Have you tried blow-drying on cool? That might help with your wet hair issue... other than that I got nothin lol.

I hate pushing that button cause my finger starts hurting LOL. Last week after my henna I used the blow dryer on medium heat. Today I will se how long it takes to do it on cool and how my hair feels. I will be back in a few to let you ladies know how it went.
Ok at the moment I am doing a dry DC using coconut oil, honey, CON purple, and 2 min ApHogee.
I guess I will wash it with ApHogee poo, do my tea rinse, and soften it up again with my Salon Care Honey and Almond Conditioner, oh yea and my FSP for the final rinse.
Hey i am soooo late with this. every other challenge is closed....so is it too late for me to sign up for this challenge due to the fact that i wanna do Session Two: April 1 - June 30
Session Three: July 1- September 30
hey just checking in no rules broken I co-washed & deep conditioned on sunday the only heat that was used was when I deep conditioned
Checking in. I am in my protective style for the week. Cornrowed hair into a bun. I will be redoing on Sunday
Checking in! Happy to say, I've not broken any rules and don't plan to. I've been in protective styles since the beginning of the year. This week I'm bunning and I'm going to find something to different to do for next week. I may try to rollerset. We'll see how that goes!!!
I did blow dry again on medium heat after my wash on Tuesday, if I have to drop out please let me know.....
Ok so I'm doing this challenge, but it really hasn't been a challenge for me because I have a TWA so I don't know what styles to do, I tried a braidout it was ok, is a wash n go a protective or low manipulation style? I feel like it isn't. I don't have the heat problems, and nor have I trimmed, all though I probably should do a search and destroy. I haven't DC'd because I kind of don't have one, I haven't been shampooing only cowashing with V05 and suave humectant, and attempting to clarify with ACV and baking soda once a week. Have I broken a rule by not dc'ing?
Checking in. I haven broken any rules. Haven't even used my hooded dryer in a while. I just roller set at night and go to sleep with it wet. Wake up take out my rollers and I'm good to go. I love my protective style but I can't wait till my hair grows out so I can bun like the rest of ya. Its way less work.
After I deep condition my hair, I moisturize and sometimes seal with coconut oil and pull it back into a loose, wet ponytail. I've been wearing this style since September, 2009. Since I wear this style often (I'm not tired of it yet), I reposition my ponytail every two days. I also spray my hair every night with an instant moisturizer (i.e. H.Silky) and sometimes with Neutrogena Creamy Triple Moisturizing Conditioner and bag it up (entire head). In order to slick my hair back, I use Ecostyler Gel. BTW, absolutely no brushing is allow on this head. The last time I used direct heat was December 20, 2009 to post an updated photo and length check.


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Hey ladies I'm putting my hair in a weave I need a break from half wigs ill be back with updates at end of this session! Will still check in monthly. Wish you all well!
Checking in. No rules broken. Wearing my hair in two french braids with the ends rolled up, tucked under and pinned in place.
I'm getting a late start this year. Long story, health issues.

I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be __Two extra glasses of water a day for 2 weeks_____________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:
(Please add no later than January 1, 2010)

I'll need to add them by next Sat 1/30. Hope that's okay.
Checking in........have been doing pretty well so far, no rules broken. Moisturizing every other day and Dcing once a week. When I take my braids down am going to Dc 2-3x a week and then it is back to braids.
Checking in: no rules broken, i have 2/3 of my hair in cornrows (from the front to the middle) with some of the back out so i can still do a sock bun. I use giovanni leave-in direct conditioner or spray giovanni vitapro conditioner after wash. i use the vitapro spray and olive oil on my ends nightly. i cowash every other day.
Checking in: Wearing buns everyday. When I rollerset last week, I did wear my hair down for one day.

I'm thinking that it's time for my dusting, as I saw some splits...not sure if I should go to the hairdresser, or try a search and destroy myself.
Checking in: So far I have broken no rules. I have worn my hair in a bun everyday since Dec. 22 (this is the longest I have ever gone with buns). I have not had any lapses in my routien; I am moisturizing twice daily, washing and DCing weekly, using henna monthly and taking my daily multivitamin. So far so good :yep:.
Just Checking in: Im still rocking my half wigs. I moisturize once a day/ co wash one per week/ wash and deep con once a week...
Forgot to check in, I'm still on board, I have diligently PSed and am avoiding heat like the plague. HHG ladies!
Checking in. I am in a sew in and have to Iron my natural leave out weekly am I breaking the rules? I am taking this sew in out at the end of this week and my next sew in will be Kinky curly hair so I do not have to flat Iron any leave out hair.

Apart from that I have been pretty good;

- weave protective styling is going okay
- keeping up with my vits
- DCing weekly
- Wrapping up my hair at night.
- Moisturizing regularly
- I need to step up my game with scalp massaging and edges care tho :ohwell:
I am going through another week in these cornrows. Come Monday, I am slapping on my newest wig for a four week run. I'll still have my hair braided up under the wig.
checking in:no rules broken, DCing with wash every Sunday, and co-washing on Wednesdays with my special conditioner mix ( nexxus humectress, organix shea butter, and organix coconut milk).
I know I am 25 days late, but I have been boot camping it by myself and would like the support of the challengers throughout the ear.

I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be going an extra month of PSing. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
I have been doing good. I was rocking 4 braids underneath my wig but I took them down last night to do a braidout bun which I will wear til tomorrow (that is wash day). I will be back tomorrow to update yall on what I will be using.
I am not sure if I am supposed to check in. But I got another weave and made a spray to spray it every night.