2013 Whats happening Relationship Folks


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Is it too earlier for this thread?

Well anyway, I'm starting off this year completely fresh. No relationship, no commitments, no ties to any one. Before the ball dropped, I was hopeful of monogamously dating someone, then at 12:15am on the dot all that hope was gone.

How has these past couple of days been for you?
My last couple of days have been good. I am taking things slow and focusing on myself. :)
They've been good overall. I'm working on being more productive with my time, which I think will help a lot with not being so hung up on my relationship status (hopefully).
It has been good I'm grateful and content.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
He's cooking and I am relaxing. This time last year I was avoiding him like the plague. Now, I can't imagine not knowing him.
He has been a blessing and I love him. We will be be a year old on the 21st of this month. That is major for me.
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Oh to answer the question. Today was the first day we've seen each other this year.... Lol. We were both relaxing in our respective houses. Me with my son, IPad, and laptop. He was at his house relaxing. We love our time together, but we also enjoy our time apart. I can tell he missed me because he called early this morning to make plans for the day with me and my son.

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:lol::lol: I just texted my married male boss "Hey babe". I thought I was sending it to this dude I'm dating. :lol::lol: It's funny but I'm so embarrassed.
I wish the Ex would stop calling and texting me. I'm never going to answer/respond. It really is over.

The new Mr. finally made it home tonight. We talked on and off during his whole 6/7 hour drive. Then he skyped me when he got settled. Sigh... long distance. We'll see how this works out. He's really a great guy and we have so much chemistry. It's worth a try....
I wish the Ex would stop calling and texting me. I'm never going to answer/respond. It really is over.

The new Mr. finally made it home tonight. We talked on and off during his whole 6/7 hour drive. Then he skyped me when he got settled. Sigh... long distance. We'll see how this works out. He's really a great guy and we have so much chemistry. It's worth a try....

I'm having this issue with two of my exes. They will not stop texting and trying to call. And the sad part is they are both newlyweds. :perplexed They gave me very little attention toward the end of our dating spells. Now they won't get lost. I just ignore both of them. :perplexed You'd think they'd get the message and see that I have zero interest. I am so glad I am not either of their wives, but with one I could have easily been the Mrs. It would hurt me badly if my new husband was still pining for an ex-girlfriend. :sad:
New York was great; it was bliss the entire time. But I don't know whether it's the cold I got on the way home or all the stress I'm under atm, but I really dgaf about him anymore. In fact, he keeps sending me pics of his trip and I just want to shank him for flooding my inbox.
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Please don't ask me a question and when I give you an honest answer get mad....I think people are so used to others lying to them they don't want the truth....smgdh

And I'm realizing the early months of a relationship are make or break. But I'm quick to dismiss people before I invest too much time and energy. I'm too old to be wasting it...
He knows I don't care anymore the way I used to. He wanted to hang out and I told him I was going to sleep. Mind you it was 10:15. He told me he missed me a lot and if I missed him back? "I miss you as much as a hole in my head" I wanted to say. It's sad when men think they can treat you any which way and that you'll always be around. It's 2013 my dude and I ran out of ***'s to give you. Pobrecito!
He knows I don't care anymore the way I used to. He wanted to hang out and I told him I was going to sleep. Mind you it was 10:15. He told me he missed me a lot and if I missed him back? "I miss you as much as a hole in my head" I wanted to say. It's sad when men think they can treat you any which way and that you'll always be around. It's 2013 my dude and I ran out of ***'s to give you. Pobrecito!

I love this word. :giggle:
He knows I don't care anymore the way I used to. He wanted to hang out and I told him I was going to sleep. Mind you it was 10:15. He told me he missed me a lot and if I missed him back? "I miss you as much as a hole in my head" I wanted to say. It's sad when men think they can treat you any which way and that you'll always be around. It's 2013 my dude and I ran out of ***'s to give you. Pobrecito!

I've missed all the stories. Sorry Lucie but is this a new guy from the Haitian guy you was dating a few weeks ago who had an ex girlfriend call you up?
He has been a godsend lately. I feel extremely lucky, but then he usually shows his a** in some way whenever I get lovey dovey so I'm treading lightly lol

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So I'm mad at him right now. And I went and did something reallllly mean :lol: Now he's pissed at me. Like really pissed. ohwell. I'm feeling better already lol.
Things are weird.....

I started dating a guy in mid November (J). He's pretty great. The only thing that really grates my nerves is how long it takes him to respond to texts. I was kind of through when it took him half a day to respond to my Happy New Year text. Well, we spent all afternoon and last night together and it was perfect. Couldn't have been better. Guess I'll keep him a little longer. :look:

He has some competition though (K). Another guy who a friend introduced me to around Thanksgiving. We didn't really talk until the last couple weeks then we started texting a lot over Christmas week. He came to a group function with me this past Tuesday and it was so easy to be around him.

Both of them are similar but different. The only thing they have in common looks wise is that they are very tall. One is blonde, the other is brunette. They both have similar interests though and I have a lot in common with both of them. Hmmm...I dunno. I'm going to have to double date for awhile and see what happens. The next few months should be interesting...
i can't wait for the weekend. we need some alone time. time to reconnect and just be into each other. we have so much on our plates. we just need a moment to laugh and not think about the serious stuff. reading a thread in off topic, gave me some insight on being more vulnerable, not having to fight to show i am not a punk. men tend to think i want to wear the pants. that to me sounds like i to change and control people. that's not what i am about. i really need to stop putting my SO on the couch. it comes off as critical. i don't want him to think i think bad of him. he is a good guy with flaws like the next man.
Tomorrow is my birthday and he came over tonight with an early birthday present and a card he made himself, better than any card he could have bought. The gift was an armoire jewelry chest. I knew he would get it because I have jewelry all over the place when he comes over and I think it drives him nuts...lol.

Anyway, I cooked dinner tonight-fried chicken, cabbage, rolls. I chose tonight since we're on the cusp of my birthday weekend and I ain't cooking a damn thing this weekend.

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He changed his mind, but before he let his pride down, he wants to play games and see if I can still change my mind to what he wants. Hell no homie! When he calls, I'll really see where his head is at.
Hmmm....call it hormones or whatever BUT. I think him and bm communicate way too much. For those of ya'll with bd and a new relationship, how often do you talk to ex bd about child? I feel like I have to take in him, the daughter obviously but also the bm and some of the bm's family! Her brother came over a couple of times. Hmmm....i'm not with all this contact when and if we tie the knot...
I am not one to hold my feelings in. If I'm feeling some kind of way I am GONNA tell you. And the worse thing you can do is to be dismissive of my feelings. You don't have to agree, and there will be some instances of miscommunication, but the quickest way to piss me ALL the way off is brush off how I tell you I'm feeling. I see you got with the program really quick!