2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I share this not for thanks but because it's so heavy. I'm so thankful for my church. I have been there a month now and it's so refreshing to be there with people who don't see you as a bother or not so swept up in appearance. The pastors will pray,listen to you.They sit right there next to you and pray with you. I can't even articulate how that feels. I have reached out to many and my hand is pushed away. Here my scared hand is welcomed and I'm embraced. They don't want to see me leave. I had a talk with one today I was willing to make a appointment and he was like lets go to my office. I feel love,God's love for once in my life.

I'm being baptized on the 10th of next month. To be reborn-ed a new to wash away the past and to be fresh with the love of God and newness of his love is so surreal. Jesus I'm soo thankful and in awe. My jackedness isn't a thing to be looked down upon anymore. I won't look down upon myself anymore. Jesus thank you for this season.
Hi Blackpearl1993...

I don't have much to share; I hope this helps: :love2:


What I like when reading the information about the WSC....is it's purpose:

I. It is the duty of Christians to be settled in the doctrine of faith.

II. The best way for Christians to be settled is to be well grounded.

I need to read more about the WSC study guides...:yep:

Your post is such a blessing. As you and your husband are doing this very thing for and with your children; getting them well grounded in the faith of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I found something else for children.


Whatever it takes to sow God's Word into the hearts of our children...

This is the 'armour' to shield our children in this corrupt world; 'dressing them inside and out with the Word of God in family studies.

You're wondeful parents for any child to follow after. Children live what we teach... your children's lives are rich indeed.


I hope my post is clear ... we're not too long getting home. I wanted to respond before it got too late. :Rose:

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I firmly believe that it is vital that our young people are immersed int he Word. They need to have God's truths to counteract and protect them from the hedonistic, humanist doctrine that is in the world. I want my babies to understand the Word and fall in love with it.

Thank you for the links as I was completely unaware of these resources and they both offer some good tools for helping children learn about God. You are a wealth of knowledge, my dear :yep:
I love you Lord. I'm learning to be grateful for the little things that Father does; because He didn't have to do anything.
Your love your love your love God is like no other. If we remembered that we wouldn't attack one another. Your love,your love,your love is greater and there isn't anything that isn't possible for you. I can't handle everything but you can. I would rather be in your presence while going through and have nothing than to be in lala land without you. Praise you God! Your blessings are new with every day we see.
I'm watching "I Don't Mind Waiting" by Juanita Bynum on YouTube and something she said really struck me (paraphrasing):

When you're in a tough situation, praise your way out.

I'd seen this video so many times and had never paid attention to that quote until now. God is just too good, more than we'll ever deserve.
Having to write my testimony this morning was soo hard. Jesus your everything. This was so like hard because it opens up everything. But with that I can grow and move.
I'm glad that Shimmie gave you some great resources... We've not done WSC, but my nephew (now a teen) has a Faith to Grow On Study Bible - John MacArthur's - that has been resourceful over the years. It has "Faith Builders" on the pages that offer practical advice and scenarios...with kids you gotta be 'practical' At their age, they're like sponges. But one thing I will mention is that I learn MORE from ....they come full of Godly wisdom; so I tend to listen when children speak. I love that you guys are doing this as a family. I believe in teaching a child in the way of the Lord, so they don't depart from it..no matter what

@ Nice & Wavy, Shimmie, Laela:

This may be off topic a bit but I knew you ladies would see my question here:

I was looking into purchasing the Westminster Shorter Catechism. We want to go through this as a family with our children (they are 4 and 6) along with our nightly bible study. Do any of you have some insight on this? Is there a companion book for children to make it easier for them to understand? I appreciate your help.
Having to write my testimony this morning was soo hard. Jesus your everything. This was so like hard because it opens up everything. But with that I can grow and move.

Speaking about writing testimonies,

I find it SO DIFFICULT to share my testimony with others. I can't pinpoint why. My mentor said something once that had me thinking hard, she said that only those who haven't been fully delivered are hesitant to be open about their testimony. I don't completely agree, because I don't think anyone have to be open with the world, but I do think we can be open about things with individuals as we are led by God.

