2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

The devil is a liar!

His plans are not new, the bible says he comes to kill, steal and destroy...if getting your soul means steeling your sanity he will do it!
A sobering reminder...

We wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world Eph.6:12
If the devil had his way, I would be paralyzed by fear today with all that's going on in my personal life and in the world... But he's a lie, father of lies. I serve a God that's bigger than anything I could ever go through! He's able, I trust Him, and I KNOW all things are working together for my good! The steps of the righteous man are ordered by the Lord. He knows the plans that He has for me... His plan is to prosper me and not to harm me... Plans to give me HOPE and a future. The Lord God is my hope and I trust Him. Get thee behind me satan.
God is a Father who provides His Children strangely wrapped Gifts. -Jentezen Franklin.

Ain't that the Truth.
I really didn't want to make a thread, but I'll go ahead and post here. I'm actually trying to be careful about saying anything, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm having.

At my church service today, my pastor had the ministers of the church pray for us. He said that it would be in the prophetic, and if they are not led as so, then we (the congregants), would be prayed for prophetically, (if that makes sense).

At this point, I have been waiting, and waiting for a confirmation, or a sign, or some form of a Word for things that I have been praying for as a late, and just for reassurance for how I've been feeling about certain situations recently.

I was prayed for, and it was about generic as generic as could be. . . the person that prayed for me, prayed for an area (of life) that I'm not even currently in right now.

I don't know why, but I felt disappointed, because I've been waiting to hear something for a while, and I feel like I'm just not being talked to.

Has anyone ever felt like this? Or am I just overreacting?

I know this is vague, but I didn't want to get too detailed.
I really didn't want to make a thread, but I'll go ahead and post here. I'm actually trying to be careful about saying anything, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm having.

At my church service today, my pastor had the ministers of the church pray for us. He said that it would be in the prophetic, and if they are not led as so, then we (the congregants), would be prayed for prophetically, (if that makes sense).

At this point, I have been waiting, and waiting for a confirmation, or a sign, or some form of a Word for things that I have been praying for as a late, and just for reassurance for how I've been feeling about certain situations recently.

I was prayed for, and it was about generic as generic as could be. . . the person that prayed for me, prayed for an area (of life) that I'm not even currently in right now.

I don't know why, but I felt disappointed, because I've been waiting to hear something for a while, and I feel like I'm just not being talked to.

Has anyone ever felt like this? Or am I just overreacting?

I know this is vague, but I didn't want to get too detailed.


I've been 'there' and often. It was later that God showed me that He wanted me to learn to hear from Him and not depend upon 'man' to speak to me prophetically.

Now I'm not saying that the prophetic word has no place in our lives, however, there are times when God is training our spirit to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us directly; He's training our hearts to 'know' His voice, His promptings, His leadings.

Here's why:

It become too easy for humans to depend upon the voice of another human and not know the voice of God.

So, be honored. God has chosen you to 'know' Him; and you will. :yep:


I've been 'there' and often. It was later that God showed me that He wanted me to learn to hear from Him and not depend upon 'man' to speak to me prophetically.

Now I'm not saying that the prophetic word has no place in our lives, however, there are times when God is training our spirit to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us directly; He's training our hearts to 'know' His voice, His promptings, His leadings.

Here's why:

It become too easy for humans to depend upon the voice of another human and not know the voice of God.

So, be honored. God has chosen you to 'know' Him; and you will. :yep:


Thank you! Your words really just helped me, and it does make sense. I'm still struggling to know His "voice", and to be honest, I still don't know what I'm listening for as far as knowing what His voice is, sounds like, etc.

I've been told so many things as far as what it "sounds" like, I just wish I knew what it is for myself, and these answers to the prayers that I've been praying.

Thank you so much again.
Thank you! Your words really just helped me, and it does make sense. I'm still struggling to know His "voice", and to be honest, I still don't know what I'm listening for as far as knowing what His voice is, sounds like, etc.

I've been told so many things as far as what it "sounds" like, I just wish I knew what it is for myself, and these answers to the prayers that I've been praying.

