2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

1 Timothy 1:17 KJV
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Jude 1:24-25 KJV
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, [25] To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
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Jesus Jesus Jesus! I'm so happy right now even though it's fleeting. I am all clear to be baptized. At my church don't play with that so I had been worried since I hadn't heard from the pastor but I didn't want to worry them. Devil go back to hell for wanting me to really believe that I was unsavable. I will hit those waters on Sunday at 5pm. Thank you Jesus.I'm trying not to cry but if it happens it happens.
Praise the name of Jesus, Praise the name of Jesus
He's my rock, He's my fortress,
He's my deliverer, in Him will I trust,
Praise the name of Jesus
God help me not be so brass. I need my words and heart to be soften. I don't like it but it's what it is. I don't want to be seen as a mean person I'm just direct. Help me Lord not to gang up on myself for making mistakes or for thinking I should be better by now only after a few weeks of trying. I really need to stop comparing myself and my walk to others.
I don't know where folks are at in this thread but whatever. I really need help in not feeling horrid about my title. I feel so low because I'm not in management or holding a great job. I also need to not feel so much of a disconnect with money,size and status. I really do feel it's getting in the way of me feeling as though God loves me. Like ok God I see others who are you children with so much more and not much struggle. Why is everything since birth been such a struggle for me? I know not to covet thy neighbor aka not be a hater. I just want to use my talents to glorify God but still be able to be prosperous. I know God never promised wealth but I want to be out of debt,be able to not always have to think about money or have to be on after work.

I also need to work on how to accept God's love and love from the body of Christ. It's a hard thing and surprising then when someone does something for me. It's like wow I can't believe that someone did something for me. I always feel like I have to then do something over and beyond for them but not having means makes that really hard mentally. Pray ladies pray.
Reading Joel Osteen's I Declare and so far so good, I like the book
and I enjoy speaking God's word aloud
It instantly changes the environment when I do

I am praying to God to help me in a key area in my life
an area that I think can only help all my relationships
While it hasn't been easy, layer by layer God has really shown me areas of weakness in myself over the past two years
it's great for growth, even if it's painful
but I can't bring it to him if I don't see it
so that is a blessing
I thank Him for that
G-d doesn't view us as harshly as we often view ourselves. His love is pure. Sometimes, we need to let ourselves off the bloody hook. If we don't love ourselves, how are we going to accept G-d's love and then love others? We often hate ourselves and are the most critical judge. Balance is accepting His pure love for you! In that love, you begin to see yourself as He sees you and the more you love your Father, the more you wish to do what He beckons you to do.
auparavant you preaching today honey? I mean is that you with that pastor robe on? That is soo my issue. I think it would help life not be so hard for me if I could do just that for myself. I love others hard. I think that is what makes me sad at times that I love others so hard but no one loves me that way back. I know God does as he died and took the biggest whipping for my sins. Love a hard 4 letter word.
G-d doesn't view us as harshly as we often view ourselves. His love is pure. Sometimes, we need to let ourselves off the bloody hook. If we don't love ourselves, how are we going to accept G-d's love and then love others? We often hate ourselves and are the most critical judge. Balance is accepting His pure love for you! In that love, you begin to see yourself as He sees you and the more you love your Father, the more you wish to do what He beckons you to do.

POWERFUL. Thank you for posting. Love is patient, love is kind......oh shoot am I patient and kind and all those other things to myself. Sadly not always. I am tough on myself and demand a lot from myself....thanks for the reminder.
@auparavant you preaching today honey? I mean is that you with that pastor robe on? That is soo my issue. I think it would help life not be so hard for me if I could do just that for myself. I love others hard. I think that is what makes me sad at times that I love others so hard but no one loves me that way back. I know God does as he died and took the biggest whipping for my sins. Love a hard 4 letter word.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:If you only knew my struggles. I told somebody today I am a cross between Jackie Mason, the rabbi comedian, Chris Rock and Maude. :lol: At least I am not a hypocrite. I'm screwed most times. :drunk:
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Isaiah 26:3

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)

You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 119:165
Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

Isaiah 12:2
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."

Isaiah 26:12
LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.

Isaiah 27:5
Or else let them come to me for refuge; let them make peace with me, yes, let them make peace with me."Isaiah 32:18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
i wanna a Bible Study notebook lol Not just a binder and loose leaf paper but a study guide binder so I can add my loose leaf to it :look: lol I've been going to Bible Study and i'm thirsting for more information I just want an organized binder because i've seen some ppls notes.......:nono:

