2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

everytime I read your posts I'm sure folks passing by could see my wisdom teeth that's how big my smile is...:grin:

Thank all of your for you encouraging
words. This defintely came out of the blue for me. :lol: But marriage has always been a desire of mine, but I stayed focus on God and cast my care upon God. I left it at his feet.I was not going to settle or compromise. I wanted a godly man that would love God more than me. This particular one respects me first, thats what I love about him. When he told me why he wanted to marry me, it was nothing carnal or fleshly, but it was spiritual reasons. I do believe I am going to say yes, but I just want God to confirm that he is the one, and if he is, we will then proceed to counseling with my Pastor.
Lol. Yall are so funny.

I just want to encourage women out there that you can still live a holy lifestyle pleasing to God and still have a man desire you. This man hasn't even so much held my hand before or hugged me. If it goes through, our wedding day will be the first time he has ever touched me. You don't have to settle or compromise. God will do it.
There are two types of fear. One is driven by Love; the other is not. God doesn't need my endorsement to be who He is... that is fallacy. So I'm grateful for my place in His Kingdom..grateful that the most high God is both a Lion and a Lamb. No other god can stand before Him!

Psalms 19 has been resonating all week. Meditating on this verse today:

v. 9
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever:
the judgments of the LORD are true
and righteous altogether.
@Nice & Wavy, so I went on Amazon and purchased 'This Present Darkness', wanted to start at the beginning plus it was like $6 on Kindle...began reading last night, it sure is a page turner..thank you!
I'm finding out that I do not like overly religious people. I have one at work who is a good person but so hyper critical of others and doesn't give any type of compassion. SHe is the ultimate judger type which makes me stand clear. It's sad though because she has alot of info but I can't allow myself to drain.

I'm grateful today that I know my walk is just that my walk. I don't and won't compare it to anyone elses as I truly can't know if what a person says really is true.
I've been praying to the Lord more about my purpose. For weeks I've been praying. Last night I was unable to sleep, which is unusual for me. I began tossing and turning and talking to God. It seems like he spoke to me about my purpose. I saw a vision of the future, including my future husband. I wrote everything down. It's exciting if true, but only time will tell. When I was finally able to fall asleep and woke up, it seemed so distant.
@Nice & Wavy, so I went on Amazon and purchased 'This Present Darkness', wanted to start at the beginning plus it was like $6 on Kindle...began reading last night, it sure is a page turner..thank you!
:clap: Yes! I'm just beginning to read this one now, but you must get 'Piercing the Darkness' as well. That one was a wow!!!!

His books are page turners. I read Piercing the Darkness in 2 days...my eyes were hurting:lol:. I couldn't put it down!
If anyone is seeking a great, inspirational song for a friend, this one is a blessing. Just beautiful... it captures (IMHO) the exact moment of saving Grace.

When Mercy Found Me by Rhett Walker Band
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I'm grateful for growth. Once upon a time I was comfortable doing "just enough", now I'm excited to learn and get deeper in the word.
2012 was a very difficult (actually THE most difficult) year of my existence. Looks like I'm gonna really need more grace to hang this year too... Lord, You know, You see, You care for me. Help me to remember the words of this little song when it seems too much:

I cast all of my cares upon you, I lay all of my burdens down at your feet
And anytime, I don't know, what to do
I cast all of my cares upon you
We can't always be too quick to move forward with a decision. We may be missing some things or not have exhausted every avenue available to us.
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2012 was a very difficult (actually THE most difficult) year of my existence. Looks like I'm gonna really need more grace to hang this year too... Lord, You know, You see, You care for me. Help me to remember the words of this little song when it seems too much:

I cast all of my cares upon you, I lay all of my burdens down at your feet
And anytime, I don't know, what to do
I cast all of my cares upon you

It's sad to hear this. A bad year doesn't mean that 2013 will be worse. In 2012, God was carrying through those dark places even though it didn't feel that way. Hold onto hope that you will have better days in the future even if nothing changes. God will restore you again.
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It's sad to hear this. A bad year doesn't mean that 2013 will be worse. In 2012, God was carrying through those dark places even though it didn't feel that way. Hold onto hope that you will have better days in the future even if nothing changes. God will restore you again.

Amen, especially to the bolded. I didn't mean to sound as though I'm expecting the worst this year, just that this particular season is requiring that I sow to the spirit, lean and depend on God and trust Him more than ever. I am believing God to restore and perfect. Thanks for the encouragement.
This thread always has something encouraging to me! I have to take a really big test Monday that will drastically effect my career if I don't do well, however whenever I start doubting or getting nervous and I peruse this thread-- I find something that strengthens me just a little but more! Thanks ladies and please be in prayer with me that I not only pass but exceed the standard on Monday! In Jesus' Name!!!
This thread always has something encouraging to me! I have to take a really big test Monday that will drastically effect my career if I don't do well, however whenever I start doubting or getting nervous and I peruse this thread-- I find something that strengthens me just a little but more! Thanks ladies and please be in prayer with me that I not only pass but exceed the standard on Monday! In Jesus' Name!!!

