2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)
Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)


:congrats: I'm so happy for you. For you, hubby and your precious babygirl, Aria. I MUST tell you something. It will make you smile for sure. Your baby's name is almost the very same as mine. Truly! :yep:

I remember up thread when I asked what your baby's name and you were wisely keeping it a secret. I'm so glad you didn't share it at that time. It makes it all the more special.

PM is on the way...
Often, the flawed reality that initially angered me about my church or city, that fallen place was the place where God desired I become Christlike. Upon seeing the need, my flesh reacts with criticism. But if I repent of just finding fault – if I pray and submit myself to Christ’s heart – I soon discover there are many ways for me to participate in redeeming this situation, all of which facilitate my spiritual growth. Indeed, by approaching the area of need with Christ’s redemptive heart, the “flawed reality” I initially criticized ultimately became the land of my anointing.

By: Pastor Francis Frangipane

Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (@Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)
Oh I am so happy for you! Congratulations to you and your family! Truly God is good to you!!!

:congrats: I'm so happy for you. For you, hubby and your precious babygirl, Aria. I MUST tell you something. It will make you smile for sure.
Your baby's name is almost the very same as mine.
Truly! :yep:

I remember up thread when I asked what your baby's name and you were wisely keeping it a secret. I'm so glad you didn't share it at that time. It makes it all the more special.

PM is on the way...
It sure is...that's awesome!
If Jesus walked around today on earth He would be hated by the same people who hated him back then....the church world...
Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)

Congratulations!! Blessings to you and your family!
Good morning AtlantaJJ thank you for posting info. Info is power.

I went to recovery last night and when they asked for prayer concerns I had to voice mines in regards to a horrid dream I had night before. It was like Satan had kidnapped a young boy and sexually abused him. It scared the living day lights out of me in my sleep. My friend at the group was like be careful since you have just been baptized you could have demonic spirits. That scares me even more. I slept great last night but I prayed before bed that my mind and heart be watched. The more I learn about God and this walk the more hooked I become.
Good morning AtlantaJJ thank you for posting info. Info is power.

I went to recovery last night and when they asked for prayer concerns I had to voice mines in regards to a horrid dream I had night before. It was like Satan had kidnapped a young boy and sexually abused him. It scared the living day lights out of me in my sleep. My friend at the group was like be careful since you have just been baptized you could have demonic spirits. That scares me even more. I slept great last night but I prayed before bed that my mind and heart be watched. The more I learn about God and this walk the more hooked I become.

I pray a hedge of protection around your heart, soul and mind. Just thank Abba Father for His never ending protection. You belong to God now, just continue to seek Him with all your heart, mind and strength. READ THE WORD!! Ask they Holy Spirit to lead you to all Truth. We need to run to Abba when thing go wrong, He has all your answers.
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Having Eyes for One
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman
"Then they were willing to take Him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading." - John 6:21

The disciples were traveling across the lake to Capernaum when a strong wind arose and the waters grew rough. Suddenly they saw a figure on the water, and they were terrified until Jesus called out to them and identified Himself.

Isn't that the first thing we do when unexpected calamities or even something that we have never experienced before comes into our life? We panic until we can see that God is behind these events in our lives. In Romans, Paul tells us that, "from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen" (Rom. 11:36). God has an eternal filter in which nothing can touch us unless He permits it. Even satan must have permission to touch us. And God may even use satan for His own ends, as in the case of Job.

God shows us a second principle in this story. The Scriptures say when the disciples were willing to take Jesus into the boat, they reached the shore where they were heading.

I was faced with some very difficult circumstances in my business. I had no income for some time, and I saw no immediate remedy to the situation. The circumstances created fear in my heart. The anxiety began to grow until, one day after my evening prayer walk, the Lord said, "How long do you want to keep your eyes on the circumstances instead of Me? Do you think I have brought you this far to throw you into the water?" The truth was that I was halfway in already because my eyes were looking at the "big waves" surrounding my boat. One night, in a support group for divorced men, the leader asked each of us to keep our eyes on two men who were going to walk from the room. One man represented Jesus, the other, our circumstances. "Now, I want you to keep your eyes on both people," he said. The men stood up and began walking across the room in opposite directions. It was impossible to keep looking at each of them at the same time. So we had to choose which we would focus on.

The lesson was clear. We could not keep our eyes on Jesus and our circumstance at the same time.

Praise God that He is powerful enough to walk on water, heal us, meet our needs with abundance and the list goes on and on. We are truly blessed when we depend on Him and walk in His ways. Be not deceived, dear sisters, by the world and its faulty "solutions" for life's storms.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13-14
Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)

Pooks!!! I'm so happpy for you as I've been following your story from the start. Congratulations, lady!!
Inadvertently, people can be caught red-handed and have been. Their words always betray them, literally. When they are caught doing bad stuff, we hope it changes because as we have more years on Earth, we know where it leads--life never lets things blow over even with grace.

