2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

So I listened to a snippet of a radio programme today. The topic was "Forgive and Forget". I, personally, struggle with the forget part. The facilitator made some good points:

  • God has already forgiven the person
  • Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they will not change their ways. It is us to change how we interact with that person (if they person doesn't change) to change the impact of that person's actions on us. That could involve changing what we do, what responsibility we give that person etc.
  • Forgiveness doesn't cure someone. We forgive expecting the person to change and then get upset when he/she doesn't, when forgiveness itself, is not a cure.
So I listened to a snippet of a radio programme today. The topic was "Forgive and Forget". I, personally, struggle with the forget part. The facilitator made some good points:

  • God has already forgiven the person
  • Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they will not change their ways. It is us to change how we interact with that person (if they person doesn't change) to change the impact of that person's actions on us. That could involve changing what we do, what responsibility we give that person etc.
  • Forgiveness doesn't cure someone. We forgive expecting the person to change and then get upset when he/she doesn't, when forgiveness itself, is not a cure.

LiftedUp God is currently dealing with me on this issue. Thank you for this! :yep: Do you know who gave the broadcast? I would love to listen to it.
Ok ladies, so I've been going through some work related issues and have been trying to let go and let God.

Though these are popular verses, I've been bombarded with them lately. Today at lunch and Sunday during the sermon, so I decided to share them with you and remembrance of God's promises to us.


Waiting on God is tough. The "don't lose hope" title didn't really strike home with m until now. I'm keeping the faith, but whew its hard.
I thought that things were gonna be easier since it's almost the end of the year anyway, but the enemy is persistent. God is stronger though. #keepingthefaith #steadfast
Random thought that has been nagging me lately. God has blessed us so much, but why do we continue to dwell on what we do not have? At what point do we feel contented?
The Duggar girls' proposals and weddings are truly a blessing for a generation that has lost the purity of relationships. I hope that people emulate the progression of their courtships into marriage in purity and honesty. G-d placed them in that position for the benefit of others.
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^^Is there a video of it online? I would love to watch it! Reminds me of a sermon I listened to a while back by Dr. Myles Munroe in which he explains what it means to 'glorify' God. It basically means showcasing God's Heavenly culture down here on earth in all that we undertake, so the real question we should always be asking ourselves is: what does Heaven look like according to Scripture? And how can I best showcase this here on earth?
I don't know yet, we saw it on "On Demand" on cable. It's long, like 2 hours lol. But you could tell that poppa was very protective of his girls. I know that he didn't truly want Jill to get engaged that early, esp. traveling to go see a guy she had fallen in love with online, but at least he knew the guy because they were prayer partners. He accompanied her to Nepal where Derrick was working and before they left, he proposed to her after asking permission. I now hear that Jessa is already married to whatever his name is...the goofy one lol. Oh, and Jill is expecting a baby.
^^^the wedding show was so beautiful. The father had me crying because he was crying so much
Just ended a conversation with a friend. He has a Masters in Divinity. I left this conversation feeling discouraged and like I knew nothing about God or the Bible. I'm trying to develop a better relationship with God, but listening to him and the "jabs" the friend was taking at me make me feel...I don't necessarily know how to put it into words...a little sad though.
Just ended a conversation with a friend. He has a Masters in Divinity. I left this conversation feeling discouraged and like I knew nothing about God or the Bible. I'm trying to develop a better relationship with God, but listening to him and the "jabs" the friend was taking at me make me feel...I don't necessarily know how to put it into words...a little sad though.


1 Corinthians 1:24, 26-31

But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the lord .”

Remember that Christ is the power and wisdom of God and those who have Christ within will exhibit his character, humility. If this person was using head knowledge to make you feel less than themselves then they are lifted up in pride. Anyone can memorize the Bible but only a true believer can be the living epistle and exhibit Christ like humility. Be encouraged and depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you. You will always know less than someone, but the true wisdom that a saint of God possesses would be used to edify and strengthen you, not tear you down. Be encouraged ♡

1 Corinthians 1:24, 26-31

But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the lord .”