Oneprettypa praying that the Lord will be with you during your test and that you will do exceedingly well!!!
2012 was a very difficult (actually THE most difficult) year of my existence. Looks like I'm gonna really need more grace to hang this year too... Lord, You know, You see, You care for me. Help me to remember the words of this little song when it seems too much:

I cast all of my cares upon you, I lay all of my burdens down at your feet
And anytime, I don't know, what to do
I cast all of my cares upon you

Hi Pooks,

Your post reminds me of how I felt last year. I'm sure our problems were different but 2012 was very hard for me as well so I understand how you feel. I posted my testimony in the 2012 Random Threads and I want to repost it here in case you missed it. Sometimes what feels like our worst can actually be our best. I encourage you to find the lessons in whatever transpired last year and use it to make you a stronger wiser person this year. God doesn't like to see us hurt so our pain in never in vain. I'm praying for you and your baby. 2013 will be a great year for you! :yep:

Originally Posted by Reminiscing
I've been reflecting on 2012 and I've learned sooooo much this year. Half way through the year I started calling it the worst year of my life because I had so many ups and downs and the downs weren't just downs... they were huge pitfalls. But, now as I sit back and reflect I'm considering this year one of the best years of my life. I'm ranking it in the best category because I did it WITH God. 2007 was a very bad year for me and I went through it alone because I was so spiritually immature that I felt God left me but the reality was I had turned my back on Him. So I suffered more than I should have because I refused to turn to God.

Well THANK GOD that was NOT the case in 2012. I prayed more this year than I have ever prayed in my life and although the praying did not take my test and trials away, it did give me a new praise. The words "I'm still standing" have never meant so much to me before. God took me back to the basics where I was just happy to be alive. The enemy has attacked me from all directions this year. I have tripped so many times (not tripped over sin necessarily, but tripped over my emotions) that I thought God would get angry with me but he never did. He just picked me up, dusted me off, and told me to start over again.

The fact that I can sit here and even type this is a praise in itself. The enemy tried to take me out this year. He literally tried to kill me but my God said NO. I'm so thankful that what felt like it was going to be my worst year has actually turned into one of my best years. And the most amazing part about it is that for the most part my blessings this year were not tangible. My biggest blessing from God has been wisdom and that will make my tangible blessings, like a new job, a husband, new furniture and all the other things I'm praying for, so much more worth it when I get them.

This year I focused on SURVIVING. "I'm still standing" got me through the year but in 2013 I'm focusing on SOARING. I'm taking my new found wisdom and I'm soaring high! Thank you God for everything that waits ahead. I'll take the good and the bad as long as you're by my side. I LOVE YOU LORD!

Happy New Year to my sisters in Christ!
Pooks, you and the baby are in my prayers...so happy you're about to be a mom!!! 2013 IS a great year.
Took this from Twitter & just thought I would post it here:

I guess the days of being able to go out is over. I can't even have fun. I guess my religious rigidness has really set in on certain areas. I know God has alot of work to do in me as there are so many flaws. I just hope one day I get to see the true transformation.
Ahhhhhhhh woosah! I had to lead a reading this morning at church and I made four mistakes:blush:. I feel so embarrassed. Like I was ready to switch churches. I guess practice makes perfect. This is a ministry that I'm being encouraged in and I want to do it's just that making mistakes in front of an entire congregation makes me anxious.
I just love this word on the Blood of Jesus and how vital His Blood is! A great cross-reference is Psalms 91:1...

January 4

Hebrews 9:12
With his own blood-not the blood of goats and calves-he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. (New Living Translation)

In order to get an idea of the value of the blood of Christ, we need to make comparisons to the blood God accepted. When He wanted to atone for the fall of Adam, He shed the blood of a ram to get the skin. Countless goats, bulls, pigeons, lambs, and turtledoves were required for the sins of the people. The priest had to shed blood first for himself, and then offer a sacrifice for the transgressor. But Christ offered His own blood. And, He offered it once for all time. Whenever God received the blood of animals, He did it thinking ahead to the blood of Jesus. Whenever the sacrificial system is revived, God will be looking back at the blood of Jesus. The Most Holy Place was the literal presence of God. Everything had to be done exactly right to atone for the sins of the people. God was so satisfied with the Son that He affords us grace based on the blood of Jesus. Salvation is secured forever: redemption is complete. It doesn't get any better than Jesus.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
...and I hope you stay encouraged indeed. Happens to the best of all of us when we try to present our best -- not to appear perfect but in efforts to GIVE our best. So mistakes are a great development tool as well.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, today is yours. :yep: One of my favorite sayings when mistakes are made:

"Move right along; leave left, behind"

Happy New Year...

Ahhhhhhhh woosah! I had to lead a reading this morning at church and I made four mistakes:blush:. I feel so embarrassed. Like I was ready to switch churches. I guess practice makes perfect. This is a ministry that I'm being encouraged in and I want to do it's just that making mistakes in front of an entire congregation makes me anxious.
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What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

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There is no social promotion in God's Kingdom. You can't try to skip steps. You have to be willing to be obedient and do things that you don't want to do. Maturity means that I obey God when it causes me to feel uncomfortable or hurts my flesh.
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