We hope a light bulb goes off!
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Such a precious gift my Father's given to me... :) Baby Aria (@Shimmie) was born last Friday. We are both well thanks be to God. Thank you ladies that prayed for me and my little one, God bless you!

(L&D story and pic of bubba is in the Preg & Motherhood Forum)

Congratulations, on your baby! I am so happy that God blessed you with the assignment of being a mother. I know that baby will be raised with strong morals, values and loved to the max. :grin:
All I can do right now is sing Jesus Loves Me right now. Everyone is booed up my coworker husband came brought rose then took her out for lunch. Will I ever have anyone who loves me in the physical Lord? I know no one will ever love me like you God but there another thing in the physical. Not the sexual just to be noticed and wanted. These are the times where being gone for good are so strong but I will cling to your Word and how you gave your Son God and that Jesus understands my desire and pain in my heart right now. Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so.
2 Peter 1:5-7
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.

I'm glad that God's righteousness is a Gift and not a work of the flesh. We are able to persevere to the end because God, who is Love, lives in us.
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I know this may sound crazy but since my baptism I haven't wanted to put on my wig. All week I have been tugging at it. Now I feel free that Im at home and off tomorrow. I don't know what Im going to do since what lies beneath isn't pretty. I guess for me my wig was protection and a mask. Now after the baptism I don't want to wear the mask anymore. I feel so open right now it's scary.
Hebrews 12:5-8 KJV
And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: [6] For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. [7] If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? [8] But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
1 Cor 3:13

13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
I'm so grateful. I started working an early schedule this week. I thought it would be difficult, but instead I have been feeling alert, happy, and super peaceful, praise GOD! He is so loving, He cares about the details of our lives. Thank You Abba!!
1 Cor 3:13

13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.


What an AWESOME on time Word!

I was debating logging onto the forum tonight, as it has been so hectic and busy at work these past several weeks. I've been working a little later than usual and getting home later and I've been very, very tired.

Leigh, look what just happened. I was just praying that God would bring forth the truth in a work situation (because of someone who has been lying and not taking their share of responsibility in a situation). I was asking God to give them no rest, to press the heaviest conviction upon them, until they admit their wrong doing and confess the truth and admitting their wrong doing. To give them no peace. None.

I was asking God for them to be fully exposed and there'd be no way out for them to deny their wrong doing; that they'd be caught in their lies and those adversely affected would be fully vindicated.

As I was looking through my emails. I noticed the link from the Christian Random Thoughts and when I clicked on the link, it was your post with your scripture above.... an echo of my exact prayer.

All I can do is praise God for His loving mercies and for even more, I thank God for you and your sensitivity and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Precious Leigh... God has used you in a way which you will never know how much you are appreciated. God always gives His Word for every situation and keeps it.

I wish you more love and blessings, and all of your prayers answered... our precious Leigh. :kiss:


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Shimmie said:

What an AWESOME on time Word!

I was debating logging onto the forum tonight, as it has been so hectic and busy at work these past several weeks. I've been working a little later than usual and getting home later and I've been very, very tired.

Leigh, look what just happened. I was just praying that God would bring forth the truth in a work situation (because of someone who has been lying and not taking their share of responsibility in a situation). I was asking God to give them no rest, to press the heaviest conviction upon them, until they admit their wrong doing and confess the truth and admitting their wrong doing. To give them no peace. None.

I was asking God for them to be fully exposed and there'd be no way out for them to deny their wrong doing; that they'd be caught in their lies and those adversely affected would be fully vindicated.

As I was looking through my emails. I noticed the link from the Christian Random Thoughts and when I clicked on the link, it was your post with your scripture above.... an echo of my exact prayer.

All I can do is praise God for His loving mercies and for even more, I thank God for you and your sensitivity and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Precious Leigh... God has used you in a way which you will never know how much you are appreciated. God always gives His Word for every situation and keeps it.

I wish you more love and blessings, and all of your prayers answered... our precious Leigh. :kiss:



Awe thank you Shimmie!
Conviction is real. I went out tonight and couldn't really enjoy myself at all. I felt so out of place because I can't dance the way the music would flow. I left mad early because I couldn't get comfy at all. I guess those waters really did wash away the old and left the new. I just want to cuddle up with my redemption book and pray. I'm going through alot right now and that's all I can do.

"Never doubt in the valley what you'd heard on the mountaintop"
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I wish we had more dialogue here. I know there are some strong sisters here in God. I miss Iwanthealthy67. The process of being cleansed isn't easy. I'm fully awake now and it feels so new. I love the body of Christ. Not just my church folks. I am however loving that I can be open and others are open and it's not seen as being weak or not being holy. I have never seen men so sold for Christ nor have I seen them open enough to cry on the stage. I'm getting comfortable in my season and where I have been placed. A season isn't a life time.