***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***

Doing well except yesterday and boy did I not feel right. .I was so lethargic. I did eventually start drinking around 4 and then started to feel better.:yep:
I've been getting in about 40oz consistently (boooo) womp womp... lol got a stomach virus so its been hard to keep anything in or down. Hopefully I can do better and feel better tmrw...
Wednesday - Saturday - 40oz each day
Sunday and Today - 60oz each day (I'm happy its starting to warm up.)
Been doing good except yesterday I was sick to my stomach and couldn't drink much. I managed to drink 2 glasses only, and I was so thirsty but everything that went in, came out.

Today I am taking it slow, doing 32 oz of lemon water with DE and I will see after that.
I have not been doing too great of late. I have been somewhere between 20-27 oz per day :perplexed, I'm hoping I will do better when I get to sunnier climes. There's something about being in the sun that makes me want to drink more water.
Tuesday 50oz...I will try to increase in the next couple if days..do anyone add crystall light to drink more water? if so is it ok?
The last couple of days I have been getting in atleast 70 oz! Will be going back to getting in at least 80 oz starting yesterday! Also adding in coconut water once a day usually when I workout...
I haven't checked in here for a couple of weeks. I've definitely increased my intake from about 12oz average to a min of 48oz a day. Ultimate goal is 96oz consistently.
I haven't checked in for a bit but I have been drinking 50oz to 60oz consistently except for Sunday which was only 40oz because I got a late start.
It's been ages since I checked in. Confession: I just don't like water.

Since I've been gone I've relapsed (started drinking tons of soda and little or no water); become obessed with juicing/specifically carrot juice (nothing beats on old obsession like a new obsession); and finally realized that, for me, drinking water has to be like an arranged marriage: If it's good to me and for me, I can learn to love it. So that's where I am today. I have four 16.9 oz bottles lined up, numbered and ready to drink. Cheers!
I used to drink a gallon of water (only cause I was detoxing) now I drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

I have a camelbak water bottle that holds 750 ml. So I drink 1 for the 1st 4 hours of work, refill at lunch time...drink it by the end of the day and save the last round whenever I get home.
I have been steady at 70-80oz. I'm trying to get in more but that seems to be my max... I'm okay with that tho...
Hey ya'll. it's been a minute, but just checking in. I haven't been steady with my goal of 64oz minimum per day but at least I am attempting everyday. I have a 64 oz water bottle that may take me two days to get through but my goal is to get back to finishing it in one day. I'm determined to get back on it y'all since I've started a new workout routine and chlorella, so I've got to keep up with the water.

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Checking in. I am drinking a gallon a day. I take a jug to work everyday. it helps to suppress my appetite.
60 oz so far. Can I get another 24 down before midnight? Stay tuned. *cue the music!*
I'VE BEEN VERY VERY BAD! Like about about a month of badness. LOL
Tomorrow, I go back to 66 oz. I promise!