Remember that Christ is the power and wisdom of God and those who have Christ within will exhibit his character, humility. If this person was using head knowledge to make you feel less than themselves then they are lifted up in pride. Anyone can memorize the Bible but only a true believer can be the living epistle and exhibit Christ like humility. Be encouraged and depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you. You will always know less than someone, but the true wisdom that a saint of God possesses would be used to edify and strengthen you, not tear you down. Be encouraged ♡


Thank you for this and your response. I'm literally in tears...I feel so bad for not being as knowledgeable as others. I feel confused sometimes and out of place...like because I don't know every single Scripture verbatim or shout in church that I'm not doing enough. I was supposed to have quiet time this evening and now I'm having a difficult time concentrating and don't know where to start.

Thank you for this and your response. I'm literally in tears...I feel so bad for not being as knowledgeable as others. I feel confused sometimes and out of place...like because I don't know every single Scripture verbatim or shout in church that I'm not doing enough. I was supposed to have quiet time this evening and now I'm having a difficult time concentrating and don't know where to start.


Please don't let this person make you feel condemned, if you feel you are lacking you can fix that with a little more study and spending time with God in prayer...he's is not a true friend and like Mrs. H said he his full of pride and God hates pride.

Go at your own pace, take that quiet time and pour your heart out to God he cares about you, start by telling him just that, that you are having a difficult time.
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Thank you for this and your response. I'm literally in tears...I feel so bad for not being as knowledgeable as others. I feel confused sometimes and out of place...like because I don't know every single Scripture verbatim or shout in church that I'm not doing enough. I was supposed to have quiet time this evening and now I'm having a difficult time concentrating and don't know where to start.

Keep your focus on Jesus Christ and quiet time will be easy. Remember that studying the word is not meant for you to memorize it to quote and impress others or convince anyone of your Christianity. Studying the word is for you to learn Him whom you have believed in, to give you discernment and to renew your mind. Doesn't matter if you're never able to quote the Bible verbatim, just grow in grace and in your knowledge of Him and when the time comes for you to use that word to minister to someone who needs the it you'll be amazed how the Holy Spirit will use you. Quoting Scripture verbatim for the sake of proving a point is not bringing glory to God... and the Holy Spirit is not using a person who is doing that. Trust me, if the Holy Spirit is in you, you know more than you think you do. He just won't bring it to your memory to satisfy the flesh of others.

Thank you for this and your response. I'm literally in tears...I feel so bad for not being as knowledgeable as others. I feel confused sometimes and out of place...like because I don't know every single Scripture verbatim or shout in church that I'm not doing enough. I was supposed to have quiet time this evening and now I'm having a difficult time concentrating and don't know where to start.

Hi, hope you are feeling better. But question: Is G-d calling YOU to a divinity degree? :yep: Maybe weigh that out because it hurts you enough to want to be on par with everyone else. Make something positive out of the experience. I wish you the best.
I saw something absolutely shameful on television. Joyce Meyer and her organization that reaches out to the poor, providing groceries, school supplies and even free bikes to kids. She went to Tulsa, OK for the event and it got press. Even the governor of the state was interviewed and she thanked her for providing for the needy. Um, 2 things. Dude, YOU'RE THE GOVERNOR! Why is she doing more for the poor than you? And the most shameful was the fact that most of the people in line - more like 80% or more - were single-parent families, female-led. What a shame!!! And people never listened to the religious who said that the family was the backbone of the society. In more ways than one...a strong family keeps the poverty away. SMH.
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Sorry, I have a lot of comments today, but I have a question. Saw Chaka Khan singing a song about G-d "Secret Place" and she was at the Agape International Spiritual Center. She sang with a gospel choir and I assumed it was theirs. Um, is this a christian church? Anybody attend there in LA?
Psalm 37:4King James Version (KJV)

4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Good morning ladies :wave:

What do you understand by "Delight thyself also in the Lord"?
Good morning ladies :wave:

What do you understand by "Delight thyself also in the Lord"?


