2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Well it has happened. I gave my heart felt testimony and was baptized tonight. I feel so refreshed it's unreal. I fasted from midnight until after the baptism. Lord the things I just did to that 3 piece of chicken is wrong lol. I went first and I just allowed God to work. I got so many hugs from folks I mean tight hugs from folks all night. It was a packed house so I sat on the floor for a time but I didn't care I was in the house of the Lord. A guy saw that and gave me his seat. One woman I thought she was about to break down on me was like I never in my life have had a testimony touch me. That ain't nothing but Jesus! I'm his beloved child I am thankful for a member being able to witness it as well. Jesus that was amazing. To hear young white folks tell me my story inspired them and that my speaking abilities made them want to find me so they could speak to me was so rocked my world. Thank you God for working through me.
I feel real bad for people who think what you went through was all about you. It's not! Your story being shared gives God glory as it shows God's hands all over it.Your not in control and God will be praised no matter what. I'm a bit hot this morning chatting with someone who thinks that one is suppose to keep their mouth closed on their testimony. You never know your testimony saves lives. For many they think they are the only ones who went through but you show up and show them that with God you can get out of it. That is encouraging. My coworker said oh they don't need church they need meds. Jesus I wanted to strangle her but God saved her this morning. Lord thank you for being good only like you can.

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape,
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything,
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her,
but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.

A strong woman walks sure footedly,
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face,
but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey,
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
It's so easy for us to forget where we were or are coming from
before pointing the finger at someone else
we should pray for them and have some compassion
Without God where would we be?
pray for their salvation
pointing the finger, criticizing, and forgetting where God brought us from
doesn't help at all
Where would any of us be without Him?

needed to remember the above
the answer to the last question?
I don't even want to know where
It's so good to KNOW the Savior!

I have joy because I know the truth and the truth has set me free. The one and only truth is this: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD OVER ALL!!!

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!
I've learned:
Never allow the devil to make you so mad that he gets the best of you. It's not a good place to be.
I've learned:
Never allow the devil to make you so mad that he gets the best of you. It's not a good place to be.
I've asked God to change my heart and He is doing a work on me for sure. What He has said to me that resonates in my spirit continually is this: DON'T OWN SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU! So, I must heed to that Word because it will save me from allowing the enemy to get the best of me.

Learning to chew the meat....and spit the bones far from me!!!

Great word, sis!!!
That's for ALL of us, sis. Not pointing fingers. Embracing the Spirit of Grace makes us unoffendable :yep:

I didn't think it was directed at me. I just know its truth and I'm working on not giving place to the devil.

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Need a hug today but will take that energy and focus it outward and pour into someone today. I will enjoy this season of life as it's needed. The coworker who was so unable to see the sense of testimonies in church got it today. It didn't matter if she didn't but I know for me the devil wants me to stay quite about the real of the real with me. But I can't. I thank Jesus for a new chance. Lord knows I'm ratchet at times but he sent his son to take care of me.
Been reading about the Daniel Fast in another thread for awhile now and I've finally decided to do it starting next week.

@Livingmylifetothefullest- Yay! There are some great posts about the fast on here That helped me out when I did it last mth...it was great!

Need a hug today but will take that energy and focus it outward and pour into someone today. I will enjoy this season of life as it's needed. The coworker who was so unable to see the sense of testimonies in church got it today. It didn't matter if she didn't but I know for me the devil wants me to stay quite about the real of the real with me. But I can't. I thank Jesus for a new chance. Lord knows I'm ratchet at times but he sent his son to take care of me.

GoddessMaker- Keep pushing and striving I've been noticing your positive changes and dont worry its not going un-noticed sweetheart!!
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Pray for those who go against Grace.
GRACE will purify the world....it cannot be separated from Faith. Healing flows within the Body of Christ when Grace is exalted. Don't let anyone let you think you must qualify to pray for others, because it's in praying for others you set in motion your own miracles. Righteousness by faith, not performance. If you have it all together and are fully obedient, healing cannot flow from you. Grace is so powerful that no man or sin can defile Her. It wasn't until Abraham prayed for those who went against Grace (Abimelech) that they were healed/ Gen 20:14-18.

It wasn't until after Job prayed for others did the Lord restore all:

Job 42:10
New International Version (NIV)
After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

The day that Grace is given her rightful place of honor, the way the Church honors faith, that is the day that healing will flow...

- (a word from Joseph Prince)
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Pray for those who go against Grace.
GRACE will purify the world....it cannot be separated from Faith. Healing flows within the Body of Christ when Grace is exalted. Don't let anyone let you think you must qualify to pray for others, because it's in praying for others you set in motion your own miracles. Righteousness by faith, not performance. If you have it all together and are fully obedient, healing cannot flow from you. Grace is so powerful that no man or sin can defile Her. It wasn't until Abraham prayed for those who went against Grace (Abimelech) that they were healed/ Gen 20:14-18.

