I am going to commit to sessions 1 and 2 of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be throwing away 10 products, and not replacing them. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

I will post me starting pics during the first week of February when I remove my weave.
I will be braiding my hair within the next couple of weeks. I'm tired of all the manipulating. My hair needs a break.
I'm late. Havent been on much since my hair has been in twists and I started a new job and have been just overall busy.

I am going to commit to FOUR sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be NO SEX FOR A WEEK. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture (the last pic I took before starting my PSs):


Its brushed out here, but not blown out or straightened or anything. MY comparison shot at the end of the year will be the same style, brushed out and pulled back.

My hair has been in twists since right before Christmas. Before that I had micros for like 2 weeks. I plan to keep these in until first week of February. I'm also in the braid challenge, so that will help me keep my hair protected. I'm going to up my DCs though because I never used to DC while wearing extensions.
Checking in: So far the challenge is going pretty good for me, no problems as of yet. I haven't broken any rules either. I've set a date for my relaxer (February 13th). At that point I'll be 30 weeks post relaxer. Right now, I'm just sticking to my low-manip styles (twist-outs mostly).
I'm bunning everyday until my relaxer in February.......easy enough.........I've bunned everyday for over a year long before I found LHCF!! I need to find some other PS I can do (and will like) with my own hair this year.
I know I'm late! I've been waiting for the Newbie 2010 Challenge leader to respond and haven't heard anything. :nono: I'm still a newbie to the site who wants to participate in a challenge so I can improve the health of my hair and have some accountability to others who have the same goal!


I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be NO SHOES FOR A MONTH (sigh!). I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!! :yep:

Here is my starting point picture:
(my hair is still in cornrows from Christmas, so I will post new pics when I wash, condition, and rebraid!)
Finished my braids on Saturday, need to remember to still moisturize. My scalp feels itchy though, not liking that one bit. Wonder if it is because I am using a new brand.
checking in right now so far im good hair is in a puff right now i plan on washing deep conditioning and a light blow dry cuz im self installing some braids and those are gonna be in for a while thats bout it so i guess im using that heat pass now.
Hello, Used my first heat pass of the year (only one this session). I got a relaxer on Saturday and will be wearing my hair down for a week or two. Then it will be back to bunning.
I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no lhcf. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:

I don't have a picture but I made a video for my starting length for the new year

Bunning this whole week. Did a braidout and flexirod set last week. so far so good. i'm moisturizing and using olive oil on my ends every night and occasionally on my scalp if it feels dry. I will mostly be bunning until my next relaxer (late feb or mid march depending)
Just checking in, had forgotten to add a starting pic. Pic is in sig, I did the big chop on 27 Dec. 2009 my 12 post anniversary, just could not stand the 2 textures anymore. So it is a fresh start for me, am in braids at the moment and it is going to be that way for the whole of this year, hoping to retain a bit of growth.
checkin in....Phony puff'n (with baggy), big braiding and twisting probably for the remainder of the winter.. I already foresee my pass in Feb (I bought the maxiglide..I can't resist) Regimen holding strong.. Co washing 2xs weekly..Poo washing once a week..DC'n with each wash... moisturizing with a shea butter mix or whatever butter I have at the moment.. and seal with coconut oil... :yep: everything is everrryyything
I have been using my WEN, DC in steam shower with Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor, oiling and banning a ponytail or bunning. No heat as of yet.
Just checking in I wore a bun 4 days last week(Chicoro method) before I decided to DC with steam and twist hair. I have been wearing a twists that I curled to hide the different lengths since last Thursday. I will take down and redo on Friday since I dont work:)
I am committing to sessions 1 and 2 of LCHF Bootcamp 2010, my consequence will be no sweets/snacks for a week! I cant wait to see the manifestation of my hard work, BSL here I come!!!!

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I am still wearing my hair in cornrows underneath my wig. I take it off everynight so my hair can breathe and just finished applying AMLA Hair Oil on my plaits and in my scalp to tie up into my satin scarf. I alternate between a mixture of AMLA Hair Oil and Coconut Hair Oil, and Olive Oil.
Going to have to dust my hair. Caught wind of some split ends... Ended a stretch at 8 weeks on 1/11/10, because I couldn't clearly see the split ends with the new growth. Any tips on how to undertake this?

Also - don't leave honey in your hair overnight. :nono: stupid, stupid...
Just checking in. No heat at all, not even to DC(although I've been slacking on that a bit) and low mani cause I keep it under a wig.
Checking In!!

So far so good. My hair is definitely showing signs of it benefiting from what I am doing. So happy about that!!! I'm currently bunning and the ends are loving it. May use a heat pass soon to get a trim if needed or for my husband's possible homecoming from deployment. Not sure yet but, if I do use it, I'll be checking back in immediately.
My wigs are driving me crazy! I am going to try a twist set or corn rows this weekend. I can't take the wigs anymore. :(