2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

Speaking of visiting the church I went to yesterday. I really enjoyed the service, the set up is really similar to the church I attend. The pastors of their church are friends with the pastors of the church I attend. Anyway, the service felt and reminded me of how service use to be at my church. I know I've said this before but ever since we moved in our new building last year, there has just been a disconnect. And for some reason as the months go on the disconnect gets worse, as for some reason I have always felt disconnected to some degree. We have lost quite a bit of people, including some ministry leaders who have moved on some have even started going to the church I visited . I know it's not good to chase after a feeling because I will always be running trying to catch the next one nor do I want to turn into a church hopper. But I think I am going to visit this church for a little, I just feel like I need some time away.

“Have a good day!” or “Have a good one!” We’ve all heard these words at some time from either strangers or those we know.

What does a good day look like? Is it a day with sunshine and no rain? Calm and no wind? Level roads and no hills? Laughter and no tears? Opportunities and no adversity? Peace and no conflict? Advancement and no setbacks? Excitement and no disappointment?

What does a good day really look like?

GOD in it!

God in your heart; God in your day; God in your circumstances; God in your valleys; God in your mountain tops; God in your joys; God in your sorrows; God in your going out; God in your coming in; God in your trials; God in your triumphs; God in your need; God in your supply; God in your deserts; God in your fruitful fields!

Have a “Good Day!”

There is only One Who is good [perfectly and essentially]—God. Matthew 19:17 AMP

This is the day the Lord has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad today! Psalm 118:24 GW
Enjoyed a compelling story by Ranjeni Munusam. SA has planned events for Friday, Dec. 5th to mark the anniversary of Mandela's death, including a global moment of silence. Though Mandela was arguably one of the most influential and humble humans to walk the planet, IMHO -- I so agree with her that he'd have told them to use all this celebratory money to aid the poor instead. Gone, but not forgotten. Please keep SA in prayer, that the country regains its "Mandela-ness" (sic)
When presenting a problem in an open forum such as this one, there will always be differences of opinion; the worlds opinion and a biblical opinion..

The problem is some of 'our' opinions still reflect the worlds concepts mostly due to the fact we are still 'OF the world' (we've become sympathetic to it). The only way that our opinions can line up with what the words says, it’s when we consistently spend time in the word and in the presence of God, that is when true transformation of our minds will take place, renewing our minds to the opinions of God.

Above everything else, only what the word of God says about the matter is of any importance.
So the LMN movie The Red Tent I another loosely based on the bible movie it
Seems to be about Jacob, Rachel and Leah, too racy imo ...everyone cohabiting happily, Jacob cocky and rude oh well it's time to be moving on.
I want to get away in January anyone know of any events going on... I have PTO I can use and would like to fellowship with kingdom minded people as part of my get away from home...I'm looking to go around the middle of January
For the first time in a long time I finally feel free!!! I feel as though I am getting a closer relationship with God, I'm not worrying or concerned about the things that happened in the past anymore, I'm making new friends, in a relationship with a loving and prayerful man, and all around I just feel much joy! I pray I never go to that dark place ever again!! I am so thankful for God keeping me and His many blessings that are beginning to come into my life!
Father, I'm taking the limits off of my faith. I know the facts are against me; but I believe YOU will make a way/change my situations.

In other words, I'm looking for my ram in the bush.
I keep thinking that black folks must be God's chosen people for all the craziness that we go through.

Whichever conclusion you come to, be careful and don't get mixed up in some current thought going around that Black people are not doing what G-d's called them to do and are presently cursed. Makes no sense. None of those people can explain why G-d would curse someone who obeys Christ since G-d is no respecter of persons but rewards every individual. :nono: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=746049

This man is Pakistani talking to Black Americans, telling them they are "dumber than others" because they are cursed, in some iffy sympathetic tone. Like, come again? If I were to compare Pakistan to Black Americans, um, there is no comparison and Blacks would come out front every single time.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
There is Hope in this world, and He is the reason for the season, from the manager to the cross.

Best wishes to all, whether you're celebrating or not.
To the sisters who are alone for the holidays.. you're really not. :)
Jesus is right there with you. And you can't beat that kind of Comfort!


And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. ~ Matthew 16:18
I hope everyone had a good Christmas!! This was by far the best Christmas I have ever had in a long time!! And to just think last year around this time I was deeply depressed and pretty much slept most of the whole holiday. I can honestly say all the the things I thought I lost have definitely been replaced with something better!!! Thank you Jesus for bringing me through!!!
"Light will overtake the dark. Christmas proved that. And we can live in the New Year like it’s true" ~ (inCourage.me)
For some reason I feel like you get a better feel of a church when you visit on Bible study night or during Sunday school. I notice that Sunday morning service there tends to be a lot going on. Where as during Bible study it's more laid back and tends to be less people not to mention sometimes the format of the service is different that it allows for more interaction( ask questions, discuss topics,etc) depending on the church.

I thought this little tidbit could help someone that is looking for a church home but aren't sure where to start,or feel thrown off by Sunday morning services.