Thank you so much again.


Guess what? You 'DO' know. :yep: You know God's voice. Don't be afraid to believe it. You truly know. And you will recognize that you've known His voice all along.

God just wants to you to be reassured of this and not doubt nor be afraid. Think of the times when you started to do something, or go somewhere and you felt in your spirit not to do so.


Think of when you were lead to share something with someone and it turned out to be just what they needed.


Think of when you were lead to pray for something or someone and later discovered that they were in trouble or had an illness or some need.


Think of when you went in a different direction, without knowing why at the time, but later discovered that it was the right way to go.


Sweetheart, you 'Know' God's voice. You always have. :yep:

It's not always an audible voice of phonics, semantics or syllables... it's just a 'knowing' deep in your soul that God is leading and guiding and most of all, protecting you.

Sweetheart, don't be afraid to follow what is in your spirit about the prayers you've prayed. God has spoken and you know the answer. You knew it long before the situation ever came up.

And know this, that it is the 'situation' that is 'unknown to you, but God's voice to you is not unknown.

Jesus said, "My Sheep know my voice and the voice of the stranger they will not follow."

Don't be afraid to believe Him for you Know Him ... you always have.

Sweet Sleep :sleep2: Angel. For as you sleep, God is speaking to your heart and you will know.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Does anyone have any favourite praise and worship youtube playlists? Thanks :) Have a wonderful and blessed day :)
Does anyone have any favourite praise and worship youtube playlists? Thanks :) Have a wonderful and blessed day :)

I'm pretty sure that Laela does. I am blessed by each one she has ever shared with us.

As for me, I am so behind on YouTube, I can't keep up. :spinning:
Hiya Shimmie! :wave: my YT playlists are varied you know some songs aren't for everyone... :lol: but I'll always share songs that I consider a blessing. Never know how/who it may impact.

LiftedUp, IMHO, the "What song is in your spirit now thread" is a good source to build your playlists.. Quite a few songs others have shared have been a blessing to me and are in my playlists..the thread serves its purpose well.

I'm pretty sure that Laela does. I am blessed by each one she has ever shared with us.

As for me, I am so behind on YouTube, I can't keep up. :spinning:
Thanks, I listen to a couple at work and I'm listening to the same things over and over again, so I'm seeking some variety lol.
Bible study has officially started in my church! Yesterday was a prime example as to why it's not enough to just recite scripture. I thought I'd share this:

We opened up for questions and one man in particular had a lot to say. He challenged everyone in the room to address his questions based on knowledge, not just scripture. In a nutshell, he wanted to know why Christians thought their religion was right and everyone else was wrong.

I'm not gonna lie...I got a little nervous because I know I wasn't equipped to answer his question. That's also why I steer clear of any debates on this board regarding Christianity. However, the woman who answered him knew her stuff! She didn't just rely on scripture to rebut him, she actually challenged him with her insights from other religions and history. They went back and forth for awhile, but her final answer was simple: "In every religion, Jesus is the only person they try to keep out. If he wasn't such a threat, or if he was just some man who didn't serve a purpose, there would be no reason to circumvent him. In the old testament, no one would dare say they were God. Not even the Pharisees. So either Jesus was crazy, or he really was who he said he was."

If we are not rooted in knowledge AND scripture, we can easily be swayed or uprooted from our foundation. It's easy to say, "Well the bible says..." but what does the bible mean to a non-believer? You have to be ready to be challenged at all times. The whole exchange made me want to grow more. I can't wait for bible study next week!
I'm feeling so overwhelmed. Going to make a list of what's going wrong and a list of solutions.

Please say a prayer for me ladies, one of those days.
Racism is wrong, no matter who it comes from. The "you people" complex doesn't explain social inequality, it promotes racial superiority. All these ignorant theories on "them vs. us" is nonsense. How can you love G-d and hate your brother? You can't. You hate G-d as scripture makes that perfectly clear. If the other compared you in a negative fashion, you'd cry foul. Make no mistake, you cannot love G-d and hate your brother.
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Hiya Shimmie! :wave: my YT playlists are varied you know some songs aren't for everyone... :lol: but I'll always share songs that I consider a blessing. Never know how/who it may impact.

@LiftedUp, IMHO, the "What song is in your spirit now thread" is a good source to build your playlists.. Quite a few songs others have shared have been a blessing to me and are in my playlists..the thread serves its purpose well.

:wave: @Laela, thanks for sharing. I knew you'd have a wonderful answer to share for @LiftedUp. I didn't even think of that thread for an answer; it's a great one.

Also, I love the music that you share in your posts and siggy's.

Love to you and hubby :love2:
Mrs. Osteen made a strange statement 2 weeks ago. I thought you were referencing that.


I'm completely out of the loop with this. Sorry. :yep:

I posted a picture that my cousin shared with me in a message, that's all. :yep: I never heard anything about Mrs. Osteen and I'm guessing that it's Victoria Osteen, Joel Osteen's wife.

Lakewood Church co-pastor Victoria Osteen received backlash from the Christian community after video footage of an August sermon surfaced showing Osteen encouraging congregants to "do good for your own self."

The pastor, who is married to televangelist Joel Osteen, told the congregation that the key to making God happy is first making oneself happy. Osteen said:

When we obey God, we're not doing it for God...we're doing it for ourself. Because God takes pleasure when we're happy. Do good 'cause God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God, really. You're doing it for yourself because that's what makes God happy.

Once the video began making rounds on social media, many in the Christian community took to Twitter and personal blogs to express their dismay at Osteen's comments.


She fires back:


When I first heard about it, I figured she meant that G-d doesn't need us, it's the other way around. However, it didn't quite come out and affect people like she wanted it to. :giggle: I thought you were referring to that because it was a timely stream of words you wrote ("wolf in sheep's clothing") and seemed like you were pointing to that. That's why I asked you if it were Mrs. O.
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Lakewood Church co-pastor Victoria Osteen received backlash from the Christian community after video footage of an August sermon surfaced showing Osteen encouraging congregants to "do good for your own self."

The pastor, who is married to televangelist Joel Osteen, told the congregation that the key to making God happy is first making oneself happy. Osteen said:

When we obey God, we're not doing it for God...we're doing it for ourself. Because God takes pleasure when we're happy. Do good 'cause God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God, really. You're doing it for yourself because that's what makes God happy.

Once the video began making rounds on social media, many in the Christian community took to Twitter and personal blogs to express their dismay at Osteen's comments.


She fires back:


When I first heard about it, I figured she meant that G-d doesn't need us, it's the other way around. However, it didn't quite come out and affect people like she wanted it to. :giggle: I thought you were referring to that because it was a timely stream of words you wrote ("wolf in sheep's clothing") and seemed like you were pointing to that. That's why I asked you if it were Mrs. O.

"O" ... :yep: :look:

Thanks for clearing that up. I'll be honest that at first I thought the Mrs. 'O' was Mrs. Obama. :spinning:

Now I get it. Thanks again, Loved One.
I'm dating God...I'm not interested in dating anyone and I'm happy for the 3 engaged ladies ( 2 engaged to men also from our church) I'm truly happy for them as I know all 3 of them were praying and wanting to become wives i grew up with all of them, went on vacays, or went to highschool with thm lol but Im hoping ppl don't think this is why I've come back to church (to get hitched and be put on the prayer list for that) I'm actually using Gods strength in my weakness and loving how I feel I'm no longer being ignored but it wasn't him ignoring me but I who wouldnt give up control

Happy To be at a place where I'm seeking him cause he let me live when I wanted to die He loves me and for the first time I believe it and I wanna hold onto to this love tightly The first man to love me and seek me and waited for me all because he gave up his life for me to give me an eternal one I've never been fully confident in anyone's love or me the way I am now and he just works with me...why did I run for so long and kept running like he caused my pain smh

Learning to submit Please pray for me i don't wanna go back to who I was or remember those times