2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

I feel I have so much hatred for my use to be best friend because I am hurt. I am hurt that she left and didn't try to understand my pain regardless if it was self inflicted or not, and how do you not see a change in a friend after knowing them for seven years? I am hurt that I would not have done the same thing to her. I am hurt because I try to have understanding and be there for others situations but the same never happens in return. I am hurt because I always feel like my turn for happiness is never going to come. I just want the pain and sadness to go away. Because of this I just don't care to be close to people anymore, honestly I don't care about anyone anymore, I'm not giving friendships or relationships my all anymore. It may come across as uncaring towards others but at this moment this is just how I feel. Why open up? Why be there for people? Why help others? Because at the end of the day those people do not care about you.
^^MzRae, G-d cares. I know this was your heartfelt vent. Just want you to know that we cannot make others a crutch in life because they aren't capable of holding the load that Jesus can hold. I sincerely encourage you to get some type of therapy for your depression and mostly, don't give up on relationships in life. We were created to go this road in the company of others :yep:. It's never truly easy.
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^^MzRae, G-d cares. I know this was your heartfelt vent. Just want you to know that we cannot make others a crutch in life because they aren't capable of holding the load that Jesus can hold. I sincerely encourage you to get some type of therapy for your depression and mostly, don't give up on relationships in life. We were created to go this road in the company of others :yep:. It's never truly easy.

Thank you so much for your words they really meant a lot to me! I am going to look for a therapist and have thought about it for some time. Thank you again!
Don't give up on God because He won't give up on you!!! Our God is so faithful. He is never slack regarding His promises. The devil is on his job but our God is bigger than any devil in hell! He causes us to triumph every time! Hold on to His unchanging hand!
Happy Belated Birthday to Rev. Billy Graham!


At 96 years old, Billy Graham's desire to share hope with the world is as strong as ever.
On Nov. 7, the day Graham celebrates his birthday, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
will debut Heaven, a film that includes a never-before-seen message from Billy Graham.
Graham's message was recorded last year, while the aging yet still passionate evangelist
worked with a camera crew to capture his thoughts in a series of interviews at his home in Montreat.

"I know I'm going to heaven. I'm looking forward to it with great anticipation," said Graham,
who explains in the film how people can share that same hope.
Please fervently pray for the christians in Syria. The U.S. govt. is going to attempt to bring down Pres. Assad now. Where will christians go? They will be butchered more than they are being murdered now. Please pray for safe passage for them. Please offer up your sufferings for them.

I'm so tired of hearing all this reference to "the universe." "Universe" this... "Universe" that... why are people so afraid to acknowledge God? The universe is a creation... God is THE CREATOR. I'm sorry... I just overheard a conversation at Panera Bread that had me rolling my eyes so hard.
I'm so tired of hearing all this reference to "the universe." "Universe" this... "Universe" that... why are people so afraid to acknowledge God? The universe is a creation... God is THE CREATOR. I'm sorry... I just overheard a conversation at Panera Bread that had me rolling my eyes so hard.

Amen to this.
I really feel Satan is after me. It's like I have a target on my back. If he can get into my head, he can get me distracted. Today I got into a fender bender, right before bible study! I have never been in an accident ever! My faith was definitely tested in that moment.

I almost let my frustration get the best of me, but I decided to thank God instead. My car is still running. I'm safe. The other driver is safe. After calling the insurance company, I was told I wouldn't have to come out of pocket for anything. Sometimes you have to stop complaining about everything that's going wrong and cast your cares onto God.

Idk if God is strengthening my faith so I can undertake a specific calling or if the enemy just loves messing with my emotions. Either way, I passed the test and that's what matters :)
I made a mistake and I am so disappointed in myself. I pray that I can accept responsibility for my actions and forgive myself.
I'm losing hope at this point. All problems are starting to spin out of control and despair is setting in.
God never said that the weapons wouldn't be formed. But He did say that they would NOT prosper. Standing on His promises this morning.
I got into some real trouble with this about 10 years ago but I am at a different place now.

I am having a hard week. Money troubles, school issues, too much work on my job, etc. I am praying for the strength to forgive myself of my mistakes, for clarity regarding school and for diligence regarding work.
I made a mistake and I am so disappointed in myself. I pray that I can accept responsibility for my actions and forgive myself.

I'm losing hope at this point. All problems are starting to spin out of control and despair is setting in.

Dear sisters, please do not despair. I made a bad mistake this week as well. Plus, my heart is heavy and I feel pressed on all sides.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV)

This means so much to me that it is from Deuteronomy. I should not have fear, but I do. I am human. I'll get over this. You will, too. <3
It's so good to know I'm not the only one going through right now. I messed up as well not too long ago. I am learning that the easiest way to move past despair or regret is to press into God's word. Whatever area you're struggling in, find a scripture and meditate it on daily. Sometimes you have to be reminded that God is who he says is despite what your situation may say. God never changes.