It’s difficult to separate this verse when verse 5 and the surrounding verses also speaks to or supports 4

First, I think it’s important to get a better understanding of what ‘delight’, 'desires' and ‘heart’ means.

To ‘delight’ means to be happy about, take exquisite delight, to make merry over, to incline or bend towards, to take pleasure in.

‘Desire’ – request, petition, desire, strong wish for or want

When the bible mentions a person’s ‘heart’, it is almost always speaking about the MIND of a person.

‘Heart’ – inner part, mind, will understanding, soul, thinking, inclination, seat of appetites, passions and emotions, moral character.

I'll get to answering, I promise.
Good morning ladies :wave:

What do you understand by "Delight thyself also in the Lord"?

In the same way we find pleasure in other worldly things, we should also find pleasure in spending time in the Lord's presence. As we grow closer to him, our desires become aligned with His. Thus, he will give us the desires of our renewed heart. Our heart on its own is wicked however the spirit of God makes it pure: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

That's how I interpret that scripture.
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Woke up to yet another "loss" this morning. I wasn't completely bothered by it...a little overwhelmed. I shed a few tears, but overall OK. Before I could fix my mouth to say it think "Why me?" I went and read the book of Job. My problems are miniscule in comparison to what he went through! I began to thank God for His mercy and knowing me well enough to know my limits.

I then went for a walk and had a relevation that I wanted to share:

When I was a child, my dad used to call me "careless". Looking back, I think it's because didnt worry too much about consequences of small things because I knew there was someone greater covering me (parents... My mother mostly), but I took what he (my father) said to heart and began to worry about everything because I didn't want to seem aloof and cold: I worried about my family's well being, me not being good enough, not having everything I wanted/ needed, etc. I became anxious and afraid, losing sleep and weight at times...always "caring too much". Since beginning nursing school and the financial and personal struggles/losses that have come along with it...I began to realize that once again, there is someone Greater watching over me and because of that. I "care....less". I am fully aware of the situation, but I dont allow it to consume me. If this same situation had happened to me a year or two ago, I would have been ready to toss in the towel...pointing fingers and balled up in a corner sobbing, but I'm actually OK. Despite what mess I'm going through , I'm thankful every day.

I then began to smile...it was a good walk :-)
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Thank you @Iwanthealthyhair67

I'm understanding your train of thought


The neighboring scriptures tie in with v.4, there are conditions to the promise; trust, delight, commit, rest. but I will stick to v4.

How do we delight ourselves in the Lord?

By reading the word of God and spending time in worship and prayer, Holy Spirit will then put his desires in our hearts. Eventually our mindswill be conformed to His and so will our ways, His desires will become ours… The bible says that his thoughts are not ours and our ways are not his, so there must be a renewal process of our minds…Many desires go unfulfilled because they are not the right kind of desires or Godly desires, they come from an un-regenerated place so if our minds remain un-changed then we can expect to be very disappointed when we don’t receive ‘the desires of our hearts’.

Sorry to be so lengthy but, I find that word study helps to understand scripture more.
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Thank you. I was reading it yesterday and though I've read it many times before it's the first time I actually paid attention to each word. Then I began to think about the frivolous things that I delight myself in and thought to myself, "do I truly delight myself in the Lord?"

That's what I like a about scripture it's a real measuring tool for self examination, sometimes the revelation can be painful.

Thank you. I was reading it yesterday and though I've read it many times before it's the first time I actually paid attention to each word. Then I began to think about the frivolous things that I delight myself in and thought to myself, "do I truly delight myself in the Lord?"
For the past two months I've been struggling with deciding what I want to do with my life career wise. Last month I left a job with a decent income because I found some of their practices to be unethical. I ended returning to my previous job, which paid significantly less. I spent about a week worrying about how my bills would be paid the following month. I finally decided to not worry. I placed my problems in God's hands and felt a sense of peace. Last week my supervisor randomly came up to me and suggested I apply for a supervisor position. Keep in mind I had been back at the job for less than a month. Two interviews later I found out I got the job. It's truly a blessing from God.