted....

My heartfelt prayers for your co-worker and family. I pray God's comforting love to embrace and secure them through this. Beyond words...all prayer.
G-d's providence:

Sometimes, you just feel badly and don't want to go to mass but you know it's mandatory. I wasn't 'sick' enough to stay out because I had to make a repair to the house. It wore me out. Then I fell asleep and even didn't have time to get to the next and last mass. Well, as it turned out, I was sick enough because I was tuckered out and when I went to bring the car into the garage, it wouldn't start. Battery problems. Thank G-d! We would have been stuck at night away from home.

Sometimes, we feel badly that we don't want to attend services and feel we're letting the ball drop. But sometimes, things happen to protect us. Thankful.
I guess I'll be on a prayer fast this week, 30 minutes of straight prayer for 7 days. I don't know why this is kind of daunting for me, but sadly, I've never prayed that long.

But I need to start building a better relationship, so why not start now?
Asking for and sending up prayers for my church and pastors. There was a misunderstanding about money and a lot of people have left. I really haven't thought much about the situation and am trying to stay out of it. But ever since then the atmosphere of the church just doesn't feel the same, almost like something is missing. And truthfully it has felt this way ever since we moved into our new location almost a year ago. I really don't know, I'm asking for prayers, and pray that God orders my steps.
My job does not appreciate me. I work so hard for them for little to no pay and I have to pay my own taxes and health insurance on top of that. I cannot wait until I can put in my two weeks notice in :look:

I need all of God's strength to get me through. I really hate this place.
My job does not appreciate me. I work so hard for them for little to no pay and I have to pay my own taxes and health insurance on top of that. I cannot wait until I can put in my two weeks notice in :look: I need all of God's strength to get me through. I really hate this place.

Praying for you !
My job does not appreciate me. I work so hard for them for little to no pay and I have to pay my own taxes and health insurance on top of that. I cannot wait until I can put in my two weeks notice in :look:

I need all of God's strength to get me through. I really hate this place.

Oh no! Have you tried Obamacare? I think you could allow your own policy to lapse, right? You could get Obamacare with a tax credit to help you pay it.
Oh no! Have you tried Obamacare? I think you could allow your own policy to lapse, right? You could get Obamacare with a tax credit to help you pay it.

I'm not sure if I qualify or not. I will have to check and see. It's the deductibles that kill me :nono: I can't pay $100+ every time I go to the doctors.
Girlll....Shimmie had it right with this one! I was not prepared for this storm. I cannot wait until 2014 is over. It has been a rough one.

I totally agree... I've been learning some eye opening (spiritually) lessons this year... I'm realizing that the purpose of the struggle is to strengthen and fortify me in Him... this year has been tough!!
I think we need a concerted faithful effort to pray against Ebola. Please lift up all victims and their families and encourage others to pray for the safety and healing of all mankind.
I've been praying as I stated up thread and my main prayer this week has been a cancellation of fear. All of these conspiracy posts on social media and everything has been getting to me & it doesn't take anything to spook me.

This whole virus situation is just so unsettling.

But I am however proud of myself for sticking with the prayer challenge. I just hope that they've been heard.
Hurt no one, be nice and loving to all...this is only a vent:

This woman will NEVER get another kind "hello" from me again............................................................
blah blah blah...............nevermind......................
This was a vent only.
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The spirit of grief

I was just watching a commercial about a woman who lost her son in an accident I didn't hear if both children died...But she said something that pricked me she didn't want to live anymore, she went into such a deep state of depression she stayed in bed for a year and couldn't even dress herself.

I'm not trying to be insensitive but we need to know that the devil is very cunning and will do everything in his power to destroy us, he does not fight fair, having said that let No man woman or child take the place of God in our lives, children are a gift from God and are on loan to us. Grieving is a process, no life should end as a result of another...remember David. I pray for those who has lost a loved one that they will grieve but allow God to help them heal.
Today was as awesome day in the Lord.. and to say I wasn't going to push to go for the earliest service today. So glad I did. My church has three worship times, so since I had today off, I was going to go to 9 and work in another part of the church for the next service. Our 9 o'clock service literally spilled over into the next service because of all of the praise and worship breakthrough that we were experiencing.. It was awesome. I wish I could have stayed for the following service, but I picked up my normal duties (and that's where my pastor asked me to serve quite some time ago)..

Tonight's service was awesome as well.

I also finished my prayer challenge as of last night.
Now that 2014 is almost over, I fully comprehend the subtitle of this thread. Phew.

Girlll....Shimmie had it right with this one! I was not prepared for this storm. I cannot wait until 2014 is over. It has been a rough one.

I totally agree... I've been learning some eye opening (spiritually) lessons this year... I'm realizing that the purpose of the struggle is to strengthen and fortify me in Him... this year has been tough!!

Divine. , bellatiamarie, Maracujá

Angels, I apologize for not being in this thread as much, but I can tell you that things do indeed get better and please do not lose hope.

Last year (2013) was hell on roller blades or so it seemed to me. There were times of firey darts that I never knew existed shooting in my direction from all directions.

But I learned something...

God was revealing to me who some people really were; who to trust and to realize those not to trust. God doesn't want us to be paranoid, but He does want us to be informed. God was showing that there is more than one way or person to accomplish the things in my life that I needed to have done.

God showed me the obstacles and also showed me that these same obstacles were powerless against Him and that none of them could ever stop me from accomplishing what my goals were. God literally moved them out of the way. Truly He did just that. God moved these persons and 'things' out of my way.

All it took was a simple prayer... "Lord, get rid of this..." and that He surely did. :yep: And I mean, God moved and was not playing games.

During the trials of 2013, there were times, that seemed that nothing would move or change and that I would have to 'stay' in those situations or be 'stuck' with those persons who were thorns in my flesh.

But God was teaching me something. He was teaching me as a loving Father teaches His child to fear not the circumstances, the resistant attitudes and the arrogance of people in positions, nor fear the outcome / delays. God's love was teaching me that I had far more authority and power (all in Him) than anyone or anything in this earth; and that nothing / no one could ever stop me from progressing to where I needed / wanted to be.

God 'moves' for His Seed, His precious children... each of you. God is not playing either. When He moves against our enemies and oppositions / opposers, they move and they are not allowed back.

The rough years, teach us a lesson... valuable lessons. Lesson number one: God rules and only God and not the people / circumstances.

Each of you have 'conquered' 2014 and beyond.

You are blessed... each of you.

The spirit of grief

I was just watching a commercial about a woman who lost her son in an accident I didn't hear if both children died...But she said something that pricked me she didn't want to live anymore, she went into such a deep state of depression she stayed in bed for a year and couldn't even dress herself.

I'm not trying to be insensitive but we need to know that the devil is very cunning and will do everything in his power to destroy us, he does not fight fair, having said that let No man woman or child take the place of God in our lives, children are a gift from God and are on loan to us. Grieving is a process, no life should end as a result of another...remember David. I pray for those who has lost a loved one that they will grieve but allow God to help them heal.

Healthy Hair, thank you for sharing this. I know that it will help someone to heal from the loss of their loved one. :yep: