Thank you! Your words really just helped me, and it does make sense. I'm still struggling to know His "voice", and to be honest, I still don't know what I'm listening for as far as knowing what His voice is, sounds like, etc.
I've been told so many things as far as what it "sounds" like, I just wish I knew what it is for myself, and these answers to the prayers that I've been praying.
Thank you so much again.
Guess what? You 'DO' know.
You know God's voice. Don't be afraid to believe it. You truly know. And you will recognize that you've known His voice all along.
God just wants to you to be reassured of this and not doubt nor be afraid. Think of the times when you started to do something, or go somewhere and you felt in your spirit not to do so.
Think of when you were lead to share something with someone and it turned out to be just what they needed.
Think of when you were lead to pray for something or someone and later discovered that they were in trouble or had an illness or some need.
Think of when you went in a different direction, without knowing why at the time, but later discovered that it was the right way to go.
Sweetheart, you 'Know' God's voice. You always have.
It's not always an audible voice of phonics, semantics or syllables... it's just a 'knowing' deep in your soul that God is leading and guiding and most of all, protecting you.
Sweetheart, don't be afraid to follow what is in your spirit about the prayers you've prayed. God has spoken and you know the answer. You knew it long before the situation ever came up.
And know this, that it is the 'situation' that is 'unknown to you, but God's voice to you is not unknown.
Jesus said, "My Sheep know my voice and the voice of the stranger they will not follow."
Don't be afraid to believe Him for you Know Him ... you always have.
Sweet Sleep
Angel. For as you sleep, God is speaking to your heart and you will know.
In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.