**le sigh** i wanted to post this somewhere :look:
Lord allow Romans 8 to really take heed. I did something last night I would never do but it's because I know I can't go any longer the way I do. It's scary that my pastor was able to know off the top that I didn't have certain things in place from a young age. Discernment at it's best.
Lord one day I trust and believe that the lyrics I hear will be imprinted on my heart and I will know and trust and believe you love me. I know you died on the cross for the sins of the world but most times I feel as though I still must beat myself for my sins. I still feel as though I'm very unworthy of your love not saying anyone is actually worthy which is why you had to send your son Jesus to die. I know my feelings aren't always matching what your word says. The shame of growing up poor and still being poor is daunting. Growing up fat and still being that way is shameful. Still having wounds of the sins others afflicted on me is very shameful. I know your word says you will clean me as white as snow. One day I will believe and testify to just that.
You do not have to go to Bible college to find fault with the church. If you remember, you could find fault with the church even before you were a Christian. Finding fault is not a spiritual gift. However, if you want to be like Christ, you must be willing to lay your life down for others. As an intercessor, you will “stand in the gap.” What is the gap? It is the distance between the way things are and the way things could be if God intervened. You stand in that space between the failures of man and the mercies of God and intercede. Anyone can find fault, but can we stand in the gap and pray for mercy to triumph over judgment?
Why is it so easy to believe a lie vs the truth? The lies of being nothing,ugly,unlovable. How is it so hard to really walk in the freedom that God sent his son Jesus to die for? How is it so easy for some to move fluidly and not be weighed down by the amount of negativity in their life? Why does it feel like a eternity for me to be healed?
Why is it so easy to believe a lie vs the truth? The lies of being nothing,ugly,unlovable. How is it so hard to really walk in the freedom that God sent his son Jesus to die for? How is it so easy for some to move fluidly and not be weighed down by the amount of negativity in their life? Why does it feel like a eternity for me to be healed?

This is a constant fight. Why? Because our nature is that of wickedness, whether we like it or not. So our work is to crucify the old nature and let Jesus Christ live thru us. When we let him live, the fruit of the Spirit will grow in us as He changes us into his image. It's a process, but one that can only be completed by God.

Keep at it and Jesus will do the work.
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You do not have to go to Bible college to find fault with the church. If you remember, you could find fault with the church even before you were a Christian. Finding fault is not a spiritual gift. However, if you want to be like Christ, you must be willing to lay your life down for others. As an intercessor, you will “stand in the gap.” What is the gap? It is the distance between the way things are and the way things could be if God intervened. You stand in that space between the failures of man and the mercies of God and intercede. Anyone can find fault, but can we stand in the gap and pray for mercy to triumph over judgment?

Nice & Wavy, the Lord just spoke to me about this regarding a very specific person in the church world... I won't name her, although its probably easy to figure out. Anyway, I discerned some disturbing things about her and I just had a bad taste in my mouth about her. Well last night I found some of her old videos when she was so sincere and all about Jesus, before she fell away. Immediately I was humbled and began to pray for her. I can be aware of whats wrong with her and I'm sure everyone is at this point, but are we considering ourselves lest we fall? I don't believe her wrong needs to be covered up and yes she needs to be rebuked, but I had to wonder how many people were simply rebuking yet not praying for her. We all need prayer. I believe there is a blessing in standing in the gap for others.
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Praise God, the answer is on it's way. I'm learning about Prophetic Declarations. Where have you been all my life :)
Why is it so easy to believe a lie vs the truth? The lies of being nothing,ugly,unlovable. How is it so hard to really walk in the freedom that God sent his son Jesus to die for? How is it so easy for some to move fluidly and not be weighed down by the amount of negativity in their life? Why does it feel like a eternity for me to be healed?

Because it is a process and determined by individual difficulties. When someone has been abused and told over and over again they are worthless, it is difficult to overcome that psychologically. Whenever those feeling arise, speak Jesus' truth over your life until you feel it in your bones. Some people receive miraculous healings while the majority do not. It is but a process. If you fall, get back up and try, try again. :yep:
Nice & Wavy, the Lord just spoke to me about this regarding a very specific person in the church world... I won't name her, although its probably easy to figure out. Anyway, I discerned some disturbing things about her and I just had a bad taste in my mouth about her. Well last night I found some of her old videos when she was so sincere and all about Jesus, before she fell away. Immediately I was humbled and began to pray for her. I can be aware of whats wrong with her and I'm sure everyone is at this point, but are we considering ourselves lest we fall? I don't believe her wrong needs to be covered up and yes she needs to be rebuked,
but I had to wonder how many people were simply rebuking yet not praying for her.
We all need prayer. I believe there is a blessing in standing in the gap for others.
I'm sure not many:nono:. Yes, there is a blessing in standing in the gap for others!:yep: Thanks for your post!
I'm a bit excited. The waters I hit at 5pm tomorrow. I'm scared,nervous,thoughts of ending it all have arrived.But see this isn't my first dog and pony show. I know the devil is pissed that I have been pushing in spite of my health issues. Devil be darned. I'm watching my words,I'm sensitive to Godly conviction,I'm crying out instead of just crying. I'm reaching out to people and my hand isn't being popped back. I know some have seen me here a for a bit and I hope that one day my story which God was the author of will bless someone and motivate them to keep going at all cost.

I may not look like them but I know they are my sisters and brothers. I have never felt more accepted and wanted as I have being at my church now. I don't feel like a reject anymore. Praise God. I know something is changing in me because I stopped and praised God over my 2 cookies a second ago. They were good and thankful that the creator created a creature that could bake so well.