2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Today's message at church really made the cliche Jesus take the wheel have a whole new meaning. We have to give God the wheel and let him drive. With that we have to be patient and allow God to work. He won't move on our own time frame but his. We can't be married to a outcome either because even though we may pray for one thing another may happen. I want to keep my job but if God sees fit for something else to take place I have to trust his plan.
So many "well- meaning" Christians will encourage you to settle in the area of love. Why should I consider a non-believer because of the alleged man shortage.....it bothers me, why are they limiting God. Why should I settle when I'm a daughter of the King?
Link por favor, you know how much I love the Lindsey's ;)

LoveisYou Thanks so much for introducing me to them! Her tweets yesterday on friendship were on point!

"If somebody doesn't want to be your friend anymore-- don't get all uptight & sad about it. A friendship is a precious, covenant, priceless word & you shouldn't want anyone in your corner pretending to be for you if they really are not. So, smile-- wave goodbye & love them from a distance and remember your FRIENDS stay with you.. in & out of every season. There's a difference between situational relationships & real, authentic friendships. Don't confuse the two. Don't beg anybody to be your friend. WHO has time for that? It's a distraction from bringing people to Christ. Stay FOCUSED.

Don't create wars in your head w/ people that all the sudden ignore you. If they were super close to you, address it. If not-- move on.

The bible is clear-- if we study friendships.. "a friend sticks CLOSER then a brother."

So, your friends know you're not perfect. If your friend takes EVERYTHING you say out of context, things you're sub-tweeting about you. Pray for them & separate yourself. Be God-led in relationships. Some relationships .. you're meant to be in.

Stop running everybody off that irratates you a couple times. And lets be honest.. most of the time we think it's somebody else.. & it's really US who has the issues. Self-check before you friend-check.

Don't give people the title as "best friend" until you've been through hell & back together & they are STILL there. That takes TIME.

I totally LOVE people, I do. But after I meet someone, I'm not throwing them into my closest court of friendship. If you do- it's a set up.

I don't know about ya'll but my best friend... bridges me CLOSER to Christ, not away from Him. She's pursing God like I am as well

Don't be that "here we go again friend"-- you always have some drama.. an "issue" with everybody or whatever else.

You should want people to WANT to enjoy you!! If you're struggling with friendships, just simply ASK God HOW to be a better friend.

And whoever stands with you at your wedding, make sure they are real consistent-friends. I learned the hard way.

The minute your friendships become conditional is the day you put an expiration date on your friendship.

If you disappear out of a person's life for no reason... don't get mad if that person isn't interested in pursing a friendship..again.

When you spend time with God..HE will show you the hearts of people. So, stop questioning what He's showing you.
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sypathizing with sin

depending on the persons involved and the circumstances we do that sometimes, we sympathize with sin..

Lord help me to see things as you do and hate the things you do...
Feeling some kinda way about them opening up with a prayer and bowed heads for all of tv-land to see. :look: "One nation under G-d....." Hmmm, has that been true, honestly? For show, for show, for SHOWWWWW!!! Stop making G-d your homie for showwwwwww!
GoddessMaker you're welcome hun. A lot of it is info that you can apply to you life NOW. She speaks a lot about being saved and single and honouring God in this "waiting period".
I love Heather's blog, today's post is def for me and what I'm dealing with right now. Gotta learn to let go and let God. Fear has no place in my life.
Some days I really wonder if I'm cut out to be a christian. I honestly don't know because I am reading some things here and I'm just flustered by reading it. Maybe I'm too cold for certain things because life is not what some depict or at least not for me. God I know you desire one to be compassionate but daily I feel like I die inside by helping people. I hope I get through this season one day.
ivyness saying prayer now for you. I defintely understand about the drinking thing. That's something I never have done in the past but have picked up as of late. If it is meant to be back it will be. I do believe God doesn't want his kids out there before I get stoned but sometimes it's a long process.
ivyness ((((hugs)))) I'll send one up for you. I can only imagine your pain. The thing about the storm is that it MUST pass and He is right there with you,right now in your pain. If you have a chance to read James 1. Praying for you sis.
ivyness I pray healing for both your and your sisters hearts, I dont think your father would want you two to go on like this ...in pain...

You are not alone, God is with you and we are here to pray for you and encourage you...
ivyness ...

Ivy... :kiss:

Baby... this too shall pass.

If you are going 'cold turkey' on the wine. Your body is going to detox. May I share these with you?

In place of the wine, drink a glass of natural 'cherry juice', it will naturally put you to sleep. It will not harm your kidneys and liver as will wine. You can purchase a bottle of the concentrate from the Vitamin Shoppe and mix it with water. Cinnamon capsules will ease the desire (craving) for alcohol, it will also stabilize your sugar levels.

Do not take any sleeping pills and try to avoid aspirin or other pain relievers.

If you should get a headache from the alcohol withdrawals, drink plenty of water and eat warm tomato soup. Eat fresh tomatoes and lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. The lycopene in tomatoes are a natural pain reliever. Eat beets, drink beet juice. They detox and cleanse the blood and you WILL feel better.

Grief doesn't own you. God's love is all around you. :Rose:

I love you, sweetheart, you're going to be just fine.

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Thank you so much ladies. I was up till 5 this morning and thought I could get some sleeping pills for tonight. I'll listen to Shimmie though and try to get to sleep on my own.

Thanks for the prayers and love ladies.
Thank you so much ladies. I was up till 5 this morning and thought I could get some sleeping pills for tonight. I'll listen to Shimmie though and try to get to sleep on my own.

Thanks for the prayers and love ladies.

Sending you a PM.... :kiss:
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