While I am open about some things, I am extremely private about others. I was also raised in a family that was big on not sharing your personal business....I was taught discretion above all else, and I can see how much it has been ingrained in me.

I think it's something I need to pray about. I just don't revisit what I've overcome and the struggles I've been through with others. The only people I share with are those in my inner circle, and I wonder if that's wrong.

can anyone relate?
Speaking about writing testimonies,

I find it SO DIFFICULT to share my testimony with others. I can't pinpoint why. My mentor said something once that had me thinking hard, she said that only those who haven't been fully delivered are hesitant to be open about their testimony. I don't completely agree, because I don't think anyone have to be open with the world, but I do think we can be open about things with individuals as we are led by God.

While I am open about some things, I am extremely private about others. I was also raised in a family that was big on not sharing your personal business....I was taught discretion above all else, and I can see how much it has been ingrained in me.

I think it's something I need to pray about. I just don't revisit what I've overcome and the struggles I've been through with others. The only people I share with are those in my inner circle, and I wonder if that's wrong.

can anyone relate?

I have to actually shaare my testimony with the church on the day I get baptized. I don't find it terrible hard to say but to write it out and really dig deep was so hard. I was raised in the mentality what goes on in this house stays in this house. I don't believe in that mentality at all anymore. So much abuse,pain and neglect has always been linked to such thoughts that I have seen. Not saying everyone but for those I have seen so much was overlooked because one was so scared to talk.

God didn't allow you or anyone to go through things for your quite benefit.It was meant to be shared. Now somethings will be harder to share or some things can only be shared with certain genders but all in all it's the beauty of God to show how ratchet I was and how he saved and reconciled me.
I have to actually shaare my testimony with the church on the day I get baptized. I don't find it terrible hard to say but to write it out and really dig deep was so hard. I was raised in the mentality what goes on in this house stays in this house. I don't believe in that mentality at all anymore. So much abuse,pain and neglect has always been linked to such thoughts that I have seen. Not saying everyone but for those I have seen so much was overlooked because one was so scared to talk.

God didn't allow you or anyone to go through things for your quite benefit.It was meant to be shared. Now somethings will be harder to share or some things can only be shared with certain genders but all in all it's the beauty of God to show how ratchet I was and how he saved and reconciled me.

I definitely agree, and I think you are courageous to share. So many ppl will be (and are) blessed by you sharing. I do appreciate what you share with us here!:yep:

I will pray for the wisdom in knowing when and with whom to share. I read Heather Lindsey's post on the Private Woman and felt convicted. She was definitely talking to me.
Yes LoveisYou. I know some things are really really hard to share because I will be honest I don't want anyone looking down on me because of certain things. But it don't matter. Rihanna said it best "People are going to talk if you doing bad or good" so I might as well bring glory to the kingdom by sharing. When you share you give somene else courage to share and be themseleves. Like people are watching. The past I was chatting with yesterday he is so like cool. I knew he had done some things and when he shared I was like ok I feel right at home.

Everything can't be shared to everyone because I don't know my hubby could be in the crowds or something lol but alot can and encourage and strength your sisters and bro's in Christ.
I'm glad that Shimmie gave you some great resources... We've not done WSC, but my nephew (now a teen) has a Faith to Grow On Study Bible - John MacArthur's - that has been resourceful over the years. It has "Faith Builders" on the pages that offer practical advice and scenarios...with kids you gotta be 'practical' At their age, they're like sponges. But one thing I will mention is that I learn MORE from ....they come full of Godly wisdom; so I tend to listen when children speak. I love that you guys are doing this as a family. I believe in teaching a child in the way of the Lord, so they don't depart from it..no matter what

Thank you, Laela. I will check out the John MacArthur bible. I really like him, and I didn't know he had developed a study bible. And I agree with you wholeheartedly about children having so much to share with us. I learn from mine every day.
I'm now a Covenant member of my church and I'm all confirmed. I'm soo excited. I haven't been excited about God like ever. I know that there will be trials and tribulations like I have in my life but it's something different when your accepted in the family and folks love you. I am so blessed to be in this moment. I am finding I have been my biggest enemy and being my own warden in jail. No more. God didn't die on the cross for me to live in bondage. No He died so I could have life free and more abundantly. Thank you Lord for this eye opening thought and more importantly love. I'm ready for recovery and church Sunday. I know I have no money and no gas but if there is a will there is a way.
God has given me spiritual insight.