It's not easy, but somehow, God gets me through every time.
Dear sisters, please do not despair. I made a bad mistake this week as well. Plus, my heart is heavy and I feel pressed on all sides.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. —Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV)

This means so much to me that it is from Deuteronomy. I should not have fear, but I do. I am human. I'll get over this. You will, too. <3

Thank you.
I'm still dealing with a little hurt from a previous relationship. I tried talking to my friends about the situation and although they want nothing but the best for me and they mean well...I still had that hurt and feeling of rejection/abandonment. I realized that I was going to the wrong resource for information.

So, I went to the Bible and found this: PSALM 118

22 The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;23 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.

What I got from this was that what others found flawed, God found necessary and precious. In The Message, Psalm 118:22 says "The stone the masons discarded as flawed is now the capstone".

capstone (ˈkæpˌstəʊn) or copestonen
1. (Building) one of a set of slabs on the top of a wall, building, etc
2. (Mountaineering) mountaineering a chockstone occurring at the top of a gully or chimney
3. a crowning achievement; peak: the capstone of his career.

This instantly relieved me and brought me to shout! I thank God for His advice and word.

Just thought I'd share just in case anyone else was going through a similar situation :yep:
As it's the Holiday season, even if you have nothing, determine to give away something. You can sow your time by volunteering to help programs set up to help others. Some of us are only to get stuff, but change it by sowing your time or resources to worthy causes...
Looking up different therapist near me, I really hope seeing one will help. I just really need to someone to talk to about my issues.
I'm so tired of hearing all this reference to "the universe." "Universe" this... "Universe" that... why are people so afraid to acknowledge God? The universe is a creation... God is THE CREATOR. I'm sorry... I just overheard a conversation at Panera Bread that had me rolling my eyes so hard.

They 'honor' the Universe for it has no 'conviction' nor the love for them to turn away from their sins.

Turning away from God makes it easier for them to turn away from a heart of contrition and a spirit of brokenness, and the desire for repentance.

However no matter what, they can never erase the 'Truth' of whom is All Mighty God who is forever and ever and for always.

God said so plain... "I am that I am".

Therefore, "God Still Is"
I visited Joel Osteen's church yesterday and was really blessed by it. I wasn't sure what to expect since he gets so much hate.
Looking up different therapist near me, I really hope seeing one will help. I just really need to someone to talk to about my issues.

You are so very brave and took a great step. Please follow through and don't get cold feet. It's a wonderful thing to do - to help yourself get the counseling you need to work through some issues. We all have some things that are difficult. Many blessings to you!!!
You are so very brave and took a great step. Please follow through and don't get cold feet. It's a wonderful thing to do - to help yourself get the counseling you need to work through some issues. We all have some things that are difficult. Many blessings to you!!!

Thank you!!
It's really interesting when how you are trying to move on from the past, the past comes and visit you. Today I decided to visit a church instead of going to mine. And during praise and worship I look out at the parking lot and this couple gets out the car, I take a look at the woman and instantly I recognized her. Back story on this woman I had started dating this guy in 08/09 and one day my friend was in this fast food restaurant where this woman worked. Well this woman was talking about how she has all these different men to do all this stuff for her and one was getting ready to come in the restaurant. Well my friend looked and it was the guy I had just started dating. They started talking and asking if their significant others knew they were always hanging with each other.
Anyway my friend relayed the whole scene to me, and this big thing happened where my friend was going to fight her. At the end of the incident my then boyfriend stopped being friends with her. Fast forwarding to today when I saw her I felt joy, I wanted to hug her, talk to her, and just let her know I have no hard feelings left. Me and that guy broke up last year and I do feel like they were probably messing around towards the beginning of our relationship. But the past is the past and the anger that I did have I don't anymore. And it amazes me how from I have come, if this was the old me I probably would have had an attitude with her every time she looked my way during service. We didn't get to talk to each other and I'm not even sure she knew who I was as during the incident back in 08/09 we never met face to face. But it's just so interesting how the day I decided to visit this church is the same day I see her.
God is truly awesome...I'm in awe tonight

For years, I have had the strong desire to assist young women in my community with the issue of self esteem...especially young African-American women. I grew up in a broken home and up until adulthood, I had very low self esteem and suffered with depression. As I've gotten older and wiser, I've wanted to speak with younger girls about self love, confidence, and womanhood. Kind of like a "letter to my younger self". I would very much so like to help young ladies avoid a lot of the mistakes I've made.

This desire has been heavy on my heart for the past couple of days. Tonight , out of nowhere, a friend of mine from college asked if I could help at an conference she's holding. It's a nonprofit organization geared towards helping young women in specifically those areas...exactly what I wanted to help with. I jumped at the chance! I'm so excited :-)