It wasn't until after Job prayed for others did the Lord restore all:

Job 42:10
New International Version (NIV)
After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

The day that Grace is given her rightful place of honor, the way the Church honors faith, that is the day that healing will flow...

- (a word from Joseph Prince)

This is for me! I'm claiming it. This post absolutely moved me. Wow. His grace is sufficient. btw:i love joseph prince, dvr his messages
1 Cor 3:6

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
Is the Christian Forum public? I was under the impression that it's a private forum.

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It's a good word indeed.. I so enjoyed listening during breakfast with DH this morning...started the day off right, ready for anything!

Stay blessed~

This is for me! I'm claiming it. This post absolutely moved me. Wow. His grace is sufficient. btw:i love joseph prince, dvr his messages
Pray for those who go against Grace.
GRACE will purify the world....it cannot be separated from Faith. Healing flows within the Body of Christ when Grace is exalted. Don't let anyone let you think you must qualify to pray for others, because it's in praying for others you set in motion your own miracles. Righteousness by faith, not performance. If you have it all together and are fully obedient, healing cannot flow from you. Grace is so powerful that no man or sin can defile Her. It wasn't until Abraham prayed for those who went against Grace (Abimelech) that they were healed/ Gen 20:14-18.

It wasn't until after Job prayed for others did the Lord restore all:

Job 42:10
New International Version (NIV)
After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

The day that Grace is given her rightful place of honor, the way the Church honors faith, that is the day that healing will flow...

- (a word from Joseph Prince)

Such a timely message. This confirms what God has been showing me/telling me during my prayer times. Thank you, Laela!
Everything is kind of unraveling at the seams. The beginning of the year for the last few years have always been rough and disappointing because I want to start fresh but there has been so much chaos with family, relationships and work. Well here I am again. It's just kind of hard to trust because I don't see a change in my situation and I'm reminded of that with every new year even though I try to be hopeful and excited for a fresh start. So many things, don't even know where to start with prayer.
Everything is kind of unraveling at the seams. The beginning of the year for the last few years have always been rough and disappointing because I want to start fresh but there has been so much chaos with family, relationships and work. Well here I am again. It's just kind of hard to trust because I don't see a change in my situation and I'm reminded of that with every new year even though I try to be hopeful and excited for a fresh start. So many things, don't even know where to start with prayer.

DreamLife Start studying the Word and work on finding ways to focus on Abba Father...(I read the Bible daily, listen to Christian music, read daily devotionals, listen to Dr. Stanley in my car, etc for example) ...and take your focus off your circumstances. This may not make sense right now but just do it and watch situations begin to move and change without your intervention.
You don't have to worry or fret, (let not your heart be troubled) but instead turn to Abba Father and let Him work these things out for your benefit.
Psalm 37:4 - New American Standard Bible (NASB)
4 Delight yourself in the Lord;
And He will give you the desires of your heart
Praise God! I was sitting at my desk at 7:20 am. I used to say I am not a morning person. I know better than to make those sorts of declarations now. I know that I am what ever God wills me to be. I actually feel good, I can feel the grace I am receiving now and I thank Abba for helping me :)
God hit me with a really not pretty dream more like nightmare this morning. It really woke me up. It pushed me to pray for certain folks because of the lifestyle they lead. I wondered why I can't be real close to certain friends and it's because of the life. I sometimes become perplexed like how can you sit there and sing gosepl in the gay club? I mean really singing and I'm like how is this so? Not in a judgemental way but in the manner that when you really meditate on the word you can't help but be changed.

Reading my book last night it made me want to throw it in the trash. It hit some very hard spots. Thank you Lord for meds and God right now. To see what unforgiveness to self really is was brutal but it's what it is. One can either grow or not. I chose growth.
Ok someone talk to me. I'm going to try Lent. I have never done this before. I think I have been truly in the dark about my walk and knowledge. I know things but there is such a great deal I don't in regards to God and all the traditions and history. The more I'm digging the more I'm finding I feel dumb and so like how didn't I know this? I grew up in church like forever how is it I was never taught this? But I won't dwell on this I will grow with my knowledge and keep moving.
Ok someone talk to me. I'm going to try Lent. I have never done this before. I think I have been truly in the dark about my walk and knowledge. I know things but there is such a great deal I don't in regards to God and all the traditions and history. The more I'm digging the more I'm finding I feel dumb and so like how didn't I know this? I grew up in church like forever how is it I was never taught this? But I won't dwell on this I will grow with my knowledge and keep moving.

Rsgal just posted a thread about Lent in this forum (link below)