When the love of God dwells on the inside of you it has power over the enemy. The enemy's tools such as offense, unforgiveness, anger, hatred, etc. can't bring you down!

Godly love never fails....thank you Jesus.
Awesome you are God. Your are so wonderfully great when I'm not. I'm thankful for your love. I feel so light something I have never felt ever. Light something inside of me is being lifted and raised up. It's hard to explain it. I know heavy and all but this I feel so light like I'm worthy of his love and really fully feeling as I am a Christian and not just by my name. Lord your change and love is real. Jesus!
I have been having issues with my next neighbor not picking up behind thier dog in the back yard we share for months. I have complained on several occasions to my landlord and they pick it up for a few days. Next, the cycle of not picking up starts all over again. Well, I called my landlord last week in sheer frustration and used some words (several) that are not in the bible :look: to express myself. He once again promised to enforce changes with my neighbor.

Today, I was talking to my co-worker about the fact, I haven't seen not one change to this issues, all my cursing and being out of character wasn't worth it.

She said something that for me was profound. She said stop getting upset over what has or hasn't happened. Plan your exit stragety, pray ask God to order your step. Be open to hear from him so that he can lead you.

As you work on figuring what God next step for you concerning your living arrangement, it will keep you out of frustration and lower your blood pressure.

I just stared at her for a minute, thinking she is absolutely correct, I can make a God move rather than an emotional move out of this present situation.
Lissa0821 just want to give you a hug and thank you for your transparency. Be gentle with your self as you know God would be. But you will continue to grow and hopefully soon you will be married in your mansion so there will be no dog and it's items lol.
:amen: ! {thanks button is not enough}

God has given me spiritual insight.

When the love of God dwells on the inside of you it has power over the enemy. The enemy's tools such as offense, unforgiveness, anger, hatred, etc. can't bring you down!

Godly love never fails....thank you Jesus.
Ephesians 6:13 KJV
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
God is too good, to be unkind.... all things work for good for those who love Him. So don't allow struggles to blind you to the Truth that your Father knows what is best for you at all times.
Jesus I want to be like you and I know that is a tall order. I know I will fall short but you made me so you know what and how bad. Give me peace of mind to truly leave unafraid of criticism. I know that I am not perfect help ease the pain of godly direction from my elders. I am trying to really get this deep down in my heart. What is the gospel? We say it but do we really know? I am gathering the points that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I don't deserve to go to heaven based on my life. Jesus died,rose again and is the Trinty. I want to make sure I know this deep down inside. It's time for deeper walking.
Im having to lean into God now instead of running. Last night was a hard night at recovery. I really went home feeling awful. I emailed my pastor about it and he was happy I did. He said my feelings where normal and to realign my thoughts. I will dig deeper.

I'm a bit miffed but will squash it in my heart that a coworker thinks I am too extreme about church and growing in God. She said she didn't understand why folks change when they join church as she has always been in church and just didn't get why people changed. Now I know some go gun ho bible thumping but for others that change is God's handiwork. I will limit my time with her because frankly I can't stand to be around anyone who thinks my wanting to stop cursing,wanting to be the best I can all around is being too obsessive. Now granted I go all the way in when I do things. I just don't believe in half stepping.
Doing a 16 week consecration time starting tomorrow which amongst other things includes no social media. Please keep me lifted in prayer that God's will be done in every area of my life and that I have endurance to finish this thing.

Love you guys bunches!!
The peace of God makes all the difference in the world. I had been seeking God about my employment of whether to stay for the remainder of the contract or begin seeking employment elsewhere. I knew in myself I really wasn't solid of what I wanted to do, so I would take a few moment whenever it crossed my mind to say God help me make my next move with working.

Today on the drive in to work, I just felt that heaviness of this decision lift off me and I felt the peace of God leading me in what I should do. I have peace about God's direction and relieve to know he once again wants me to have my heart desire.